Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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If this boy had a man in his life, a dad, he might not have identified with women as his only role models.

The story of this boy at three is questionable. He has a penis long enough to tuck between his legs! That's some well hung three year old. At three how was he so sure girls don't have a penis? How many naked little girls has he seen?

I don't believe this couple.
Well Tipsy, you'd better believe this couple because if you don't, you could be sued....just kidding. They'd never challenge you because then the topic of their abuse of their son would see a jury. That's something I'm not sure even the ACLU would get behind..

..I have quoted an article in the Atlantic Magazine- if this is child abuse- why haven't any of these heterosexual parents been arrested?
That's the $20,000 question, isn't it? Want me to venture a guess? OK, I will...
I'm guessing that because the situation involves "Lesbian" or "Gay" or "Bisexual" or "Transgender" issues that are abusive to kids, prosecutors and law enforcement are scared shitless that they'll be on the receiving end of a lawsuit. After all, if the APA and AMA is behind this abuse, how would a prosecutor or law enforcement officer defend themselves in court?
..I have quoted an article in the Atlantic Magazine- if this is child abuse- why haven't any of these heterosexual parents been arrested?

That's the $20,000 question, isn't it? Want me to venture a guess? OK, I will...

I'm guessing that because the situation involves "Lesbian" or "Gay" or "Bisexual" or "Transgender" issues that are abusive to kids, prosecutors and law enforcement are scared shitless that they'll be on the receiving end of a lawsuit. After all, if the APA and AMA is behind this abuse, how would a prosecutor or law enforcement officer defend themselves in court?.

Well your 'guess' is hardly a shock.

There is no one calling for these families- or these doctors to be arrested for child abuse other than a few whackjobs like yourself.

Indeed- how could any law enforcement officer justify arresting someone for child abuse when the parents were following the recommendations of their medical doctors and there is no physical harm?

Only in the mind of Silhouette.
There is no one calling for these families- or these doctors to be arrested for child abuse other than a few whackjobs like yourself.

Indeed- how could any law enforcement officer justify arresting someone for child abuse when the parents were following the recommendations of their medical doctors and there is no physical harm?

Only in the mind of Silhouette.
That isn't true at all. Google the names involved and you'll find plenty of people who think this is child abuse. In fact, in the article from the UK that the OP cited a very vocal detractor medical professional is quoted.

You think that if you just make shit up, it somehow changes reality. Denial and the defense of it can be such a time consuming business for you Syriusly...

Again (see bold) you are reiterating that because you have locked down the flow of the "audit-group-think" APA and their radiating sychophant organizations (the AMA) that "there can be nothing wrong with this child abuse"... Without realizing it, you are RAISING the alarm of the readers here instead of lowering it...
"This is child abuse. It's like performing liposuction on an anorexic child," said Dr. Paul McHugh, professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University.

"It is a disorder of the mind. Not a disorder of the body. Dealing with it in this way is not dealing with the problem that truly exists.

“We shouldn't be mucking around with nature. We can’t assume what the outcome will be," McHugh said.

Dr. Manny Alvarez, senior managing health editor of, said the hormone blockers also may pose a medical risk. "I think that it’s highly inappropriate to be interfering with natural hormonal growth patterns,” Alvarez said. “There are significant potential problems necessary for growth and development.

"Potential long-term effects can include other abnormalities of hormones, vascular complications and even potential cancer. I think that if this child – as he finishes his puberty and teenage years – decides to undergo a transgender procedure – then there are proper channels to do so.

“But to do it at the age of 11 -- to me -- could be potentially dangerous to the health of this child," he said. Controversial Therapy for Pre-Teen Transgender Patient Raises Questions Fox News
Syriusly said:

...There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.

Well of course child abuse occurs in more than just gay homes. It's just that with the gay community, they get behind this and support it. In the hetero community the parents would have to leave town and hide out in the woods to avoid a crowd at their door with torches at night.

The issue here is institutionalized-child-abuse vs discouraged child abuse... It's a difference of CULTural values... the hetero community does not identify itself as "LGBT". The "T" is for "Transgender"....

[I re-did the OP just for you Syriusly... :bye1: ]

No we don't. But it seems you have to lie again to make any kind of point.
Well of course child abuse occurs in more than just gay homes. It's just that with the gay community, they get behind this and support it. In the hetero community the parents would have to leave town and hide out in the woods to avoid a crowd at their door with torches at night....The issue here is institutionalized-child-abuse vs discouraged child abuse... It's a difference of CULTural values... ..

No we don't. But it seems you have to lie again to make any kind of point.

Please post links to any gay or lesbian outfit or the APA or AMA denouncing this practice to the boy Thomas Lobel.
Well of course child abuse occurs in more than just gay homes. It's just that with the gay community, they get behind this and support it. In the hetero community the parents would have to leave town and hide out in the woods to avoid a crowd at their door with torches at night....The issue here is institutionalized-child-abuse vs discouraged child abuse... It's a difference of CULTural values... ..

