Boycott Israel

These accounts suggest that Israel Trek does what one hopes higher education will do for students. That is, compels them to put their prejudices to the test.

It is, therefore, a natural target of the BDS movement. To the extent this movement has prospered on American campuses, it has done so by feeding students emotionally charged anti-Israel propaganda. Getting students to make grandiose pronouncements about the Middle East requires precisely that those students lack the intellectual humility that Israel Trek seems to instill in its participants.

It doesn’t sound as if the boycott call is putting a dent in Israel Trek, which has 400 applications. Since its inception in 2014, it has taken only 50 students. But the call, however ineffective it may be, is revealing. Though they treat their opinions as self-evident, pro-BDS activists have no confidence that students who hear from Israelis and Palestinians will come away with the correct view of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

That’s the thing about marks: the swindle depends on their ignorance.

(full article online)

BDS Doesn’t Want Students to See Israel for Themselves
The activities and beliefs of National Students for Justice in Palestine are the focus of a new study from the Institute for the Study of Global Anti-Semitism and Policy and their findings constitute a wakeup call for those who foolishly think that the hatred of Jews is only to be found on the far right.

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What’s more, NSJP hasn’t just managed to avoid the opprobrium that is thrown at far less controversial and divisive groups in order to shun and silence them; the group has found a comfortable home at many universities, where they have not only evaded censure, but been able to marginalize Jews and supporters of Israel. NSJP has become a hate group with a hall pass that gives it carte blanche to spread disinformation, as well as venomous libels about Jews that go unanswered by responsible authorities and liberal groups that otherwise masquerade as crusaders against hate.

As the ISGAP report documents, NSJP doesn’t simply advocate for justice for Palestinians. As its foreword rightly notes, Palestinians are as entitled to justice as anyone else. However, this group defines justice for Palestinians in such a way as to make it indistinguishable from the demonization of Jews. Those who advocate various formulas for peace in the Middle East that center around compromises on territory and other issues can say that what they are doing is trying to empower Palestinians without harming Jews or denying them their legitimate rights.

(full article online)

A hate group gets a college hall pass
Why is the rise of BDS worldwide worrying Israel?

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement is gaining momentum. There is no doubt about this. The Palestinian-led campaign for an educational, cultural and business boycott of Israel aims to get justice, freedom and equality. Inspired by the South African anti-Apartheid movement, BDS started in 2005 by civil society and governments to take action to put pressure on Israel to comply with international law, mainly by ending its prolonged military occupation and colonisation of Palestinian land.

BDS is, by its nature, a non-violent form of resistance. Nevertheless, Israelis believe it to be an existential threat which wants to delegitimise their state’s existence.

Why is the rise of BDS worldwide worrying Israel?
It’s time for progressives to get off the fence over BDS


The boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement has come a long way since it was formed in 2005. Once known only to a relatively small group of activists, BDS now makes headlines in mainstream media the world over.
One opinion piece yesterday asked, “Does anyone take the BDS movement seriously?” Appearing as it did in the New York Times, the headline answered its own question; the newspaper’s opinion editor certainly takes BDS seriously enough to commission a piece attacking it, obviously.

The Israeli government and the US Congress also take BDS very seriously. For the past four years, the former has had an entire ministry dedicated to fighting the movement. What’s more, only last week BDS was the subject of a major debate in Congress; it is no longer an obscure debating point relegated to meetings of left-wing, Palestine solidarity activists.

Having failed previously to convince or cajole enough lawmakers into support for similar efforts, AIPAC — America’s major anti-Palestine lobby group — pushed forward a resolution condemning BDS. It passed last week, with only 17 Representatives voting against it. Unlike previous attempts, this resolution did not outlaw BDS, or impose penalties on BDS activists or supporters. Some of the resolution’s supporters from the Democratic Party (only a single Republican voted against it) justified their support on the basis that it did not restrict US citizens’ constitutionally protected right to free speech.

