Boy leads protest over deported mother

It was sold to America as a benevolent gesture. Weather or not it has become as much is the very reason I am willing to use it in my hypotheticals.

And, Ill remind you that the thirteen colonies ALSO had a rich population that also agreed with the British Crown. Hell, Ben Franklins own estranged son was one. BUT, that didn't keep OUR nation from declaring itself. Liekwise, it makes no sense to pretend that Mexico is a helpless wounded animal that can't lick it's own wounds because, somehow, America stands in the way. That's rhetorical bullshit and makes for an easy target. When you say "WE USE OUR POWER TO MAKE SURE THAT THEY CANT..." you will need to prvide evidence beyond what you will find on a Atzlan website. Illegal immigration is not CAUSED by America, Ruby. You might as well be making excuses for the fat kid stealing the candy bar he was told he cant have. Im a fair dude, Ruby. I understand the reactive nature of society and culture. However, pretending that Americans are the reason Mexico is a shithole where no one wants to be is not only way off but sets a dangerous pattern of thought to work. One that makes excuses for personal behaviour rather than hold accountable those who are really at the core: MEXICO

I am well aware of the propaganda that was used to sell the whole NAFTA thing, but that dosent have a thing to do with reality.

Well as I said, we have to deal with our role in it. Take a look at the oil in Mexico...that alone tells you the US isnt about to allow Mexico to self determine. We declared it our sphere of influence and have a very set, very verifiable foreign policy towards them all and Mexico is not exception.

I do think Mexico has already taken steps and that we are close to losing our grip on them..and you will see the US react with vehement propaganda demonizing just as we have to Venezuela.

BTW, recognizing these facts wont ever change the fact that the only people who can turn this around will be the mexicans...they cant even count on american citizens to reign in the US govt, so no matter how responsible the US may be for many of their cant be the US nor will it be the US who needs to fix them. I have said many times I believe in self determination and they have the same rights and responsiblities. I would just hope that america would stand up and do whats right and get out of their way instead of be responsible for making it so hard, so deadly and so costly for them.
Yeah, they're biased against any group or person who go around expressing anti-semetic views, otherwise they pretty much ignore the rest of us.

Well I also know that groups and people can be called anti-semetic for not agreeing with Isreal or Israeli policies towards Palestinians. That isnt in itself anti-semetic but its a good tool to try and guilt people into silence and make sure others ignore their voice.
The US has to take responsibility for doing all it does TO PREVENT people of our neighboring nations being successful in getting the changes they are actively trying to make. That means no more death squads, no more US staged coups in their countries, no more US installing brutal dictators, no more US bullying the nations into economic policies that keep them impoverished, no more bullying them for access to their resources etc.

The US citizens cant even control their own govt but we ask people to not only control thier OWN govt, but to also fight off the US one as well! US citizens are MORE equipped to do it and dont have even HALF the battle those people are up against....yet we cant manage it. They can do it much better if we remove ourselves as such a large and deadly obstacle.

Oh, and the US OWES them, owes them more than we can ever even repay and we OWE them for the years of terrorism we have committed against them.

Thats the lamest bunch of pure Horse Shit I have heard in a long long time. Our country has done no terrorist attacks on anyone.
Thats the lamest bunch of pure Horse Shit I have heard in a long long time. Our country has done no terrorist attacks on anyone.

You obviously haven't read any of her posts before then. She has consistantly claimed our troops are mass murders on par with Nazi Germany, that they are terrorist willingly working for a terrorist Government. That we have overthrown governments even as little as 2004 ago. She equates our Government to Nazi's and Hitler.

She claims a lot of crap. She is not shy about making these ignorant statements and no one on the liberal side EVER disagrees with her.
why there is only room for 21 egos at a time on this site.

Haven't you jabronies ever read Proverbs Ch. 28 or the Beatitudes in Matthew? What would a truly Christian nation do to bring a little justice to this Kafkaesque impasse?

When did this outbreak of legalism and Pharisee-ism get such a grip. I have seen you guys in the airports in Thailand and Viet Nam just itching to get at that Asian cootch. What hypocrites!?

Lemmee see heah . . .

