Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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Since the OP is trying to establish the cause of this is due to the parents being lesbian, it is perfectly reasonable to cite other similar cases involving straight parents in order to demonstrate it has nothing to do with the parents being lesbians. Since the OP failed to establish such a connection between children being raised as the gender they believe they are; with lesbian parents, this thread is a fail.

Homo sapiens like all other primates, learns socially. That is an indisputable FACT.

The phenomenon "transgender" is a notion and a bit of dogma that belongs properly and squarely in the LGBT cult doctrines. THEREFORE any talk or movement towards "transgender" has its genesis in a cult movement. A cult known as 'LGBT'.

Transgender is a concept that is delusional at its core and does not exist because one cannot actually change from a man to a woman or woman to a man..."fooled you" games of pretend don't count.. Those living in social situations where it is taught and learned that "delusions are normal" can be expected to have a certain number of their hetero population buying into the new normal. Monkeys (homo sapiens) at the very base of their survival brain stem have the deep, deep instinct to not buck what they perceive to be the fold. If you are cast out of the troope, danger awaits. So different primates will take up all manner of odd social customs that they otherwise wouldn't, just to keep that reptilian urge "to belong" simmered down to a dull roar.

So this topic is properly, and rightly, about the LGBT issue. "T" is for transgender; and that is defined as an LGBT delusion sold to the public "as fact". Some of the public buys it and begins similar child abuse as in the OP. The vast majority of the public DOES NOT buy it and wants it stopped, and the children involved, protected from harm.
This post of yours, like this thread of yours, is a steaming pile of fail.

First and foremost ... you are not a authority on human behavior. There is no consensus in science as to how much of our behavior is learned versus how much is innate. So for you to speak as though you're somehow better informed than modern psychology is laughable. Your entire thesis is rooted in your own bias's against homosexuality.

But that is not even the reason your post is a fail. It's a fail because it completely avoids responding to what I said. Which is that your thread is a fail because you failed to establish a connection between transgendered kids being raised by homosexual parents.

You even know you failed because instead of addressing that observation of mine, you went on to pretend like you're some sort of expert on the matter and made it about how the disorder is rooted in homosexuality instead of it being about the lesbian parents.

And the reason you tried to salvage this thread of yours with that line of reasoning is because even you know you can't prove the lesbian parents caused this child to believe he is a girl. And the reason you can't prove that is because you've been given other cases of such children who are raised by heterosexual parents.

Your thread remains the fail it was always destined to be.

First and foremost ... you are not a authority on human behavior.

You're right. It's my sister who has the master's degree in anthropology.

We, humans, belong
to the same family as the anthropoid (human-like) apes, also known as the
"great" apes. No other animals are as close to us: at the DNA level we are 98.4
% identical to chimpanzees and bonobos...
You continue failing to establish a connection between this boy wanting to be a girl an having lesbian parents.


Know what the "T" stands for? If you accept the premise, as I do, that LGBT is a cult, then you get all manner of folks drinking the Koolaide..
First and foremost ... you are not a authority on human behavior.

You're right. It's my sister who has the master's degree in anthropology.

We, humans, belong
to the same family as the anthropoid (human-like) apes, also known as the
"great" apes. No other animals are as close to us: at the DNA level we are 98.4
% identical to chimpanzees and bonobos...
You continue failing to establish a connection between this boy wanting to be a girl an having lesbian parents.

You fail to realize that this could constitute as child abuse or child endangerment right ? You fail to realize that the boy is only 6 years old. Now how does he know what he wants at that age, and wouldn't you know it, in this case (Lesbians just happen to be his parents). Is that the connection your looking for maybe ?
First and foremost ... you are not a authority on human behavior.

You're right. It's my sister who has the master's degree in anthropology.

We, humans, belong
to the same family as the anthropoid (human-like) apes, also known as the
"great" apes. No other animals are as close to us: at the DNA level we are 98.4
% identical to chimpanzees and bonobos...
You continue failing to establish a connection between this boy wanting to be a girl an having lesbian parents.

You fail to realize that this could constitute as child abuse or child endangerment right ? You fail to realize that the boy is only 6 years old. Now how does he know what he wants at that age, and wouldn't you know it, in this case (Lesbians just happen to be his parents). Is that the connection your looking for maybe ?
The kid in that story is 14 or 15, not 6; so what do I fail to realize?Secondly, the OP tried to blame this on lesbian parents, which is utter bullshit.
First and foremost ... you are not a authority on human behavior.

