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Boy Scouts kick out church group

I admire the families in that troop for standing up for a good man and a good role model for their children. They are also teaching their sons a valuable lesson in doing the right thing

You might be right he Might be a good man. HOWEVER neither you or I know that for fact now do we ?

A child molester may appear to be charming, loving, and completely good-natured while harboring predatory thoughts that he or she is adept at hiding. That means you should never dismiss the idea that someone could be a child molester out of hand.

Being as involved as possible in your child's life is the best way to guard against child molesters. They will look for a child who is vulnerable and who isn't getting a lot of attention from his or her parents or will convince parents they are of no danger to their child. Show up at games, practices and rehearsals, chaperone field trips and trips out, and spend time getting to know the adults in your child's life. [The SCouts are an excellent "In"] Make it clear that you're an involved, present parent.
How to Identify a Pedophile: 12 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
Boy Scouts Kick Out Entire Church For Refusing To Discriminate Against Gay Scoutmaster | ThinkProgress

The Boy Scouts of America has revoked the charter for one troop because its sponsoring church refused to discriminate. The troop has stood by its openly gay Scoutmaster in the face of the national organization’s attempt to remove him for being an “avowed homosexual.”

Last year, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) lifted its ban on openly gay youth — but reaffirmed its ban on openly LGBT adults serving as volunteers or professionals in the organization.

Geoff McGrath, an openly gay 49-year-old Eagle Scout, started a Boy Scout troop a few months later, in the Rainier Beach section of Seattle, Washington. The chartering organization, an LGBT-inclusive United Methodist Church, reportedly encouraged McGrath to take the volunteer position, well aware of his record pro-equality activism.

After NBC News contacted the local Boy Scout council about McGrath, it and the national organization moved to reject him. Sharon Moulds, council executive for the Chief Seattle Council, told the network, “It was then that we became aware of his intentions to make a public statement about his orientation and use our program as a means to further a personal agenda.” In a blog post defending last year’s policy change regarding gay youth, she wrote, “This has been a distraction for a long time. It is now time to get back to delivering the programs that our youth have been promised.” But instead, the council alerted the national office, which in turn announced that McGrath would be removed.

With his troop’s support, McGrath refused to step down: “I have not tendered my resignation. Until I am relieved of my duty properly, I stand in my post.” Rainier Beach United Methodist Church Reverend Monica Corsaro told a local TV station that the church is standing by its Scoutmaster. “It’s very disappointing that a policy that is so blatantly discriminatory is being acted out, and so I think it makes us stand more firm and be more clear that Geoffrey is our Scoutmaster and Geoffrey will remain our Scoutmaster… In my humble opinion, I don’t feel like I’ve been communicated to by the Boy Scouts of America, Geoffrey also received an email which I was copied on but I have received no direct communication from the Boy Scouts of America.”

From the comments -

“We don’t believe the topic of sexual orientation has a role in scouting and it is not discussed unless it is deliberately injected into scouting.”.

If it has no role in scouting, then it shouldn't be a tool used to determine the eligibility of being a Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster.

Why does all of this nonsense come from ThinkProgress, Obama's personal propaganda arm?

I admire the families in that troop for standing up for a good man and a good role model for their children. They are also teaching their sons a valuable lesson in doing the right thing

You might be right he Might be a good man. HOWEVER neither you or I know that for fact now do we ?

A child molester may appear to be charming, loving, and completely good-natured while harboring predatory thoughts that he or she is adept at hiding. That means you should never dismiss the idea that someone could be a child molester out of hand.

Being as involved as possible in your child's life is the best way to guard against child molesters. They will look for a child who is vulnerable and who isn't getting a lot of attention from his or her parents or will convince parents they are of no danger to their child. Show up at games, practices and rehearsals, chaperone field trips and trips out, and spend time getting to know the adults in your child's life. [The SCouts are an excellent "In"] Make it clear that you're an involved, present parent.
How to Identify a Pedophile: 12 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

You MIGHT be a good man

You may appear to be charming, loving, and completely good-natured while harboring predatory thoughts that you are adept at hiding. That means you should never dismiss the idea that you could be a child molester out of hand
Then you have failed to comprehend.

The OP initiated with the Topic of the Boy Scouts and their steadfast refusal to allow homosexuals as Scout Leaders, not simply because they felt they were bad role models for which there is a strong case ,but because of their long history of members being abused by Homosexuals - which goes back decades. The files are in the thousands .

Unlike the Catholic Church, which did very little to protect Children from Homosexual predators. The BSA took action and has since drawn the anger of the Gay Mafia supported by people I refer to call "useful idiots" [A term that originates wth Russian Communist Nikolai Lenin] not unlike yourself I surmise. Useful Idiots are generally good hearted people, but overly naive and easily taken in by socio-fascist and gay propaganda.

The discussion subsequently evolved to the percentage of homosexual pedophiles as oppossed to heterosexual pedophiles . I cited valid studies which prove that homosexuals molest at an alarming rate [Per Capita] as opposed to normal people - some statistics indicate as high as 20 to 1 . Basically - gay males who comprise no more than 3% of the population are committing somewhere around 33% of the sex crimes against Boys.

