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Boy Scouts kick out church group

I don't think you understand.

I am going to look at who funds your sites and who funds your studies every time. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I do the same thing to every one else. That is the intellectual process.

Please do ! if you want a list of sites I frequent, PM me, or simply scroll through my posts - looking forward to hearng from you again.

I'm not interested in the sites you frequent. Only when you make attempts to back your statements up. That's my only interest. You have failed to make your case.

Then you have failed to comprehend.

The OP initiated with the Topic of the Boy Scouts and their steadfast refusal to allow homosexuals as Scout Leaders, not simply because they felt they were bad role models for which there is a strong case ,but because of their long history of members being abused by Homosexuals - which goes back decades. The files are in the thousands .

Unlike the Catholic Church, which did very little to protect Children from Homosexual predators. The BSA took action and has since drawn the anger of the Gay Mafia supported by people I refer to call "useful idiots" [A term that originates wth Russian Communist Nikolai Lenin] not unlike yourself I surmise. Useful Idiots are generally good hearted people, but overly naive and easily taken in by socio-fascist and gay propaganda.

The discussion subsequently evolved to the percentage of homosexual pedophiles as oppossed to heterosexual pedophiles . I cited valid studies which prove that homosexuals molest at an alarming rate [Per Capita] as opposed to normal people - some statistics indicate as high as 20 to 1 . Basically - gay males who comprise no more than 3% of the population are committing somewhere around 33% of the sex crimes against Boys.

Homosexual apologists are unable to refute this data, so the only mode of defense they have is semantics , a meager attempt to claim that gay is only gay when it is between adults - and that homosexual pedophiles are not really homosexuals - my argument states that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck

Nice Limerick - too bad your path of logic is sorely limp .

I'll repeat it , you can't beat it so get on your knees it's time to eat it

Homosexuals are the most prolific molestors of Kids that humanity has ever bred - you can't beat this argument so you continuosly deflect - heck you even posted a link that totally destroyed your assertions .
You can say this a hundred more times. You provide nothing to back up this claim.
Your reading comprehension is so impoverished you can't understand the articles that show how completely off the mark you are.
I haven't deflected at all.
That would be you who can't back up his wild assertions.
You deflect with limericks that further prove the limited cognitive power available to you.
You suck at them, too!

Poor Bean has to suffer the laughter
As he's terribly light in the rafter.
When he asked for a brain
They thought he lisped "Sprain"
He's been mentally hobbled thereafter.

Holy Shit -You gotta be fucking kidding me - Right ! Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to teach Advanced Calculus to a Kindergarden class when dealing with assholes like you. You can lead a Jack Ass to water but you can't make it drink, and brucey boy you are one pathetic low life scumball Jack Ass . You get beaten over the head with reality and you continue to beat your chest while lieing on the ground mortally wonded . What a Pathetic Loser

Perhaps I overwhelmed you with too much information for your mongrel intellect to process so lets try something really simple. okayyyy ?

1 Homo
20 Normal People
1 Child

The Child gets molested. Using pure established uncontested and uncontestable statistics there is just as much of a chance that the faggot did it , as there is for any of the 20 normal people to have done it .
This is the post you want to plant your intellectual flag with?
A host of invective a and vulgarities followed by an unsupported declaration?
What information have you overwhelmed me with? A puff piece from Robertson's school for the educationally inept?
You can't write a sentence without being crude and cretinous.
What would anyone expect from this kind of poster than to be licking the boots of the man who thinks gays caused 9/11!
You have brought nothing to the table except your hatred and bile.
Too bad they're not arguments.

Poor Bean wanted smarts so much faster,
So he went and sought out the master!
Pat winked with his eye,
Said "The trick is to lie!"
Now Bean's a debating disaster!
The statement that follows "But on a per capita basis Homosexuals are the most prolific and are responsible for a grossly disproportionate amount of abused and molested kids" is absolutely false, because it is based on consensus research without valid empirical data.

https://www.regent.edu/acad/schlaw/...cs/issues/v14n2/Vol. 14, No. 2, 3 Baldwin.pdf

Pedophiles are invariably males: Almost all sex crimes against children are committed by men.

Significant numbers of victims are males: Up to one-third of all sex crimes against children are committed against boys (as opposed to girls).

The 10 percent fallacy: Studies indicate that, contrary to the inaccurate but widely accepted claims of sex researcher Alfred Kinsey, homosexuals comprise between 1 to 3 percent of the population. [Although some studies indicate as high as 4 to 5% if you include bisexuals]

Homosexuals are overrepresented in child sex offenses: Individuals from the 1 to 3 percent of the population that is sexually attracted to the same sex are committing up to one-third of the sex crimes against children.