Who's gonna build your wall

Tom Russell

I got 800 miles of bolted border

Right outside my door

There's minutemen in little pickup trucks

Who declared their own dang war

Now the government wants to build a barrier like ol' berlin, 8 feet tall

But if Uncle Sam sends the illegals home

Who's gonna build the wall

Who's gonna build your wall, boys

Who's gonna mow your lawn

Who's gonna cook your Mexican food

When your Mexican maid is gone

Who's gonna wax your floors tonight

Down at the local mall

Who's gonna wash your baby's face

Who's gonna build your wall

I ain't got no politics

So don't lay that rap on me

Left wing right wing up wing down

I see strip malls

It's the bad cat white developer

Who's created this whole damn squall

It's the pyramid scheme of dirty jobs

And who's gonna build your wall

Who's gonna build your wall, boys

Who's gonna maw your lawn

Who's gonna cook your Mexican food

When your Mexican maid is gone

Who's gonna wax your floors tonight

Down at the local mall

Who's gonna wash your baby's face

Who's gonna build your wall

We've got fundamentalist muslims

We've got fundamentalist jew

We've got fundamentalist Christian

That'll blow the whole thing up for you

But as I travel around this big ol' world

There's one thing that I most fear

It's a white man in a golf shirt

With a cell phone in his ear

Who's gonna build your wall, boys

Who's gonna maw your lawn

Who's gonna cook your Mexican food

When your Mexican maid is gone

Who's gonna wax your floors tonight

Down at the local mall

Who's gonna wash your baby's face

Who's gonna build your wall

I love me some good ol' Texas singer song writers?

You obviously haven't read any of her posts before then. She has consistantly claimed our troops are mass murders on par with Nazi Germany, that they are terrorist willingly working for a terrorist Government. That we have overthrown governments even as little as 2004 ago. She equates our Government to Nazi's and Hitler.

She claims a lot of crap. She is not shy about making these ignorant statements and no one on the liberal side EVER disagrees with her.

RGS.. what the FUCK are you talking about? did you not read this thread? Do you have me on block? Why must you say silly shit like this when all one has to do is scrollup?
RGS.. what the FUCK are you talking about? did you not read this thread? Do you have me on block? Why must you say silly shit like this when all one has to do is scrollup?

You were not even aware of her previous statements or appear not to be aware. I will change my statement when I see you saying the same thing in other threads.
there really are multiple issues that we can all agree or disagree with. I've stated as much when I've agreed with you even if such is a rare piece of strange fruit. Anyway.. it's no big deal.

party on, garth.
She couldn't stay in the country because she broke the countires laws, on numerous occasions. The boy has been "suffering" because his mother chose to leave the boy behind. Her choice. She was given the option to take the boy woth her, she chose not to. The boy is "suffering" not because the U.S. government was enforcing it's laws, but because of the choices his mother made.

I question the intelligence of anyone who fails to recognize these facts and instead blames the U.S. government.
awesome post :clap2:
Well I also know that groups and people can be called anti-semetic for not agreeing with Isreal or Israeli policies towards Palestinians. That isnt in itself anti-semetic but its a good tool to try and guilt people into silence and make sure others ignore their voice.
How true that is, but obviously it doesn't work with me. I have been following the Israeli terroristic Government for 60 years, and I have a VERY good memory.
Thats the lamest bunch of pure Horse Shit I have heard in a long long time. Our country has done no terrorist attacks on anyone.
The invasion of IRAQ was a prominent one. and while I suppose you can't call it an attack, but we certainly supported many attacts on Lebanon and Palastine under the guise of being allies of Israel.
Thats the lamest bunch of pure Horse Shit I have heard in a long long time. Our country has done no terrorist attacks on anyone.

How incorrect that is. We have trained, armed and PAID death squad groups to go into foreign lands and take out dissidents who oppose the govt the US backs...thats terrorism. We did that in Chile (by our own admission and our documents support), we did it to Venezuela just to name a few.

Our aggressive invasion and occupation of Iraq is certainly an example of state sponsored terrorism.

We also fund Israel and the genocide and destruction of the palestinian lands and people. We shipped them MORE bombs in a rush order so they could keep bombing residential areas in Lebanon.

Pics of area before and after Israeli bombing. The area is CARPET BOMBED and was a residential area.

