Boy... the Pope makes Trump look like a piker when it comes to exaggerations!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
This is a denial of the 2,000-year-old teaching of the Catholic Church about the reality of Hell and the eternal existence of the soul.

Pope Francis says,
"They are not punished, those who repent obtain the forgiveness of God and enter the rank of souls who contemplate him, but those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls."

Pope Francis: 'There Is No Hell'

WOW... think if Trump made such a radical statement about oh say the Constitution isn't relevant today!

Now as far as the Pope's truly ignorant statement I can say one thing...he never heard of the Pascal Wager!
Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia

For if he did, he would understand what the consequences were of his statement.

One question for the "Pope".

If as he said :"those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear." ...what difference does it make?
I mean you've lived a life of debauchery. Did all sorts of evil things in this life and do not repent.
So your soul "disappears"! So what? You will never know! You've disappeared! No memories, no repenting. Nothing!

But once again here we have the liberal socialist mind set of the Pope at play NEVER thinking through exactly what the consequences are and will the MSM make a big to do about this?
Of course not!

But let Trump make a faux pas like this...never hear the end of it! "Russia,Russia,Russia"!!!!!

Might be nice if true but --------------- your source is CNS "News".

I stopped right there.


Your attempt to compare millennia-old superstition about scary monsters with the Liberal document foundation of this country, is laughable. It's in the middle of that fire.
I consider myself 80% conservative and 20% libertarian. I love the libertarian view of small government, but hate their stance on military and recreational narcotics.

In any case, this is the one statement I can agree with the Pope on. Mind you I don't like the guy, but this time he's saying something that makes sense.
I consider myself 80% conservative and 20% libertarian. I love the libertarian view of small government, but hate their stance on military and recreational narcotics.

In any case, this is the one statement I can agree with the Pope on. Mind you I don't like the guy, but this time he's saying something that makes sense.
I do not disagree with you.

Life is with God. Hell, obliteration; what's the difference, except that eternal punishment seems like a cruel joke.
I consider myself 80% conservative and 20% libertarian. I love the libertarian view of small government, but hate their stance on military and recreational narcotics.

In any case, this is the one statement I can agree with the Pope on. Mind you I don't like the guy, but this time he's saying something that makes sense.
I do not disagree with you.

Life is with God. Hell, obliteration; what's the difference, except that eternal punishment seems like a cruel joke.

We humans do punish, but we punish for a reason.

If your kid is swinging a baseball bat in the living room and takes out a lamp, you whack the kid; not out of hate or vengeance, but because you want to teach the child not to do things like that and hopefully preserve your other lamps.

If your dog goes on the living room rug, you slap the thing. Again, not out of hatred, but to teach the animal where you want it to go---or in this case not to go.

When we imprison or execute criminals, it's to keep them away from the public and perhaps to make an example out of them for other potential criminals.

So what good is eternal damnation? It doesn't teach anybody anything because they are not coming back to earth.
I consider myself 80% conservative and 20% libertarian. I love the libertarian view of small government, but hate their stance on military and recreational narcotics.

In any case, this is the one statement I can agree with the Pope on. Mind you I don't like the guy, but this time he's saying something that makes sense.
I do not disagree with you.

Life is with God. Hell, obliteration; what's the difference, except that eternal punishment seems like a cruel joke.

We humans do punish, but we punish for a reason.

If your kid is swinging a baseball bat in the living room and takes out a lamp, you whack the kid; not out of hate or vengeance, but because you want to teach the child not to do things like that and hopefully preserve your other lamps.

If your dog goes on the living room rug, you slap the thing. Again, not out of hatred, but to teach the animal where you want it to go---or in this case not to go.

When we imprison or execute criminals, it's to keep them away from the public and perhaps to make an example out of them for other potential criminals.

