Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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In fact I'll bet you anything that in 20 years hence "pre gender-reassignment surgery therapy" will consist of filling out a form to be rubber stamped by the resident/payroll psychiatrist (APA approved, dontcha know..) at the Memorial Gender-Reassignment Surgical Hospital Group. "Memorial" for all the patients that offed themselves after surgery when they figured out the had not actually changed genders and were then just mutilated halflings...

I'll bet you don't know what you're talking about, Sil. You're again arguing your imagination. And it has nothing to do with the lives of any of the people involved.

I'm the one arguing and debating specifics. Faun at least is offering up specifics. You, when you know you are beat, always resorts to ad hominems like the one above you just posted.
In fact I'll bet you anything that in 20 years hence "pre gender-reassignment surgery therapy" will consist of filling out a form to be rubber stamped by the resident/payroll psychiatrist (APA approved, dontcha know..) at the Memorial Gender-Reassignment Surgical Hospital Group. "Memorial" for all the patients that offed themselves after surgery when they figured out the had not actually changed genders and were then just mutilated halflings...

I'll bet you don't know what you're talking about, Sil. You're again arguing your imagination. And it has nothing to do with the lives of any of the people involved.

I'm the one arguing and debating specifics.

No, you're speculating wildly based on nothing but your imagination. You 'betting' on what will happen in 20 years isn't 'debating specifics'. But debating your imagination.

And you simply have no idea what you're talking about.

Faun at least is offering up specifics. You, when you know you are beat, always resorts to ad hominems like the one above you just posted.

I'm simply calling into question the credibility of your source.

Its not my fault if you keep quoting your imagination as your source.
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In fact I'll bet you anything that in 20 years hence "pre gender-reassignment surgery therapy" will consist of filling out a form to be rubber stamped by the resident/payroll psychiatrist (APA approved, dontcha know..) at the Memorial Gender-Reassignment Surgical Hospital Group. "Memorial" for all the patients that offed themselves after surgery when they figured out the had not actually changed genders and were then just mutilated halflings...
This is great!

Guess what? We don't have to wait 20 years. People have been going through this operation for more than 20 years. The data you think will be available in 20 years is available now.

So let's see your numbers ... post (from a verifiable site) the number of post-operation transsexuals who committed suicide........
Looking at those 2 nasty bull dykes, it is obvious that poor little boy never had a chance.

It's despicable that any left wing loon would condone this.
This is great!

Guess what? We don't have to wait 20 years. People have been going through this operation for more than 20 years. The data you think will be available in 20 years is available now.

So let's see your numbers ... post (from a verifiable site) the number of post-operation transsexuals who committed suicide........

My point wasn't that surgeries haven't been done (and you know that because I know you can read english), it was that THE PROCESS OF APPROVING THOSE SURGERIES in 20 years in the psychological arena will be fast-tracked and in no way deep or regressive. It will consist of some forms to fill out and a rubber-stamp from the resident/payroll psychologist at a body-mutilation facility.

Repentant Transsexual Warns Jenner The Hangover Is Coming - Breitbart
In a CNN interview on Tuesday, Walt Heyer warned viewers that the relief accompanying gender reassignment surgery doesn’t last. After Jenner expressed exhilaration over the Vanity Fair cover, Heyer responded that such elation is normal, but transient.
Heyer acknowledged that “this is really the most exciting time in a transgender’s life.” It is, he said, “the debut,” when “all the things that you had hoped and thought about are coming about.” From personal experience, however, and from the many transgender people who write to him, Heyer says he knows “this doesn’t always last.”
“It’s sort of like, you know, going down to the bar and you’re having a good time and you drink it up good and then, you know, you wake up with a hangover,” he said.
In an essay earlier this year, Heyer offered a chilling autobiographical account of abuse and gender confusion, sexual reassignment surgery, a short reprieve from anxiety and eventually deep regret at his decision.
Heyer, now reverted to his male identity and married to his wife for 18 years, spends his energy raising public awareness of the disastrous penalties of gender reassignment.