Homosexual apologists are unable to refute this data, so the only mode of defense they have is semantics , a meager attempt to claim that gay is only gay when it is between adults - and that homosexual pedophiles are not really homosexuals - my argument states that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck


5 Myths About Gay People Debunked | Homosexuality & Sexual Orientation Science | LiveScience


Contrary to uninformed opinions -The APA is not a scientific organization - it is a political one.

Nicholas Cummings, former President of the American Psychological Association and one of the people who led the movement to have homosexuality declassified as a mental illness speaking to an audience of fellow professionals in 2005, stated the profession of Mental Health, psychology, psychiatry is dominated by social-activist groups.

As per Dr. Cummings, when the APA conducts research, they do so only "when they know what the outcome is going to be...only predictably favorable outcomes are permissible."


US House of Representatives actually censured the APA for its stance that "pedophilia might be OK under the right circumstances". This is the end product of a gay cabal having taken over the APA in the 1980s and handpicking board members who are "on board" with "the new agenda".


Freund was a great man , a wonderful very likeable person and a brilliant researcher who committed suicide using the kevorkian method. His research which you site used a test sample of 260+ men and a method involving monitoring the blood flow and erectile status of the penis when exposed to erotic stimuli known as Phallometric testing. However the flaw lies in that the penis does not allways become erect or respond to said stimuli, especially when the subject is aware hat they are being monitored.

Phallometric Testing is not reliable and subject to multiple and uncalculable variables
Phallometric testing with sexual offenders:... [Clin Psychol Rev. 2000] - PubMed - NCBI

"There are, however, problems with the psychometric bases of these assessments, and studies reporting their use have so many idiosyncratic features that comparisons are of dubious value. Evidence concerning the reliability and criterion validity of phallometric testing leaves a lot to be desired"

Anti-gay activists who make that claim allege that all men who molest male children should be seen as homosexual. .

That's pure nonsense ! The statistics indicate that the majority of child molestation occurs on a male to female basis , among family members and nobody claims that to be of a homosexual nature. Nor does anyone attempt to claim that the heterosexual molestor is something other than a heteroexual.

However - in comes the Gay Agenda and suddenly homosexual molestors are no longer homosexuals - Orwellian Newspeak

The Child Molestation Research and Prevention Institute notes that 90% of child molesters target children in their network of family and friends.

Which is exactly why the Boy Scouts seek to exclude Homosexuals.

SA Today published a piece this morning by Nicholas A. Cummings, in support of the widely discredited practice of “ex-gay” or “reparative” therapy. Cummings states his credentials as such:

Nicholas Cummings was president of the American Psychological Association (1979-80).

Here, we touch the tip of the iceberg of obfuscation in this atrocious piece of work, a screed that USA Today should never have published in the first place. His piece also mentions that he was the chief psychologist for Kaiser Permanente from 1959-1979. So from the outset, we see that the professional credentials he possesses that are actually respectable are from a time before this author was born, and much has changed about the nature of psychotherapy since those bygone days. Indeed, all of the major medical and mental health organizations now consider the practices from that time regarding homosexuality to be outdated and harmful. Those, though, are the credentials that Cummings is using in a public forum, in order to appear mainstream and learned.

Those are the not the credentials that lead him to write “ex-gay” screeds, though, and if Cummings were being honest about the misdirection of his later career, we would not having this conversation, as he would be rightly apprised as unqualified to publish such a piece. The fact is that Nicholas A. Cummings is a NARTH company man. Indeed, if one takes the time to browse the links in the USA Today piece, the truth is hidden in plain sight, as he states:

When I was chief psychologist for Kaiser Permanente from 1959 to 1979, San Francisco’s gay and lesbian population burgeoned. I personally saw more than 2,000 patients with same-sex attraction, and my staff saw thousands more. We worked hard to develop approaches to meeting the needs of these patients.

That last link goes directly to NARTH’s website. For anyone who is not familiar, NARTH is the National Association for the Research And Therapy Of Homosexuality, a fringe “ex-gay” religious group which masquerades as a secular, scientific organization. Here is the testimony of Allen Rosenthal, a researcher at Northwestern University who was raised Mormon, who survived “therapy” with NARTH:
NARTH Company Man Publishes Atrocious ?Ex-Gay? Op-Ed In USA Today | Truth Wins Out

Take your time Green, I want to make one more post and then I have to head out.
Last edited:
In response to scandals and nationwide negative publicity, the Boy Scouts implemented a two deep policy around 15 years ago. That means no adult leader, parent or outsider is allowed to be alone with the boys. Boys are not allowed to sleep in a tent with an adult who is not their parent. They must shower separately. If a scout activity is scheduled and there is only one adult present. That activity is cancelled
All adults associated with a troop must sign this policy. All boys are advised of the policy and will report violations
I admire the families in that troop for standing up for a good man and a good role model for their children. They are also teaching their sons a valuable lesson in doing the right thing

You might be right he Might be a good man. HOWEVER neither you or I know that for fact now do we ?

A child molester may appear to be charming, loving, and completely good-natured while harboring predatory thoughts that he or she is adept at hiding. That means you should never dismiss the idea that someone could be a child molester out of hand.