Some homosexual activists defend the historic connection between homosexuality and pedophilia: Such activists consider the defense of "boy-lovers" to be a legitimate gay rights issue.

Pedophile themes abound in homosexual literary culture: Gay fiction as well as serious academic treatises promote "intergenerational intimacy."

although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals by a ratio of at least 20 to 1, homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses.

The Archives of Sexual Behavior also noted that homosexual pedophiles are significantly overrepresented in child sex offence cases:

The stark imbalance between homosexual and heterosexual child molestationswas confirmed in the Archives of Sexual Behavior study itself, which divided 260 pedophile participants into three groups: "152 heterosexual pedophiles (men with offenses or self-reported attractions involving girls only), 43 bisexual pedophiles (boys and girls), and 65 homosexual pedophiles (boys only)."["Fraternal Birth Order and Sexual Orientation in Pedophiles," Archives of Sexual Behavior 29 (2000): 464.] In other words, 25 percent of the offenders were homosexual pedophiles--or 41 percent if those who molest girls as well as boys are included.

Other studies report an unusually high percentage of child molestations by homosexual pedophiles:

A study on pedophilia in the Psychiatric Journal of the University of Ottawa reported: "According to the literature, findings of a two-to-one ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles have been documented.

In 1999 Helmut Graupner, wrote an article on pedophilia in the Journal of Homosexuality, in which he claims: "Man/boy and woman/girl relations without doubt are same-sex relations and they do constitute an aspect of gay and lesbian life." Graupner argues that, as such, consensual sexual relations between adult homosexuals and youths as young as fourteen qualifies as a "gay rights issue."[Helmut Graupner, "Love Versus Abuse: Crossgenerational Sexual Relations of Minors: A Gay Rights Issue?" Journal of Homosexuality

Wake up -these are kids we are talking about, this isn't your High School debate team -these are real human beings -CHILDREN- who lives are being ruined to satiate political correctness and the socio-fascist Gay Agenda

Thank you for proving my point with your crap.

You should see the number of sex crimes committed by women here in Utah.

Adults, homos and heteroes, prey on children.

And they statistically non-significant in who does what.

Too complicated for you huh Jake ? Do you have anything intelligent to add , obviously you have no case and your point of view is dictated by your preconceived bias .
You can say this a hundred more times. You provide nothing to back up this claim.
Your reading comprehension is so impoverished you can't understand the articles that show how completely off the mark you are.
I haven't deflected at all.
That would be you who can't back up his wild assertions.
You deflect with limericks that further prove the limited cognitive power available to you.
You suck at them, too!

Poor Bean has to suffer the laughter
As he's terribly light in the rafter.
When he asked for a brain
They thought he lisped "Sprain"
He's been mentally hobbled thereafter.

Holy Shit -You gotta be fucking kidding me - Right ! Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to teach Advanced Calculus to a Kindergarden class when dealing with assholes like you. You can lead a Jack Ass to water but you can't make it drink, and brucey boy you are one pathetic low life scumball Jack Ass . You get beaten over the head with reality and you continue to beat your chest while lieing on the ground mortally wonded . What a Pathetic Loser

Perhaps I overwhelmed you with too much information for your mongrel intellect to process so lets try something really simple. okayyyy ?

1 Homo
20 Normal People
1 Child

The Child gets molested. Using pure established uncontested and uncontestable statistics there is just as much of a chance that the faggot did it , as there is for any of the 20 normal people to have done it .
This is the post you want to plant your intellectual flag with?
A host of invective a and vulgarities followed by an unsupported declaration?
What information have you overwhelmed me with? A puff piece from Robertson's school for the educationally inept?
You can't write a sentence without being crude and cretinous.
What would anyone expect from this kind of poster than to be licking the boots of the man who thinks gays caused 9/11!
You have brought nothing to the table except your hatred and bile.
Too bad they're not arguments.

Poor Bean wanted smarts so much faster,
So he went and sought out the master!
Pat winked with his eye,
Said "The trick is to lie!"
Now Bean's a debating disaster!

And Still - you have nothing of substance to add

The OP initiated with the Topic of the Boy Scouts and their steadfast refusal to allow homosexuals as Scout Leaders, not simply because they felt they were bad role models for which there is a strong case ,but because of their long history of members being abused by Homosexuals - which goes back decades. The files are in the thousands .