You're right. It's my sister who has the master's degree in anthropology.

We, humans, belong
to the same family as the anthropoid (human-like) apes, also known as the
"great" apes. No other animals are as close to us: at the DNA level we are 98.4
% identical to chimpanzees and bonobos...
You continue failing to establish a connection between this boy wanting to be a girl an having lesbian parents.

You fail to realize that this could constitute as child abuse or child endangerment right ? You fail to realize that the boy is only 6 years old. Now how does he know what he wants at that age, and wouldn't you know it, in this case (Lesbians just happen to be his parents). Is that the connection your looking for maybe ?
The kid in that story is 14 or 15, not 6; so what do I fail to realize?Secondly, the OP tried to blame this on lesbian parents, which is utter bullshit.
How old was the kid when it all started?
First and foremost ... you are not a authority on human behavior.

You're right. It's my sister who has the master's degree in anthropology.

We, humans, belong
to the same family as the anthropoid (human-like) apes, also known as the
"great" apes. No other animals are as close to us: at the DNA level we are 98.4
% identical to chimpanzees and bonobos...
You continue failing to establish a connection between this boy wanting to be a girl an having lesbian parents.

You fail to realize that this could constitute as child abuse or child endangerment right ? You fail to realize that the boy is only 6 years old. Now how does he know what he wants at that age, and wouldn't you know it, in this case (Lesbians just happen to be his parents). Is that the connection your looking for maybe ?
The kid in that story is 14 or 15, not 6; so what do I fail to realize?Secondly, the OP tried to blame this on lesbian parents, which is utter bullshit.
How old was the kid when it all started?
From before he was three.

Haven't you been paying attention? You're complaining about how this could be child abuse or child endangerment, but you don't even know what's going on.
You're right. It's my sister who has the master's degree in anthropology.
You continue failing to establish a connection between this boy wanting to be a girl an having lesbian parents.

You fail to realize that this could constitute as child abuse or child endangerment right ? You fail to realize that the boy is only 6 years old. Now how does he know what he wants at that age, and wouldn't you know it, in this case (Lesbians just happen to be his parents). Is that the connection your looking for maybe ?
The kid in that story is 14 or 15, not 6; so what do I fail to realize?Secondly, the OP tried to blame this on lesbian parents, which is utter bullshit.
How old was the kid when it all started?
From before he was three.

Haven't you been paying attention? You're complaining about how this could be child abuse or child endangerment, but you don't even know what's going on.

That applies to pretty much every anti-gay bigot who has posted in this thread.

They think reading the headline is all it takes to be an expert on the topic.

Silhouette only mentions this child because his parents are lesbians.

We have shown examples of other parents attempting to find the best course to help their children who are struggling with sexual identity- but none of them were identifiably homosexual, so they were promptly ignored.
You continue failing to establish a connection between this boy wanting to be a girl an having lesbian parents.

You fail to realize that this could constitute as child abuse or child endangerment right ? You fail to realize that the boy is only 6 years old. Now how does he know what he wants at that age, and wouldn't you know it, in this case (Lesbians just happen to be his parents). Is that the connection your looking for maybe ?
The kid in that story is 14 or 15, not 6; so what do I fail to realize?Secondly, the OP tried to blame this on lesbian parents, which is utter bullshit.
How old was the kid when it all started?
From before he was three.

Haven't you been paying attention? You're complaining about how this could be child abuse or child endangerment, but you don't even know what's going on.

That applies to pretty much every anti-gay bigot who has posted in this thread.

They think reading the headline is all it takes to be an expert on the topic.

Silhouette only mentions this child because his parents are lesbians.

We have shown examples of other parents attempting to find the best course to help their children who are struggling with sexual identity- but none of them were identifiably homosexual, so they were promptly ignored.
What they don't get is that with this type of treatment, these kids are less likely to commit suicide, less likely to self-mutilate their genitals, and be better able to transition into the gender they believe they are.

Child abuse would me ignoring the problem, hoping it just goes away on its own.
You fail to realize that this could constitute as child abuse or child endangerment right ? You fail to realize that the boy is only 6 years old. Now how does he know what he wants at that age, and wouldn't you know it, in this case (Lesbians just happen to be his parents). Is that the connection your looking for maybe ?
The kid in that story is 14 or 15, not 6; so what do I fail to realize?Secondly, the OP tried to blame this on lesbian parents, which is utter bullshit.
How old was the kid when it all started?
From before he was three.