Being as involved as possible in your child's life is the best way to guard against child molesters. They will look for a child who is vulnerable and who isn't getting a lot of attention from his or her parents or will convince parents they are of no danger to their child. Show up at games, practices and rehearsals, chaperone field trips and trips out, and spend time getting to know the adults in your child's life. [The SCouts are an excellent "In"] Make it clear that you're an involved, present parent.
How to Identify a Pedophile: 12 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

You MIGHT be a good man

You may appear to be charming, loving, and completely good-natured while harboring predatory thoughts that you are adept at hiding. That means you should never dismiss the idea that you could be a child molester out of hand

If Rightwinger changes "you" to "a person" with the pronoun reference, we get this:

"A person may appear to be charming, loving, and completely good-natured while harboring predatory thoughts that they are adept at hiding.

This is only part of what we "bigots" are trying to say!!
...and that part is called common sense!!


Contrary to uninformed opinions -The APA is not a scientific organization - it is a political one.

Nicholas Cummings, former President of the American Psychological Association and one of the people who led the movement to have homosexuality declassified as a mental illness speaking to an audience of fellow professionals in 2005, stated the profession of Mental Health, psychology, psychiatry is dominated by social-activist groups.

As per Dr. Cummings, when the APA conducts research, they do so only "when they know what the outcome is going to be...only predictably favorable outcomes are permissible."


US House of Representatives actually censured the APA for its stance that "pedophilia might be OK under the right circumstances". This is the end product of a gay cabal having taken over the APA in the 1980s and handpicking board members who are "on board" with "the new agenda".


Freund was a great man , a wonderful very likeable person and a brilliant researcher who committed suicide using the kevorkian method. His research which you site used a test sample of 260+ men and a method involving monitoring the blood flow and erectile status of the penis when exposed to erotic stimuli known as Phallometric testing. However the flaw lies in that the penis does not allways become erect or respond to said stimuli, especially when the subject is aware hat they are being monitored.

Phallometric Testing is not reliable and subject to multiple and uncalculable variables
Phallometric testing with sexual offenders:... [Clin Psychol Rev. 2000] - PubMed - NCBI

"There are, however, problems with the psychometric bases of these assessments, and studies reporting their use have so many idiosyncratic features that comparisons are of dubious value. Evidence concerning the reliability and criterion validity of phallometric testing leaves a lot to be desired"

That's pure nonsense ! The statistics indicate that the majority of child molestation occurs on a male to female basis , among family members and nobody claims that to be of a homosexual nature. Nor does anyone attempt to claim that the heterosexual molestor is something other than a heteroexual.

However - in comes the Gay Agenda and suddenly homosexual molestors are no longer homosexuals - Orwellian Newspeak

The Child Molestation Research and Prevention Institute notes that 90% of child molesters target children in their network of family and friends.

Which is exactly why the Boy Scouts seek to exclude Homosexuals.

SA Today published a piece this morning by Nicholas A. Cummings, in support of the widely discredited practice of “ex-gay” or “reparative” therapy. Cummings states his credentials as such:

Nicholas Cummings was president of the American Psychological Association (1979-80).

Here, we touch the tip of the iceberg of obfuscation in this atrocious piece of work, a screed that USA Today should never have published in the first place. His piece also mentions that he was the chief psychologist for Kaiser Permanente from 1959-1979. So from the outset, we see that the professional credentials he possesses that are actually respectable are from a time before this author was born, and much has changed about the nature of psychotherapy since those bygone days. Indeed, all of the major medical and mental health organizations now consider the practices from that time regarding homosexuality to be outdated and harmful. Those, though, are the credentials that Cummings is using in a public forum, in order to appear mainstream and learned.

Those are the not the credentials that lead him to write “ex-gay” screeds, though, and if Cummings were being honest about the misdirection of his later career, we would not having this conversation, as he would be rightly apprised as unqualified to publish such a piece. The fact is that Nicholas A. Cummings is a NARTH company man. Indeed, if one takes the time to browse the links in the USA Today piece, the truth is hidden in plain sight, as he states:

When I was chief psychologist for Kaiser Permanente from 1959 to 1979, San Francisco’s gay and lesbian population burgeoned. I personally saw more than 2,000 patients with same-sex attraction, and my staff saw thousands more. We worked hard to develop approaches to meeting the needs of these patients.

That last link goes directly to NARTH’s website. For anyone who is not familiar, NARTH is the National Association for the Research And Therapy Of Homosexuality, a fringe “ex-gay” religious group which masquerades as a secular, scientific organization. Here is the testimony of Allen Rosenthal, a researcher at Northwestern University who was raised Mormon, who survived “therapy” with NARTH:
NARTH Company Man Publishes Atrocious ?Ex-Gay? Op-Ed In USA Today | Truth Wins Out

Take your time Green, I want to make one more post and then I have to head out.

Well Thank You for exposing yourself as just another Homosexual wanna be propagandist -

Ex-Gay therapy is a viable alternative to the unhealthy and sad existence of a pervert.
Despite the foot stomping , foaming at the mouth , and temper tantrums displayed by dysphoric persons such as yourself .