Unlike the Catholic Church, which did very little to protect Children from Homosexual predators. The BSA took action and has since drawn the anger of the Gay Mafia supported by people I refer to call "useful idiots" [A term that originates wth Russian Communist Nikolai Lenin] not unlike yourself I surmise. Useful Idiots are generally good hearted people, but overly naive and easily taken in by socio-fascist and gay propaganda.

The discussion subsequently evolved to the percentage of homosexual pedophiles as oppossed to heterosexual pedophiles . I cited valid studies which prove that homosexuals molest at an alarming rate [Per Capita] as opposed to normal people - some statistics indicate as high as 20 to 1 . Basically - gay males who comprise no more than 3% of the population are committing somewhere around 33% of the sex crimes against Boys.

Homosexual apologists are unable to refute this data, so the only mode of defense they have is semantics , a meager attempt to claim that gay is only gay when it is between adults - and that homosexual pedophiles are not really homosexuals - my argument states that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck

So Bruce How long have you been posting on this Site ?
We've had this conversation before haven't we ?
But you were under a different Avatar back then LOL
I hope you're not using the same IP address

Good Night
Last edited:
You are sadly mistaken. Male on Male or Female on Female is Homosexual , same sex sodomy is homosexual. Gay is homosexual - No matter how to want to twist and pervert reality , and play little games of semantics - sex between two persons of the same gender is HOMOSEXUAL .

loonybird.com talking about the 'war against the boy scouts' is not a credible source.

false as regards the church AND boyscouts.

but again... homosexuality does not equal pedophile and the majority of pedophiles are heterosexual.

Yes Jillian, you are 100% correct, there are more instances of Boys being molested by priests primarily because the Church never instituted the rigid controlsagainst homosexuals that the Boy Scouts have.

loonybird.com talking about the 'war against the boy scouts' is not a credible source.

false as regards the church AND boyscouts.

but again... homosexuality does not equal pedophile and the majority of pedophiles are heterosexual.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

the legitimacy of sources matters.

loonybird.com talking about the 'war against the boy scouts' is not a credible source.

false as regards the church AND boyscouts.

but again... homosexuality does not equal pedophile and the majority of pedophiles are heterosexual.

I really could give a rats ass what site the content comes from, it's the content that matters. Attacking the source is a losers mode of deflecting an argument they can't win. and I had thought more of you, I guess I was wrong.

And the link you posted has been debunked repeatedly , being # 1 on Google makes a site easy for lazy people to find, it doesn't make an article credible.
The paper you source is by a guy with a Bachelor's in Communications!
This is your expert witness?

Poor Bean went to look for some backing,
But the science was just simply lacking!
But he found a guy willing
To lie for a shilling.
Now Bean can go back to his jacking.
loonybird.com talking about the 'war against the boy scouts' is not a credible source.

false as regards the church AND boyscouts.

but again... homosexuality does not equal pedophile and the majority of pedophiles are heterosexual.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

the legitimacy of sources matters.

loonybird.com talking about the 'war against the boy scouts' is not a credible source.

false as regards the church AND boyscouts.

but again... homosexuality does not equal pedophile and the majority of pedophiles are heterosexual.

I really could give a rats ass what site the content comes from, it's the content that matters. Attacking the source is a losers mode of deflecting an argument they can't win. and I had thought more of you, I guess I was wrong.

And the link you posted has been debunked repeatedly , being # 1 on Google makes a site easy for lazy people to find, it doesn't make an article credible.
The paper you source is by a guy with a Bachelor's in Communications!
This is your expert witness?

Poor Bean went to look for some backing,
But the science was just simply lacking!
But he found a guy willing
To lie for a shilling.
Now Bean can go back to his jacking.

A Bachelor's in Communications! - what paper are you referring to .... and why do you refuse to address content - What are you Afraid of Camusett

The OP initiated with the Topic of the Boy Scouts and their steadfast refusal to allow homosexuals as Scout Leaders, not simply because they felt they were bad role models for which there is a strong case ,but because of their long history of members being abused by Homosexuals - which goes back decades. The files are in the thousands .

Unlike the Catholic Church, which did very little to protect Children from Homosexual predators. The BSA took action and has since drawn the anger of the Gay Mafia supported by people I refer to call "useful idiots" [A term that originates wth Russian Communist Nikolai Lenin] not unlike yourself I surmise. Useful Idiots are generally good hearted people, but overly naive and easily taken in by socio-fascist and gay propaganda.

