Zone1 List ridiculous, heretical things the pope has said.. How about There is no Hell, just disappearance

The same as it has always been; to worship God in spirit and truth with an emphasis on truth.

I will not start to speak with you now about the relation (identity) between truth and god and what this means. ... But for Christians "god" is also always new as well as for philosophers and scientists "truth" also always is new.

Tell me just simple why you speak all this nonsense which you said to me. What is your reason to start such a communication and why are you not able to stop it? What is wrong with you? Empty neverending discussions are a sin. Never heard this - or a similar statement - from any other Catholic?

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You: I think you should tell your priest that you have been acting like an asshole for no good reason.
I: Then he will be shocked and ask me: "What for heavens sake did you do?"

Question: What do I do have to answer afterwards?
The same as it has always been; to worship God in spirit and truth with an emphasis on truth.

You make a difference between spirit and truth with an emphasis on truth? If you did not say this nonsense whoelse did say this nonsense? God is spirit, God is truth. To seek truth means to find truth.

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You: I think you should tell your priest that you have been acting like an asshole for no good reason.
I: Then he will be shocked and ask me: "What for heavens sake did you do?"

Question: What do I do have to answer afterwards?
Ding needs to look in a mirror, it seems. He knows everyone else's faults but his own, apparently. I know that is likely not entirely true. I'm sure he sees his faults every now and then. . kind of hard not to see such.... not being snarky, just pointing out something that tends to stand out
I will not start to speak with you now about the relation (identity) between truth and god and what this means. ... But for Christians "god" is also always new as well as for philosophers and scientists "truth" also always is new.

Tell me just simple why you speak all this nonsense which you said to me. What is your reason to start such a communication and why are you not able to stop it? What is wrong with you? Empty neverending discussions are a sin. Never heard this - or a similar statement - from any other Catholic?

I don't believe I am speaking nonsense. I don't believe you are speaking the truth.

You: I think you should tell your priest that you have been acting like an asshole for no good reason.
I: Then he will be shocked and ask me: "What for heavens sake did you do?"

Question: What do I do have to answer afterwards?
You tell me. Because apparently it would be a waste of time to tell you anything.
You make a difference between spirit and truth with an emphasis on truth? If you did not say this nonsense whoelse did say this nonsense? God is spirit, God is truth. To seek truth means to find truth.

John 4:24
Ding needs to look in a mirror, it seems. He knows everyone else's faults but his own, apparently. I know that is likely not entirely true. I'm sure he sees his faults every now and then. . kind of hard not to see such.... not being snarky, just pointing out something that tends to stand out
I already admitted to being a bad Catholic. What more do you want?
I don't believe I am speaking nonsense. I don't believe you are speaking the truth.

I never said I speak the truth. I try to find what's true. I'm a seeker - like many others. I say you are anyting else than a good guide - specially also because you think you are true - but only god is true. I have doubts that you are a Catholic at all. From time to time I see a little light - a hint where my way has to go - and god ... ¿how to say this? ... "speaks" some few "words" - nothing speciaI I would say ... and I understand very well Meister Eckhart - although he is about 750 years older than I - when he says: "My Lord told me a joke. And seeing him laugh has done more for me than any scripture I will ever read". And do not forget: Nearly no one in his time of history read more books and spoke with more very intelligent people than Meister Eckhart did do.

I came to Meister Eckhart by the way not because I am a German. I came to him because I did not understand what is Buddhism. I tried to study it for years from time to time and never understood it only a little. Then one day a western Buddhist spoke about a lifeform which we call normally "plants" - I guess you heard from this lifeform - and I asked myselve why he thinks plants are a lifeform. This was the moment I knew I will be able to understand what is Buddhism and also what's the main problem of many western Buddhists. Many of the impatient people of our own cultures think they are able to learn in three months what for a Buddhist monk needs 30 years to learn. What a luck that a Christian has not to become a Buddhist first before he has to become a Christian. By the way: Did you ever try to tell god a joke?
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I already admitted to being a bad Catholic. What more do you want?

That you understand that indeed not any Catholic is a bad Catholic - or that we are all together Badolics - everyone of us in the own way . If you like to be a Catholic be a Catholic - so easy is it to be a Catholic. Start to try to think "universal" and fail to do so - but let it not be to try to do so. Anything has to do with everything and everything to do with anything. That's why we need a guide. We call him normally "god" and not "ding".
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I never said I speak the truth. I try to find what's true. I'm a seeker - like many others. I say you are anyting else than a good guide - specially also because you think you are true - but only god is true. I have doubts that you are a Catholic at all. From time to time I see a little light - a hint where my way has to go - and god ... ¿how to say this? ... "speaks" some few "words" - nothing speciaI I would say ... and I understand very well Meister Eckhart - although he is about 750 years older than I - when he says: "My Lord told me a joke. And seeing him laugh has done more for me than any scripture I will ever read". And do not forget: Nearly no one in his time of history read more books and spoke with more very intelligent people than Meister Eckhart did do.

