Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

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Just another example of what I said before

The only reason- the only reason- why Silly keeps referring this case is because the parents are openly lesbian.

There are straight parents who have been in the news dealing with the exact same issue with their kids- which I have brought to Silly's attention before- and she ignores.

Because it isn't about the kids. For Silly the kids are always just a tool too attack homosexuals.
I don't care if you are straight or gay. Any parent that would let an 11 start to transform should be arrested. When the boy turns 18, he can do whatever.

Well then be sure to report these parents to the police. Let us know how that goes.
What's the difference giving the boy pot, or giving him hormone pills to try to switch his gender?
WTF? How do the hormone blockers they gave him switch her gender?
You dumb Shit they are trying to transgender the child. They want him to become a girl, they should get the death penalty for what they are doing.
Moron.... you said giving him pills switches his gender. What kind of pills are you taking?
Moron.... you said giving him pills switches his gender. What kind of pills are you taking?

Drugging a boy in preadolescence with estrogen hormones, like the two lesbians in the OP are doing to this boy in their custody, suppresses the maturation of normal male body transformation in adolescence. The hormones also affect his brain. Since we are dealing with child abuse that affects the brain, all while being told "it's the boy's choice!", we have to double down on the penalties for this child abuse since that makes the crime all the more onerous. It's like yelling to a crowd that your rape victim "made the choice" to be forced into sex as you pinned her down on the ground and forced her legs open.
Moron.... you said giving him pills switches his gender. What kind of pills are you taking?

Drugging a boy in preadolescence with estrogen hormones, like the two lesbians in the OP are doing to this boy in their custody, suppresses the maturation of normal male body transformation in adolescence. The hormones also affect his brain. Since we are dealing with child abuse that affects the brain, all while being told "it's the boy's choice!", we have to double down on the penalties for this child abuse since that makes the crime all the more onerous. It's like yelling to a crowd that your rape victim "made the choice" to be forced into sex as you pinned her down on the ground and forced her legs open.
Imbecile... the hormone treatment she got as an adolescent didn’t “switch her gender” as that other idiot claimed.
Who is "she"? We're talking about a boy. And yes, the hormones DO change the way the brain functions and as such, the BOY no longer has the ability to make proper decisions about the process of the child abuse he's undergoing at the hands of the lesbians and tacit approval of the LGBT community as a whole.

That you would even refer to HIM as "she" means you are telling us you are on board with the process. I wouldn't make a habit of indicating that on the internet.
Who is "she"? We're talking about a boy. And yes, the hormones DO change the way the brain functions and as such, the BOY no longer has the ability to make proper decisions about the process of the child abuse he's undergoing at the hands of the lesbians and tacit approval of the LGBT community as a whole.

That you would even refer to HIM as "she" means you are on board with the process.
She is Tammy.
She is Tammy.
HE is Tommy. Swab his cheeks. Check his pelvic bones. Check his ribs. The raw facts cannot ever be denied. Not even by surgery.

And the wind is beginning to blow away from child and adult/mental case abuse: ACLU sues healthcare network for cancelling chest surgery of woman who identifies as man

You see, Drs have always made these mental patients sign waivers before they perform amputation on normal healthy and vital organs to these patients. Apparently this is malpractice. It always has been. Fearing later lawsuits by those patients who statistically experience no life improvement by amputating their organs, Drs and insurance companies are starting to admit that medical malpractice is a not a good financial bet.

And, it is abuse of those who are vulnerable and not able to make these decisions, nor sign on any waiver before surgery. An amateur attorney could have a field day making a nice retirement off of this type of malpractice.
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^^ That's because HE is mentally ill, thanks to his lesbian overlords. There seems to be a smug satisfaction in your tone that a boy would not answer to a masculine pronoun while insisting he was a "girl" instead.... Are you satisfied what's being done to the boy in the OP?
She is Tammy.
HE is Tommy.
You can call her Tommy, she won’t answer.

HE is Tommy. Swab his cheeks. Check his pelvic bones. Check his ribs. The raw facts cannot ever be denied. Not even by surgery.

And the wind is beginning to blow away from child and adult/mental case abuse: ACLU sues healthcare network for cancelling chest surgery of woman who identifies as man

You see, Drs have always made these mental patients sign waivers before they perform amputation on normal healthy and vital organs to these patients. Apparently this is malpractice. It always has been. Fearing later lawsuits by those patients who statistically experience no life improvement by amputating their organs, Drs and insurance companies are starting to admit that medical malpractice is a not a good financial bet.

