Boy treated as girl by his mother finally gets help

Boy Treated as a Girl By His Mother Suffered 'Significant Emotional Harm', Court Hears

THIS is liberalism and Cultural Marxism on steroids. THIS is what they want for America!
marxism is an economic philosophy.

and you should probably find legitimate sources. breitbart isn't one.

but it does explain your extraordinary ignorance.

what rightwingnut judge issued the decision?
So only right wing nuts protect children from child abuse? Did you even read the article?

the part in bold,..... that's what your malfunctioning brain took from what I wrote? :rofl:
That's what what you wrote clearly implied. Any judge that protects children from the perverted, amoral psychological abuse you delight in must be a right winger. I'm open minded enough to observe that there are righteous people even on the Left trying to protect children from people like you.
That's what what you wrote clearly implied. Any judge that protects children from the perverted, amoral psychological abuse you delight in must be a right winger. I'm open minded enough to observe that there are righteous people even on the Left trying to protect children from people like you.
I voted democrat since the 1980s. That's changing though..for the very reason cited in the OP of this thread.. A depraved sexual cult has taken over my party; and as long as that is the case, I want nothing whatsoever to do with it until it stops.

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