So what good is eternal damnation? It doesn't teach anybody anything because they are not coming back to earth.
More than that, is hell even scriptural? Hell is frequently in reference to the stench and decay of a trash heap, or Gehenna. Or maybe to the "pit" from which destruction comes, as from the Romans and Zealots.

A miry glade over which a being called Satan has presided since before humankind existed seems like an emblishment, especially since Jesus himself sees Satan falling from heaven (Luke 10:18).
I consider myself 80% conservative and 20% libertarian. I love the libertarian view of small government, but hate their stance on military and recreational narcotics.

In any case, this is the one statement I can agree with the Pope on. Mind you I don't like the guy, but this time he's saying something that makes sense.

So if there is no hell but NOTHING for those that don't repent... WHY REPENT???

Do you understand the issue here?
The POPE said there is NO place where someone goes if they don't repent. OK... POPE... so why REPENT??? If there is NOTHING then the person going to NOTHING knows
NOTHING! Do you understand? That's what Pascal's wager stated in the 1600s!
YOU have two choices. Believe there is life after death or Not believe.
If you believe there is nothing and you are right you won't know!
BUT as Pascal points out... IF YOU believe there is nothing and you respond in life with no thought or belief there is anything and come to find out when you die THERE IS something...
well whether it is heaven or hell you were wrong.
So for my part I'd rather believe there IS something after death and I'll have some connscienousness then maybe I have done more good than bad and that will stand in good stead!
AND if I"M WRONG there is nothing? What will I KNOW????
This is a denial of the 2,000-year-old teaching of the Catholic Church about the reality of Hell and the eternal existence of the soul.

Pope Francis says,
"They are not punished, those who repent obtain the forgiveness of God and enter the rank of souls who contemplate him, but those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls."

Pope Francis: 'There Is No Hell' ...

I fear you did not understand what he said - if he said this at all. To be separated from god = hell = to disappear. It's still an irreversible process and not a second chance (rebirth) or a cleaning process (purgatory). The tortures in hell are anyway only a kind of embellishment of the "torture" to be separated from god. Example: We don't see god all around us - but he is here. If he would not be here then I fear everything would fall apart. We would be very shocked to see how the universe all around us starts to disintegrate.

From my point of view it's the most easy to follow still the doctrine of the Athanasian creed, if someone likes to be sure to be on the right way: " ... And they that have done good shall go into life everlasting; and they that have done evil, into everlasting fire. ..."

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This is a denial of the 2,000-year-old teaching of the Catholic Church about the reality of Hell and the eternal existence of the soul.

Pope Francis says,
"They are not punished, those who repent obtain the forgiveness of God and enter the rank of souls who contemplate him, but those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls."

Pope Francis: 'There Is No Hell' ...

I fear you did not understand what he said - if he said this at all. To be separated from god = hell = to disappear. It's still an irreversible process and not a second chance (rebirth) or a cleaning process (purgatory). The tortures in hell are anyway only a kind of embellishment of the "torture" to be separated from god.

From my point of view it's the most easy to follow still the doctrine of the Athanasian creed, if someone likes to be sure to be on the right way: " ... And they that have done good shall go into life everlasting; and they that have done evil, into everlasting fire. ..."

The Pope said:
On the existence of Hell, Italian journalist Eugenio Scalfari, founder of the left-wing daily La Repubblica and a self-professed non-believer, described himself asking Francis what happens to the souls of sinners, and specifically, where they are punished. He then quoted the pope as follows:

“They’re not punished. Those who repent obtain forgiveness and enter the ranks of those who contemplate him, but those who don’t repent and can’t be forgiven disappear. A Hell doesn’t exist, what exists is the disappearance of sinning souls.”
Vatican says interview in which Pope doubts Hell not a 'faithful transcript'

So given the penchant for journalists to "interpret" what they think... maybe Scalifari's Italian translation is missing.
I consider myself 80% conservative and 20% libertarian. I love the libertarian view of small government, but hate their stance on military and recreational narcotics.

