Boy Scouts helped alleged molesters cover tracks, files show. A paper trail of abuse.

I've been a Scout leader for 9 years now and can assure you the BSA takes youth protection extremely serious. I know because of the required training I have to go thru on a repeated basis, the back ground check I've had to go thru and cases that I've personally been involved in reporting. All I will have to say on this thread is that you folks outside of scouting are not dealing with all the current day facts. Do carry on with your agenda though.

Thank you for being rational and protecting the kids first, it's really that simple. I can assume on your watch the 15 internal what memos you would personally be taken them down to the police department? Or gathering up all the boxes and taken a truck down there asap? That's what I like to see common sense, right? But again it appears on your watch this stuff not gonna happen ever, right? Is the police department on speed dial? And again thank you. It's just this simple folks.
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If an applicant applied dress like this below. I'd say concerns would be in order.

God this bird looks like it's going to Pluck someone face out from the pc
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I've been a Scout leader for 9 years now and can assure you the BSA takes youth protection extremely serious. I know because of the required training I have to go thru on a repeated basis, the back ground check I've had to go thru and cases that I've personally been involved in reporting. All I will have to say on this thread is that you folks outside of scouting are not dealing with all the current day facts. Do carry on with your agenda though.

Thank you for being rational and protecting the kids first, it's really that simple.
Is the police department on speed dial?

Each state has their own laws that the BSA must comply with. In some states, a Scout leader made aware of a possible youth protection violations must call the police directly. In Oklahoma, we call the Council's Scout Executive who then notifies the authorities. Our council has a listed number that can be called 24/7 to report YP issues. I can tell you that the BSA errs on the side of caution. My best friend in scouting is banned from scouting for life. He was one of the most dedicated and talented Scouters I know. He was a stickler for YP policies and made sure that all adults around him adhered to the policies as well as himself. Always observed two deep leadership and no one on one contact with youth. He was caught in a sting operation earlier this year and the charges against him were dropped by the DA and expunged from the record. His "violation" had nothing to do with children. But in the BSA's eyes, he is and forever will be forbidden to rejoin. He was blacklisted the same day he was arrested. That is the BSA of today, which is a result of lessons learned over previous years.
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dear idiot these are NOT gays they are child molestors.

they didnt report them to the police

I'm certain some did not get arrested if there was any doubt about the truth of claims, but having been council staff back in the mid 80's, I can assure you that any adult leader found to be abusing kids was tossed and information turned over to authorities. In one case, a Scoutmaster was found to be molesting kids in Bridgeport CT. He was tossed and arrested. He got a 7 to ten and I took over as Scoutmaster.
The publicity destroyed the troop and I could only keep it together for 1 more year. A lot of kids were deprived of the Scouting experience.
I'd much rather see that offenders disappear and be buried in a swamp, than have publicity deprive kids of the experience of Scouting.

It is tough to overcome the stigma attached to such a crime. You are to be commended for trying to keep the program going but if Troop XX is to be forever known as the troop that had boys molested in it, there is little you could have done

It is a shame that boys were unable to complete their ranks. Usually, they can hook up with another troop
I've been a Scout leader for 9 years now and can assure you the BSA takes youth protection extremely serious. I know because of the required training I have to go thru on a repeated basis, the back ground check I've had to go thru and cases that I've personally been involved in reporting. All I will have to say on this thread is that you folks outside of scouting are not dealing with all the current day facts. Do carry on with your agenda though.
Thanks, kwc57. Good luck with your scouts. My brother was one for years and earned a lot of badges and gained a lot of confidence being a scout. Thanks for your service to America's young men. It can make a difference in their making good decisions in life.
No the Boy Scouts called them ineligible volunteers and threw the gays out of the Scouts. We don't know exactly why. It may not have been a cover up of raping little boys, but maybe some touching, or a leer here and there. Or, maybe it was a gay scoutmaster approaching another adult scoutmaster. They were declared ineligible and dismissed. Which is what gays have been saying all along! They are trying to concoct some scenario wherein the Boy Scouts have had gay child molesters in the Scouts all along so throwing them out is brand new. As these records show, they've been thrown out for decades.

