Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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And how old were you when you finally realized you weren't a bird?

I told a previous poster I still have dreams of being a bird and flying. You know, not while I'm awake. Sleeping dreams. So there will always be that lingering feeling but when awake I realize who I am and what I am. And I deal with it. Turns out walking and gardening and swimming and so on are pretty cool too.
Ok, I get it. You don't want to answer. That's ok. For the record, I asked you when you stopped believing you're a bird and you're answering you still have dreams of being a bird ... which is to say, you don't believe you're a bird. Meanwhile, you refuse to say when you stopped believing. :dunno:
And how old were you when you finally realized you weren't a bird?

I told a previous poster I still have dreams of being a bird and flying. You know, not while I'm awake. Sleeping dreams. So there will always be that lingering feeling but when awake I realize who I am and what I am. And I deal with it. Turns out walking and gardening and swimming and so on are pretty cool too.
Ok, I get it. You don't want to answer. That's ok. For the record, I asked you when you stopped believing you're a bird and you're answering you still have dreams of being a bird ... which is to say, you don't believe you're a bird. Meanwhile, you refuse to say when you stopped believing. :dunno:

In my dreams I still believe. Now would you like to get back to the other question you asked me; which was what I could offer up that would be preferrable to drugging kids for later amputation of their genitals to correct their delusions that their gender at birth "was wrong". And I told you that never would drugging or amputation be acceptable in normal xx or xy children and that the solution was deep regressive therapy to correct their delusions.

Mental illness is defined by the inability to accept reality on its own terms. Amputees, like the one this boy they're drugging to eventually become, do not become the other gender. They are merely surgically deformed amputees. He will still be male. Deformed, still sad, depressed, then mutilated, but still male. And the mental angst of that realization will suddenly overtake him like a tidal wave. Then you will see suicidal tendencies: the thing you cited in utter irony as "needing to be cured by amputation and drugging".

Jesus H. Christ. Welcome to the new American Psychological Association's point of view. :scared1:
And how old were you when you finally realized you weren't a bird?

I told a previous poster I still have dreams of being a bird and flying. You know, not while I'm awake. Sleeping dreams. So there will always be that lingering feeling but when awake I realize who I am and what I am. And I deal with it. Turns out walking and gardening and swimming and so on are pretty cool too.
Ok, I get it. You don't want to answer. That's ok. For the record, I asked you when you stopped believing you're a bird and you're answering you still have dreams of being a bird ... which is to say, you don't believe you're a bird. Meanwhile, you refuse to say when you stopped believing. :dunno:

In my dreams I still believe. Now would you like to get back to the other question you asked me; which was what I could offer up that would be preferrable to drugging kids for later amputation of their genitals to correct their delusions that their gender at birth "was wrong". And I told you that never would drugging or amputation be acceptable in normal xx or xy children and that the solution was deep regressive therapy to correct their delusions.

Mental illness is defined by the inability to accept reality on its own terms. Amputees, like the one this boy they're drugging to eventually become, do not become the other gender. They are merely surgically deformed amputees. He will still be male. Deformed, still sad, depressed, then mutilated, but still male. And the mental angst of that realization will suddenly overtake him like a tidal wave. Then you will see suicidal tendencies: the thing you cited in utter irony as "needing to be cured by amputation and drugging".

Jesus H. Christ. Welcome to the new American Psychological Association's point of view. :scared1:
So unlike you, while you dream of being a bird, transgender folks believe they are the gender opposite the one they were born. Also unlike you, it's not something they stop believing. Also, unlike your malody, modern science provides a solution. And lastly, there seems to be far more people believing they were born the wrong gender than those believing they are really a bird. But even for people suffering that affliction, modern science provides help.
So unlike you, while you dream of being a bird, transgender folks believe they are the gender opposite the one they were born. Also unlike you, it's not something they stop believing. Also, unlike your malody, modern science provides a solution. And lastly, there seems to be far more people believing they were born the wrong gender than those believing they are really a bird. But even for people suffering that affliction, modern science provides help.

Had I been indulged since a young age that I "could be a bird if I wanted to, with the proper surgery and hormones", this discussion might be different. What I was or was not indulged in as a child has made all the difference in my perception of reality and contentment in acceptance of it.
So unlike you, while you dream of being a bird, transgender folks believe they are the gender opposite the one they were born. Also unlike you, it's not something they stop believing. Also, unlike your malody, modern science provides a solution. And lastly, there seems to be far more people believing they were born the wrong gender than those believing they are really a bird. But even for people suffering that affliction, modern science provides help.