Haven't you been paying attention? You're complaining about how this could be child abuse or child endangerment, but you don't even know what's going on.

That applies to pretty much every anti-gay bigot who has posted in this thread.

They think reading the headline is all it takes to be an expert on the topic.

Silhouette only mentions this child because his parents are lesbians.

We have shown examples of other parents attempting to find the best course to help their children who are struggling with sexual identity- but none of them were identifiably homosexual, so they were promptly ignored.
What they don't get is that with this type of treatment, these kids are less likely to commit suicide, less likely to self-mutilate their genitals, and be better able to transition into the gender they believe they are.

Child abuse would me ignoring the problem, hoping it just goes away on its own.

I don't know how anyone who actually read the comments by parents just trying to figure out how to best help their children would think otherwise.

I don't know the correct answer to helping these kids- but it seems to me that the parents, working with doctors would know more than the posters here who don't even bother to read the actual articles.
I don't know how anyone who actually read the comments by parents just trying to figure out how to best help their children would think otherwise.

I don't know the correct answer to helping these kids- but it seems to me that the parents, working with doctors would know more than the posters here who don't even bother to read the actual articles.

NOT IF THEY'RE ADVOCATING DOING THIS TO THE BOY IN THE OP! Mental illness isn't cured or treated by amputation of healthy body tissue and society joining hands playing pretend that Frankenstein's monster is a real normal being.




I submit, Syriusly, that you DO know what's good for this boy. It's just that you don't want to talk about it because then society would be tempted to "Go there" with the rest of the LGBT cult. So you would sacrafice this lamb so that your twisted dogma can reign unchallenged by mental health experts.

It's why y'all took over the APA in the 1970s. It's not that you're not smart. You went for the head of the beast first in your attempt to overtake all of it. It's just that you went too far, too fast and people woke up from the spell.
FINALLY!!! Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a ‘satisfied’ but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs,” said Dr. McHugh.
The former Johns Hopkins chief of psychiatry also warned against enabling or encouraging certain subgroups of the transgendered, such as young people “susceptible to suggestion from ‘everything is normal’ sex education,” and the schools’ “diversity counselors” who, like “cult leaders,” may “encourage these young people to distance themselves from their families and offer advice on rebutting arguments against having transgender surgery.”
Dr. McHugh also reported that there are “misguided doctors” who, working with very young children who seem to imitate the opposite sex, will administer “puberty-delaying hormones to render later sex-change surgeries less onerous – even though the drugs stunt the children’s growth and risk causing sterility.”

I would only change one thing about the above statement. The word "misguided" to "criminally liable" and subject to having their license immediately revoked.
FINALLY!!! Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a ‘satisfied’ but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs,” said Dr. McHugh.
The former Johns Hopkins chief of psychiatry also warned against enabling or encouraging certain subgroups of the transgendered, such as young people “susceptible to suggestion from ‘everything is normal’ sex education,” and the schools’ “diversity counselors” who, like “cult leaders,” may “encourage these young people to distance themselves from their families and offer advice on rebutting arguments against having transgender surgery.”
Dr. McHugh also reported that there are “misguided doctors” who, working with very young children who seem to imitate the opposite sex, will administer “puberty-delaying hormones to render later sex-change surgeries less onerous – even though the drugs stunt the children’s growth and risk causing sterility.”

I would only change one thing about the above statement. The word "misguided" to "criminally liable" and subject to having their license immediately revoked.

There's no 'puberty delaying hormones to render late sex-change surgeries less onerous' with the child in your thread. And no 'diversity counselor' encouraging anyone to distance themselves from their families.
FINALLY!!! Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a ‘satisfied’ but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs,” said Dr. McHugh.
The former Johns Hopkins chief of psychiatry also warned against enabling or encouraging certain subgroups of the transgendered, such as young people “susceptible to suggestion from ‘everything is normal’ sex education,” and the schools’ “diversity counselors” who, like “cult leaders,” may “encourage these young people to distance themselves from their families and offer advice on rebutting arguments against having transgender surgery.”
Dr. McHugh also reported that there are “misguided doctors” who, working with very young children who seem to imitate the opposite sex, will administer “puberty-delaying hormones to render later sex-change surgeries less onerous – even though the drugs stunt the children’s growth and risk causing sterility.”