“Changing genders is short-term gain with long-term pain,” writes Heyer. “Its consequences include early mortality, regret, mental illness, and suicide.”
Clinical studies would seem to confirm Heyer’s conclusions. A review of more than 100 international medical studies of post-operative transgenders carried out in the UK in 2004 found “no robust scientific evidence that gender reassignment surgery is clinically effective.”

Having been incorrectly diagnosed and pressured into a sex-change operation, Heyer is deeply sensitive to the plight of the many young people today who are confused about their own sexuality and receive mixed messages from a society eager for them to take steps that can never be undone...“Instead of encouraging them to undergo unnecessary and destructive surgery, let’s affirm and love our young people just the way they are,” he wrote....Heyer has little patience for “enlightened” parents who think they are doing their children a favor by playing up their confusion and catering to their “dreams of being the opposite gender.” Though motivated by a desire to be open-minded and supportive, this parental behavior is ultimately destructive, says Heyer.....Walt Heyer now runs a website,,
And Skylar, I'm not even responding to you on this thread because it involves a child's wellbeing. I am fairly certain when it comes to the LGBT Agenda vs children's rights, that I know exactly where you unwaveringly stand. The link in my signature says it all. And the fact the thread was buried says even more..
This is great!

Guess what? We don't have to wait 20 years. People have been going through this operation for more than 20 years. The data you think will be available in 20 years is available now.

So let's see your numbers ... post (from a verifiable site) the number of post-operation transsexuals who committed suicide........

My point wasn't that surgeries haven't been done (and you know that because I know you can read english), it was that THE PROCESS OF APPROVING THOSE SURGERIES in 20 years in the psychological arena will be fast-tracked and in no way deep or regressive. It will consist of some forms to fill out and a rubber-stamp from the resident/payroll psychologist at a body-mutilation facility.

Repentant Transsexual Warns Jenner The Hangover Is Coming - Breitbart
In a CNN interview on Tuesday, Walt Heyer warned viewers that the relief accompanying gender reassignment surgery doesn’t last. After Jenner expressed exhilaration over the Vanity Fair cover, Heyer responded that such elation is normal, but transient.
Heyer acknowledged that “this is really the most exciting time in a transgender’s life.” It is, he said, “the debut,” when “all the things that you had hoped and thought about are coming about.” From personal experience, however, and from the many transgender people who write to him, Heyer says he knows “this doesn’t always last.”
“It’s sort of like, you know, going down to the bar and you’re having a good time and you drink it up good and then, you know, you wake up with a hangover,” he said.
In an essay earlier this year, Heyer offered a chilling autobiographical account of abuse and gender confusion, sexual reassignment surgery, a short reprieve from anxiety and eventually deep regret at his decision.
Heyer, now reverted to his male identity and married to his wife for 18 years, spends his energy raising public awareness of the disastrous penalties of gender reassignment.

“Changing genders is short-term gain with long-term pain,” writes Heyer. “Its consequences include early mortality, regret, mental illness, and suicide.”
Clinical studies would seem to confirm Heyer’s conclusions. A review of more than 100 international medical studies of post-operative transgenders carried out in the UK in 2004 found “no robust scientific evidence that gender reassignment surgery is clinically effective.”

Having been incorrectly diagnosed and pressured into a sex-change operation, Heyer is deeply sensitive to the plight of the many young people today who are confused about their own sexuality and receive mixed messages from a society eager for them to take steps that can never be undone...“Instead of encouraging them to undergo unnecessary and destructive surgery, let’s affirm and love our young people just the way they are,” he wrote....Heyer has little patience for “enlightened” parents who think they are doing their children a favor by playing up their confusion and catering to their “dreams of being the opposite gender.” Though motivated by a desire to be open-minded and supportive, this parental behavior is ultimately destructive, says Heyer.....Walt Heyer now runs a website,,
I wasn't asking you for proof sugeons have been doing this for 20 years ... I was asking for numbers of transexuals who kill themselves. You made that claim, so I'd like to compare the number of transgendered teens who kill themselves with the number of transexuals who do. And while you highlight the few cases of transexuals who regret going through that operation, the exceptions don't establish the rule.
I wasn't asking you for proof sugeons have been doing this for 20 years ... I was asking for numbers of transexuals who kill themselves. You made that claim, so I'd like to compare the number of transgendered teens who kill themselves with the number of transexuals who do. And while you highlight the few cases of transexuals who regret going through that operation, the exceptions don't establish the rule.

