Boycott Israel

Special Report The ties between NGOs promoting BDS and terror organizations | Prime Minister's Office

The report found over 100 links between the terror organizations Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and anti-Israel BDS-promoting NGOs. In addition, 30 terror operatives were identified -- most of whom served time in Israeli prisons, some even perpetrated deadly terror attacks against Israelis -- serve in key roles within these NGOs. They have done so while concealing, or at least de-emphasizing, their past involvement in terrorist groups and activities.
Special Report The ties between NGOs promoting BDS and terror organizations | Prime Minister's Office

The report found over 100 links between the terror organizations Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and anti-Israel BDS-promoting NGOs. In addition, 30 terror operatives were identified -- most of whom served time in Israeli prisons, some even perpetrated deadly terror attacks against Israelis -- serve in key roles within these NGOs. They have done so while concealing, or at least de-emphasizing, their past involvement in terrorist groups and activities.
Pfffft, more of Israel's terrorist propaganda shtick.
[ Freeloading, freeloading, freeloading ]

In addition, according to The Marker, some growers in Israel claim that meat merchants from the Palestinian Authority have stopped paying for past imports, too, because the meat business is credit-based, and without the next round of shipments the Arab merchants have no cash flow.

This means a severe blow to the income of hundreds of Israeli growers and Arab merchants.

Heavy pressure is being exerted on PM Mohammad Shtayyeh to change his decision from PA politicians.

Two PA officials, Intelligence chief Majid Faraj and Minister of Civil Affairs Hussein a-Sheikh, have appealed to Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to reverse the boycott decision, but PM Shtayyeh warned in closed talks that he would resign if he were forced to fold under Israeli pressure.

In Ramallah, opponents of the decision say it was made without creating a proper alternative and without giving the opportunity for the Palestinian market to prepare for the move. Traders in the industry also say they should have been given a reasonable period of several years to prepare the market before deciding on such a move. As things stand now, they say, the move was a death sentence for the PA meat merchants.

(full article online)
WATCH: “[Roger Waters] Was Bit of a Bum, Wasn’t He?”
David Lange
October 27, 2019

Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason recently sat down with ACDC singer Brian Johnson as part of his A Life on the Road series. In this clip, he reflects on his first time meeting Roger Waters – prompting Johnson to conclude “He was bit of a bum, wasn’t he?”

And he went from being a “bit of a bum” to a full-blown arse.

WATCH: '[Roger Waters] Was Bit of a Bum, Wasn't He?'
Adam Milstein: Pro-Palestinian student group promotes anti-Semitism at US college conference

America has all too readily ignored genocidal anti-Semitism before. We must recognize that the modern campaign has roots in hatred that runs just as deep and bloody as the ideology that fueled support for Nazi Germany.

Before the massacre of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust, American universities welcomed leaders from Nazi Germany – even though their horrifying racist ideology was well-known – while setting quotas to severely limit the enrollment of Jewish students.

In the wake of the Holocaust, anti-Semitism was no longer acceptable on American college campuses. The hatred of the Jewish people was suppressed and marginalized for about 70 years.

However, as the memory of the Holocaust fades and slogans such as “Never Again” and “Never Forget” are becoming old clichés, Jew-hatred is coming back on campus in frightening ways.

Today universities are once again lending their platforms and legitimacy to mainstream the new anti-Semitism. The lessons of the past are seemingly forgotten, as elite institutions like Columbia University invite notoriously anti-Semitic world leaders such as Iran’s former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad to address their students, opening their safe spaces to intolerance, prejudice and hate.

The BDS movement and Students for Justice in Palestine are fundamentally anti-American as well as anti-Israel and anti-Semitic, because they reject our most cherished values.

SJP should be ostracized on college campus and students should be taught the facts about it and the BDS movement.
This Palestinian Arab activist tried to talk about the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement that aims to weaken the state of Israel. She tried to confidently say it would succeed and that it is growing and growing.

But Israeli politician Naftali Bennett came back with the perfect response. The way he listed just a few of the many inventions that Israel has gifted the world with was too good. Everyone uses Israeli inventions and technology, and so many do not even realize. Those who support the BDS movement are probably using something Israel created every single day, but they pretend to boycott Israel anyway. Bennett’s ending words are strong: “What did you bring to the world beyond suicide terrorists? What’s your invention?” The Palestinian Arab activist had nothing left to say.

(full article and video online)

Naftali Bennett silences Palestinian Arab activist with one question
Panic over BDS reaches fever pitch


A protester holds a placard reading “I boycott Israel but not Jews” during a Palestine solidarity event in Berlin.

Fabrizio Bensch Reuters
Omar Shakir worked for Human Rights Watch in 2014, then left and joined again in 2016.

In between, he signed a petition supporting the boycott of Muslims - Muslims who care about Palestinians and who care about their own communities.

The crime that these Muslims committed? They showed an interest in learning about the Zionist point of view and attended a workshop in Israel called the Muslim Leadership Initiative.

In reality, what panicked BDSers about the MLI is that it showed that intelligent, caring Muslims could speak to Israelis and learn their perspective as a way to help bring peace. BDS is against any sort of "normalization" because it wants Israeli Jews to be demonized, not treated with respect.

These Muslims who want peace rejected BDS, so BDS called on all Muslims to boycott them - not to let them speak in schools and mosques.

(full article online)

Omar Shakir even boycotted MUSLIMS who don't support BDS ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

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