I would only change one thing about the above statement. The word "misguided" to "criminally liable" and subject to having their license immediately revoked.

There's no 'puberty delaying hormones to render late sex-change surgeries less onerous' with the child in your thread. And no 'diversity counselor' encouraging anyone to distance themselves from their families.

Dear Skylar What I will say is going on:

There IS a general public denial and discrimination against people who HAVE successfully restored their natural orientation that DID match their gender.

There IS general public denial, ignorance and rejection of Spiritual Healing as helping BOTH
cases of people who either come out gay or straight, transgender or not.

Spiritual Healing is natural and consistent with science, and there is no reason to reject it out of phobic fear of religious ideas.

There is general pressure and bias towards people coming out as Gay or Transgender, and recognizing this.
while the SAME sources and advocates EQUALLY go into denial, or outright rejection, when it comes to people
coming out as straight after having homosexual lifestyles and relations, or deciding they are not transgender.

So that is NOT healthy, but mentally corrupt and SELFISH to
A. Deny that some people DO come out aligned with their natural born gender or orientation
(and are not liars, frauds or brainwashed people in denial, which is ironically similar to what is blamed on anti-gay rhetoric)
B. To blame only one side for rejecting gays or transgender, but then turn around and discriminate and deny "ex-gays"

This denial is also causing psychological harm and unhealthy perceptions of what is really going on with people.

ALL these cases are going on. They are NOT all the same. Just because one thing is true in one case, doesn't void another!

So it is wrongful and harmful to deny some people's experiences,
and then blame denial on other groups when doing the same thing being complained about.

All of this can be resolved by spiritually healing the conflicts and issues,
and let everyone come to terms with how they are without assuming all cases have to be the same way.

That is so unhealthy, I can't even believe people are trying to base science on that. On just looking at cases that match what they are trying to argue, and "pretend the others are invalid and don't count." What???

You might as well be arguing that all animals have to be reptiles or mammals or insects, and purposely leave out all exceptions so you can deny the other types of animals exist, instead of recognizing these are all distinguishable and different, are all co-existing AT THE SAME TIME and all valid, even though they are NOT the same as each other.

Someone who is ex-gay is NOT the same as people who can't change their orientation but are spiritually gay, and remain that way for life. So what? These are NOT mutually exclusive, NOT "either/or" but both types of cases can exist and do not conflict with each other!

Why is this so hard to accept that all kinds of different things are going on, and to quit trying to argue these don't exist?
FINALLY!!! Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a ‘satisfied’ but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs,” said Dr. McHugh.
The former Johns Hopkins chief of psychiatry also warned against enabling or encouraging certain subgroups of the transgendered, such as young people “susceptible to suggestion from ‘everything is normal’ sex education,” and the schools’ “diversity counselors” who, like “cult leaders,” may “encourage these young people to distance themselves from their families and offer advice on rebutting arguments against having transgender surgery.”
Dr. McHugh also reported that there are “misguided doctors” who, working with very young children who seem to imitate the opposite sex, will administer “puberty-delaying hormones to render later sex-change surgeries less onerous – even though the drugs stunt the children’s growth and risk causing sterility.”

I would only change one thing about the above statement. The word "misguided" to "criminally liable" and subject to having their license immediately revoked.

There's no 'puberty delaying hormones to render late sex-change surgeries less onerous' with the child in your thread. And no 'diversity counselor' encouraging anyone to distance themselves from their families.

Dear Skylar What I will say is going on:

There IS a general public denial and discrimination against people who HAVE successfully restored their natural orientation that DID match their gender.

There IS general public denial, ignorance and rejection of Spiritual Healing as helping BOTH
cases of people who either come out gay or straight, transgender or not.

Spiritual Healing is natural and consistent with science, and there is no reason to reject it out of phobic fear of religious ideas.

There is general pressure and bias towards people coming out as Gay or Transgender, and recognizing this.
while the SAME sources and advocates EQUALLY go into denial, or outright rejection, when it comes to people
coming out as straight after having homosexual lifestyles and relations, or deciding they are not transgender.