No we don't. But it seems you have to lie again to make any kind of point.

Please post links to any gay or lesbian outfit or the APA or AMA denouncing this practice to the boy Thomas Lobel.
So...not denouncing something = supporting it now?
Yeah- well like I said...There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?
And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.
I already know the haters will focus on the lesbians, and ignore the cases where the children aren't raised by lesbians.

A Boy s Life - The Atlantic

The REAL issue is one of culture. Heteros frown on this child abuse ..


I have quoted an article in the Atlantic Magazine- if this is child abuse- why haven't any of these heterosexual parents been arrested?

Face it- the only child you have raised this issue about is the child raised by homosexuals.

Even though it is easy to find articles about other families attempting to deal with the same issues- and easy to find articles about how children are being treated- you are posting the case from 3 years ago- only because the parents are gay.

I'll say differently

I don't give a shit who the parents are fucking, this is child abuse.

You are sick for defending it
Well of course child abuse occurs in more than just gay homes. It's just that with the gay community, they get behind this and support it. In the hetero community the parents would have to leave town and hide out in the woods to avoid a crowd at their door with torches at night....The issue here is institutionalized-child-abuse vs discouraged child abuse... It's a difference of CULTural values... ..

No we don't. But it seems you have to lie again to make any kind of point.

Please post links to any gay or lesbian outfit or the APA or AMA denouncing this practice to the boy Thomas Lobel.
So...not denouncing something = supporting it now?

Shut up pig. if this were two parents getting treatment to stop their kid from being gay you'd be all over conservatives who weren't "denouncing" it.
Well of course child abuse occurs in more than just gay homes. It's just that with the gay community, they get behind this and support it. In the hetero community the parents would have to leave town and hide out in the woods to avoid a crowd at their door with torches at night....The issue here is institutionalized-child-abuse vs discouraged child abuse... It's a difference of CULTural values... ..

No we don't. But it seems you have to lie again to make any kind of point.

Please post links to any gay or lesbian outfit or the APA or AMA denouncing this practice to the boy Thomas Lobel.
So...not denouncing something = supporting it now?

Shut up pig. if this were two parents getting treatment to stop their kid from being gay you'd be all over conservatives who weren't "denouncing" it.
Ah...make me, Mal.

I don't here you denouncing the murder of all those student teachers down in Mexico....stop supporting murder.
Well of course child abuse occurs in more than just gay homes. It's just that with the gay community, they get behind this and support it. In the hetero community the parents would have to leave town and hide out in the woods to avoid a crowd at their door with torches at night....The issue here is institutionalized-child-abuse vs discouraged child abuse... It's a difference of CULTural values... ..

No we don't. But it seems you have to lie again to make any kind of point.

Please post links to any gay or lesbian outfit or the APA or AMA denouncing this practice to the boy Thomas Lobel.
So...not denouncing something = supporting it now?

Shut up pig. if this were two parents getting treatment to stop their kid from being gay you'd be all over conservatives who weren't "denouncing" it.
Ah...make me, Mal.

I don't here you denouncing the murder of all those student teachers down in Mexico....stop supporting murder.

I denounce the murder of student teachers in Mexico

AH, integrity something you would have learned had you actually served in the Navy
No we don't. But it seems you have to lie again to make any kind of point.

Please post links to any gay or lesbian outfit or the APA or AMA denouncing this practice to the boy Thomas Lobel.
So...not denouncing something = supporting it now?

Shut up pig. if this were two parents getting treatment to stop their kid from being gay you'd be all over conservatives who weren't "denouncing" it.
Ah...make me, Mal.

I don't here you denouncing the murder of all those student teachers down in Mexico....stop supporting murder.

I denounce the murder of student teachers in Mexico

AH, integrity something you would have learned had you actually served in the Navy you do. Haven't heard you denounce the sexual abuse of 1 out of 4 girls in America before they reach 18 either...stop supporting the sexual abuse of girls.
Please post links to any gay or lesbian outfit or the APA or AMA denouncing this practice to the boy Thomas Lobel.
So...not denouncing something = supporting it now?

Shut up pig. if this were two parents getting treatment to stop their kid from being gay you'd be all over conservatives who weren't "denouncing" it.
Ah...make me, Mal.

I don't here you denouncing the murder of all those student teachers down in Mexico....stop supporting murder.

I denounce the murder of student teachers in Mexico

AH, integrity something you would have learned had you actually served in the Navy you do. Haven't heard you denounce the sexual abuse of 1 out of 4 girls in America before they reach 18 either...stop supporting the sexual abuse of girls.

Damn you are dishonest aren't you.

See if there is a thread about something like that and I see it and choose to post in it, I denounce it.

Whilst you choose to make your snarky remarks instead because you're a piece of shit.

I don't say this lightly, but you truly are scum that the world will be better off without.
So...not denouncing something = supporting it now?

Shut up pig. if this were two parents getting treatment to stop their kid from being gay you'd be all over conservatives who weren't "denouncing" it.
Ah...make me, Mal.

