Boy Scouts Ban Water-Gun Fights Because Squirt Guns Are ‘Simulated Firearms’

So, why exactly water guns are so dangerous they need to ban it? Because boy scouts are kind and kind people don't point guns at others? And what do kind people do when they are the ones to be pointed at?
This news feels disturbing to me. Kids are being deprived of one of the greatest funs because of some doubtul safety. And guns are being demonized.
What's next? A straitjacket in order not to hurt oneself? And what kind of adults are going those kids to become?

Boy Scouts of America has banned both squirt-gun fights and anything involving a water balloon larger than a ping-pong ball. “Pointing any type of firearm or simulated firearm at any individual is unauthorized,” states the group’s 2015 manual. “Water guns and rubber band guns must only be used to shoot at targets, and eye protection must be worn,” it continues. As for those other dangerous weapons, water balloons, they may be “no larger than a ping-pong ball” and must be biodegradable. Sound like a bit much? Well, according to Bryan Wendell, authort of the blog Bryan on Scouting, there’s a actually perfectly logical explanation:

“A Scouter once told me this explanation I liked quite a bit: ‘A Scout is kind. What part of pointing a firearm [simulated or otherwise] at someone is kind?” True point,” he writes.

Boy Scouts Ban Water-Gun Fights Because Squirt Guns Are Simulated Firearms National Review Online

This is a joke, right? I mean, this isn't true, is it?
So, why exactly water guns are so dangerous they need to ban it? Because boy scouts are kind and kind people don't point guns at others? And what do kind people do when they are the ones to be pointed at?
This news feels disturbing to me. Kids are being deprived of one of the greatest funs because of some doubtul safety. And guns are being demonized.
What's next? A straitjacket in order not to hurt oneself? And what kind of adults are going those kids to become?

Boy Scouts of America has banned both squirt-gun fights and anything involving a water balloon larger than a ping-pong ball. “Pointing any type of firearm or simulated firearm at any individual is unauthorized,” states the group’s 2015 manual. “Water guns and rubber band guns must only be used to shoot at targets, and eye protection must be worn,” it continues. As for those other dangerous weapons, water balloons, they may be “no larger than a ping-pong ball” and must be biodegradable. Sound like a bit much? Well, according to Bryan Wendell, authort of the blog Bryan on Scouting, there’s a actually perfectly logical explanation:

“A Scouter once told me this explanation I liked quite a bit: ‘A Scout is kind. What part of pointing a firearm [simulated or otherwise] at someone is kind?” True point,” he writes.

Boy Scouts Ban Water-Gun Fights Because Squirt Guns Are Simulated Firearms National Review Online

This is a joke, right? I mean, this isn't true, is it?
The only joke is the OP's ridiculous premise.
So, why exactly water guns are so dangerous they need to ban it? Because boy scouts are kind and kind people don't point guns at others? And what do kind people do when they are the ones to be pointed at?
This news feels disturbing to me. Kids are being deprived of one of the greatest funs because of some doubtul safety. And guns are being demonized.
What's next? A straitjacket in order not to hurt oneself? And what kind of adults are going those kids to become?

Boy Scouts of America has banned both squirt-gun fights and anything involving a water balloon larger than a ping-pong ball. “Pointing any type of firearm or simulated firearm at any individual is unauthorized,” states the group’s 2015 manual. “Water guns and rubber band guns must only be used to shoot at targets, and eye protection must be worn,” it continues. As for those other dangerous weapons, water balloons, they may be “no larger than a ping-pong ball” and must be biodegradable. Sound like a bit much? Well, according to Bryan Wendell, authort of the blog Bryan on Scouting, there’s a actually perfectly logical explanation:

“A Scouter once told me this explanation I liked quite a bit: ‘A Scout is kind. What part of pointing a firearm [simulated or otherwise] at someone is kind?” True point,” he writes.

Boy Scouts Ban Water-Gun Fights Because Squirt Guns Are Simulated Firearms National Review Online

This is a joke, right? I mean, this isn't true, is it?
The only joke is the OP's ridiculous premise.
Why are you Leftists so terrified of guns that you won't even let kids play with squirt guns?
same thing with pocket knives , I once pulled a normal 'Case' brand traditional type pocket knife out of my pocket to cut a rope off a tree on my property so some kids wouldn't hurt themselves with the rope . 9-10 year old boys standing around got all messed up because of the knife , I thought to myself , what little wusses !! Schools and teachers are brainwashing little boys , making them into little girls 'STMike' .
well , then whats the reason for the squirt gun battle ban then Moonglow ??
Another institution bows to possible litigation and political correctness. The left will always the BSA anyway because they won the right to discriminate against being forced to hire sodomite potential pedophiles.
what's new thy been doing that since it was founded and don't you the lame ass excuse that they did not know ..

With more and more American institutions becoming inclusive and even openly gay-friendly, the Boy Scouts of America has reaffirmed its unregenerate straights-only status: A special committee, formed in 2010, recently announced the organization’s intention of sticking with the 2000 Supreme Court decision that it is within its constitutional rights to exclude gays from leadership roles.

All this is richly ironic in view of the fact that the founder of the Boy Scouts, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, raised to the peerage as Lord Baden-Powell, was in probability a gay man himself – though closeted, of course, considering the circumstances.

A Victorian military hero who skyrocketed to fame after his valiant defense of the besieged city of Mafeking during the Second Boer War, Baden-Powell was one of the British Empire’s most adulated soldiers, looked to as the very model of muscular Christianity. Baden-Powell, author of the hugely popular and influential “Scouting for Boys” (1908), inspired a national cult of manliness even as he entertained serious worry about his own sexuality.