Terrorism at its WORST denies people their basic rights to self determine and THIS is exactly the kind of terrorism the US engages in on a regular basis. We certainly DO owe those we have harmed this way.
How incorrect that is. We have trained, armed and PAID death squad groups to go into foreign lands and take out dissidents who oppose the govt the US backs...thats terrorism. We did that in Chile (by our own admission and our documents support), we did it to Venezuela just to name a few.

Our aggressive invasion and occupation of Iraq is certainly an example of state sponsored terrorism.

We also fund Israel and the genocide and destruction of the palestinian lands and people. We shipped them MORE bombs in a rush order so they could keep bombing residential areas in Lebanon.

Pics of area before and after Israeli bombing. The area is CARPET BOMBED and was a residential area.

Terrorism at its WORST denies people their basic rights to self determine and THIS is exactly the kind of terrorism the US engages in on a regular basis. We certainly DO owe those we have harmed this way.

You are aware that Genocide is the systematic murder and eradication of an entire race or group? I must say if Israel is trying to commit genocide on Arabs , even just your cherished mass murdering Palestinians, they are keystone cops at it. They have had almost 60 years and for most of that have had absolute control of the areas these people live in, total military and civilian control. Able to do anything they pleased. They are the strongest Military in the region, and have repeatedly proved it by defeating 3 or more countries in war at a time. They have neither attempted mass murder nor have they made mass deportations. If Israel wanted those lands would be clear in a matter of weeks. With any stragglers hunted like animals. And no one could stop them.
You are aware that Genocide is the systematic murder and eradication of an entire race or group? I must say if Israel is trying to commit genocide on Arabs , even just your cherished mass murdering Palestinians, they are keystone cops at it. They have had almost 60 years and for most of that have had absolute control of the areas these people live in, total military and civilian control. Able to do anything they pleased. They are the strongest Military in the region, and have repeatedly proved it by defeating 3 or more countries in war at a time. They have neither attempted mass murder nor have they made mass deportations. If Israel wanted those lands would be clear in a matter of weeks. With any stragglers hunted like animals. And no one could stop them.

They are very successful at the genocide, the multitude of palestinian towns and villages are now gone. They continue to die off and then be spread out among the world into foreign lands. Its a very "native american" styled genocide and is working just as the one against native americans did.

Of course they did mass deportations, even Israel has to admit this now since the historians dug out Israels documents. They UNDERSTOOD clearly they would have to drive the palestinians out and not allow them back in, they knew that all along and have done exactly that.

Palestinians are routinely denied water, food and shelter. These are what humans need to even achieve basic survival. They bulldoze homes, they give them water shortages as a matter of policy (Israel controls the palestinians water) and they cut them off from adequate food supplies, they destroy their farms as well. Nothing is really able to get in, not much gets out and the farms within are destroyed.

AMY GOODMAN: Before we get to that peace deal, another thing that you have said. “Israel, as a society, also suppressed the memory of its war against the local Palestinians, because it couldn't really come to terms with the fact that it expelled Arabs, committed atrocities against them, dispossessed them. This was like admitting that the noble Jewish dream of statehood was stained forever by a major injustice committed against the Palestinians and that the Jewish state was born in sin.” I think a lot of people would be surprised to hear that the author of these words is the former Foreign Minister of Israel.

SHLOMO BEN-AMI: Yes, while, at the same time, a historian. I am trying to be as fair as possible when I read the past, but it's a very interesting point, the one that you make here, about us trying to obliterate the memory of our war against the Palestinians, and the whole Israeli 1948 mythology is based on our war against the invading Arab armies, less so against the Palestinians, who were the weaker side in that confrontation, because it didn't serve the myth of the creation of the state and of the nation. So we need to correct that. There is no way — there is no way we can fully compensate the refugees and the Palestinians, but we need to do our very, very best to find a way to minimize the harm that was done to this nation.

AMY GOODMAN: And Shlomo Ben-Ami, your response to those who continue to say that at that time, at the time of the establishment of the state of Israel and before, that it really was empty, that Jews came to a place that was not populated.