It’s time for progressives to get off the fence over BDS
“They [the Germans] have a lot of experience of labeling and they should know better, " Dr. Efraim Zuroff, the Simon Wiesenthal Center's chief Nazi-hunter, told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday. He called the EU ruling "sheer hypocrisy" because Israel is singled out, and said it is "reminiscent of dark times in Germany" and the Nazi boycott of Jewish products and businesses.

Nathan Gelbart, a prominent Berlin attorney and pro-Israel advocate responded to Künast on Twitter, writing “Hello Renate What about the right to know for products from (really) occupied Western Sahara or from occupied North Cyprus? And what is glued to products of Arab farmers from the West Bank? Right to hypocrisy.”

(full article online)

EU's labeling of Israeli products originated with Neo-Nazi, Green partie
His reaction to “apartheid” being thrown at Israel is telling, and helps explain his appearance Tuesday in Tel Aviv at the Mivtach Menora Arena with fellow members of British Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductees Yes – Jon Anderson and Rick Wakemen – as part of an evening of Yes music under the banner ARW.

“I’ve been reading and hearing about the BDS [Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions] movement and the apartheid claims for a long time and I’ve read a lot on the subject. And when the idea of this tour came up, my one criteria was: We have to play in Israel,” said Rabin.

“Roger Waters isn’t our promoter. I know that 98% of artists don’t listen to that idiot and I want to be part of that 98%. And Rick and Jon feel as strongly about this as I do,” he added, referring to Anderson and Wakeman, the latter of whom appeared in a solo show in Tel Aviv in 2015.

Trevor Rabin says ‘Yes’ to Israel
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Oh, please, please boycott Israel.
Please post tweeters from Jews who hate the idea of an Israel and want it destroyed.
Please post in the name of the useful idiots for Christian and Islamic ethnic cleansing of Jews from their own homeland, because it is very invigorating to all of us who are intent in not seeing it happen.

Please post from any device you will not BDS because you cannot live without something which was made in Israel.

Am Israel Chai
The People of Israel Live

And will continue to do so regardless of all low lives put together going for Holocaust number 2.

Shalom :)
Oh, please, please boycott Israel.
Please post tweeters from Jews who hate the idea of an Israel and want it destroyed.
Please post in the name of the useful idiots for Christian and Islamic ethnic cleansing of Jews from their own homeland, because it is very invigorating to all of us who are intent in not seeing it happen.

Please post from any device you will not BDS because you cannot live without something which was made in Israel.

Am Israel Chai
The People of Israel Live

And will continue to do so regardless of all low lives put together going for Holocaust number 2.

Shalom :)
Drama Queen. :laugh:
Oh, please, please boycott Israel.
Please post tweeters from Jews who hate the idea of an Israel and want it destroyed.
Please post in the name of the useful idiots for Christian and Islamic ethnic cleansing of Jews from their own homeland, because it is very invigorating to all of us who are intent in not seeing it happen.

Please post from any device you will not BDS because you cannot live without something which was made in Israel.

Am Israel Chai
The People of Israel Live

And will continue to do so regardless of all low lives put together going for Holocaust number 2.

Shalom :)
Drama Queen. :laugh:
One has to wonder who you are......ignored member.

The anti-Israel BDS failure to boycott Puma

Last week in London’s Carnaby Street we were witnessing a decline in street protest from the anti-Israel lobby.

Their blurb as follows “Join us as we take action outside Puma on Carnaby St, as part of the international day of action, calling on Puma to end their complicity with Israeli apartheid! Puma is the main sponsor of the Israel Football Association (IFA), which includes football clubs based in illegal Israeli settlements on stolen Palestinian land. All Israeli settlements are considered war crimes under international law”?

This was supposed to be a UK and worldwide boycott. However things didn’t go as planned. The main demonstration in London had about 15 people turn up. A marked decrease from previous years which we are seeing across the board, where the BDS are limiting themselves in numbers. We also note, that the general public when we were canvassing them was so happy to support Israel not just because it is a free and only democratic country in the Middle East, but because their support for the LGBT queue community is, and freedom of religion.

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