Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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Here we go the proof that it is RELIGOUS INTOLERANCE and PURE HATRED that is behind the boycott

[ame=]Anti-Israel (BDS) campaigner admits his boycott is specifically against Jews - YouTube[/ame]

Interviewer 1: “If it was a Muslim-owned Israeli shop, would you be boycotting it?”

BDS campaigner: “No, I wouldn’t.”

Interviewer 1: “Well then it’s based on religion, isn’t it? You just said it if was a Muslim-owned Israeli shop you wouldn’t boycott it.”

BDS campaigner: “No, no, no, no… you go to school for this”(?)

Interviewer 2: “But you just said it yourself.”
Israel boycott growing “much faster” than South Africa campaign, says Omar Barghouti


Israel boycott growing ?much faster? than South Africa campaign, says Omar Barghouti | The Electronic Intifada

"Following the*American Studies Association’s (ASA)*landslide*vote to endorse the academic boycott of Israel*in December, Israel and its supporters fear that the much larger MLA – with30,000 members in 100 countries*– is heading in the same direction."

"Barghouti lauded the decision announced this week by PGGM, a $200-billion-dollar Dutch pensions firm,*to divest from Israeli banks*due to their involvement in*Israel’s illegal colony construction*in the occupied West Bank."

Barghouti said that progress in the BDS movement against Israel was “much faster” than the progress made by the campaign against apartheid South Africa when he was a student in the United States in the 1980s.
lol, one lone man protesting, whose words you cannot make out over the background sound Iin the video, is supposed to prove something substantive about the BDS Movement.

You really are grasping at straws!

Just face it, BDS is a smashing success for people of conscience opposing Apartheid in Palestine.

Here we go the proof that it is RELIGOUS INTOLERANCE and PURE HATRED that is behind the boycott

Anti-Israel (BDS) campaigner admits his boycott is specifically against Jews - YouTube

Interviewer 1: “If it was a Muslim-owned Israeli shop, would you be boycotting it?”

BDS campaigner: “No, I wouldn’t.”

Interviewer 1: “Well then it’s based on religion, isn’t it? You just said it if was a Muslim-owned Israeli shop you wouldn’t boycott it.”

BDS campaigner: “No, no, no, no… you go to school for this”(?)

Interviewer 2: “But you just said it yourself.”
Munnertwin is the biggest Hypocrite (as well as Nut job) on this message board.

While complaining about other's Links, she posts the MOST absurdly biased sources on USMB.
above, electronicCacca.
The OP was '972 Magazine'.

IOW, Horseshlt propaganda.

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I fail to understand what it is about 972 Magazine that makes them lack credibility, it's a site maintained by Israeli Jews.

What are they reporting inaccurately?

Munnertwin is the biggest Hypocrite (as well as Nut job) on this message board.

While complaining about other's Links, she posts the MOST absurdly biased sources on USMB.
above, electronicCacca.
The OP was '972 Magazine'.

IOW, Horseshlt propaganda.

There are no substantive differences between Nazis and Zionists, thus the word Zionazi has been coined.

Zionism and Nazism: Is there a difference that makes a difference?, by Roger Tucker

What,*are the differences and similarities between Zionism and Nazism?

"If we go back to the definition of Nazism we see four characteristics mentioned. One of them was a reference to a transient political ideology, communism, while the other three are historical constants. Throwing out “anti-communism” we are left with the essential elements. When we look at Zionism in terms of what it actually is rather than some devious, self-serving Zionist definition we find what?A A - “Nationalism, traditionalism and the importance of the ethnostate.” We also find the essential elements of fascism in general, the arrogance of group ego and the assertion of an a priori privilege that trumps any such fripperies as civil rights, human rights, international law or even common human decency. Coercion and force majeure are the means and virtual enslavement or extermination of the “others” (the goyim) are the ends. Characteristically, we also find the common element of a sense of infinite entitlement based on perceived prior victimhood."

Is the booming economy the Zionazis brag of the explanation for all the homeless families I get emails about from Rabbis For Human Rights?

Pathetic, luring poor Jews there to live homeless on the street.
Shut up idiot. We went over this before. Israel has a total of 3000 homeless, and a great deal of them are mentally ill. That's something to actually BOAST about especially considering that about two million Israeli citizens are ARAB MUSLIMS. Why do you keep repeating the same fucking Nazi lies?

