Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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BDS is nonviolent resistance to Israel's Occupation in Palestine.

Kairos Palestine document, of Christians supports BDS.

"The reference to BDS in the document is always associated with the occupation of Palestinian land by Israel: “[T]o engage in divestment and in an economic and commercial boycott of everything produced by the occupation” (4.2.6); “… with regards to Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land. As we have already said, we see the boycott and disinvestment as tools of non violence for justice, peace and security for all” (6.3); “… the beginning of a system of economic sanctions and boycott to be applied against Israel… in order to reach a just and definitive peace that will put an end to Israeli occupation of Palestinian land… and will guarantee security and peace for all” (7.1)."
They discuss a story aired on Israeli TV.

"The Barkan segment ends with the manager of Shamir Salads saying that between the European and Palestinian boycott, he’s losing about $115,000 to $143,000 a month in sales. “In my view,” he says, “it will spread from [the West Bank] to other places in Israel that have no connection to the territories."

Boycott goes prime-time in Israel | +972 Magazine

I think its great all this money those Zionist squatters are losing, every single day, it certainly is something to smile about.

It is such a smashing success that it has actually accomplished less than nothing. Ha ha ha.
If it's not maaaaaaaan baa baaa baaa, it's 123 972 magazine. Why does Sherri think that any garbage she manages to find on the internet is actually worth looking at?
They are doing fine, like Ruthie Fogel, she certainly reaped what she sowed, from teaching little girls to be terrorists.


God does have His ways to deal with Injustice and evils people embrace.

All those 600,000 illegal settlers shall reap what they have sown, every one of them, man, woman, and child.

BDS is a tool God is using to bring Justice to Palestine.
Actually they're doing just fine living in Judeah and Samaria the land their ancestors lived in. Thanks for asking. Ha ha ha.
An opportunity for another Salad producer to step in.
As though Israel doesn't produce enough vegetables on it's own.
More from the article in the OP, and Israel's Number One News Show's lengthy piece on BDS:

"Without giving the names of his clients or the extent of their losses, Reisner says the boycott is causing Israeli businesses to lose foreign contracts and investors. “My fear is of a snowball effect,” he says. Prof. Shai Arkin, vice president for R&D at Hebrew University, says there are many cases of Israeli candidates for research fellowships at foreign universities being turned down because their resumes include service in the Israeli army."

Boycott goes prime-time in Israel | +972 Magazine
They are doing fine, like Ruthie Fogel, she certainly reaped what she sowed, from teaching little girls to be terrorists.


God does have His ways to deal with Injustice and evils people embrace.

All those 600,000 illegal settlers shall reap what they have sown, every one of them, man, woman, and child.

BDS is a tool God is using to bring Justice to Palestine.
Actually they're doing just fine living in Judeah and Samaria the land their ancestors lived in. Thanks for asking. Ha ha ha.

So that means it was quite OK for my husband to gun down one of your friends in a Erithea after your friend shot a little American toddler in the chest when the American legation were boarding the plane to get out of there. God must have had his way to put my husband in the right place to take care of your friend.
Those foreign schools see IDF service and they think about the 1519 children Israel has killed in Palestine and they think about Cast Lead and children burnt to death with chemical weapons

They do not want Zionists who kill in their school putting the lives of other students at risk.
BDS is nonviolent resistance to Israel's Occupation in Palestine.

Kairos Palestine document, of Christians supports BDS.

"The reference to BDS in the document is always associated with the occupation of Palestinian land by Israel: “[T]o engage in divestment and in an economic and commercial boycott of everything produced by the occupation” (4.2.6); “… with regards to Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land. As we have already said, we see the boycott and disinvestment as tools of non violence for justice, peace and security for all” (6.3); “… the beginning of a system of economic sanctions and boycott to be applied against Israel… in order to reach a just and definitive peace that will put an end to Israeli occupation of Palestinian land… and will guarantee security and peace for all” (7.1)."

Naturally it would be a non violent movement to boycott goods coming from Muslim countries who mistreat their minorities. The clothing can be bought in from Mexico and places in Central America like Guatemala where these people would bv happy for the work. Why should we try to help these Muslim countries that have no tolerance when it comes to matters of religion? As a good Christian and being that Christians are so mistrated, perhaps Mrs. Sherri would like to lead this effort.
You make no sense.

Do you teach little girls to be terrorists in an extremist religious school like Ruthie Fogel did?

Do you live as an illegal settler unlawfully as Ruthie Fogel did?

The Word of God says we reap what we sow.

They are doing fine, like Ruthie Fogel, she certainly reaped what she sowed, from teaching little girls to be terrorists.


God does have His ways to deal with Injustice and evils people embrace.

Actually they're doing just fine living in Judeah and Samaria the land their ancestors lived in. Thanks for asking. Ha ha ha.

So that means it was quite OK for my husband to gun down one of your friends in a Erithea after your friend shot a little American toddler in the chest when the American legation were boarding the plane to get out of there. God must have had his way to put my husband in the right place to take care of your friend.
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You make no sense.

Do you teach little girls to be terrorists in an extremist religious school like Ruthie Fogel did?

Do you live as an illegal settler unlawfully as Ruthie Fogel did?

The Word of God says we reap what we sow.

They are doing fine, like Ruthie Fogel, she certainly reaped what she sowed, from teaching little girls to be terrorists.


God does have His ways to deal with Injustice and evils people embrace.

So that means it was quite OK for my husband to gun down one of your friends in a Erithea after your friend shot a little American toddler in the chest when the American legation were boarding the plane to get out of there. God must have had his way to put my husband in the right place to take care of your friend.