I don't here you denouncing the murder of all those student teachers down in Mexico....stop supporting murder.

I denounce the murder of student teachers in Mexico

AH, integrity something you would have learned had you actually served in the Navy you do. Haven't heard you denounce the sexual abuse of 1 out of 4 girls in America before they reach 18 either...stop supporting the sexual abuse of girls.

Damn you are dishonest aren't you.

See if there is a thread about something like that and I see it and choose to post in it, I denounce it.

Whilst you choose to make your snarky remarks instead because you're a piece of shit.

I don't say this lightly, but you truly are scum that the world will be better off without. you need a thread to have been already put about about that. Well, nice try. If you don't denounce the sexual abuse of 1 in 4 girls, and haven't done so, by Sil's rules, you support it, Mal.
Shut up pig. if this were two parents getting treatment to stop their kid from being gay you'd be all over conservatives who weren't "denouncing" it.
Ah...make me, Mal.

I don't here you denouncing the murder of all those student teachers down in Mexico....stop supporting murder.

I denounce the murder of student teachers in Mexico

AH, integrity something you would have learned had you actually served in the Navy you do. Haven't heard you denounce the sexual abuse of 1 out of 4 girls in America before they reach 18 either...stop supporting the sexual abuse of girls.

Damn you are dishonest aren't you.

See if there is a thread about something like that and I see it and choose to post in it, I denounce it.

Whilst you choose to make your snarky remarks instead because you're a piece of shit.

I don't say this lightly, but you truly are scum that the world will be better off without. you need a thread to have been already put about about that. Well, nice try. If you don't denounce the sexual abuse of 1 in 4 girls, and haven't done so, by Sil's rules, you support it, Mal.

I'm not Sil and don't care about his "rules" you stupid bitch.

You are in a thread about two faggots doing something disgusting to a child and you can't bring yourself to say it's wrong.

You're pathetic
Ah...make me, Mal.

I don't here you denouncing the murder of all those student teachers down in Mexico....stop supporting murder.

I denounce the murder of student teachers in Mexico

AH, integrity something you would have learned had you actually served in the Navy you do. Haven't heard you denounce the sexual abuse of 1 out of 4 girls in America before they reach 18 either...stop supporting the sexual abuse of girls.

Damn you are dishonest aren't you.

See if there is a thread about something like that and I see it and choose to post in it, I denounce it.

Whilst you choose to make your snarky remarks instead because you're a piece of shit.

I don't say this lightly, but you truly are scum that the world will be better off without. you need a thread to have been already put about about that. Well, nice try. If you don't denounce the sexual abuse of 1 in 4 girls, and haven't done so, by Sil's rules, you support it, Mal.

I'm not Sil and don't care about his "rules" you stupid bitch.

You are in a thread about two faggots doing something disgusting to a child and you can't bring yourself to say it's wrong.

You're pathetic
You gonna melt down again, Mal? You're about due.
I denounce the murder of student teachers in Mexico

AH, integrity something you would have learned had you actually served in the Navy you do. Haven't heard you denounce the sexual abuse of 1 out of 4 girls in America before they reach 18 either...stop supporting the sexual abuse of girls.

Damn you are dishonest aren't you.

See if there is a thread about something like that and I see it and choose to post in it, I denounce it.

Whilst you choose to make your snarky remarks instead because you're a piece of shit.

I don't say this lightly, but you truly are scum that the world will be better off without. you need a thread to have been already put about about that. Well, nice try. If you don't denounce the sexual abuse of 1 in 4 girls, and haven't done so, by Sil's rules, you support it, Mal.

I'm not Sil and don't care about his "rules" you stupid bitch.

You are in a thread about two faggots doing something disgusting to a child and you can't bring yourself to say it's wrong.

You're pathetic
You gonna melt down again, Mal? You're about due.

I'm still not Mal

But since this is a thread about children, I'm wondering about something.

You've said on this board that are you a mother.

How is this possible when you were "born" gay? you do. Haven't heard you denounce the sexual abuse of 1 out of 4 girls in America before they reach 18 either...stop supporting the sexual abuse of girls.

Damn you are dishonest aren't you.

See if there is a thread about something like that and I see it and choose to post in it, I denounce it.

Whilst you choose to make your snarky remarks instead because you're a piece of shit.

I don't say this lightly, but you truly are scum that the world will be better off without. you need a thread to have been already put about about that. Well, nice try. If you don't denounce the sexual abuse of 1 in 4 girls, and haven't done so, by Sil's rules, you support it, Mal.

I'm not Sil and don't care about his "rules" you stupid bitch.

You are in a thread about two faggots doing something disgusting to a child and you can't bring yourself to say it's wrong.

You're pathetic
You gonna melt down again, Mal? You're about due.

I'm still not Mal

But since this is a thread about children, I'm wondering about something.

You've said on this board that are you a mother.

How is this possible when you were "born" gay?
Nice try Mal....continue your meldown now.
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