Boycott Israel

US Muslim Congresswoman introduces bill protecting American citizens' right to boycott Israel

Boycott, resist, push back: Shifting narratives on Israel in the US | The Listening Post


BDS = Bigot derange syndrome.

or simply #BDS-holes.
Boycott Pal'istan.

Arab-Israeli Conflict
06:40 | 10/13/19

Israel to ban Palestinian produce unless PA ends sheep and calf boycott


Palestinian man packs cherry tomatoes at a farm in Tubas, in the West Bank. (photo credit:" RANEEN SAWAFTA/ REUTERS)
" I have warned that if the situation does not return to normal, we will not allow much of the Palestinian agricultural produce to enter Israel."
Israel has threatened to ban Palestinian produce from its markets unless the Palestinian Authority ends its boycott of Israeli calves and sheep which began in mid-September.
British Unions Vote to Boycott Israel

“At the moment we’re looking at a people lacking the control that allows them to function as a society – water, the freedom to travel, the basic right to safety,” said Martin Sundram, delegate for the Artists’ Union of England (AUE) at the annual congress of the British trade union movement.


The AUE tabled
Motion 75
, titled “Palestine: supporting rights to self-determination,” to the conference, stating unequivocally that “Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ is an attempt to destroy core Palestinian rights.” The AUE’s Palestine motion was passed unanimously on September 11, according to the TUC’s report.

Representing more than 5.5 million members, the Trades Union Congress (TUC) is the peak British union representative body, equivalent to the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) [and the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)].

The motion affirmed the collective rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to return to their homes, called for a stop to the British arms trade with Israel, and reaffirmed the union movement’s call to boycott companies complicit with the Israeli settlement industry.

British Unions Vote to Boycott Israel - The Bullet
Opinion | Does Anyone Take the B.D.S. Movement Seriously?

In recent years, the debate surrounding the movement to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel over its treatment of Palestinians has expanded from food co-ops and university department meetings to the House of Representatives. Alas, it has not improved in clarity — if anything, this latest round shows that for both sides, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement today has very little to do with the movement’s original goals.
What the hell, We don't need to boycott Israel as trump just gave Israel to Putin. Plus he may have just started world war three. Now Russians and that bastard in charge of Syria are combining together to fight the Turks. Brilliant you fucking idiot in the Whitehouse. When will you blind idiots on the right understand what trump wants and that is to President for life then pass it on to his crooked children.
The surest sign of Satan's existence is his unholy marriage of the Godless, western left to the totalitarian, Islamofascists, who are united under their Satanly father to crush Israel and kill God's chosen people, the Jews.
Does Angela Merkel Deserve a Prize for Zionism?
by Soeren Kern

  • German Interior Ministry statistics claim that 90% of the anti-Semitic hate crimes reported in Germany in 2018 were committed by "far right" persons. The EU's Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), however, found that only 13% of the attacks were attributed to those with a "right-wing political view."

  • Germany provides millions of euros annually to organizations that promote anti-Israel BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) and "lawfare" campaigns, anti-Zionism, antisemitism, and violence, according to NGO Monitor.

  • "Why is Merkel being awarded the Theodor Herzl Award? Because her representative at the United Nations abstains in anti-Israel resolutions — and thereby de facto supports them? The same official who equates Hamas rocket attacks on Israeli civilians with Israel's demolition of the homes of Palestinian terrorists? For not relocating the German embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, as the United States did, and also warning other countries against taking such a step? For all this, she gets the Theodor Herzl Award?" — Henryk Broder, German Political Commentator, Die Achse des Guten.

  • "And that is just the beginning. There is a great possibility that thanks to today's politics Germany will become Judenrein [free of Jews]. Wir schaffen das (We can do it)." — Dr. Rafael Korenzecher, Publisher, Jüdische Rundschau.
Does Angela Merkel Deserve a Prize for Zionism?

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