So that is NOT healthy, but mentally corrupt and SELFISH to
A. Deny that some people DO come out aligned with their natural born gender or orientation
(and are not liars, frauds or brainwashed people in denial, which is ironically similar to what is blamed on anti-gay rhetoric)
B. To blame only one side for rejecting gays or transgender, but then turn around and discriminate and deny "ex-gays"

This denial is also causing psychological harm and unhealthy perceptions of what is really going on with people.

ALL these cases are going on. They are NOT all the same. Just because one thing is true in one case, doesn't void another!

So it is wrongful and harmful to deny some people's experiences,
and then blame denial on other groups when doing the same thing being complained about.

All of this can be resolved by spiritually healing the conflicts and issues,
and let everyone come to terms with how they are without assuming all cases have to be the same way.

That is so unhealthy, I can't even believe people are trying to base science on that. On just looking at cases that match what they are trying to argue, and "pretend the others are invalid and don't count." What???

You might as well be arguing that all animals have to be reptiles or mammals or insects, and purposely leave out all exceptions so you can deny the other types of animals exist, instead of recognizing these are all distinguishable and different, are all co-existing AT THE SAME TIME and all valid, even though they are NOT the same as each other.

Someone who is ex-gay is NOT the same as people who can't change their orientation but are spiritually gay, and remain that way for life. So what? These are NOT mutually exclusive, NOT "either/or" but both types of cases can exist and do not conflict with each other!

Why is this so hard to accept that all kinds of different things are going on, and to quit trying to argue these don't exist?

We're not discussing any of those issues, Emily.
FINALLY!!! Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a ‘satisfied’ but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs,” said Dr. McHugh.
The former Johns Hopkins chief of psychiatry also warned against enabling or encouraging certain subgroups of the transgendered, such as young people “susceptible to suggestion from ‘everything is normal’ sex education,” and the schools’ “diversity counselors” who, like “cult leaders,” may “encourage these young people to distance themselves from their families and offer advice on rebutting arguments against having transgender surgery.”
Dr. McHugh also reported that there are “misguided doctors” who, working with very young children who seem to imitate the opposite sex, will administer “puberty-delaying hormones to render later sex-change surgeries less onerous – even though the drugs stunt the children’s growth and risk causing sterility.”

I would only change one thing about the above statement. The word "misguided" to "criminally liable" and subject to having their license immediately revoked.

There's no 'puberty delaying hormones to render late sex-change surgeries less onerous' with the child in your thread. And no 'diversity counselor' encouraging anyone to distance themselves from their families.

Dear Skylar What I will say is going on:

There IS a general public denial and discrimination against people who HAVE successfully restored their natural orientation that DID match their gender.

There IS general public denial, ignorance and rejection of Spiritual Healing as helping BOTH
cases of people who either come out gay or straight, transgender or not.

Spiritual Healing is natural and consistent with science, and there is no reason to reject it out of phobic fear of religious ideas.

There is general pressure and bias towards people coming out as Gay or Transgender, and recognizing this.
while the SAME sources and advocates EQUALLY go into denial, or outright rejection, when it comes to people
coming out as straight after having homosexual lifestyles and relations, or deciding they are not transgender.

So that is NOT healthy, but mentally corrupt and SELFISH to
A. Deny that some people DO come out aligned with their natural born gender or orientation
(and are not liars, frauds or brainwashed people in denial, which is ironically similar to what is blamed on anti-gay rhetoric)
B. To blame only one side for rejecting gays or transgender, but then turn around and discriminate and deny "ex-gays"

This denial is also causing psychological harm and unhealthy perceptions of what is really going on with people.

ALL these cases are going on. They are NOT all the same. Just because one thing is true in one case, doesn't void another!

So it is wrongful and harmful to deny some people's experiences,
and then blame denial on other groups when doing the same thing being complained about.

All of this can be resolved by spiritually healing the conflicts and issues,
and let everyone come to terms with how they are without assuming all cases have to be the same way.

That is so unhealthy, I can't even believe people are trying to base science on that. On just looking at cases that match what they are trying to argue, and "pretend the others are invalid and don't count." What???

You might as well be arguing that all animals have to be reptiles or mammals or insects, and purposely leave out all exceptions so you can deny the other types of animals exist, instead of recognizing these are all distinguishable and different, are all co-existing AT THE SAME TIME and all valid, even though they are NOT the same as each other.