The discussion subsequently evolved to the percentage of homosexual pedophiles as oppossed to heterosexual pedophiles . I cited valid studies which prove that homosexuals molest at an alarming rate [Per Capita] as opposed to normal people - some statistics indicate as high as 20 to 1 . Basically - gay males who comprise no more than 3% of the population are committing somewhere around 33% of the sex crimes against Boys.

Homosexual apologists are unable to refute this data, so the only mode of defense they have is semantics , a meager attempt to claim that gay is only gay when it is between adults - and that homosexual pedophiles are not really homosexuals - my argument states that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck

So Bruce How long have you been posting on this Site ?
We've had this conversation before haven't we ?
But you were under a different Avatar back then LOL
I hope you're not using the same IP address
Last edited:
Holy Shit -You gotta be fucking kidding me - Right ! Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to teach Advanced Calculus to a Kindergarden class when dealing with assholes like you. You can lead a Jack Ass to water but you can't make it drink, and brucey boy you are one pathetic low life scumball Jack Ass . You get beaten over the head with reality and you continue to beat your chest while lieing on the ground mortally wonded . What a Pathetic Loser

Perhaps I overwhelmed you with too much information for your mongrel intellect to process so lets try something really simple. okayyyy ?

1 Homo
20 Normal People
1 Child

The Child gets molested. Using pure established uncontested and uncontestable statistics there is just as much of a chance that the faggot did it , as there is for any of the 20 normal people to have done it .
This is the post you want to plant your intellectual flag with?
A host of invective a and vulgarities followed by an unsupported declaration?
What information have you overwhelmed me with? A puff piece from Robertson's school for the educationally inept?
You can't write a sentence without being crude and cretinous.
What would anyone expect from this kind of poster than to be licking the boots of the man who thinks gays caused 9/11!
You have brought nothing to the table except your hatred and bile.
Too bad they're not arguments.

Poor Bean wanted smarts so much faster,
So he went and sought out the master!
Pat winked with his eye,
Said "The trick is to lie!"
Now Bean's a debating disaster!

And Still - you have nothing of substance to add

The OP initiated with the Topic of the Boy Scouts and their steadfast refusal to allow homosexuals as Scout Leaders, not simply because they felt they were bad role models for which there is a strong case ,but because of their long history of members being abused by Homosexuals - which goes back decades. The files are in the thousands .

Unlike the Catholic Church, which did very little to protect Children from Homosexual predators. The BSA took action and has since drawn the anger of the Gay Mafia supported by people I refer to call "useful idiots" [A term that originates wth Russian Communist Nikolai Lenin] not unlike yourself I surmise. Useful Idiots are generally good hearted people, but overly naive and easily taken in by socio-fascist and gay propaganda.

The discussion subsequently evolved to the percentage of homosexual pedophiles as oppossed to heterosexual pedophiles . I cited valid studies which prove that homosexuals molest at an alarming rate [Per Capita] as opposed to normal people - some statistics indicate as high as 20 to 1 . Basically - gay males who comprise no more than 3% of the population are committing somewhere around 33% of the sex crimes against Boys.

Homosexual apologists are unable to refute this data, so the only mode of defense they have is semantics , a meager attempt to claim that gay is only gay when it is between adults - and that homosexual pedophiles are not really homosexuals - my argument states that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck

So Bruce How long have you been posting on this Site ?
We've had this conversation before haven't we ?
But you were under a different Avatar back then LOL
I hope you're not using the same IP address

Good Night

I've been here a month and had never been here previously.
Did someone else humiliate you, too?

Poor Bean never could make a case,
But would always fall flat on his face.
Embarrassed he'd run
To his nightgown and gun
And fresh panties trimmed in red lace.
https://www.regent.edu/acad/schlaw/...cs/issues/v14n2/Vol. 14, No. 2, 3 Baldwin.pdf

Pedophiles are invariably males: Almost all sex crimes against children are committed by men.

Significant numbers of victims are males: Up to one-third of all sex crimes against children are committed against boys (as opposed to girls).

The 10 percent fallacy: Studies indicate that, contrary to the inaccurate but widely accepted claims of sex researcher Alfred Kinsey, homosexuals comprise between 1 to 3 percent of the population. [Although some studies indicate as high as 4 to 5% if you include bisexuals]

Homosexuals are overrepresented in child sex offenses: Individuals from the 1 to 3 percent of the population that is sexually attracted to the same sex are committing up to one-third of the sex crimes against children.

Some homosexual activists defend the historic connection between homosexuality and pedophilia: Such activists consider the defense of "boy-lovers" to be a legitimate gay rights issue.