“Was B-P a closet queen?,” Ian Buruma asked in The New York Review of Books two decades ago. “The pointers are hard to ignore.”

Indeed they are, as a perusal of Tim Jeal’s superb and definitive biography of the hero, “The Boy-Man: The Life of Lord Baden-Powell” (William Morrow, 1990), will show.

Was Boy Scouts founder gay Author says yes Inside Opinion - The News Tribune

You almost gotta laugh at the notion that the BSA needs to be sodomite friendly. About 98% of pedophiles are male and roughly 50% of victims of pedophiles are boys. Do the math. Would a sane mother agree to have a man supervise her adolescent daughter? Why should Americans be forced to hire admitted and overtly homosexual men to supervise adolescent boys?
Another institution bows to possible litigation and political correctness. The left will always the BSA anyway because they won the right to discriminate against being forced to hire sodomite potential pedophiles.
what's new thy been doing that since it was founded and don't you the lame ass excuse that they did not know ..

With more and more American institutions becoming inclusive and even openly gay-friendly, the Boy Scouts of America has reaffirmed its unregenerate straights-only status: A special committee, formed in 2010, recently announced the organization’s intention of sticking with the 2000 Supreme Court decision that it is within its constitutional rights to exclude gays from leadership roles.

All this is richly ironic in view of the fact that the founder of the Boy Scouts, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, raised to the peerage as Lord Baden-Powell, was in probability a gay man himself – though closeted, of course, considering the circumstances.

A Victorian military hero who skyrocketed to fame after his valiant defense of the besieged city of Mafeking during the Second Boer War, Baden-Powell was one of the British Empire’s most adulated soldiers, looked to as the very model of muscular Christianity. Baden-Powell, author of the hugely popular and influential “Scouting for Boys” (1908), inspired a national cult of manliness even as he entertained serious worry about his own sexuality.

“Was B-P a closet queen?,” Ian Buruma asked in The New York Review of Books two decades ago. “The pointers are hard to ignore.”

Indeed they are, as a perusal of Tim Jeal’s superb and definitive biography of the hero, “The Boy-Man: The Life of Lord Baden-Powell” (William Morrow, 1990), will show.

Was Boy Scouts founder gay Author says yes Inside Opinion - The News Tribune

You almost gotta laugh at the notion that the BSA needs to be sodomite friendly. About 98% of pedophiles are male and roughly 50% of victims of pedophiles are boys. Do the math. Would a sane mother agree to have a man supervise her adolescent daughter? Why should Americans be forced to hire admitted and overtly homosexual men to supervise adolescent boys?
They won't. Nearly every parent will pull their son out of the troop when word gets out that the scout leader goes through the back door. It will drive the demonic Left nucking futz because they can't force parents to keep their kids in the troop.
So, why exactly water guns are so dangerous they need to ban it? Because boy scouts are kind and kind people don't point guns at others? And what do kind people do when they are the ones to be pointed at?
This news feels disturbing to me. Kids are being deprived of one of the greatest funs because of some doubtul safety. And guns are being demonized.
What's next? A straitjacket in order not to hurt oneself? And what kind of adults are going those kids to become?

Boy Scouts of America has banned both squirt-gun fights and anything involving a water balloon larger than a ping-pong ball. “Pointing any type of firearm or simulated firearm at any individual is unauthorized,” states the group’s 2015 manual. “Water guns and rubber band guns must only be used to shoot at targets, and eye protection must be worn,” it continues. As for those other dangerous weapons, water balloons, they may be “no larger than a ping-pong ball” and must be biodegradable. Sound like a bit much? Well, according to Bryan Wendell, authort of the blog Bryan on Scouting, there’s a actually perfectly logical explanation:

“A Scouter once told me this explanation I liked quite a bit: ‘A Scout is kind. What part of pointing a firearm [simulated or otherwise] at someone is kind?” True point,” he writes.

Boy Scouts Ban Water-Gun Fights Because Squirt Guns Are Simulated Firearms National Review Online

This is a joke, right? I mean, this isn't true, is it?
The only joke is the OP's ridiculous premise.
Why are you Leftists so terrified of guns that you won't even let kids play with squirt guns?

It's because the left hates anything that is part of masculinity.
So, why exactly water guns are so dangerous they need to ban it? Because boy scouts are kind and kind people don't point guns at others? And what do kind people do when they are the ones to be pointed at?
This news feels disturbing to me. Kids are being deprived of one of the greatest funs because of some doubtul safety. And guns are being demonized.
What's next? A straitjacket in order not to hurt oneself? And what kind of adults are going those kids to become?

Boy Scouts of America has banned both squirt-gun fights and anything involving a water balloon larger than a ping-pong ball. “Pointing any type of firearm or simulated firearm at any individual is unauthorized,” states the group’s 2015 manual. “Water guns and rubber band guns must only be used to shoot at targets, and eye protection must be worn,” it continues. As for those other dangerous weapons, water balloons, they may be “no larger than a ping-pong ball” and must be biodegradable. Sound like a bit much? Well, according to Bryan Wendell, authort of the blog Bryan on Scouting, there’s a actually perfectly logical explanation:

“A Scouter once told me this explanation I liked quite a bit: ‘A Scout is kind. What part of pointing a firearm [simulated or otherwise] at someone is kind?” True point,” he writes.

Boy Scouts Ban Water-Gun Fights Because Squirt Guns Are Simulated Firearms National Review Online

This is a joke, right? I mean, this isn't true, is it?
The only joke is the OP's ridiculous premise.
Why are you Leftists so terrified of guns that you won't even let kids play with squirt guns?

It's because the left hates anything that is part of masculinity.
This is also unsurprisingly ignorant and wrong, as well as being a ridiculous lie.

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