So far as Nicholas Cummings and his credentials - he is also the man who authored the Motion to have Homosexuality declassified as a Mental Illness He is a primary mover for the Gay Movement and it is because of his work , his high level of professionalism and his committment to Human Rights and dignity that the Gay movement was able to get as far as it has. Unfortunately Dr.Cummings probably realizes that he let an evil Genie out of the bottle.
In response to scandals and nationwide negative publicity, the Boy Scouts implemented a two deep policy around 15 years ago. That means no adult leader, parent or outsider is allowed to be alone with the boys. Boys are not allowed to sleep in a tent with an adult who is not their parent. They must shower separately. If a scout activity is scheduled and there is only one adult present. That activity is cancelled
All adults associated with a troop must sign this policy. All boys are advised of the policy and will report violations

Some predators do not devour their prey in front of other prey--out of a fear of being attacked.

Tell us "bigots" how the above policy prevent a scout master, or any adult associated with the troop, from getting 1 boy scout alone? It actually does not, for the main part of stalking prey is figuring out the best method of seperating 1 from the rest.

First, the whole point of group activities for a child molester is to gain trust from the victim.
Can do this with other adults around

The second part is finding a place where he can take advantage of the victim without being found out. Stating "That means no adult leader, parent or outsider is allowed to be alone with the boys." is not a methodology but a wish!!
Boy Scouts Kick Out Entire Church For Refusing To Discriminate Against Gay Scoutmaster | ThinkProgress

From the comments -

“We don’t believe the topic of sexual orientation has a role in scouting and it is not discussed unless it is deliberately injected into scouting.”.

If it has no role in scouting, then it shouldn't be a tool used to determine the eligibility of being a Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster.

Why does all of this nonsense come from ThinkProgress, Obama's personal propaganda arm?


Someone give her a tissue - she's foaming at the mouth !!!!
Boy Scouts kick out church group

When I was young many of the gay boys ended up becoming Eagle Scouts.

Camping with the boys was excellent cover back in those day when being discovered as gay was social suicide.
Boy Scouts kick out church group

When I was young many of the gay boys ended up becoming Eagle Scouts.

Camping with the boys was excellent cover back in those day when being discovered as gay was social suicide.

Yes but the other Boys would be able to defend themselves against the gay boys, not against an Adult Pervert. We had one in my Troop back in the 70s, I recall one of the asisstant scout masters giving him a throrough thrashing out of the boys view, he left the Troop shortly afterwards and we never heard from him again. Were that to happen today the scoutmaster who set him straight would be arrested for a "Hate Crime"
In response to scandals and nationwide negative publicity, the Boy Scouts implemented a two deep policy around 15 years ago. That means no adult leader, parent or outsider is allowed to be alone with the boys. Boys are not allowed to sleep in a tent with an adult who is not their parent. They must shower separately. If a scout activity is scheduled and there is only one adult present. That activity is cancelled
All adults associated with a troop must sign this policy. All boys are advised of the policy and will report violations

Some predators do not devour their prey in front of other prey--out of a fear of being attacked.

Tell us "bigots" how the above policy prevent a scout master, or any adult associated with the troop, from getting 1 boy scout alone? It actually does not, for the main part of stalking prey is figuring out the best method of seperating 1 from the rest.

First, the whole point of group activities for a child molester is to gain trust from the victim.
Can do this with other adults around

The second part is finding a place where he can take advantage of the victim without being found out. Stating "That means no adult leader, parent or outsider is allowed to be alone with the boys." is not a methodology but a wish!!

The policy has been in effect for 15 years. It appears to be working

I haven't seen any recent incidents, are you aware of any?

articles by gay bashing loons do not constitute a reliable source

Will the Mayo Clinic and the CDC do for you then?

Mayo Clinic 2007

Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range
and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles
by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual
pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia),
or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia)...

..The percentage of homosexual pedophiles
ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20
times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other
adult men http://www.drrichardhall.com/Articles/pedophiles.pdf

The most prestigious research group in the US says that a population of 2% of the US [homosexual men] account for nudging up to half of all molestation of the entire US population's pedophiles. Remember, if a male desires sex with another male, he is a homosexual.

Here's what makes that worse. The Mayo Clinic predicts that if a boy was molested by a man, he was imprinted with that sexual orientation. Later, he can be predicted to seek out other males for sex. Young ones [same link and article]:

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”...

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

Here's what the CDC [I hope you're not also going to call them "gay bashing loons"] has to say about the general population of gay men. Remember to plug it into the Mayo Clinic's findings above. And remember, the CDC does not use the words "pervasive" and "epidemic" lightly...:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

The sample they took was quite large for that study. I believe it was 3,000 gay men they interviewed. Turns out most of them were molested as boys. It was a random sampling..

That's the sundae. This is the cherry on top:

The LGBT community has iconized and is just also now releasing a US postage stamp of which over 60 LGBT groups in Mexico, the US and Canada petitioned tirelessly to get, one Harvey Milk. Harvey Milk's biography, written by a gay friend of his who was also a highly accredited journalist known for his dogged adherence to the stark truth, even when it meant he was ostracized from his own gay community, recounts that Harvey Milk was sodomizing a minor teen boy in California. And that there were others too. That Harvey Milk "always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems" [page 180 The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk]. In fact Milk preyed upon orphaned homeless teen boys to lure in and sodomize. The one who was documented for sure as a minor [though there were likely others because Milk also advocated extreme promisucity for gay men], Milk also officiated publicly as his guardian/father.

So to be clear, the LGBT community has iconized and embraced as their "civil rights icon" a man known to them to bugger teen boys as he himself aged into his 40s. Several of those boys he sodomized and then cast aside for fresher young meat one after the other committed suicide.