Pedophile themes abound in homosexual literary culture: Gay fiction as well as serious academic treatises promote "intergenerational intimacy."

although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals by a ratio of at least 20 to 1, homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses.

The Archives of Sexual Behavior also noted that homosexual pedophiles are significantly overrepresented in child sex offence cases:

The stark imbalance between homosexual and heterosexual child molestationswas confirmed in the Archives of Sexual Behavior study itself, which divided 260 pedophile participants into three groups: "152 heterosexual pedophiles (men with offenses or self-reported attractions involving girls only), 43 bisexual pedophiles (boys and girls), and 65 homosexual pedophiles (boys only)."["Fraternal Birth Order and Sexual Orientation in Pedophiles," Archives of Sexual Behavior 29 (2000): 464.] In other words, 25 percent of the offenders were homosexual pedophiles--or 41 percent if those who molest girls as well as boys are included.

Other studies report an unusually high percentage of child molestations by homosexual pedophiles:

A study on pedophilia in the Psychiatric Journal of the University of Ottawa reported: "According to the literature, findings of a two-to-one ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles have been documented.

In 1999 Helmut Graupner, wrote an article on pedophilia in the Journal of Homosexuality, in which he claims: "Man/boy and woman/girl relations without doubt are same-sex relations and they do constitute an aspect of gay and lesbian life." Graupner argues that, as such, consensual sexual relations between adult homosexuals and youths as young as fourteen qualifies as a "gay rights issue."[Helmut Graupner, "Love Versus Abuse: Crossgenerational Sexual Relations of Minors: A Gay Rights Issue?" Journal of Homosexuality

Wake up -these are kids we are talking about, this isn't your High School debate team -these are real human beings -CHILDREN- who lives are being ruined to satiate political correctness and the socio-fascist Gay Agenda

Thank you for proving my point with your crap.

You should see the number of sex crimes committed by women here in Utah.

Adults, homos and heteroes, prey on children.

And they statistically non-significant in who does what.

Too complicated for you huh Jake ? Do you have anything intelligent to add , obviously you have no case and your point of view is dictated by your preconceived bias .

Your figures are incorrect and insignificant.

Your opinion is not fact.
I really could give a rats ass what site the content comes from, it's the content that matters. Attacking the source is a losers mode of deflecting an argument they can't win. and I had thought more of you, I guess I was wrong.

And the link you posted has been debunked repeatedly , being # 1 on Google makes a site easy for lazy people to find, it doesn't make an article credible.
The paper you source is by a guy with a Bachelor's in Communications!
This is your expert witness?

Poor Bean went to look for some backing,
But the science was just simply lacking!
But he found a guy willing
To lie for a shilling.
Now Bean can go back to his jacking.

A Bachelor's in Communications! - what paper are you referring to .... and why do you refuse to address content - What are you Afraid of Camusett

The OP initiated with the Topic of the Boy Scouts and their steadfast refusal to allow homosexuals as Scout Leaders, not simply because they felt they were bad role models for which there is a strong case ,but because of their long history of members being abused by Homosexuals - which goes back decades. The files are in the thousands .

Unlike the Catholic Church, which did very little to protect Children from Homosexual predators. The BSA took action and has since drawn the anger of the Gay Mafia supported by people I refer to call "useful idiots" [A term that originates wth Russian Communist Nikolai Lenin] not unlike yourself I surmise. Useful Idiots are generally good hearted people, but overly naive and easily taken in by socio-fascist and gay propaganda.

The discussion subsequently evolved to the percentage of homosexual pedophiles as oppossed to heterosexual pedophiles . I cited valid studies which prove that homosexuals molest at an alarming rate [Per Capita] as opposed to normal people - some statistics indicate as high as 20 to 1 . Basically - gay males who comprise no more than 3% of the population are committing somewhere around 33% of the sex crimes against Boys.

Homosexual apologists are unable to refute this data, so the only mode of defense they have is semantics , a meager attempt to claim that gay is only gay when it is between adults - and that homosexual pedophiles are not really homosexuals - my argument states that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck

So Bruce How long have you been posting on this Site ?
We've had this conversation before haven't we ?
But you were under a different Avatar back then LOL
I hope you're not using the same IP address

The paper you posted from the Regent University site was a reprint from a guy with an undergrad degree in communications from Pepperdine.
Do you even read the crap you post, or do you just go far enough to find out they hate "fags", too, and that is all the credibility they require?