You really are a ridiculous sick woman. Your friends are making those hideous cartoons to teach young children to hate and kill the Jews. What other group in this world, except your friends, are teaching their children to become Shaheeds? Tell us, Mrs. Sherri, what other group besides your fellow Muslims, are so busy harassing and killing and destroying the Houses of Worships of those of other religions in many places of the world today?
You make no sense.

Do you teach little girls to be terrorists in an extremist religious school like Ruthie Fogel did?

Do you live as an illegal settler unlawfully as Ruthie Fogel did?

The Word of God says we reap what we sow.

They are doing fine, like Ruthie Fogel, she certainly reaped what she sowed, from teaching little girls to be terrorists.


God does have His ways to deal with Injustice and evils people embrace.

So that means it was quite OK for my husband to gun down one of your friends in a Erithea after your friend shot a little American toddler in the chest when the American legation were boarding the plane to get out of there. God must have had his way to put my husband in the right place to take care of your friend.

Can you back up this claim about Ruth Fogel ?
They are doing fine, like Ruthie Fogel, she certainly reaped what she sowed, from teaching little girls to be terrorists.


God does have His ways to deal with Injustice and evils people embrace.

All those 600,000 illegal settlers shall reap what they have sown, every one of them, man, woman, and child.

BDS is a tool God is using to bring Justice to Palestine.
Actually they're doing just fine living in Judeah and Samaria the land their ancestors lived in. Thanks for asking. Ha ha ha.

I guess all those Palestinians that Israel killed also reaped what they sowed, right?

They are doing fine, like Ruthie Fogel, she certainly reaped what she sowed, from teaching little girls to be terrorists.


God does have His ways to deal with Injustice and evils people embrace.

All those 600,000 illegal settlers shall reap what they have sown, every one of them, man, woman, and child.

BDS is a tool God is using to bring Justice to Palestine.
Actually they're doing just fine living in Judeah and Samaria the land their ancestors lived in. Thanks for asking. Ha ha ha.
Jihad Sherri:
They are doing fine, like Ruthie Fogel, she certainly reaped what she sowed, from teaching little girls to be does have His ways to deal with Injustice and evils people embrace.

Here is the attack that this psycho just praised, the butchering of little kids in their sleep. Jihad Sherri, you are a fucking lunatic and pure scum. There will be a day when the Karma of celebrating little children's murders will catch up to you.

Itamar attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

he Itamar attack, also called the Itamar massacre, was an attack on a Jewish family in the Israeli settlement of Itamar in the West Bank that took place on 11 March 2011, in which five members of the same family were murdered in their beds. The victims were the father Ehud (Udi) Fogel, the mother Ruth Fogel, and three of their six children—Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and Hadas, the youngest, a three-month-old infant. According to David Ha'ivri, and as reported by multiple sources[5] the infant was decapitated. The settlement of Itamar had been the target of several murderous attacks before these killings.
Amjad Awad and Hakim Awad, two young Palestinian men from the village of Awarta, were arrested for the murders. On 5 June 2011 they were indicted on five counts of murder, stealing weapons, breaking and entering, and conspiracy to commit a crime. Both were later found guilty. They initially denied any involvement in the attack[8] but later proudly confessed to the killings,[9] expressed no remorse and reenacted the attack before security officials.
The attack was harshly condemned by the United Nations, the Quartet on the Middle East, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, and many other governments, as well as the Palestinian Authority and a number of non-governmental organizations. Xinhua, the official press agency of the People's Republic of China, stated that the attack was praised by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades stated that “the heroic operation is a natural response to the (Israeli) occupation crimes against our people in West Bank and Gaza Strip.” An opinion poll indicated that 63% of Palestinians opposed and about one-third supported the attack. One of the perpetrators of the murders was described as a "hero" and a "legend" by members of his family, during a weekly program.
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You make no sense.

Do you teach little girls to be terrorists in an extremist religious school like Ruthie Fogel did?

Do you live as an illegal settler unlawfully as Ruthie Fogel did?

The Word of God says we reap what we sow.

They are doing fine, like Ruthie Fogel, she certainly reaped what she sowed, from teaching little girls to be terrorists.


God does have His ways to deal with Injustice and evils people embrace.

So that means it was quite OK for my husband to gun down one of your friends in a Erithea after your friend shot a little American toddler in the chest when the American legation were boarding the plane to get out of there. God must have had his way to put my husband in the right place to take care of your friend.
The scum mentality that makes up the average palestinian supporter.

And she calls herself a Christian. What a fucking joke.
"...That Apartheid Regime in Tel Aviv, her end draws near..."
A website calling academics to endorse an academic boycott of Israel

I feel so Blessed by God to see people of conscience globally rising up to boycott the human rights abuses of Apartheid and Occupation in Palestine.

Responding to the call of Palestinian civil society to join the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction movement against Israel, we are a U.S. campaign focused specifically on a boycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions, as delineated by*PACBI (Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel).*If you wish to endorse this call for an academic and cultural boycott, please email us at: [email protected]*or*complete the form below.

PACBI: 2012: A year to further intensify the academic boycott | US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel writes:

“In light of Israel’s persistent violations of international law, and Given that, since 1948, hundreds of UN resolutions have condemned Israel’s colonial and discriminatory policies as illegal and called for immediate, adequate and effective remedies, and Given that all forms of international intervention and peace-making have until now failed to convince or force Israel to comply with humanitarian law, to respect fundamental human rights and to end its occupation and oppression of the people of Palestine, and In view of the fact that people of conscience in the international community have historically shouldered the moral responsibility to fight injustice, as exemplified in the struggle to abolish apartheid in South Africa through diverse forms of boycott, divestment and sanctions;
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