Oh, and by the way, gay senator Leno of California petitioned and won a Bill signed into law SB 572. It requires children in school to celebrate Harvey Milk's gayness each May 22nd. Let me repeat that. There is a law on the books in California requiring school children to celebrate the socio-sexual achievements of a child sex predator in the state where he committed most of those crimes against teens. The equivalent would be a law on the books in Pennsylvania requiring children to celebrate Jerry Sandusky's socio-sexual achievements in youth sports.

You can't make this stuff up. It's real. And it's a real problem when it comes to gays being around children. Here's the nut-sprinkle on top of the cherry on the sundae:

When I have confronted gay posters here and all around the web about their knowledge and support of Harvey Milk's sexuality and I remind them he preyed and sodomized on teen boys who were mentally ill, homeless and addled on drugs [the most vulnerable children of all], instead of recoiling in horror, they nonchalantly defend him and if cornered on the topic of sex with minors who have mental issues, they say that simply "the age of consent should be lowered". But never, ever have I heard one of them say that the man was a monster and should be denounced and dethroned immediately. They embrace his sexuality as "representative" of themselves as a group.

Houston, we have a problem. Look for the Harvey Milk stamp at a Post Office near you. It's the one with the rainbow on it. Just don't buy it unless you want people to know you support men having sex with vulnerable teen boys.. Who knows, one of them might be your nephew, son, neighbor's kid etc...
(Warning: This is sarcasm with some bad humor. Do not read if you begin to find yourself offended!!)

You know something

It is not just the idea that a Gay scout master might molest some of the scouts. I am well aware that "male homosexuality" does not equal "child molester". I understand that.

I also have a fear of the potential psychological damage on the kids. Look at it from my "bigotted" perspective for a moment, ok?

Let say we have a group of young men--"boys" under 16 ok. And they joined an organization that suppose to help develop them into young men-ok? What do you think will happen when they learn that the leader of their troop is a Queen?

Yes--Disrespect and blatant rudeness is the beginning.
Then there is the possibility of Avoidance that destroy the troops cohesion.

Even if this "Scout Queen" was able to suppress the disrespect and maintain troop cohesion, there is still that underlining fear that all of us "bigotted" Heterosexual males have when dealing with homosexual males.

and it is one of the driving force in how all young "non enlightened nor liberal"
men deal with gay men: What to do if he likes me?

This question will torment these young men. For it is not does not have a simple answer. Like, telling him to leave you alone. Saying "I am not gay" or "Get the hell away from me!!" Or "Pound sand you F#G!" might not work. Definitely won't if these young men parents are supposed "open minded" liberals!!

and if you think that is all, then you do not understand how deep and psychologically intrusive this question becomes. It can spawn into other meaningless questions that normally does not bother an adult, but can frantically disrupt a young mans psychology. A couple of such questions is the following line:

1.What if he talks to mean?
2. What if he complements me?
3. What if his complements contains a possible gay innuendo?
4. What if his complements does contain a gay innuendo and my friends hear it!?
5 What if his complement is a direct gay suggestion for sex and my friends hear?

These "spawning questions" will only increase in a young man minds. Potentially flooding his every waking thought until he realizes that he is thinking about a homosexual way too much!!

Thus leading to the true nightmare! The identity destroying Question:"What if I am gay??"

Some of these young men may survive this spiral into darkness, but for the others, uncertainty will abound in a twisted logical self conversation by the young male scout. A possible example of this is the following::

Q:Am I gay?
Answer--No of course not!

Q: Why do I think about my Troop master so much?
A:He is one thing I think about! There are other things I think about

Q:Why is it that the only thing I think about is related to my troop master
A: No it does not! I think about stuff not related to him!!

Q:Why can't I not think up something not related to my troop master
A:Stop!! No more!! I am not Gay!! I like women--stop lying to me

Reply to answer:But I am you and I am confused.

If you think that a troop master is the only male that can cause this psychologically distress to young heterosexual men, then you are grossly mistaken!!

Any role of importance to a young man can lead to this "identity crisis" in men. Yes, "enlightened ones"!! Homosexuality is like a disease that can be passed to susceptible individuals by sight!! With the passage of time, the ability for a gay to convert a male with questionable identity issues will only increase.

But the Gay Agenda knows this--that is why I implore you, "enlightened liberals" to stop the insanity. Please help us "bigots" in keeping homosexuals from becoming leaders with prominent public position!! The mind you save could be your kids

Thank you for bearing with me!!

articles by gay bashing loons do not constitute a reliable source

Will the Mayo Clinic and the CDC do for you then?

The most prestigious research group in the US says that a population of 2% of the US [homosexual men] account for nudging up to half of all molestation of the entire US population's pedophiles. Remember, if a male desires sex with another male, he is a homosexual.

Here's what makes that worse. The Mayo Clinic predicts that if a boy was molested by a man, he was imprinted with that sexual orientation. Later, he can be predicted to seek out other males for sex. Young ones [same link and article]:

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”...

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

Here's what the CDC [I hope you're not also going to call them "gay bashing loons"] has to say about the general population of gay men. Remember to plug it into the Mayo Clinic's findings above. And remember, the CDC does not use the words "pervasive" and "epidemic" lightly...:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

The sample they took was quite large for that study. I believe it was 3,000 gay men they interviewed. Turns out most of them were molested as boys. It was a random sampling..

