Boy Scouts Ban Water-Gun Fights Because Squirt Guns Are ‘Simulated Firearms’

There is absolutely no sense to this rule whatsoever. Apparently the BSA are run by a bunch of sissies now masquerading as men.
We threw cherry bombs during Scout meetings when they made us watch movies. Got kicked out, the first of many blemishes on my record. But at least everybody knew we weren't queers or trannies.....The left ruins everything they touch.
So, why exactly water guns are so dangerous they need to ban it? Because boy scouts are kind and kind people don't point guns at others? And what do kind people do when they are the ones to be pointed at?
This news feels disturbing to me. Kids are being deprived of one of the greatest funs because of some doubtul safety. And guns are being demonized.
What's next? A straitjacket in order not to hurt oneself? And what kind of adults are going those kids to become?

Boy Scouts of America has banned both squirt-gun fights and anything involving a water balloon larger than a ping-pong ball. “Pointing any type of firearm or simulated firearm at any individual is unauthorized,” states the group’s 2015 manual. “Water guns and rubber band guns must only be used to shoot at targets, and eye protection must be worn,” it continues. As for those other dangerous weapons, water balloons, they may be “no larger than a ping-pong ball” and must be biodegradable. Sound like a bit much? Well, according to Bryan Wendell, authort of the blog Bryan on Scouting, there’s a actually perfectly logical explanation:

“A Scouter once told me this explanation I liked quite a bit: ‘A Scout is kind. What part of pointing a firearm [simulated or otherwise] at someone is kind?” True point,” he writes.

Boy Scouts Ban Water-Gun Fights Because Squirt Guns Are Simulated Firearms National Review Online
Liberalism at it's worst.
really? the scout are since their founding a private, Christian and conservative organization.
my troop (218) was Mormon.
so if you're gonna talk shit, make it accurate shit.
its just brain washing , making boys into little wusses .

Any other major organization that allows 11 year olds access to guns and knives?
certainly but that was a few years in the past Rightwinger . He11 , I used to always carry a pocketknife at school , church and everywhere else in the past , Son did the same 25 years ago , it was common . Used to take my 22 rifle to school on the school bus , walk or hitch hike home with it and I was 11 or 12 .
Same here. Used to shoot rabbits and quail on the way home.
its just brain washing , making boys into little wusses .

Any other major organization that allows 11 year olds access to guns and knives?
certainly but that was a few years in the past Rightwinger . He11 , I used to always carry a pocketknife at school , church and everywhere else in the past , Son did the same 25 years ago , it was common . Used to take my 22 rifle to school on the school bus , walk or hitch hike home with it and I was 11 or 12 .
Same here. Used to shoot rabbits and quail on the way home.
in what fantasy land was that in ?
Growing up I was in the Cub Scouts and later the Boy Scouts.

Every boy in my neighborhood had a pocket knife, sling shot, and a BB gun.

I also had an official Boy Scout hatchet around age 10 or 11.

None of us kids ever got hurt with these so called dangerous weapons and we had a blast.

But today the PC faggot do-gooders want to sissify boys and practically make them wear a helmet if they go outside to play.

Heck, in the nanny state where I live, possession of a sling shot is a felony. ....... :cuckoo:
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Arizona weapons laws are a crazy-quilt..nunchaku banned, switchblades no problemo. Concealed no-license carry for any firearm, bb gun must be fired at a suitable range and if shooting at a garden pest, an officer from Az Fish & Game must be present. :lol:
whats the age , adults at the age of 26 are still kids on their parents insurance and living in their parents basements .
So, why exactly water guns are so dangerous they need to ban it? Because boy scouts are kind and kind people don't point guns at others? And what do kind people do when they are the ones to be pointed at?
This news feels disturbing to me. Kids are being deprived of one of the greatest funs because of some doubtul safety. And guns are being demonized.
What's next? A straitjacket in order not to hurt oneself? And what kind of adults are going those kids to become?

Boy Scouts of America has banned both squirt-gun fights and anything involving a water balloon larger than a ping-pong ball. “Pointing any type of firearm or simulated firearm at any individual is unauthorized,” states the group’s 2015 manual. “Water guns and rubber band guns must only be used to shoot at targets, and eye protection must be worn,” it continues. As for those other dangerous weapons, water balloons, they may be “no larger than a ping-pong ball” and must be biodegradable. Sound like a bit much? Well, according to Bryan Wendell, authort of the blog Bryan on Scouting, there’s a actually perfectly logical explanation:

“A Scouter once told me this explanation I liked quite a bit: ‘A Scout is kind. What part of pointing a firearm [simulated or otherwise] at someone is kind?” True point,” he writes.

Boy Scouts Ban Water-Gun Fights Because Squirt Guns Are Simulated Firearms National Review Online

also banned water balloons

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