Had I been indulged since a young age that I "could be a bird if I wanted to, with the proper surgery and hormones", this discussion might be different. What I was or was not indulged in as a child has made all the difference in my perception of reality and contentment in acceptance of it.
No, the discussion would not be different. The vast majority of transgendered teens do not get hormone blockers. Unlike you, they never stop believing. Hormone blockers merely make the transition easier.
So unlike you, while you dream of being a bird, transgender folks believe they are the gender opposite the one they were born. Also unlike you, it's not something they stop believing. Also, unlike your malody, modern science provides a solution. And lastly, there seems to be far more people believing they were born the wrong gender than those believing they are really a bird. But even for people suffering that affliction, modern science provides help.

Had I been indulged since a young age that I "could be a bird if I wanted to, with the proper surgery and hormones", this discussion might be different. What I was or was not indulged in as a child has made all the difference in my perception of reality and contentment in acceptance of it.
No, the discussion would not be different. The vast majority of transgendered teens do not get hormone blockers. Unlike you, they never stop believing. Hormone blockers merely make the transition easier.
Sure it's vogue nowadays to be a sexual freak. Of course influences can be both obtuse and subtle. You don't want to explore either as a causal agent. You want to default to drugging kids for eventual amputation of their healthy organs. I submit you should be evaluated for psychological issues; and not by the APA, by a real psychiatrist or psychotherapist.
So unlike you, while you dream of being a bird, transgender folks believe they are the gender opposite the one they were born. Also unlike you, it's not something they stop believing. Also, unlike your malody, modern science provides a solution. And lastly, there seems to be far more people believing they were born the wrong gender than those believing they are really a bird. But even for people suffering that affliction, modern science provides help.

Had I been indulged since a young age that I "could be a bird if I wanted to, with the proper surgery and hormones", this discussion might be different. What I was or was not indulged in as a child has made all the difference in my perception of reality and contentment in acceptance of it.
No, the discussion would not be different. The vast majority of transgendered teens do not get hormone blockers. Unlike you, they never stop believing. Hormone blockers merely make the transition easier.
Sure it's vogue nowadays to be a sexual freak. Of course influences can be both obtuse and subtle. You don't want to explore either as a causal agent. You want to default to drugging kids for eventual amputation of their healthy organs. I submit you should be evaluated for psychological issues; and not by the APA, by a real psychiatrist or psychotherapist.
You're an imbecile. I would hope a solution can be found where half the kids who feel this way don't want to commit suicide. If that solution is to make the transition to the opposite gender easier with hormone blockers, then hell yes, I see nothing wrong with parents choosing that option.

Remember ... your solution results in roughly half if the kids trying to kill themselves. You can call me crazy all you want, but I think it's crazy to think these kids are better off dead than having their junk surgically altered to that of the opposite gender.
You're an imbecile. I would hope a solution can be found where half the kids who feel this way don't want to commit suicide. If that solution is to make the transition to the opposite gender easier with hormone blockers, then hell yes, I see nothing wrong with parents choosing that option.

Remember ... your solution results in roughly half if the kids trying to kill themselves. You can call me crazy all you want, but I think it's crazy to think these kids are better off dead than having their junk surgically altered to that of the opposite gender.

Well that's where you and I disagree. In fact, it looks like around 82% of people disagree with you from the poll results above. Most people believe that you don't drug children in order to later perform unnecessary surgery of amputation on their healthy organs in order to take their delusions to a macabre level. Most people believe that if a child is suicidal because they can't realize such a harmful delusion, the proper course of action is deep regressive psychotherapy.

Are you opposed to deep regressive psychotherapy for these children to ferret out why they believe they are what they are not; or do you think they should just give that a pass and go straight to your "hormone/drugging and amputation" therapy?
You're an imbecile. I would hope a solution can be found where half the kids who feel this way don't want to commit suicide. If that solution is to make the transition to the opposite gender easier with hormone blockers, then hell yes, I see nothing wrong with parents choosing that option.

Remember ... your solution results in roughly half if the kids trying to kill themselves. You can call me crazy all you want, but I think it's crazy to think these kids are better off dead than having their junk surgically altered to that of the opposite gender.