Come up with something new, asshole. :cuckoo:

I wonder which HATE SITE sharia got the term zionazi from, it is all over the left wing hate sites in the UK because the muslims have been branded as Nazis for their attitudes to Jews and Christians.

So do tell sharia which HATE SITE did you visit..............:cuckoo:
Wikipedia:*“Nazism, known officially in German as National Socialism, is the totalitarian ideology and practices of the Nazi Party or National Socialist German Workers’ Party under Adolf Hitler, and the policies adopted by the dictatorial government of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945...In the 1930s, Nazism was not a monolithic movement, but rather a (mainly German) combination of various ideologies and philosophies which centered around nationalism, anti-communism, traditionalism and the importance of the ethnostate. Groups such as Strasserism and Black Front were part of the early Nazi movement. Their motivations were triggered over anger about the Treaty of Versailles, and what they considered to have been a Jewish/communist conspiracy to humiliate Germany at the end of the World War I. Germany’s post-war ills were critical to the formation of the ideology and its criticisms of the post-war Weimar Republic...”

Wikipedia:*“Zionism is the international political movement that originally supported the reestablishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, the historical homeland of the Jews. Since the establishment of the State of Israel, the Zionist movement continues primarily to support it. Zionism is based on historical ties and religious traditions linking the Jewish people to the Land of Israel. Almost two millennia after the Jewish diaspora, the modern Zionist movement, beginning in the late 19thcentury, was mainly founded by secular Jews, largely as a response by Ashkenazi Jews to antisemitism across Europe, especially in Russia...”
The Palestinians themselves just signed a gas deal wi Israel and this moron speaks of the BDS Aka Bowel Discharge Syndrome "gaining steam".

Considering that the Palestinians themselves have just shown they have no faith in the BDS I'd say the fart movement is actually GAINING GAS. Ha ha ha.
There are no substantive differences between Nazis and Zionists, thus the word Zionazi has been coined.

Zionism and Nazism: Is there a difference that makes a difference?, by Roger Tucker

What,*are the differences and similarities between Zionism and Nazism?

"If we go back to the definition of Nazism we see four characteristics mentioned. One of them was a reference to a transient political ideology, communism, while the other three are historical constants. Throwing out “anti-communism” we are left with the essential elements. When we look at Zionism in terms of what it actually is rather than some devious, self-serving Zionist definition we find what?A A - “Nationalism, traditionalism and the importance of the ethnostate.” We also find the essential elements of fascism in general, the arrogance of group ego and the assertion of an a priori privilege that trumps any such fripperies as civil rights, human rights, international law or even common human decency. Coercion and force majeure are the means and virtual enslavement or extermination of the “others” (the goyim) are the ends. Characteristically, we also find the common element of a sense of infinite entitlement based on perceived prior victimhood."

Shut up idiot. We went over this before. Israel has a total of 3000 homeless, and a great deal of them are mentally ill. That's something to actually BOAST about especially considering that about two million Israeli citizens are ARAB MUSLIMS. Why do you keep repeating the same fucking Nazi lies?

Come up with something new, asshole. :cuckoo:

I wonder which HATE SITE sharia got the term zionazi from, it is all over the left wing hate sites in the UK because the muslims have been branded as Nazis for their attitudes to Jews and Christians.

So do tell sharia which HATE SITE did you visit..............:cuckoo:
IslamoNazi assholes like Hamas are more coined and recognizable. What an upside down world you live in.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
I thought Jihad Sherri considers Wikipedia a Zionist website not to be trusted?

Oh well, I guess this is Sherri number three not keeping track of the garbage that Sherri number one said. You guys really need to get your shit together, for the amount of time you spend posting Islamist crap on the internet, this is a very inefficient unorganized operation.
lol, one lone man protesting, whose words you cannot make out over the background sound Iin the video, is supposed to prove something substantive about the BDS Movement.

You really are grasping at straws!

Just face it, BDS is a smashing success for people of conscience opposing Apartheid in Palestine.

Here we go the proof that it is RELIGOUS INTOLERANCE and PURE HATRED that is behind the boycott

Anti-Israel (BDS) campaigner admits his boycott is specifically against Jews - YouTube

Interviewer 1: “If it was a Muslim-owned Israeli shop, would you be boycotting it?”

BDS campaigner: “No, I wouldn’t.”

Interviewer 1: “Well then it’s based on religion, isn’t it? You just said it if was a Muslim-owned Israeli shop you wouldn’t boycott it.”

