Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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Being gay seems to be more of an obsessive compulsive disorder.

Its just a sexual orientation. Remember, you don't actually have the slightest clue what you're talking about. It makes your opinions on these matters far less than useful.

It's not abuse, he wanted to not go through male puberty...The hormones have to be prescribed by a doctor and the boy ill have had to go through counseling before they will be given...The abuse would be male puberty when he wants the change because he is a girl inside.

OK Dr. aris2chat...where did you get your degree again? Johns Hopkins and the ACP says that giving a child hormones is carcinogenic. Coercing him to amputate his organs by drugging him with hormones (a child isn't old enough to make any advanced decision on his health which results in powerful artifical hormones which alter the way the mind thinks or for mutilating permanent surgery) is child abuse.

Dr. aris2chat, let me guess, your specialty isn't in interpreting body language? Because if it was, that picture would be SCREAMING child abuse at you..

A picture is an isolated snapshot in time. Nothing more. There is no context, no before, no after.

Are you a doctor or something?

A picture is an isolated snapshot in time. Nothing more. There is no context, no before, no after.

Are you a doctor or something?

Uh, yeah there is. The context is in the OP where the picture came from. The boy is sitting frowning clutching his hands over his crotch. His pink stretch pants have dirt all over the knees. Common I'm sure for a nice femme "little girl" like he is, right? The two dykes flanking him have bullish, assertive postures. The one on the right has her mind made up solid: this boy is gonna be a girl!

These two dykes have mind-fucked the boy. He probably wants to be a girl because then he'll matter in their world. Clearly males don't.

It's not abuse, he wanted to not go through male puberty...The hormones have to be prescribed by a doctor and the boy ill have had to go through counseling before they will be given...The abuse would be male puberty when he wants the change because he is a girl inside.

OK Dr. aris2chat...where did you get your degree again? Johns Hopkins and the ACP says that giving a child hormones is carcinogenic. Coercing him to amputate his organs by drugging him with hormones (a child isn't old enough to make any advanced decision on his health which results in powerful artifical hormones which alter the way the mind thinks or for mutilating permanent surgery) is child abuse.

Dr. aris2chat, let me guess, your specialty isn't in interpreting body language? Because if it was, that picture would be SCREAMING child abuse at you..

A picture is an isolated snapshot in time. Nothing more. There is no context, no before, no after.

Are you a doctor or something?

Sil took a screenshot of the child sitting back farther in her seat. And then Sil just imagined the rest. If not for Sil citing her imagination as evidence her posts would little more than punctuation.

A picture is an isolated snapshot in time. Nothing more. There is no context, no before, no after.

Are you a doctor or something?

Uh, yeah there is. The context is in the OP where the picture came from.

No, its a screen shot of the child sitting back in her chair. The rest of you've made up, pulled sideways out of your ass. Backed by nothing.

You don't know anyone involved. You've never met the child, the parents, the doctors, anyone. Making your pseudo-psyche gibberish just meaningless nonsense.

The boy is sitting frowning clutching his hands over his crotch. His pink stretch pants have dirt all over the knees. Common I'm sure for a nice femme "little girl" like he is, right? The two dykes flanking him have bullish, assertive postures. The one on the right has her mind made up solid: this boy is gonna be a girl!

These two dykes have mind-fucked the boy. He probably wants to be a girl because then he'll matter in their world. Clearly males don't.

Says you, pretending you have the slightest clue what you're talking about. Back in reality, you're clueless. You don't know anyone, you've never even met the child. Nor do you have the slightest training in psychological issues. You're a horse breeder.

And yet in your ignorance, you pretend that you know everyone involved, speak for everyone involved, have any insight.

You don't.
Lots of vitriol in your posts Skylar, as usual. Methinks you know the truth and doth protest too much..
This is sick, he is a six year old boy. The parents should be arrested.

This is sick and disgusting. DCFS should be all over this. The fag community should stop this. How can anyone allow this to continue!

It is allowed because the kid has rights although he is still developing MENTALLY. You know..rights to be planted in his undeveloped brain by his two Mommies that he wants to be like. Hence...removing the penis so he has a "slot" instead of a "tab" they might be able to play with later on as a threesome. Hell, who knows? Nutbars. (Thanks for the new words, DF).
These children are tormented and mutilated for nothing. This is like the day care satanic ritual abuse of years ago. Parents want their children to be different. So they make them different.

This tragic girl, raised by two gay men who over the course of a weekend made her transgendered and gave her a new boy's name. The poor child insisted she was not a boy. The school followed the instructions they were given.