Well that's where you and I disagree. In fact, it looks like around 82% of people disagree with you from the poll results above.
11 people voted in that poll. And its a straw poll, which is notoriously unreliable as only interested parties vote. Yet you rely on a straw poll with only 11 people as being accurate while denouncing nearly 20 years of polling data from Gallup with polling samples of 1000 to 3000 per year?

That's crazy.

Most people believe that you don't drug children in order to later perform unnecessary surgery of amputation on their healthy organs in order to take their delusions to a macabre level. Most people believe that if a child is suicidal because they can't realize such a harmful delusion, the proper course of action is deep regressive psychotherapy.

Given that you cut the suicide rate of trans folks by more than 90% with the surgery, your conception of 'necessary' might need a little tweaking.
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You're an imbecile. I would hope a solution can be found where half the kids who feel this way don't want to commit suicide. If that solution is to make the transition to the opposite gender easier with hormone blockers, then hell yes, I see nothing wrong with parents choosing that option.

Remember ... your solution results in roughly half if the kids trying to kill themselves. You can call me crazy all you want, but I think it's crazy to think these kids are better off dead than having their junk surgically altered to that of the opposite gender.

Well that's where you and I disagree. In fact, it looks like around 82% of people disagree with you from the poll results above. Most people believe that you don't drug children in order to later perform unnecessary surgery of amputation on their healthy organs in order to take their delusions to a macabre level. Most people believe that if a child is suicidal because they can't realize such a harmful delusion, the proper course of action is deep regressive psychotherapy.

Are you opposed to deep regressive psychotherapy for these children to ferret out why they believe they are what they are not; or do you think they should just give that a pass and go straight to your "hormone/drugging and amputation" therapy?
That you would cite an unscientific poll with a margin of error of about 99% as evidence to corroborate your idiocy is all anyone needs to see just how demented you really are.
Well I'd imagine that the 216 people that voted in this poll: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 919 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum in a thread that has some 919 pages thusfar in the largest poll response ever at USMB, would agree with me that children shouldn't be drugged for eventual amputation in preference to deep regressive psychotherapy to discover why they feel like their gender "doesn't match what they actually are".

It's a safe bet most of those folks would side with me on this issue.

I notice you didn't answer this question Faun, so I'll ask it again: "Are you opposed to deep regressive psychotherapy for these children to ferret out why they believe they are what they are not; or do you think they should just give that a pass and go straight to your "hormone/drugging and amputation" therapy?"
Well I'd imagine that the 216 people that voted in this poll: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 919 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum in a thread that has some 919 pages thusfar in the largest poll response ever at USMB, would agree with me that children shouldn't be drugged for eventual amputation in preference to deep regressive psychotherapy to discover why they feel like their gender "doesn't match what they actually are".

'Imagine' being the operative word. As the poll you're citing doesn't ask anything about kids or hormones or regressive psychotherapy.

You merely imagine it does. Projecting whatever hapless narrative you want, based on nothing but your imagination. Which is objectively meaningless.
Well I'd imagine that the 216 people that voted in this poll: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 919 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum in a thread that has some 919 pages thusfar in the largest poll response ever at USMB, would agree with me that children shouldn't be drugged for eventual amputation in preference to deep regressive psychotherapy to discover why they feel like their gender "doesn't match what they actually are".

It's a safe bet most of those folks would side with me on this issue.

I notice you didn't answer this question Faun, so I'll ask it again: "Are you opposed to deep regressive psychotherapy for these children to ferret out why they believe they are what they are not; or do you think they should just give that a pass and go straight to your "hormone/drugging and amputation" therapy?"
Faun? (not Skylar...I know how you regard children now Skylar)
Well I'd imagine that the 216 people that voted in this poll: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 919 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum in a thread that has some 919 pages thusfar in the largest poll response ever at USMB, would agree with me that children shouldn't be drugged for eventual amputation in preference to deep regressive psychotherapy to discover why they feel like their gender "doesn't match what they actually are".

It's a safe bet most of those folks would side with me on this issue.

I notice you didn't answer this question Faun, so I'll ask it again: "Are you opposed to deep regressive psychotherapy for these children to ferret out why they believe they are what they are not; or do you think they should just give that a pass and go straight to your "hormone/drugging and amputation" therapy?"
Faun? (not Skylar...I know how you regard children now Skylar) that your way of telling us you acknowledge that the poll you cited doesn't ask about anything you claimed it does?