BDS campaigner: “No, no, no, no… you go to school for this”(?)

Interviewer 2: “But you just said it yourself.”

"Smashing Success"


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
The biggest success of BDS is the changing of the debate. Israel is on the defensive.
lol, one lone man protesting, whose words you cannot make out over the background sound Iin the video, is supposed to prove something substantive about the BDS Movement.

You really are grasping at straws!

Just face it, BDS is a smashing success for people of conscience opposing Apartheid in Palestine.

Here we go the proof that it is RELIGOUS INTOLERANCE and PURE HATRED that is behind the boycott

Anti-Israel (BDS) campaigner admits his boycott is specifically against Jews - YouTube

Interviewer 1: “If it was a Muslim-owned Israeli shop, would you be boycotting it?”

BDS campaigner: “No, I wouldn’t.”

Interviewer 1: “Well then it’s based on religion, isn’t it? You just said it if was a Muslim-owned Israeli shop you wouldn’t boycott it.”

BDS campaigner: “No, no, no, no… you go to school for this”(?)

Interviewer 2: “But you just said it yourself.”

"Smashing Success"


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
It is such a smashing success that it has actually accomplished less than nothing. Ha ha ha.
"The Barkan segment ends with the manager of Shamir Salads saying that between the European and Palestinian boycott, he’s losing about $115,000 to $143,000 a month in sales. “In my view,” he says, “it will spread from [the West Bank] to other places in Israel that have no connection to the territories."

Boycott goes prime-time in Israel | +972 Magazine

I think its great all this money those Zionist squatters are losing, every single day, it certainly is something to smile about.

lol, one lone man protesting, whose words you cannot make out over the background sound Iin the video, is supposed to prove something substantive about the BDS Movement.

You really are grasping at straws!

Just face it, BDS is a smashing success for people of conscience opposing Apartheid in Palestine.

"Smashing Success"


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
It is such a smashing success that it has actually accomplished less than nothing. Ha ha ha.
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All those 600,000 illegal settlers shall reap what they have sown, every one of them, man, woman, and child.

BDS is a tool God is using to bring Justice to Palestine.
"The Barkan segment ends with the manager of Shamir Salads saying that between the European and Palestinian boycott, he’s losing about $115,000 to $143,000 a month in sales. “In my view,” he says, “it will spread from [the West Bank] to other places in Israel that have no connection to the territories."

Boycott goes prime-time in Israel | +972 Magazine

I think its great all this money those Zionist squatters are losing, every single day, it certainly is something to smile about.

"Smashing Success"


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
It is such a smashing success that it has actually accomplished less than nothing. Ha ha ha.
If it's not maaaaaaaan baa baaa baaa, it's 123 972 magazine. Why does Sherri think that any garbage she manages to find on the internet is actually worth looking at?
All those 600,000 illegal settlers shall reap what they have sown, every one of them, man, woman, and child.

BDS is a tool God is using to bring Justice to Palestine.
Actually they're doing just fine living in Judeah and Samaria the land their ancestors lived in. Thanks for asking. Ha ha ha.
"The Barkan segment ends with the manager of Shamir Salads saying that between the European and Palestinian boycott, he’s losing about $115,000 to $143,000 a month in sales. “In my view,” he says, “it will spread from [the West Bank] to other places in Israel that have no connection to the territories."

Boycott goes prime-time in Israel | +972 Magazine

I think its great all this money those Zionist squatters are losing, every single day, it certainly is something to smile about.

"Smashing Success"


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
It is such a smashing success that it has actually accomplished less than nothing. Ha ha ha.

Sad how the Jew haters don't even consider that they are taking jobs away from the Arabs. If this boycott is so important, why doesn't the civilized world boycott the goods coming in from Muslim countries where minorities are not allowed to practice their beliefs in peace; and in many instances are killed for their beliefs. Looks at the labels in clothing and refuse to buy anything coming from Muslim countries like Pakistan. Of course, Mrs. Sherri, as a good Christian, would not want to be buying merchandise that is made in countries who mistreat her fellow Christians unless she is a hypocrite.

The Jewish Press » » BDS May Be Trying to Kill Israeli Goose that Laid Golden Arab Egg
Can you imagine saying "No" to a terror oust who wants you to say, "Boycott Israel!"?
I's be crapping in my pants.
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