I came to Meister Eckhart by the way not because I am a German. I came to him because I did not understand what is Buddhism. I tried to study it for years from time to time and never understood it only a little. Then one day a western Buddhist spoke about a lifeform which we call normalöly "plants" - I guess you heard from this lifeform - and I askled myselve why he thinks plants are a lifeform. This was the moment I knew I will be able to understand what is Buddhism and also what's the main problem of many western Buddhists. Many of the impatient people of our own cultures think they are able to learn in three months what for a Buddhist monk needs 30 years to learn. What a luck that a Christian has not to become a Buddhist first before he has to become a Christian. By the way: Did you ever try to tell god a joke?
I'm done with reading your attacks on me.
I don't believe I am speaking nonsense...

Oh by the way. I told you very exactly why it is nonsense what you said in this special case. You did not even try to start think about. How do you really think you are able to listen to the often very small and very soft hints of god?
I'm done with reading your attacks on me.

Which attack? And what about to try to read the story of a really holy man who has nothing in common with you? What about Sir Thoma Morus? He spoke English. Also one of our Saints who I love very much.
John 4:24

That's by the way a scornful attack - not only against all idiots who do not automatically know what's written in John 4:24 (99.9% of all Catholics) but also specially against the bible. If it is really important in the current context what's written there - why do you not speak about with respect? The bible is not a bone for dogs.
@ Ding

In John 24,10 is written "god is spirit"

Question: Do you ever read what others say to you - do you ever try to understand what others say to you? What for heavens sake do you do when you read?
@ Ding

In John 24,10 is written "god is spirit"

Question: Do you ever read what others say to you - do you ever try to understand what others say to you? What for heavens sake do you do when you read?
good question. You weren't the only one wondering or asking it..

I had to put him on Ignore. I really don't like doing that but, as you say or imply, he doesn't listen. Then he swears at people and essentially calls them liars.. which to me is usually a sign the person

1) is not secure in what he believes so he attacks the messenger

2) insecure, has to put down others to make himself feel better (doesn't work but people do it all the time.. it's called the human condition. I tend to think Jesus wants us to rise about human nature,though... dont you agree?
OK, the Novus Ordo Watch site is not for the faint-hearted, especially Protestants since NOW upholds the ancient Catholic Church teaching that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church Christ founded.. I don't agree w/ some of what.. No, wait.. I agree with nearly all they say. I just don't think they word things perfectly at times, so they come across like.. Everyone who is not Catholic is anti-Christ (they don't SAY that but it could be inferred or presumed by some...). I myself say as Jesus said (RE non-Catholic Christians)

"If they (people preaching Christ) are not against Me, they are for me."

That said, I was there @ that site and read this actual quote from "Pope" Francis:

Someone asked him where do sinful souls go after death and he said this:

"they are not punished, those who repent obtain the fogivenss of God.. .but those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no Hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls."

This contradicts both Catholic and most Protestant teaching.

Pope Benedict XII (not "Pope" Benedict the 16th [Ratzinger]):

"[W]e declare that... the souls of those who depart in actual mortal sin immediately after their death descend to Hell where they are tortured by infernal punishments.."

Also, St Faustina who died in the 1930s told of what Hell is like and mentioned this "torture.. by infernal punishments"/demons. Her Diary #741 is interesting and scary RE what Hell is like..
  1. Any statement not protected by the charism of infallibility carries the possibility of error.
  2. "The ordinary and usual form of papal teaching activity is not infallible. Further, the decisions of the Roman Congregations (Holy Office, Bible Commission) are not infallible.
  3. There are various levels of assent owed by Catholics to the body of statements put forth by the Magisterium.
  4. Vatican II did not define any Catholic doctrine.
  5. None of the documents of Vatican II proclaim any new doctrine binding upon Catholics.
  6. So... Vatican II does not demand any assent to its teaching.
  7. Therefore, Novusordowatch insistence that assent is required is false and the Sedevacantist's belief that anything the Pope says must be accepted by the members is false.
  8. Sedevacantists believe that any churchman (or at least any pontiff) who has made a materially heretical statement as evidence that he has lost his office.
  9. It is clear, defined Catholic teaching that it is possible for a true pope to make statements which contain error as long as those statements are not presented as infallible teaching.
  10. In summary... not commenting on any of your bullshit allegations specifically... A pope making a fallible statement doesn't make him a false pope it just makes him wrong.

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