Or is where you start in on your batshit conspiracy about how Gallup has been 'inflitrated by homosexuals' and is now lying about its polling results regarding gays?
Well I'd imagine that the 216 people that voted in this poll: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 919 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum in a thread that has some 919 pages thusfar in the largest poll response ever at USMB, would agree with me that children shouldn't be drugged for eventual amputation in preference to deep regressive psychotherapy to discover why they feel like their gender "doesn't match what they actually are".

It's a safe bet most of those folks would side with me on this issue.

I notice you didn't answer this question Faun, so I'll ask it again: "Are you opposed to deep regressive psychotherapy for these children to ferret out why they believe they are what they are not; or do you think they should just give that a pass and go straight to your "hormone/drugging and amputation" therapy?"
Faun? (not Skylar...I know how you regard children now Skylar)
Check out the results of this poll.... Should I as a Christian just give in and screw my way to marriage or not?

That's about as related and as scientific as the poll you cited.


Still, you relied on an unscientific poll with a MoE of about 99% as evidence to confirm your idiocy. I've haven't seen many display such desparation before. Sounds like you're getting too frustrated.
Check out the results of this poll.... Should I as a Christian just give in and screw my way to marriage or not?

That's about as related and as scientific as the poll you cited.


I notice you didn't answer this question Faun, so I'll ask it again: "Are you opposed to deep regressive psychotherapy for these children to ferret out why they believe they are what they are not; or do you think they should just give that a pass and go straight to your "hormone/drugging and amputation" therapy?"
Check out the results of this poll.... Should I as a Christian just give in and screw my way to marriage or not?

That's about as related and as scientific as the poll you cited.


I notice you didn't answer this question Faun, so I'll ask it again: "Are you opposed to deep regressive psychotherapy for these children to ferret out why they believe they are what they are not; or do you think they should just give that a pass and go straight to your "hormone/drugging and amputation" therapy?"
The question has been asked and answered several times now. It doesn't work. It's time to try some alternatives to find better results than half these kids trying to kill themselves.

You also ignore the reality that all the kids who receive hormone blockers have themselves bee in therapy for years.
The question has been asked and answered several times now. It doesn't work. It's time to try some alternatives to find better results than half these kids trying to kill themselves.

You also ignore the reality that all the kids who receive hormone blockers have themselves bee in therapy for years.

That's like talking to a specialist in the late 1950s who says "you also ignore than the reality that all the housewives who recieved lobotomies have themselves been in therapy for years."

The question is, what type of therapy? My guess is shallow therapy; the type of therapy that nudges the child in the direction of a sex change and doesn't make any exertive attempts to really recondition the child's mind.

It doesn't work because it hasn't been resorted to! Your neo-APA (read the OP) has a political agenda. If a child walked into a therapists office today saying "I was born a boy but really feel like a girl", the therapist if they suggested deep regressive therapy, as opposed to just a cursory "get it out of the way brief counselling session so we can rubber stamp this boy for amputation", would likely lose his or her license. At least in three states. Remember, your cult has made it verboten to suggest a minor EVER change their mental sexual orientations or delusions...unless of course the child is hetero wanting to become gay. Then there are umpteen zillion resources for them to do so and no stone is left unturned in the effort to urge the child along in that direction.

Your cult would crucify a therapist hellbent on DEEP REGRESSIVE therapy and you know it. Three states would revoke his or her license.
In fact I'll bet you anything that in 20 years hence "pre gender-reassignment surgery therapy" will consist of filling out a form to be rubber stamped by the resident/payroll psychiatrist (APA approved, dontcha know..) at the Memorial Gender-Reassignment Surgical Hospital Group. "Memorial" for all the patients that offed themselves after surgery when they figured out the had not actually changed genders and were then just mutilated halflings...
In fact I'll bet you anything that in 20 years hence "pre gender-reassignment surgery therapy" will consist of filling out a form to be rubber stamped by the resident/payroll psychiatrist (APA approved, dontcha know..) at the Memorial Gender-Reassignment Surgical Hospital Group. "Memorial" for all the patients that offed themselves after surgery when they figured out the had not actually changed genders and were then just mutilated halflings...

I'll bet you don't know what you're talking about, Sil. You're again arguing your imagination. And it has nothing to do with the lives of any of the people involved.
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