Don't have the numbers off hand. And if they do exist they are undoubtedly on an LGBT/APA approved website. I've come to trust those numbers aren't always reliable after the APA announced it relies on words and feeling/group consensus of subjective viewpoints over raw know.. "as science'.

Be that as it may, the numbers probably do exist in some objective archive somewhere and if you find them since you are adamantly the one pinning this "necessary remedy" to "prevent suicides!", the onus is on you, not me. My position is that amputation of healthy organs is patently insane and that no person would ever have their gender changed in this way. I'm utterly shocked that malpractice insurers even cover this practice at all. To drag CHILDREN into this cult of delusions, sanctioned (for now, until sanity is restored to the APA) by the AMA is a sign of the times. Horror itself has become routine business.

And as a result, the GOP will own this country in 2016. You will have yourself to blame for that faun. Only so much patent insanity can be forced upon the blind and politically-correct. But even they have a saturation point. You have reached that point with the "T" component of "LGBT". This thread is a prime example of that.
People have to ask themselves, what mindset would believe it could sell to the general public, drugging children for eventual amputation to play-act a delusion to such a macabre level? Only someone seriously unbalanced would assume such a blind and gross error of judgment.
People have to ask themselves, what mindset would believe it could sell to the general public, drugging children for eventual amputation to play-act a delusion to such a macabre level? Only someone seriously unbalanced would assume such a blind and gross error of judgment.

People have to ask- who should be making decisions for their children- their parents and doctors- or anti-gay loonies like yourself?
And Skylar, I'm not even responding to you on this thread because it involves a child's wellbeing. I am fairly certain when it comes to the LGBT Agenda vs children's rights, that I know exactly where you unwaveringly stand. The link in my signature says it all. And the fact the thread was buried says even more..

Says the poster who has no consideration nor care for any child he can't use to attack gays.

Ignore as you wish, Sil. Your participation isn't necessary for my decimation of your arguments. As your silence gives me bully pulpit. And robs you of any chance of response.
This is great!

Guess what? We don't have to wait 20 years. People have been going through this operation for more than 20 years. The data you think will be available in 20 years is available now.

So let's see your numbers ... post (from a verifiable site) the number of post-operation transsexuals who committed suicide........

My point wasn't that surgeries haven't been done (and you know that because I know you can read english), it was that THE PROCESS OF APPROVING THOSE SURGERIES in 20 years in the psychological arena will be fast-tracked and in no way deep or regressive. It will consist of some forms to fill out and a rubber-stamp from the resident/payroll psychologist at a body-mutilation facility.

Repentant Transsexual Warns Jenner The Hangover Is Coming - Breitbart
In a CNN interview on Tuesday, Walt Heyer warned viewers that the relief accompanying gender reassignment surgery doesn’t last. After Jenner expressed exhilaration over the Vanity Fair cover, Heyer responded that such elation is normal, but transient.
Heyer acknowledged that “this is really the most exciting time in a transgender’s life.” It is, he said, “the debut,” when “all the things that you had hoped and thought about are coming about.” From personal experience, however, and from the many transgender people who write to him, Heyer says he knows “this doesn’t always last.”
“It’s sort of like, you know, going down to the bar and you’re having a good time and you drink it up good and then, you know, you wake up with a hangover,” he said.
In an essay earlier this year, Heyer offered a chilling autobiographical account of abuse and gender confusion, sexual reassignment surgery, a short reprieve from anxiety and eventually deep regret at his decision.
Heyer, now reverted to his male identity and married to his wife for 18 years, spends his energy raising public awareness of the disastrous penalties of gender reassignment.