That's the sundae. This is the cherry on top:

The LGBT community has iconized and is just also now releasing a US postage stamp of which over 60 LGBT groups in Mexico, the US and Canada petitioned tirelessly to get, one Harvey Milk. Harvey Milk's biography, written by a gay friend of his who was also a highly accredited journalist known for his dogged adherence to the stark truth, even when it meant he was ostracized from his own gay community, recounts that Harvey Milk was sodomizing a minor teen boy in California. And that there were others too. That Harvey Milk "always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems" [page 180 The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk]. In fact Milk preyed upon orphaned homeless teen boys to lure in and sodomize. The one who was documented for sure as a minor [though there were likely others because Milk also advocated extreme promisucity for gay men], Milk also officiated publicly as his guardian/father.

So to be clear, the LGBT community has iconized and embraced as their "civil rights icon" a man known to them to bugger teen boys as he himself aged into his 40s. Several of those boys he sodomized and then cast aside for fresher young meat one after the other committed suicide.

Oh, and by the way, gay senator Leno of California petitioned and won a Bill signed into law SB 572. It requires children in school to celebrate Harvey Milk's gayness each May 22nd. Let me repeat that. There is a law on the books in California requiring school children to celebrate the socio-sexual achievements of a child sex predator in the state where he committed most of those crimes against teens. The equivalent would be a law on the books in Pennsylvania requiring children to celebrate Jerry Sandusky's socio-sexual achievements in youth sports.

You can't make this stuff up. It's real. And it's a real problem when it comes to gays being around children. Here's the nut-sprinkle on top of the cherry on the sundae:

When I have confronted gay posters here and all around the web about their knowledge and support of Harvey Milk's sexuality and I remind them he preyed and sodomized on teen boys who were mentally ill, homeless and addled on drugs [the most vulnerable children of all], instead of recoiling in horror, they nonchalantly defend him and if cornered on the topic of sex with minors who have mental issues, they say that simply "the age of consent should be lowered". But never, ever have I heard one of them say that the man was a monster and should be denounced and dethroned immediately. They embrace his sexuality as "representative" of themselves as a group.

Houston, we have a problem. Look for the Harvey Milk stamp at a Post Office near you. It's the one with the rainbow on it. Just don't buy it unless you want people to know you support men having sex with vulnerable teen boys.. Who knows, one of them might be your nephew, son, neighbor's kid etc...

Poor Sihouette doesn't understand that Mayo clinic is making the same distinction between adult homosexuality and homosexual pedophiles. They are making the case that the "libs" are making.
A link to the Atlanta study will be useful. Since your reading skills on the Mayo piece were so poor I have a feeling there is more to this one as well.
articles by gay bashing loons do not constitute a reliable source

Will the Mayo Clinic and the CDC do for you then?

The most prestigious research group in the US says that a population of 2% of the US [homosexual men] account for nudging up to half of all molestation of the entire US population's pedophiles. Remember, if a male desires sex with another male, he is a homosexual.

Here's what makes that worse. The Mayo Clinic predicts that if a boy was molested by a man, he was imprinted with that sexual orientation. Later, he can be predicted to seek out other males for sex. Young ones [same link and article]:

Here's what the CDC [I hope you're not also going to call them "gay bashing loons"] has to say about the general population of gay men. Remember to plug it into the Mayo Clinic's findings above. And remember, the CDC does not use the words "pervasive" and "epidemic" lightly...:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

The sample they took was quite large for that study. I believe it was 3,000 gay men they interviewed. Turns out most of them were molested as boys. It was a random sampling..

That's the sundae. This is the cherry on top:

The LGBT community has iconized and is just also now releasing a US postage stamp of which over 60 LGBT groups in Mexico, the US and Canada petitioned tirelessly to get, one Harvey Milk. Harvey Milk's biography, written by a gay friend of his who was also a highly accredited journalist known for his dogged adherence to the stark truth, even when it meant he was ostracized from his own gay community, recounts that Harvey Milk was sodomizing a minor teen boy in California. And that there were others too. That Harvey Milk "always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems" [page 180 The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk]. In fact Milk preyed upon orphaned homeless teen boys to lure in and sodomize. The one who was documented for sure as a minor [though there were likely others because Milk also advocated extreme promisucity for gay men], Milk also officiated publicly as his guardian/father.

So to be clear, the LGBT community has iconized and embraced as their "civil rights icon" a man known to them to bugger teen boys as he himself aged into his 40s. Several of those boys he sodomized and then cast aside for fresher young meat one after the other committed suicide.

Oh, and by the way, gay senator Leno of California petitioned and won a Bill signed into law SB 572. It requires children in school to celebrate Harvey Milk's gayness each May 22nd. Let me repeat that. There is a law on the books in California requiring school children to celebrate the socio-sexual achievements of a child sex predator in the state where he committed most of those crimes against teens. The equivalent would be a law on the books in Pennsylvania requiring children to celebrate Jerry Sandusky's socio-sexual achievements in youth sports.