Someone who is ex-gay is NOT the same as people who can't change their orientation but are spiritually gay, and remain that way for life. So what? These are NOT mutually exclusive, NOT "either/or" but both types of cases can exist and do not conflict with each other!

Why is this so hard to accept that all kinds of different things are going on, and to quit trying to argue these don't exist?

We're not discussing any of those issues, Emily.

That's the problem Skylar

That is like arguing over symptoms of problems that people don't agree on
instead of focusing on solutions that people can agree on and stop the other conflicts from going in circles
FINALLY!!! Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a ‘satisfied’ but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs,” said Dr. McHugh.
The former Johns Hopkins chief of psychiatry also warned against enabling or encouraging certain subgroups of the transgendered, such as young people “susceptible to suggestion from ‘everything is normal’ sex education,” and the schools’ “diversity counselors” who, like “cult leaders,” may “encourage these young people to distance themselves from their families and offer advice on rebutting arguments against having transgender surgery.”
Dr. McHugh also reported that there are “misguided doctors” who, working with very young children who seem to imitate the opposite sex, will administer “puberty-delaying hormones to render later sex-change surgeries less onerous – even though the drugs stunt the children’s growth and risk causing sterility.”

I would only change one thing about the above statement. The word "misguided" to "criminally liable" and subject to having their license immediately revoked.

There's no 'puberty delaying hormones to render late sex-change surgeries less onerous' with the child in your thread. And no 'diversity counselor' encouraging anyone to distance themselves from their families.

Dear Skylar What I will say is going on:

There IS a general public denial and discrimination against people who HAVE successfully restored their natural orientation that DID match their gender.

There IS general public denial, ignorance and rejection of Spiritual Healing as helping BOTH
cases of people who either come out gay or straight, transgender or not.

Spiritual Healing is natural and consistent with science, and there is no reason to reject it out of phobic fear of religious ideas.

There is general pressure and bias towards people coming out as Gay or Transgender, and recognizing this.
while the SAME sources and advocates EQUALLY go into denial, or outright rejection, when it comes to people
coming out as straight after having homosexual lifestyles and relations, or deciding they are not transgender.

So that is NOT healthy, but mentally corrupt and SELFISH to
A. Deny that some people DO come out aligned with their natural born gender or orientation
(and are not liars, frauds or brainwashed people in denial, which is ironically similar to what is blamed on anti-gay rhetoric)
B. To blame only one side for rejecting gays or transgender, but then turn around and discriminate and deny "ex-gays"

This denial is also causing psychological harm and unhealthy perceptions of what is really going on with people.

ALL these cases are going on. They are NOT all the same. Just because one thing is true in one case, doesn't void another!

So it is wrongful and harmful to deny some people's experiences,
and then blame denial on other groups when doing the same thing being complained about.

All of this can be resolved by spiritually healing the conflicts and issues,
and let everyone come to terms with how they are without assuming all cases have to be the same way.

That is so unhealthy, I can't even believe people are trying to base science on that. On just looking at cases that match what they are trying to argue, and "pretend the others are invalid and don't count." What???

You might as well be arguing that all animals have to be reptiles or mammals or insects, and purposely leave out all exceptions so you can deny the other types of animals exist, instead of recognizing these are all distinguishable and different, are all co-existing AT THE SAME TIME and all valid, even though they are NOT the same as each other.

Someone who is ex-gay is NOT the same as people who can't change their orientation but are spiritually gay, and remain that way for life. So what? These are NOT mutually exclusive, NOT "either/or" but both types of cases can exist and do not conflict with each other!

Why is this so hard to accept that all kinds of different things are going on, and to quit trying to argue these don't exist?

We're not discussing any of those issues, Emily.

That's the problem Skylar

That is like arguing over symptoms of problems that people don't agree on
instead of focusing on solutions that people can agree on and stop the other conflicts from going in circles
Its not a problem. Its just a thread. Everything isn't everything. And this thread isn't about spiritual gay conversation therapy.
Looks like you almost got a page bled out. That's OK, I'll repost at the top of the new one.
That's the problem Skylar

That is like arguing over symptoms of problems that people don't agree on
instead of focusing on solutions that people can agree on and stop the other conflicts from going in circles

Can we agree to at least one thing? Can we agree that a solution IS NOT to drug a minor child with hormones in order to make amputation of their genitals later an "easier transition"? Can we at the rock bottom least agree this is child abuse?
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