In any case, this is the one statement I can agree with the Pope on. Mind you I don't like the guy, but this time he's saying something that makes sense.

I don't understand how someone is not able to love Pope Francis. But what he said here - (We don't know whether this is true and/or what the context could had been) - is not without logical problems: Imagine you love someone and this one disappears. Not nice, isn't it? By the way: Where is Jesus today?

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I consider myself 80% conservative and 20% libertarian. I love the libertarian view of small government, but hate their stance on military and recreational narcotics.

In any case, this is the one statement I can agree with the Pope on. Mind you I don't like the guy, but this time he's saying something that makes sense.

I don't understand how someone is not able to love Pope Francis. But what he said here - (We don't know whether this is true and/or what the context could had been) - is not without logical problems: Imagine you love someone and this one disappears. Not nice, isn't it? By the way: Where is Jesus today?

It doesn't take an imagination to love someone and they disappear! That's called "DEATH"!
Now as I've pointed out several times...the Pope hasn't evidently read Pascal's Wager.
There are two possibilities: A) there is an existence after death or B) there isn't.
Now do you think if the possibility of B) there is you think the dead person will know it? Do you understand? If there IS NOTHING then the dead person won't know!
Now if there IS something after life...there are two possibilities... a positive environment or a negative environment.
So according to the Pascal wager it would be far better to live your life as if there WERE these two possibilities and YOU ARE WRONG that there isn't, you won't know it!
BUT if you live your life i.e. as most atheists do believing there IS NOTHING after life...and be wrong i.e. there is an existence...well....!
I consider myself 80% conservative and 20% libertarian. I love the libertarian view of small government, but hate their stance on military and recreational narcotics.

In any case, this is the one statement I can agree with the Pope on. Mind you I don't like the guy, but this time he's saying something that makes sense.
I do not disagree with you.

Life is with God. Hell, obliteration; what's the difference, except that eternal punishment seems like a cruel joke.

We humans do punish, but we punish for a reason.

If your kid is swinging a baseball bat in the living room and takes out a lamp, you whack the kid; not out of hate or vengeance, but because you want to teach the child not to do things like that and hopefully preserve your other lamps.

If your dog goes on the living room rug, you slap the thing. Again, not out of hatred, but to teach the animal where you want it to go---or in this case not to go.

When we imprison or execute criminals, it's to keep them away from the public and perhaps to make an example out of them for other potential criminals.

So what good is eternal damnation? It doesn't teach anybody anything because they are not coming back to earth.
It is not intended to teach them anything. It is for punishment alone. Think about it. A soul is immortal. It cannot die. So, we have a choice to make. We can accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, or we can reject Him. One has an eternal reward. The other, eternal punishment. And if you think about it, God does not send anyone to Hell. They CHOOSE to go there. God is simply granting their wish.
This is a denial of the 2,000-year-old teaching of the Catholic Church about the reality of Hell and the eternal existence of the soul.

Pope Francis says,
"They are not punished, those who repent obtain the forgiveness of God and enter the rank of souls who contemplate him, but those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls."

Pope Francis: 'There Is No Hell'

WOW... think if Trump made such a radical statement about oh say the Constitution isn't relevant today!

Now as far as the Pope's truly ignorant statement I can say one thing...he never heard of the Pascal Wager!
Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia

For if he did, he would understand what the consequences were of his statement.

One question for the "Pope".

If as he said :"those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear." ...what difference does it make?
I mean you've lived a life of debauchery. Did all sorts of evil things in this life and do not repent.
So your soul "disappears"! So what? You will never know! You've disappeared! No memories, no repenting. Nothing!

But once again here we have the liberal socialist mind set of the Pope at play NEVER thinking through exactly what the consequences are and will the MSM make a big to do about this?
Of course not!

But let Trump make a faux pas like this...never hear the end of it! "Russia,Russia,Russia"!!!!!