You can't make this stuff up. It's real. And it's a real problem when it comes to gays being around children. Here's the nut-sprinkle on top of the cherry on the sundae:

When I have confronted gay posters here and all around the web about their knowledge and support of Harvey Milk's sexuality and I remind them he preyed and sodomized on teen boys who were mentally ill, homeless and addled on drugs [the most vulnerable children of all], instead of recoiling in horror, they nonchalantly defend him and if cornered on the topic of sex with minors who have mental issues, they say that simply "the age of consent should be lowered". But never, ever have I heard one of them say that the man was a monster and should be denounced and dethroned immediately. They embrace his sexuality cas "representative" of themselves as a group.

Houston, we have a problem. Look for the Harvey Milk stamp at a Post Office near you. It's the one with the rainbow on it. Just don't buy it unless you want people to know you support men having sex with vulnerable teen boys.. Who knows, one of them might be your nephew, son, neighbor's kid etc...

Poor Sihouette doesn't understand that Mayo clinic is making the same distinction between adult homosexuality and homosexual pedophiles. They are making the case that the "libs" are making.
A link to the Atlanta study will be useful. Since your reading skills on the Mayo piece were so poor I have a feeling there is more to this one as well.

Poor Bruce , unable to engage in a serious debate without deflecting and evading. You've lost , I'm sure you're used to it, the quality of your posts seems to indicate you're a total loser.

I think the article speaks for itself - It is neither 100% supportive of either side of this issue, but it validates assertions made earlier on this thread . Your miserable attempts at saving face are benign.

articles by gay bashing loons do not constitute a reliable source

Will the Mayo Clinic and the CDC do for you then?

The most prestigious research group in the US says that a population of 2% of the US [homosexual men] account for nudging up to half of all molestation of the entire US population's pedophiles. Remember, if a male desires sex with another male, he is a homosexual.

Here's what makes that worse. The Mayo Clinic predicts that if a boy was molested by a man, he was imprinted with that sexual orientation. Later, he can be predicted to seek out other males for sex. Young ones [same link and article]:

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”...

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

Here's what the CDC [I hope you're not also going to call them "gay bashing loons"] has to say about the general population of gay men. Remember to plug it into the Mayo Clinic's findings above. And remember, the CDC does not use the words "pervasive" and "epidemic" lightly...:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

The sample they took was quite large for that study. I believe it was 3,000 gay men they interviewed. Turns out most of them were molested as boys. It was a random sampling..

That's the sundae. This is the cherry on top:

The LGBT community has iconized and is just also now releasing a US postage stamp of which over 60 LGBT groups in Mexico, the US and Canada petitioned tirelessly to get, one Harvey Milk. Harvey Milk's biography, written by a gay friend of his who was also a highly accredited journalist known for his dogged adherence to the stark truth, even when it meant he was ostracized from his own gay community, recounts that Harvey Milk was sodomizing a minor teen boy in California. And that there were others too. That Harvey Milk "always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems" [page 180 The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk]. In fact Milk preyed upon orphaned homeless teen boys to lure in and sodomize. The one who was documented for sure as a minor [though there were likely others because Milk also advocated extreme promisucity for gay men], Milk also officiated publicly as his guardian/father.

So to be clear, the LGBT community has iconized and embraced as their "civil rights icon" a man known to them to bugger teen boys as he himself aged into his 40s. Several of those boys he sodomized and then cast aside for fresher young meat one after the other committed suicide.

Oh, and by the way, gay senator Leno of California petitioned and won a Bill signed into law SB 572. It requires children in school to celebrate Harvey Milk's gayness each May 22nd. Let me repeat that. There is a law on the books in California requiring school children to celebrate the socio-sexual achievements of a child sex predator in the state where he committed most of those crimes against teens. The equivalent would be a law on the books in Pennsylvania requiring children to celebrate Jerry Sandusky's socio-sexual achievements in youth sports.

You can't make this stuff up. It's real. And it's a real problem when it comes to gays being around children. Here's the nut-sprinkle on top of the cherry on the sundae:

When I have confronted gay posters here and all around the web about their knowledge and support of Harvey Milk's sexuality and I remind them he preyed and sodomized on teen boys who were mentally ill, homeless and addled on drugs [the most vulnerable children of all], instead of recoiling in horror, they nonchalantly defend him and if cornered on the topic of sex with minors who have mental issues, they say that simply "the age of consent should be lowered". But never, ever have I heard one of them say that the man was a monster and should be denounced and dethroned immediately. They embrace his sexuality as "representative" of themselves as a group.

Houston, we have a problem. Look for the Harvey Milk stamp at a Post Office near you. It's the one with the rainbow on it. Just don't buy it unless you want people to know you support men having sex with vulnerable teen boys.. Who knows, one of them might be your nephew, son, neighbor's kid etc...

California Conservatives Call for School Boycott on Harvey Milk Day

A conservative group is raising hackles in sunny California by urging parents to keep their children home from school this Wednesday on Harvey Milk Day, commemorating the first openly gay lawmaker.

The group Savecalifornia.com is running 60-second radio ads in Sacramento and Los Angeles calling for parents to prohibit their kids from learning about the slain lawmaker.

"Children belong to the parents, not to the state, and to force a sexual agenda and a political agenda upon children, that’s highly inappropriate," said spokesman Randy Thomasson, who called Milk a "sexual anarchist" as reported on local television news .