Young Bean was a mean little sprite.
He thought "man" meant you knew how to fight.
But now time has gone on
And the truth will now dawn.
His sneakers are now feeling light.
Please do ! if you want a list of sites I frequent, PM me, or simply scroll through my posts - looking forward to hearng from you again.

I'm not interested in the sites you frequent. Only when you make attempts to back your statements up. That's my only interest. You have failed to make your case.

Then you have failed to comprehend.

The OP initiated with the Topic of the Boy Scouts and their steadfast refusal to allow homosexuals as Scout Leaders, not simply because they felt they were bad role models for which there is a strong case ,but because of their long history of members being abused by Homosexuals - which goes back decades. The files are in the thousands .

Unlike the Catholic Church, which did very little to protect Children from Homosexual predators. The BSA took action and has since drawn the anger of the Gay Mafia supported by people I refer to call "useful idiots" [A term that originates wth Russian Communist Nikolai Lenin] not unlike yourself I surmise. Useful Idiots are generally good hearted people, but overly naive and easily taken in by socio-fascist and gay propaganda.

The discussion subsequently evolved to the percentage of homosexual pedophiles as oppossed to heterosexual pedophiles . I cited valid studies which prove that homosexuals molest at an alarming rate [Per Capita] as opposed to normal people - some statistics indicate as high as 20 to 1 . Basically - gay males who comprise no more than 3% of the population are committing somewhere around 33% of the sex crimes against Boys.

Homosexual apologists are unable to refute this data, so the only mode of defense they have is semantics , a meager attempt to claim that gay is only gay when it is between adults - and that homosexual pedophiles are not really homosexuals - my argument states that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck

According to the American Psychological Association, "homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are." Gregory Herek, a professor at the University of California, Davis, who is one of the nation's leading researchers on prejudice against sexual minorities, reviewed a series of studies and found no evidence that gay men molest children at higher rates than heterosexual men.

Anti-gay activists who make that claim allege that all men who molest male children should be seen as homosexual. But research by A. Nicholas Groth, a pioneer in the field of sexual abuse of children, shows that is not so. Groth found that there are two types of child molesters: fixated and regressive. The fixated child molester — the stereotypical pedophile — cannot be considered homosexual or heterosexual because "he often finds adults of either sex repulsive" and often molests children of both sexes. Regressive child molesters are generally attracted to other adults, but may "regress" to focusing on children when confronted with stressful situations. Groth found that the majority of regressed offenders were heterosexual in their adult relationships.

The Child Molestation Research and Prevention Institute notes that 90% of child molesters target children in their network of family and friends. Most child molesters, therefore, are not gay people lingering outside schools waiting to snatch children from the playground, as much religious-right rhetoric suggests.

Some anti-gay ideologues cite the American College of Pediatricians' opposition to same-sex parenting as if the organization were a legitimate professional body. In fact, the so-called college is a tiny breakaway faction of the similarly named, 60,000-member American Academy of Pediatrics that requires, as a condition of membership, that joiners "hold true to the group's core beliefs ... [including] that the traditional family unit, headed by an opposite-sex couple, poses far fewer risk factors in the adoption and raising of children." The group's 2010 publication Facts About Youth was described by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychological Association as non-factual. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, was one of several legitimate researchers who said Facts misrepresented their findings. "It is disturbing to me to see special interest groups distort my scientific observations to make a point against homosexuality," he wrote. "The information they present is misleading and incorrect."


An especially pernicious myth is that most adults who sexually abuse children are gay. A number of researchers have looked at this question to determine if homosexuals are more likely to be pedophiles than heterosexuals, and the data indicate that's not the case.

For example, in a 1989 study led by Kurt Freund of the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry in Canada, scientists showed pictures of children to adult gay and straight males, and measured sexual arousal. Homosexual men reacted no more strongly to pictures of male children than heterosexual men reacted to pictures of female children.

A 1994 study, led by Carole Jenny of the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, surveyed 269 cases of children who were sexually molested by adults. In 82 percent of cases, the alleged offender was a heterosexual partner of a close relative of the child, the researchers reported in the journal Pediatrics. In only two out of 269 cases, the offender was identified as being gay or lesbian.

"The empirical research does not show that gay or bisexual men are any more likely than heterosexual men to molest children," wrote Gregory M. Herek, a professor of psychology at the University of California at Davis, on his website. Herek, who was not involved in the 1989 or 1994 studies, compiled a review of research on the topic.
5 Myths About Gay People Debunked | Homosexuality & Sexual Orientation Science | LiveScience
Thank you for proving my point with your crap.