“Changing genders is short-term gain with long-term pain,” writes Heyer. “Its consequences include early mortality, regret, mental illness, and suicide.”
Clinical studies would seem to confirm Heyer’s conclusions. A review of more than 100 international medical studies of post-operative transgenders carried out in the UK in 2004 found “no robust scientific evidence that gender reassignment surgery is clinically effective.”

Having been incorrectly diagnosed and pressured into a sex-change operation, Heyer is deeply sensitive to the plight of the many young people today who are confused about their own sexuality and receive mixed messages from a society eager for them to take steps that can never be undone...“Instead of encouraging them to undergo unnecessary and destructive surgery, let’s affirm and love our young people just the way they are,” he wrote....Heyer has little patience for “enlightened” parents who think they are doing their children a favor by playing up their confusion and catering to their “dreams of being the opposite gender.” Though motivated by a desire to be open-minded and supportive, this parental behavior is ultimately destructive, says Heyer.....Walt Heyer now runs a website,,
I wasn't asking you for proof sugeons have been doing this for 20 years ... I was asking for numbers of transexuals who kill themselves. You made that claim, so I'd like to compare the number of transgendered teens who kill themselves with the number of transexuals who do. And while you highlight the few cases of transexuals who regret going through that operation, the exceptions don't establish the rule.

Suicide rates for transexuals drop by about 90% after surgery. Though still higher than the national average.
This is great!

Guess what? We don't have to wait 20 years. People have been going through this operation for more than 20 years. The data you think will be available in 20 years is available now.

So let's see your numbers ... post (from a verifiable site) the number of post-operation transsexuals who committed suicide........

My point wasn't that surgeries haven't been done (and you know that because I know you can read english), it was that THE PROCESS OF APPROVING THOSE SURGERIES in 20 years in the psychological arena will be fast-tracked and in no way deep or regressive. It will consist of some forms to fill out and a rubber-stamp from the resident/payroll psychologist at a body-mutilation facility.

Repentant Transsexual Warns Jenner The Hangover Is Coming - Breitbart
In a CNN interview on Tuesday, Walt Heyer warned viewers that the relief accompanying gender reassignment surgery doesn’t last. After Jenner expressed exhilaration over the Vanity Fair cover, Heyer responded that such elation is normal, but transient.
Heyer acknowledged that “this is really the most exciting time in a transgender’s life.” It is, he said, “the debut,” when “all the things that you had hoped and thought about are coming about.” From personal experience, however, and from the many transgender people who write to him, Heyer says he knows “this doesn’t always last.”
“It’s sort of like, you know, going down to the bar and you’re having a good time and you drink it up good and then, you know, you wake up with a hangover,” he said.
In an essay earlier this year, Heyer offered a chilling autobiographical account of abuse and gender confusion, sexual reassignment surgery, a short reprieve from anxiety and eventually deep regret at his decision.
Heyer, now reverted to his male identity and married to his wife for 18 years, spends his energy raising public awareness of the disastrous penalties of gender reassignment.

“Changing genders is short-term gain with long-term pain,” writes Heyer. “Its consequences include early mortality, regret, mental illness, and suicide.”
Clinical studies would seem to confirm Heyer’s conclusions. A review of more than 100 international medical studies of post-operative transgenders carried out in the UK in 2004 found “no robust scientific evidence that gender reassignment surgery is clinically effective.”