As is well documented Milk was also a sexual predator of young boys, as well as one of the principal supporters of Jim Jones [Jonestown Guyana - Poison Kool Aid]

SaveCalifornia.com | Campaign for Children and Families - SaveCalifornia.com

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Will the Mayo Clinic and the CDC do for you then?

The most prestigious research group in the US says that a population of 2% of the US [homosexual men] account for nudging up to half of all molestation of the entire US population's pedophiles. Remember, if a male desires sex with another male, he is a homosexual.

Here's what makes that worse. The Mayo Clinic predicts that if a boy was molested by a man, he was imprinted with that sexual orientation. Later, he can be predicted to seek out other males for sex. Young ones [same link and article]:

Here's what the CDC [I hope you're not also going to call them "gay bashing loons"] has to say about the general population of gay men. Remember to plug it into the Mayo Clinic's findings above. And remember, the CDC does not use the words "pervasive" and "epidemic" lightly...:

The sample they took was quite large for that study. I believe it was 3,000 gay men they interviewed. Turns out most of them were molested as boys. It was a random sampling..

That's the sundae. This is the cherry on top:

The LGBT community has iconized and is just also now releasing a US postage stamp of which over 60 LGBT groups in Mexico, the US and Canada petitioned tirelessly to get, one Harvey Milk. Harvey Milk's biography, written by a gay friend of his who was also a highly accredited journalist known for his dogged adherence to the stark truth, even when it meant he was ostracized from his own gay community, recounts that Harvey Milk was sodomizing a minor teen boy in California. And that there were others too. That Harvey Milk "always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems" [page 180 The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk]. In fact Milk preyed upon orphaned homeless teen boys to lure in and sodomize. The one who was documented for sure as a minor [though there were likely others because Milk also advocated extreme promisucity for gay men], Milk also officiated publicly as his guardian/father.

So to be clear, the LGBT community has iconized and embraced as their "civil rights icon" a man known to them to bugger teen boys as he himself aged into his 40s. Several of those boys he sodomized and then cast aside for fresher young meat one after the other committed suicide.

Oh, and by the way, gay senator Leno of California petitioned and won a Bill signed into law SB 572. It requires children in school to celebrate Harvey Milk's gayness each May 22nd. Let me repeat that. There is a law on the books in California requiring school children to celebrate the socio-sexual achievements of a child sex predator in the state where he committed most of those crimes against teens. The equivalent would be a law on the books in Pennsylvania requiring children to celebrate Jerry Sandusky's socio-sexual achievements in youth sports.

You can't make this stuff up. It's real. And it's a real problem when it comes to gays being around children. Here's the nut-sprinkle on top of the cherry on the sundae:

When I have confronted gay posters here and all around the web about their knowledge and support of Harvey Milk's sexuality and I remind them he preyed and sodomized on teen boys who were mentally ill, homeless and addled on drugs [the most vulnerable children of all], instead of recoiling in horror, they nonchalantly defend him and if cornered on the topic of sex with minors who have mental issues, they say that simply "the age of consent should be lowered". But never, ever have I heard one of them say that the man was a monster and should be denounced and dethroned immediately. They embrace his sexuality cas "representative" of themselves as a group.

Houston, we have a problem. Look for the Harvey Milk stamp at a Post Office near you. It's the one with the rainbow on it. Just don't buy it unless you want people to know you support men having sex with vulnerable teen boys.. Who knows, one of them might be your nephew, son, neighbor's kid etc...

Poor Sihouette doesn't understand that Mayo clinic is making the same distinction between adult homosexuality and homosexual pedophiles. They are making the case that the "libs" are making.
A link to the Atlanta study will be useful. Since your reading skills on the Mayo piece were so poor I have a feeling there is more to this one as well.

Poor Bruce , unable to engage in a serious debate without deflecting and evading. You've lost , I'm sure you're used to it, the quality of your posts seems to indicate you're a total loser.

I think the article speaks for itself - It is neither 100% supportive of either side of this issue, but it validates assertions made earlier on this thread . Your miserable attempts at saving face are benign.

Trying to use big boy English without the tools.
Benign? My attempts at saving face are harmless?
You are the gift that keeps on giving.
No wonder you don't understand the article.
Poor Sihouette doesn't understand that Mayo clinic is making the same distinction between adult homosexuality and homosexual pedophiles. They are making the case that the "libs" are making.
A link to the Atlanta study will be useful. Since your reading skills on the Mayo piece were so poor I have a feeling there is more to this one as well.

Poor Bruce , unable to engage in a serious debate without deflecting and evading. You've lost , I'm sure you're used to it, the quality of your posts seems to indicate you're a total loser.

I think the article speaks for itself - It is neither 100% supportive of either side of this issue, but it validates assertions made earlier on this thread . Your miserable attempts at saving face are benign.

Trying to use big boy English without the tools.
Benign? My attempts at saving face are harmless?
You are the gift that keeps on giving.
No wonder you don't understand the article.

You keep recycling the same statement and aiming it at evrybody around you, if you have something intelligent to say, which is highly unlikely, kindly do so - I come to the USMessageboard to engage in intelligent debate - not to bicker with adolescants.

One more asinine post from you and you're on my ignore list - you are of absoluely no value to your side of the debate whatsoever.


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