And, it is abuse of those who are vulnerable and not able to make these decisions, nor sign on any waiver before surgery. An amateur attorney could have a field day making a nice retirement off of this type of malpractice....

...and in the case from the OP...child abuse...and malpractice. That attorney could afford a nonstop supply of hookers and cocaine for his mansions across the world on settlements for those offenses.
I don't care if you are straight or gay. Any parent that would let an 11 start to transform should be arrested. When the boy turns 18, he can do whatever.

Well then be sure to report these parents to the police. Let us know how that goes.
What's the difference giving the boy pot, or giving him hormone pills to try to switch his gender?
WTF? How do the hormone blockers they gave him switch her gender?
You dumb Shit they are trying to transgender the child. They want him to become a girl, they should get the death penalty for what they are doing.
Moron.... you said giving him pills switches his gender. What kind of pills are you taking?
Hormone pills? They could give him tits. Pills to alter his mind. There seems to be a pill for anything now a days.
^^ Yes, the BOY is being drugged to "become a girl". But it's actually that he's being drugged to become softened to the idea of later becoming an amputated freak/eunuch....because even the Drs doing the amputations admit that there's no chance of HIM ever actually becoming a girl. Only a mutilated approximation....all to make money and "cure" HIM of what is actually mental illness...

Attorneys? I mean, c'mon. This one is a slam dunk.
Moron.... you said giving him pills switches his gender. What kind of pills are you taking?

Drugging a boy in preadolescence with estrogen hormones, like the two lesbians in the OP are doing to this boy .

Except of course you are lying. As usual

Per your own article

This summer, he started taking hormone-blocking drugs, which will stop him from experiencing puberty.

'hormone blocking drugs- not estrogen hormones

You are just lying- as you always do.
^^ That's because HE is mentally ill, thanks to his lesbian overlords.

According to you- but of course you are the mentally ill person who is only interested in this kid because his parents are lesbians.

If his parents were straight- which is the case for the majority of kids like him- you would ignore them.

You keep cycling back to this story- because- and only because- in this specific case- the parents are lesbians- or as you so cutely called them 'bull dykes'

You are just a homophobic bigot who uses the issue of kids to attack gays. You do it over and over- different kids- same attacks.
Moron.... you said giving him pills switches his gender. What kind of pills are you taking?

No sane person believes that it is possible for anyone to switch genders, and no sane person has said or implied so in this thread.

The abuse, here, is in these sick perverts raising this boy to think that he is supposed to be a girl, and in giving him Frankensteinish medical treatments that are supposed to help him become a girl. As a matter of immutable, undeniable biological fact, this boy is not a girl, cannot become a girl, and will never become a girl. The treatments that are supposedly going to help him become a girl will do nothing but seriously f••• him up for life. Without these treatments, he had a reasonable shot of overcoming the psychological damage, and growing up to be a normal, healthy man, a husband, and father. Now, he has no chance of any of that, no chance of being anything but a severely-damaged freak, whose life will very likely end in suicide. His blood is on the hands of the sick freaks who did this to him, and on those such as you who defend it.
^^ That's because HE is mentally ill, thanks to his lesbian overlords. There seems to be a smug satisfaction in your tone that a boy would not answer to a masculine pronoun while insisting he was a "girl" instead.... Are you satisfied what's being done to the boy in the OP?
I’m satisfied she’s being well taken care of by a loving family.

Have you heard back from the Department of Justice? Or are they laughing at you too?
Well then be sure to report these parents to the police. Let us know how that goes.
What's the difference giving the boy pot, or giving him hormone pills to try to switch his gender?
WTF? How do the hormone blockers they gave him switch her gender?
You dumb Shit they are trying to transgender the child. They want him to become a girl, they should get the death penalty for what they are doing.
Moron.... you said giving him pills switches his gender. What kind of pills are you taking?
Hormone pills? They could give him tits. Pills to alter his mind. There seems to be a pill for anything now a days.
That was your claim, that she’s was taking hormone pills to change her gender. I know that sounds crazy but that is what you idiotically claimed. All you did was to reveal you have no idea what you’re talking about.
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