Having been incorrectly diagnosed and pressured into a sex-change operation, Heyer is deeply sensitive to the plight of the many young people today who are confused about their own sexuality and receive mixed messages from a society eager for them to take steps that can never be undone...“Instead of encouraging them to undergo unnecessary and destructive surgery, let’s affirm and love our young people just the way they are,” he wrote....Heyer has little patience for “enlightened” parents who think they are doing their children a favor by playing up their confusion and catering to their “dreams of being the opposite gender.” Though motivated by a desire to be open-minded and supportive, this parental behavior is ultimately destructive, says Heyer.....Walt Heyer now runs a website,,
I wasn't asking you for proof sugeons have been doing this for 20 years ... I was asking for numbers of transexuals who kill themselves. You made that claim, so I'd like to compare the number of transgendered teens who kill themselves with the number of transexuals who do. And while you highlight the few cases of transexuals who regret going through that operation, the exceptions don't establish the rule.

Suicide rates for transexuals drop by about 90% after surgery. Though still higher than the national average.

Yes, I'm sure people who have had their healthy organs chopped off and are no more the opposite gender of their birth than a rock trying to become a feather are just in a way better frame of mind "after surgery".

Mental illness is in vogue. Up is down. Black is white.
This is great!

Guess what? We don't have to wait 20 years. People have been going through this operation for more than 20 years. The data you think will be available in 20 years is available now.

So let's see your numbers ... post (from a verifiable site) the number of post-operation transsexuals who committed suicide........

My point wasn't that surgeries haven't been done (and you know that because I know you can read english), it was that THE PROCESS OF APPROVING THOSE SURGERIES in 20 years in the psychological arena will be fast-tracked and in no way deep or regressive. It will consist of some forms to fill out and a rubber-stamp from the resident/payroll psychologist at a body-mutilation facility.

Repentant Transsexual Warns Jenner The Hangover Is Coming - Breitbart
In a CNN interview on Tuesday, Walt Heyer warned viewers that the relief accompanying gender reassignment surgery doesn’t last. After Jenner expressed exhilaration over the Vanity Fair cover, Heyer responded that such elation is normal, but transient.
Heyer acknowledged that “this is really the most exciting time in a transgender’s life.” It is, he said, “the debut,” when “all the things that you had hoped and thought about are coming about.” From personal experience, however, and from the many transgender people who write to him, Heyer says he knows “this doesn’t always last.”
“It’s sort of like, you know, going down to the bar and you’re having a good time and you drink it up good and then, you know, you wake up with a hangover,” he said.
In an essay earlier this year, Heyer offered a chilling autobiographical account of abuse and gender confusion, sexual reassignment surgery, a short reprieve from anxiety and eventually deep regret at his decision.
Heyer, now reverted to his male identity and married to his wife for 18 years, spends his energy raising public awareness of the disastrous penalties of gender reassignment.

“Changing genders is short-term gain with long-term pain,” writes Heyer. “Its consequences include early mortality, regret, mental illness, and suicide.”
Clinical studies would seem to confirm Heyer’s conclusions. A review of more than 100 international medical studies of post-operative transgenders carried out in the UK in 2004 found “no robust scientific evidence that gender reassignment surgery is clinically effective.”

Having been incorrectly diagnosed and pressured into a sex-change operation, Heyer is deeply sensitive to the plight of the many young people today who are confused about their own sexuality and receive mixed messages from a society eager for them to take steps that can never be undone...“Instead of encouraging them to undergo unnecessary and destructive surgery, let’s affirm and love our young people just the way they are,” he wrote....Heyer has little patience for “enlightened” parents who think they are doing their children a favor by playing up their confusion and catering to their “dreams of being the opposite gender.” Though motivated by a desire to be open-minded and supportive, this parental behavior is ultimately destructive, says Heyer.....Walt Heyer now runs a website,,
I wasn't asking you for proof sugeons have been doing this for 20 years ... I was asking for numbers of transexuals who kill themselves. You made that claim, so I'd like to compare the number of transgendered teens who kill themselves with the number of transexuals who do. And while you highlight the few cases of transexuals who regret going through that operation, the exceptions don't establish the rule.

Suicide rates for transexuals drop by about 90% after surgery. Though still higher than the national average.

Yes, I'm sure people who have had their healthy organs chopped off and are no more the opposite gender of their birth than a rock trying to become a feather are just in a way better frame of mind "after surgery".