Workers fired for raising concerns about transgender student
A child doesn't know SHIT until he or she is of age...and not necessarily 18 years old either. But, if they are 18 and old enough to hold a gun and go to war, then they should have the sense to know what sex they prefer to be..or be WITH..depending on the kid, that is. However, for a parent to start them on hormone blockers or estrogen BEFORE they are that age to decide...the parents should be in jail and never allowed to be around children at all. It is child abuse. Period. Give the kid TIME. Jeez.

But as most psychologists will tell you (at least intelligent ones), the WHOLE FUCKING FAMILY needs to be evaluated for mental illness if there is a child claiming to want to be another sex other than what he or she was born as and live with or are raised in a same sex marriage. Kids want to emulate and be loved by the persons who claim such...and will do anything to garner the head pat or back slap or hugs and kisses from a parent. In short...acceptance. Even if it means claiming to be something they are NOT. And for the parents to not see this, or understand the mindset of an adolescent child and "help" them butcher their own bodies....that means the whole damn clan is mental and all should see a shrink to make DOUBLE damn sure the kid is aware BEFORE going thru such a major extreme as changing their sex. Is it REALLY for themself...or for the love of a parent that is loony toons?
These children are tormented and mutilated for nothing. This is like the day care satanic ritual abuse of years ago. Parents want their children to be different. So they make them different.

This tragic girl, raised by two gay men who over the course of a weekend made her transgendered and gave her a new boy's name. The poor child insisted she was not a boy. The school followed the instructions they were given.

Workers fired for raising concerns about transgender student
There are laws requiring adults report child abuse. And following these laws got them FIRED???

Sue Sue SUE!!! for lost wages and reinstatement. Cite CAPTA guidelines and child abuse reporting requirement laws!
This is sick, he is a six year old boy. The parents should be arrested.

This is sick and disgusting. DCFS should be all over this. The fag community should stop this. How can anyone allow this to continue!

It is allowed because the kid has rights although he is still developing MENTALLY. You know..rights to be planted in his undeveloped brain by his two Mommies that he wants to be like. Hence...removing the penis so he has a "slot" instead of a "tab" they might be able to play with later on as a threesome. Hell, who knows? Nutbars. (Thanks for the new words, DF).

It is not just the boy or parents, doctors and psychologists are involved before hormones can be given. You don't walk into your local CVS and pick them up off the aisle.
It is not just the boy or parents, doctors and psychologists are involved before hormones can be given. You don't walk into your local CVS and pick them up off the aisle.

Yes. Want to know something interesting about those hormone prescriptions for suppressing adolescence? THAT USE IS OUTSIDE THE FDA APPROVED USE OF THOSE DRUGS. And, therefore, their prescription for that use is ILLEGAL. Any MD caught doing that (perhaps not in this administration but for sure a republican one) would have his licensed revoked so fast it would make his head spin. The fact that they are being illegally prescribed to children, combined with the fact that they are also class #1 carcinogens, would mean that MD would be facing criminal prosecution and possible prison time for child abuse.
The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young....Thomas Lobel, who now calls himself Tammy, is undergoing controversial hormone blocking treatment in Berkeley, California to stop him going through puberty as a boy...At age seven, after threatening genital mutilation on himself, psychiatrists diagnosed Thomas with gender identity disorder. By the age of eight, he began transitioning. ...The hormone-suppressant, implanted in his upper left arm, will postpone the 11-year-old developing broad shoulders, deep voice and facial hair. The California boy 11 who is undergoing hormone blocking treatment Daily Mail Online
Just after his first 6 formative years, this boy raised by two lesbians suddenly wants to femalize himself by genital mutilation. "Gender identity disorder" could also be called "my gender doesn't matter disorder"


The "father" lesbian on the right looks on sternly while the "mother" lesbian opines for the camera. The boy in the middle had a female hormone implant stuck in his arm on order from his lesbian "parents".. His body language perhaps the most telling of all. Notice his hands tightly clamped over his groin. At his age, he knows where this is all leading...(see pictures in my next post)..

No LGBTQ member has spoken out publicly or even privately to my knowledge to denounce this disgusting and abusive process.

It's helpful to understand how this could be happening on American soil to an American citizen/child if one understands what has happened to the final authoritative body that has given its stamp of approval to this: the APA or "American Psychological Association". Their quest for science and hard data has been tossed away in preference of "audited-group-think". It's called "CQR" and you can read more about how a cult works here: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren t to Blame They Rely on Science .. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The issue named by the APA's accredited therapists is "gender identity disorder". I offer that because of CQR at the American Psychological Association, not enough research has been done, or it has been done and its results are "not acceptable" to the audit-group-think mandate that has replaced data and numbers there, the child may have been misdiagnosed.