Except that for the fact the author states it is his recollection of a conversation he had with the Pope vs actual quotes during a formal interview backed up by evidence. We call this hearsay.

But if we take the faulty report at face value, the Holy Father was talking about souls being annihilated which is much scarier than everlasting torment. That’s the ultimate separation from God which is what Hell is about. He was trying to separate the physical description built up over two plus millenia & focus instead on its nature.

The Holy Father is more focused on the meaning behind things vs just physical description. If you tell someone they will suffer after death, that’s pretty bad. But if you tell them their essence will be destroyed, that’s far worse.
I consider myself 80% conservative and 20% libertarian. I love the libertarian view of small government, but hate their stance on military and recreational narcotics.

In any case, this is the one statement I can agree with the Pope on. Mind you I don't like the guy, but this time he's saying something that makes sense.

I don't understand how someone is not able to love Pope Francis. But what he said here - (We don't know whether this is true and/or what the context could had been) - is not without logical problems: Imagine you love someone and this one disappears. Not nice, isn't it? By the way: Where is Jesus today?

It doesn't take an imagination to love someone and they disappear! That's called "DEATH"!
Now as I've pointed out several times...the Pope hasn't evidently read Pascal's Wager.

Who for heavens sake is Pascal Wager and why writes he books about the life after death?

There are two possibilities: A) there is an existence after death or B) there isn't.

I'm not sure whether such a simplification is really true. What will be tomorrow is today too - but we don't see it in most cases. We call it "possibility" - but if we destroy this possibility then it is tomorrow not reality. So this what is tomorrow is today too. And we on our own were in former times too: existing - but not living here in our universe. Nevertheless existing here.

Now do you think if the possibility of B) there is you think the dead person will know it? Do you understand? If there IS NOTHING then the dead person won't know!
Now if there IS something after life...there are two possibilities... a positive environment or a negative environment.
So according to the Pascal wager it would be far better to live your life as if there WERE these two possibilities and YOU ARE WRONG that there isn't, you won't know it!
BUT if you live your life i.e. as most atheists do believing there IS NOTHING after life...and be wrong i.e. there is an existence...well....!

Strange. I take the way of god's choice - and I hope some men will help me to close hell.

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This is a denial of the 2,000-year-old teaching of the Catholic Church about the reality of Hell and the eternal existence of the soul.

Pope Francis says,
"They are not punished, those who repent obtain the forgiveness of God and enter the rank of souls who contemplate him, but those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls."

Pope Francis: 'There Is No Hell'

WOW... think if Trump made such a radical statement about oh say the Constitution isn't relevant today!

Now as far as the Pope's truly ignorant statement I can say one thing...he never heard of the Pascal Wager!
Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia

For if he did, he would understand what the consequences were of his statement.

One question for the "Pope".

If as he said :"those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear." ...what difference does it make?
I mean you've lived a life of debauchery. Did all sorts of evil things in this life and do not repent.
So your soul "disappears"! So what? You will never know! You've disappeared! No memories, no repenting. Nothing!

But once again here we have the liberal socialist mind set of the Pope at play NEVER thinking through exactly what the consequences are and will the MSM make a big to do about this?
Of course not!

But let Trump make a faux pas like this...never hear the end of it! "Russia,Russia,Russia"!!!!!

Except that for the fact the author states it is his recollection of a conversation he had with the Pope vs actual quotes during a formal interview backed up by evidence. We call this hearsay.

But if we take the faulty report at face value, the Holy Father was talking about souls being annihilated which is much scarier than everlasting torment. That’s the ultimate separation from God which is what Hell is about. He was trying to separate the physical description built up over two plus millenia & focus instead on its nature.

The Holy Father is more focused on the meaning behind things vs just physical description. If you tell someone they will suffer after death, that’s pretty bad. But if you tell them their essence will be destroyed, that’s far worse.

WHY is that far worse? If their "essence" is destroyed they won't know it. There is nothing then.

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