Mental illness is in vogue. Up is down. Black is white.
If they are not attempting suicide anywhere near the alarming rate of transgendered teens, then they are definitely in a better frame of mind.

By the way, there is a good example of a well adjusted transgendered teen receiving hormone blockers who's getting her own reality TV show which debuts on TLC on July 15th. I know her and her family. Good people. You should check it out and see how well this can turn out.
If they are not attempting suicide anywhere near the alarming rate of transgendered teens, then they are definitely in a better frame of mind.

By the way, there is a good example of a well adjusted transgendered teen receiving hormone blockers who's getting her own reality TV show which debuts on TLC on July 15th. I know her and her family. Good people. You should check it out and see how well this can turn out.

You mean GLAAD has funded a show about "how cool drugging your kid for later body mutilation is"? Color me shocked. Will they also be airing a show on TLC about people who have had their healthy junk chopped off who are now suicidal because it didn't change their gender, and are wanting reversal surgery to be nothing at all like they used to be?

No? Only the GLAAD whitewashed version of crimes against children I suppose? Are you by any chance a member of the GOP 2016 election-strategy team?
If they are not attempting suicide anywhere near the alarming rate of transgendered teens, then they are definitely in a better frame of mind.

By the way, there is a good example of a well adjusted transgendered teen receiving hormone blockers who's getting her own reality TV show which debuts on TLC on July 15th. I know her and her family. Good people. You should check it out and see how well this can turn out.

You mean GLAAD has funded a show about "how cool drugging your kid for later body mutilation is"? Color me shocked. Will they also be airing a show on TLC about people who have had their healthy junk chopped off who are now suicidal because it didn't change their gender, and are wanting reversal surgery to be nothing at all like they used to be?

No? Only the GLAAD whitewashed version of crimes against children I suppose? Are you by any chance a member of the GOP 2016 election-strategy team?
Again, we've established in this thread that suicide among transexuals is greatly lower than that of transgendered teens. I've seen no evidence that therapy alone, even deep regression therapy, curbs that. Hormone blockers ease the transition and help make it more natural. Which in reality, is the main reason you abhor it. It's eating you up to see something you firmly detest, being increasingly accepted in our society.
Again, we've established in this thread that suicide among transexuals is greatly lower than that of transgendered teens. I've seen no evidence that therapy alone, even deep regression therapy, curbs that. Hormone blockers ease the transition and help make it more natural. Which in reality, is the main reason you abhor it. It's eating you up to see something you firmly detest, being increasingly accepted in our society.

No, we haven't.

And you seeing or not seeing therapy, (deep regressive therapy, not your rubber stamp version) as effective in treating deep delusions such as these is not justification to drug and then amputate children's body parts. There is no such thing as a sex change because it's impossible.
Again, we've established in this thread that suicide among transexuals is greatly lower than that of transgendered teens. I've seen no evidence that therapy alone, even deep regression therapy, curbs that. Hormone blockers ease the transition and help make it more natural. Which in reality, is the main reason you abhor it. It's eating you up to see something you firmly detest, being increasingly accepted in our society.

No, we haven't.

And you seeing or not seeing therapy, (deep regressive therapy, not your rubber stamp version) as effective in treating deep delusions such as these is not justification to drug and then amputate children's body parts. There is no such thing as a sex change because it's impossible.

Who is amputating children's body parts?
Who is amputating children's body parts?

If you read carefully, which you almost never do Syriusly, I said they are drugging children to lead them to eventual amputation of their healthy organs. This is body and mind-fucking a child. People doing it belong in high security prisons, not medical facilities..
Who is amputating children's body parts?

If you read carefully, which you almost never do Syriusly, I said they are drugging children to lead them to eventual amputation of their healthy organs. This is body and mind-fucking a child. People doing it belong in high security prisons, not medical facilities..

And again- who is amputating these children's body parts Silihouette?

You keep making this claim- which children do you imagine are having sex organs amputated?
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