You should see the number of sex crimes committed by women here in Utah.

Adults, homos and heteroes, prey on children.

And they statistically non-significant in who does what.

Too complicated for you huh Jake ? Do you have anything intelligent to add , obviously you have no case and your point of view is dictated by your preconceived bias .

Your figures are incorrect and insignificant.

Your opinion is not fact.

If he is a shameless homosexual perverted male with a preference for young boys then I would not want him as a scoutmaster

It is no different than having a shameless heterosexual perverted male with a preference for young girls as Scout master for the Brownies!!

Do you people now get the point what we "bigots" are trying to say?
Last edited:
I'm not interested in the sites you frequent. Only when you make attempts to back your statements up. That's my only interest. You have failed to make your case.

Then you have failed to comprehend.

The OP initiated with the Topic of the Boy Scouts and their steadfast refusal to allow homosexuals as Scout Leaders, not simply because they felt they were bad role models for which there is a strong case ,but because of their long history of members being abused by Homosexuals - which goes back decades. The files are in the thousands .

Unlike the Catholic Church, which did very little to protect Children from Homosexual predators. The BSA took action and has since drawn the anger of the Gay Mafia supported by people I refer to call "useful idiots" [A term that originates wth Russian Communist Nikolai Lenin] not unlike yourself I surmise. Useful Idiots are generally good hearted people, but overly naive and easily taken in by socio-fascist and gay propaganda.

The discussion subsequently evolved to the percentage of homosexual pedophiles as oppossed to heterosexual pedophiles . I cited valid studies which prove that homosexuals molest at an alarming rate [Per Capita] as opposed to normal people - some statistics indicate as high as 20 to 1 . Basically - gay males who comprise no more than 3% of the population are committing somewhere around 33% of the sex crimes against Boys.

Homosexual apologists are unable to refute this data, so the only mode of defense they have is semantics , a meager attempt to claim that gay is only gay when it is between adults - and that homosexual pedophiles are not really homosexuals - my argument states that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck

According to the American Psychological Association, "homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are." Gregory Herek, a professor at the University of California, Davis, who is one of the nation's leading researchers on prejudice against sexual minorities, reviewed a series of studies and found no evidence that gay men molest children at higher rates than heterosexual men.

Anti-gay activists who make that claim allege that all men who molest male children should be seen as homosexual. But research by A. Nicholas Groth, a pioneer in the field of sexual abuse of children, shows that is not so. Groth found that there are two types of child molesters: fixated and regressive. The fixated child molester — the stereotypical pedophile — cannot be considered homosexual or heterosexual because "he often finds adults of either sex repulsive" and often molests children of both sexes. Regressive child molesters are generally attracted to other adults, but may "regress" to focusing on children when confronted with stressful situations. Groth found that the majority of regressed offenders were heterosexual in their adult relationships.

The Child Molestation Research and Prevention Institute notes that 90% of child molesters target children in their network of family and friends. Most child molesters, therefore, are not gay people lingering outside schools waiting to snatch children from the playground, as much religious-right rhetoric suggests.

Some anti-gay ideologues cite the American College of Pediatricians' opposition to same-sex parenting as if the organization were a legitimate professional body. In fact, the so-called college is a tiny breakaway faction of the similarly named, 60,000-member American Academy of Pediatrics that requires, as a condition of membership, that joiners "hold true to the group's core beliefs ... [including] that the traditional family unit, headed by an opposite-sex couple, poses far fewer risk factors in the adoption and raising of children." The group's 2010 publication Facts About Youth was described by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychological Association as non-factual. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, was one of several legitimate researchers who said Facts misrepresented their findings. "It is disturbing to me to see special interest groups distort my scientific observations to make a point against homosexuality," he wrote. "The information they present is misleading and incorrect."


An especially pernicious myth is that most adults who sexually abuse children are gay. A number of researchers have looked at this question to determine if homosexuals are more likely to be pedophiles than heterosexuals, and the data indicate that's not the case.

For example, in a 1989 study led by Kurt Freund of the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry in Canada, scientists showed pictures of children to adult gay and straight males, and measured sexual arousal. Homosexual men reacted no more strongly to pictures of male children than heterosexual men reacted to pictures of female children.

A 1994 study, led by Carole Jenny of the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, surveyed 269 cases of children who were sexually molested by adults. In 82 percent of cases, the alleged offender was a heterosexual partner of a close relative of the child, the researchers reported in the journal Pediatrics. In only two out of 269 cases, the offender was identified as being gay or lesbian.