SHLOMO BEN-AMI: Of course, it is nonsense. I mean, it was populated. Obviously, it was populated. I mean, the notion that existed, I think it was Israel Zangwill, the first to say that we are — we came a nation without a land to a land without a people. Obviously, it was not true, but again, part of the tragedy was that the Palestinians, as such, did not have — the Palestinian peasants did not have the full control of their own destiny. Part of that land was bought by the Zionist organizations from Affendis, landowners living in Turkey or anywhere else throughout the Ottoman Empire, and these people were inevitably evicted by these kind of transactions. But as a whole, I think that not more than 6 or 7% of the entire surface of the state of Israel was bought. The rest of it was either taken over or won during the war.

Try to understand this clearly, it was a populated land but the current population was NOT allowed to stay and was driven out via force. That is genocide and a wipe out of entire communities of people.

We dont hesitate to call the holocaust genocide, and rightfully so. That was a genocide, it wasnt successful thank goodness but the fact is that it was indeed a genocide. What has happened to the palestinians at the hands of Israel, Britain and the US is simply a more successful genocide.
You are aware that Genocide is the systematic murder and eradication of an entire race or group? I must say if Israel is trying to commit genocide on Arabs , even just your cherished mass murdering Palestinians, they are keystone cops at it. They have had almost 60 years and for most of that have had absolute control of the areas these people live in, total military and civilian control. Able to do anything they pleased. They are the strongest Military in the region, and have repeatedly proved it by defeating 3 or more countries in war at a time. They have neither attempted mass murder nor have they made mass deportations. If Israel wanted those lands would be clear in a matter of weeks. With any stragglers hunted like animals. And no one could stop them.
You may call it UN-mass murder if you wish, but what do you call the systematic murder of palastinianes over the past 60 years, Playful war games??
By ERICA WERNER, Associated Press Writer Wed Sep 12, 10:29 PM ET

WASHINGTON - An 8-year-old boy whose mother was deported to Mexico led a chanting crowd of about 150 pro-immigration activists through the halls of Congress on Wednesday. Capitol Police arrested two demonstrators for disorderly conduct.

Saul Arellano and other children carried a banner that read: "Born in the USA. Don't take our moms and dads away."

The boy's mother, Elvira Arellano, was deported last month after taking refuge in a Chicago church for a year.

In Tijuana, Mexico, across the border from San Diego, Elvira Arellano spoke about her son to several dozen demonstrators. Saul was scheduled to join her there Thursday.

"He is a boy who has been suffering because the U.S. government told his mother she couldn't stay in their country anymore because she was undocumented," she said.

In Washington, activists clashed with police outside the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, chanting and shouting for her to lead on immigration reform. Saul appeared to get enveloped in the shoving crowd.

Demonstrators taped two oversize letters to Pelosi's door — one in English and one in Spanish — warning her, "If Democrats expect our support in the next election, the Democrats must support us now."

Immigration reform legislation died in Congress this year and isn't expected to be revived anytime soon. Pelosi, D-Calif., was in Oregon on Wednesday for a forum on global warming.

The crowd went to Pelosi's office after a news conference where they prayed, denounced deportations and broke into chants of "Si, se puede!" or "Yes, we can!" Saul drew on a piece of paper and sometimes ducked behind a desk. Asked by a demonstrator whether he wanted to speak, he shook his head no.

The boy, wearing baggy jeans and a striped shirt and looking distracted, then joined other children at the front of an unruly procession through the halls and basements of two House office buildings. Behind him someone carried an icon of the Virgin of Guadalupe and two others held large flags, one Mexican and one Puerto Rican. At one point, a child hesitated to board an escalator, creating a bottleneck.

Protesters left the Cannon House Office Building after police threatened more arrests.

Elvira Arellano was in the U.S. illegally for several years before taking sanctuary at Chicago's Adalberto United Methodist Church, where she lived with her son for a year in defiance of a deportation order.

She left the church last month to speak to other immigrants around the country and was arrested in Los Angeles by immigration authorities. They deported her to Tijuana, where she has been promoting an overhaul to U.S. immigration laws.

In 20 years from now...this country is gona be so over-run by immigrants,and the children born from them,that we'll be crossing over to Canada to get away from this countries melting pot of diversity.

It's worked keeping things within reason...but things are geting way out of hand.

When the day comes..that the immigrants within the last 20 years effect our laws pertaining to this subject,due to there sheer numbers..Then you might as well throw the towel in.

California already is on the verge of no turning back.

This day will come.

This won't end..till they get open borders with the U.S...It's gona happen.

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