This was my Scoutmaster.
Notice how the article says this was the SECOND time?

Sarasota Herald-Tribune - Google News Archive Search
No the Boy Scouts called them ineligible volunteers and threw the gays out of the Scouts. We don't know exactly why. It may not have been a cover up of raping little boys, but maybe some touching, or a leer here and there. Or, maybe it was a gay scoutmaster approaching another adult scoutmaster. They were declared ineligible and dismissed. Which is what gays have been saying all along! They are trying to concoct some scenario wherein the Boy Scouts have had gay child molesters in the Scouts all along so throwing them out is brand new. As these records show, they've been thrown out for decades.

This was my Scoutmaster.
Notice how the article says this was the SECOND time?

Sarasota Herald-Tribune - Google News Archive Search

Hey Buddy, may I call you that? got any picture's, or videos of this guy at camp, let's watch him in action. And judge for ourselves. Most of the time visual observations are clues.
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In 1919 making information public as to whether a scoutmaster had behaved inappropriately toward a boy would NOT have resulted in a police investigation, it would have resulted in the father of the boy making sure that the scoutmaster never looked at another boy or even so much as took his next breath. And that's on suspicion alone.
No the Boy Scouts called them ineligible volunteers and threw the gays out of the Scouts. We don't know exactly why. It may not have been a cover up of raping little boys, but maybe some touching, or a leer here and there. Or, maybe it was a gay scoutmaster approaching another adult scoutmaster. They were declared ineligible and dismissed. Which is what gays have been saying all along! They are trying to concoct some scenario wherein the Boy Scouts have had gay child molesters in the Scouts all along so throwing them out is brand new. As these records show, they've been thrown out for decades.

This was my Scoutmaster.
Notice how the article says this was the SECOND time?

Sarasota Herald-Tribune - Google News Archive Search

Hey Buddy, may I call you that? got any picture's, or videos of this guy at camp, let's watch him in action. And judge for ourselves. Most of the time visual observations are clues.

Voyeur much? :eusa_whistle:
This was my Scoutmaster.
Notice how the article says this was the SECOND time?

Sarasota Herald-Tribune - Google News Archive Search

Hey Buddy, may I call you that? got any picture's, or videos of this guy at camp, let's watch him in action. And judge for ourselves. Most of the time visual observations are clues.

Voyeur much? :eusa_whistle:

come on... many time we meet people and you just see or/ and feel things are just not right/ comfortable and keep an eye on them after a 2 handed face hold on a kiddy or that long lap sitting hug that not, say being the mom....... :confused:and yes I do Voyeur long when I got two girls in bed and they are making love before forcing me to participate in the activity...go figure...:eusa_whistle:
Boy Scouts helped alleged molesters cover tracks, files show. A paper trail of abuse.

Since at least 1919, the Boy Scouts of America has maintained “ineligible volunteer” files intended to keep sexual abusers, among others, out of its ranks. The records have been closely held by the Scouts, which contends that confid*entiality is essential to protect victims, witnesses and anyone falsely accused.
The Times reviewed about 1,600 of the files dating from 1970 to 1991. In hundreds of cases, sexual abuse was not reported to law enforcement, and Scout officials at times actively hid it from parents and the public. In at least 50 cases, the Boy Scouts expelled men for alleged sexual abuse, only to discover later that they had reentered the Scouts and were again accused of molesting.

Here are files from some of those cases. The Times has redacted victims’ names and other identifying information. Some files in*clude explicit accounts of sexual abuse.

Read more:

15 filled out reports of wonderful people doing the best for children and parents..
A paper trail of abuse - Documents - Los Angeles Times

BSA in America.
Best Sodomized Ass.. Contest!
A strong case for not letting fruit loops join the scouts............

or rats

My apologies weenie boy...

I didnt see you squeak in.

How many more guys are you going to need? With three of you in the flame zone I still owned you and your friends.....
What this is supposed to do is show that gays have always been in the Scouts, even if only clandestinely so there's no reason to keep them out now.

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