It is conceivable that in a home where two women have rejected men (except one that dresses like, talks like and acts like a man...visit the link above for more pictures) so utterly as to marry each other, (well, not legally according to Judge Sutton), that any boy raised in that manifest-rejection environment might deduce with his simple, formative, childlike mind that "boy/male=rejected"..

Aside: For more on the 6th circuit court of federal appeal/Judge Sutton's support for states to reject gay marriage, see this link: 6th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Gives Thumb s Up to States Choice on Gay Marriage Page 12 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Now, I've not seen a survey done by the APA where so-called transgendered children were asked in a neutral/non-suggestive format where they came up with the idea that they didn't want to be their gender anymore. And I doubt any of us with the current "audit-group-think" (CQR) structure at the APA (de facto, cult) will see such a survey for as long as the Agenda runs that outfit and yanks its chain (audited...). So I'm suggesting to people's common sense, and more particularly, those who have known lesbians and have heard their near nonstop innuendo or outright beratement and rejection of males in their lives, that it is remotely possible that "Tammy" may have been a creation of their manifest rejection of males in general. The child is presenting with sypmtoms of the "parents" mental issues..

I heartily encourage anyone reading this to visit the link and others on this story, read the articles in depth, look at the photos and meditate within themselves as to ALL possibilities of what could be going on with this boy.....and not just the APA-audit-approved hasty "conclusion":

For Syriusly, who has trouble keeping the root issues in focus:

Well of course child abuse occurs in more than just gay homes. It's just that with the gay community, they get behind this and support it. In the hetero community the parents would have to leave town and hide out in the woods to avoid a crowd at their door with torches at night.

The issue here is institutionalized-child-abuse vs discouraged child abuse... It's a difference of CULTural values... the hetero community does not identify itself as "LGBT". The "T" is for "Transgender"....

Seawytch and bodecea why didnt you two just adopt a girl to begin with?

And this is sick child abuse.
It is not just the boy or parents, doctors and psychologists are involved before hormones can be given. You don't walk into your local CVS and pick them up off the aisle.

Yes. Want to know something interesting about those hormone prescriptions for suppressing adolescence? THAT USE IS OUTSIDE THE FDA APPROVED USE OF THOSE DRUGS. And, therefore, their prescription for that use is ILLEGAL. Any MD caught doing that (perhaps not in this administration but for sure a republican one) would have his licensed revoked so fast it would make his head spin. The fact that they are being illegally prescribed to children, combined with the fact that they are also class #1 carcinogens, would mean that MD would be facing criminal prosecution and possible prison time for child abuse.

Now see what you went and did? I was concentrating on different venues but you make a solid point about the MD! Something I will look further in to, thanks to you! So thank you! And if he is NOT giving such meds to the child knowingly....that means the parent is LYING to get the meds...and proceeding "helping" their child change how their bodies grow, without CPS knowing diddly squat.

"Where there is a will, is a way". ;)

Link to your very astute comment, sent!
It is not just the boy or parents, doctors and psychologists are involved before hormones can be given. You don't walk into your local CVS and pick them up off the aisle.

Yes. Want to know something interesting about those hormone prescriptions for suppressing adolescence? THAT USE IS OUTSIDE THE FDA APPROVED USE OF THOSE DRUGS. And, therefore, their prescription for that use is ILLEGAL. Any MD caught doing that (perhaps not in this administration but for sure a republican one) would have his licensed revoked so fast it would make his head spin. The fact that they are being illegally prescribed to children, combined with the fact that they are also class #1 carcinogens, would mean that MD would be facing criminal prosecution and possible prison time for child abuse.

Now see what you went and did? I was concentrating on different venues but you make a solid point about the MD! Something I will look further in to, thanks to you! So thank you! And if he is NOT giving such meds to the child knowingly....that means the parent is LYING to get the meds...and proceeding "helping" their child change how their bodies grow, without CPS knowing diddly squat.

"Where there is a will, is a way". ;)

Link to your very astute comment, sent!

Thanks. I read a link one of the Church of LGBT cultees posted here and went through the whole article. It said that the use of hormones on children to suppress adolescence for purposes of "gender identity" is not an FDA approved use of the drug. So doctors doing that are in violation of federal drug laws. These artificial hormones are powerfully carcinogenic and interfere also with normal adolescent brain development and bone density.

The use of them this way is outright and flagrant child abuse.
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