"The empirical research does not show that gay or bisexual men are any more likely than heterosexual men to molest children," wrote Gregory M. Herek, a professor of psychology at the University of California at Davis, on his website. Herek, who was not involved in the 1989 or 1994 studies, compiled a review of research on the topic.
5 Myths About Gay People Debunked | Homosexuality & Sexual Orientation Science | LiveScience

According to the American Psychological Association, "homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are."

Contrary to uninformed opinions -The APA is not a scientific organization - it is a political one.

Nicholas Cummings, former President of the American Psychological Association and one of the people who led the movement to have homosexuality declassified as a mental illness speaking to an audience of fellow professionals in 2005, stated the profession of Mental Health, psychology, psychiatry is dominated by social-activist groups.

As per Dr. Cummings, when the APA conducts research, they do so only "when they know what the outcome is going to be...only predictably favorable outcomes are permissible."


US House of Representatives actually censured the APA for its stance that "pedophilia might be OK under the right circumstances". This is the end product of a gay cabal having taken over the APA in the 1980s and handpicking board members who are "on board" with "the new agenda".


Kurt Freund of the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry in Canada, scientists showed pictures of children to adult gay and straight males, and measured sexual arousal.

Freund was a great man , a wonderful very likeable person and a brilliant researcher who committed suicide using the kevorkian method. His research which you site used a test sample of 260+ men and a method involving monitoring the blood flow and erectile status of the penis when exposed to erotic stimuli known as Phallometric testing. However the flaw lies in that the penis does not allways become erect or respond to said stimuli, especially when the subject is aware hat they are being monitored.

Phallometric Testing is not reliable and subject to multiple and uncalculable variables
Phallometric testing with sexual offenders:... [Clin Psychol Rev. 2000] - PubMed - NCBI

"There are, however, problems with the psychometric bases of these assessments, and studies reporting their use have so many idiosyncratic features that comparisons are of dubious value. Evidence concerning the reliability and criterion validity of phallometric testing leaves a lot to be desired"

Anti-gay activists who make that claim allege that all men who molest male children should be seen as homosexual. .

That's pure nonsense ! The statistics indicate that the majority of child molestation occurs on a male to female basis , among family members and nobody claims that to be of a homosexual nature. Nor does anyone attempt to claim that the heterosexual molestor is something other than a heteroexual.

However - in comes the Gay Agenda and suddenly homosexual molestors are no longer homosexuals - Orwellian Newspeak

The Child Molestation Research and Prevention Institute notes that 90% of child molesters target children in their network of family and friends.

Which is exactly why the Boy Scouts seek to exclude Homosexuals.
If he is a shameless homosexual perverted male with a preference for young boys then I would not want him as a scoutmaster

It is no different than having a shameless heterosexual perverted male with a preference for young girls as Scout master for the Brownies!!

Do you people now get the point what we "bigots" are trying to say?

Unfortunately with Girl Scouts, just the opposite is true. The organization is infested with Lesbians and Perverts.


Thank you for proving my point with your crap.

You should see the number of sex crimes committed by women here in Utah.

Adults, homos and heteroes, prey on children.

And they statistically non-significant in who does what.

Too complicated for you huh Jake ? Do you have anything intelligent to add , obviously you have no case and your point of view is dictated by your preconceived bias .

Your figures are incorrect and insignificant.

Your opinion is not fact.

The facts I Quote are facts , your opinion is insignificant as you are unable to back it up with facts.
I admire the families in that troop for standing up for a good man and a good role model for their children. They are also teaching their sons a valuable lesson in doing the right thing
The is only 1 reason I can think of for an adult male homo wanting to be around a lot of young boys. ... :eek:

Just like there's only one reason for an adult hetero to be around young girls.......

An adult hetero male is not sexually attracted to young girls, whereas an adult gay male may very well be sexually attracted to young boys.

Adult hetero Males are attracted to young girls - Which is why there are so many instances of young Girls being molested by hetero Males. HOWEVER on a per-capita basis Adult Homo males molest young boys at a disproportionately higher rate
The is only 1 reason I can think of for an adult male homo wanting to be around a lot of young boys. ... :eek:

Just like there's only one reason for an adult hetero to be around young girls.......

An adult hetero male is not sexually attracted to young girls, whereas an adult gay male may very well be sexually attracted to young boys.

There are adult child molester that are heterosexual males and favor young females(under 16)

In other words, they are some who prefer their females "spring chicken" fresh!!

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