Boycott Israel

[ Ah, those Jordanians ......who speak for "all" Jordanians........]

Former Jordanian Information Minister Samih al-Maaytah stormed off the set of Al Arabiya after he saw an Israeli analyst was slated to be on the air at the same time to talk about Jordanian-Israeli relations.

Maaytah said that he refused to appear on air with an Israeli guest.

The Israeli ad to be interviewed first and only after his segment was over would Maaytah go on the air.

When he entered the studio at about 10:30 am, he was surprised that thethe Israeli guest was there. When he was asked his first question he said that he does not participate in interviews with an Israeli party, he is a Jordanian citizen who has a political position similar to the political position of the entire Jordanian people. He pulled out the microphone, removed the headset, put it on the table and left the studio.

What a wonderful peace.

Former Jordanian minister storms off TV set when he sees an Israeli is there ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Another piece of garbage left over from the Clinton administration.
[ Ah, those Jordanians ......who speak for "all" Jordanians........]

Former Jordanian Information Minister Samih al-Maaytah stormed off the set of Al Arabiya after he saw an Israeli analyst was slated to be on the air at the same time to talk about Jordanian-Israeli relations.

Maaytah said that he refused to appear on air with an Israeli guest.

The Israeli ad to be interviewed first and only after his segment was over would Maaytah go on the air.

When he entered the studio at about 10:30 am, he was surprised that thethe Israeli guest was there. When he was asked his first question he said that he does not participate in interviews with an Israeli party, he is a Jordanian citizen who has a political position similar to the political position of the entire Jordanian people. He pulled out the microphone, removed the headset, put it on the table and left the studio.

What a wonderful peace.

Former Jordanian minister storms off TV set when he sees an Israeli is there ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Another piece of garbage left over from the Clinton administration.
It has nothing to do with the Clinton Administration.

Muslims, especially the Hashemites and other tribes, do not need an excuse to feel superior to all Jews and show how much they are despised for not accepting Mohammad as their prophet.

The Hashemites, and many Jordanians, are very, very happy that the British gave them 78% of the Jewish Homeland, and simply love to rub it under the Jewish noses.

[ Ah, those Jordanians ......who speak for "all" Jordanians........]

Former Jordanian Information Minister Samih al-Maaytah stormed off the set of Al Arabiya after he saw an Israeli analyst was slated to be on the air at the same time to talk about Jordanian-Israeli relations.

Maaytah said that he refused to appear on air with an Israeli guest.

The Israeli ad to be interviewed first and only after his segment was over would Maaytah go on the air.

When he entered the studio at about 10:30 am, he was surprised that thethe Israeli guest was there. When he was asked his first question he said that he does not participate in interviews with an Israeli party, he is a Jordanian citizen who has a political position similar to the political position of the entire Jordanian people. He pulled out the microphone, removed the headset, put it on the table and left the studio.

What a wonderful peace.

Former Jordanian minister storms off TV set when he sees an Israeli is there ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Another piece of garbage left over from the Clinton administration.
It has nothing to do with the Clinton Administration.

Muslims, especially the Hashemites and other tribes, do not need an excuse to feel superior to all Jews and show how much they are despised for not accepting Mohammad as their prophet.

The Hashemites, and many Jordanians, are very, very happy that the British gave them 78% of the Jewish Homeland, and simply love to rub it under the Jewish noses.

I was referring to the peace treaty with Jordan. What has Israel gotten from it? Nothing. It enhanced the standing of the King of Jordan by giving him control of holy sites in Jerusalem such as the Temple Mount, but he and his father have used this to foster more hatred of Jews. Everything Clinton touched around the world he damaged.
Why so defensive? Feeling guilty about something?
There you go again with the typecasting. Nope, not in the slightest bit guilty about anything.

While it is true that you have said the accusation that Israeli development in Judea and Samaria is not like the bantustans in apartheid South Africa, in a discussion of develop of area C you bring it up, why if not to compare Israel to apartheid South Africa?
Someone is going to do it. I want to know if you have an answer for them. I want to know what sort of rights, in your imagined solution to the conflict, the Arab Palestinians will have.
[ Ah, those Jordanians ......who speak for "all" Jordanians........]

Former Jordanian Information Minister Samih al-Maaytah stormed off the set of Al Arabiya after he saw an Israeli analyst was slated to be on the air at the same time to talk about Jordanian-Israeli relations.

Maaytah said that he refused to appear on air with an Israeli guest.

The Israeli ad to be interviewed first and only after his segment was over would Maaytah go on the air.

When he entered the studio at about 10:30 am, he was surprised that thethe Israeli guest was there. When he was asked his first question he said that he does not participate in interviews with an Israeli party, he is a Jordanian citizen who has a political position similar to the political position of the entire Jordanian people. He pulled out the microphone, removed the headset, put it on the table and left the studio.

What a wonderful peace.

Former Jordanian minister storms off TV set when he sees an Israeli is there ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Another piece of garbage left over from the Clinton administration.
It has nothing to do with the Clinton Administration.

Muslims, especially the Hashemites and other tribes, do not need an excuse to feel superior to all Jews and show how much they are despised for not accepting Mohammad as their prophet.

The Hashemites, and many Jordanians, are very, very happy that the British gave them 78% of the Jewish Homeland, and simply love to rub it under the Jewish noses.

I was referring to the peace treaty with Jordan. What has Israel gotten from it? Nothing. It enhanced the standing of the King of Jordan by giving him control of holy sites in Jerusalem such as the Temple Mount, but he and his father have used this to foster more hatred of Jews. Everything Clinton touched around the world he damaged.
Control, or rather Management, of the Temple Mount happened with Moshe Dayan after the 1967 war. Israel still has sovereignty over the Temple Mount, not Jordan.

Maybe you could be a bit more detailed as to what you are saying.
Especially the part about damaging around the world. Just the links will suffice.

The son of the King is turning more Islamist, as many others are, like the President of Turkey. Not one of the Arab, Muslim countries have stopped the education of their people against the Jewish people, since the 7th century.

I do not expect, neither does Israel, that a peace treaty is going to change Muslim minds. It has not. Be it with Egypt or Jordan. Both countries continue the education of their people against the Jews and Israel.
Why so defensive? Feeling guilty about something?
There you go again with the typecasting. Nope, not in the slightest bit guilty about anything.

While it is true that you have said the accusation that Israeli development in Judea and Samaria is not like the bantustans in apartheid South Africa, in a discussion of develop of area C you bring it up, why if not to compare Israel to apartheid South Africa?
Someone is going to do it. I want to know if you have an answer for them. I want to know what sort of rights, in your imagined solution to the conflict, the Arab Palestinians will have.
The same people who claim Jews sleep on beds of money stolen from Christians and Muslims will talk about bantustans, and such people are beneath contempt and deserve no acknowledgement, although you seem to think they do. Why is that?

Under the status quo, the Palestinians in the territories have all the rights they want that are consistent with not attacking Israelis. Of course they have many, many, many fewer rights under Hamas and the PA. When Israel annexes much of area C, they will continue to enjoy all the freedoms and rights that are consistent with not attacking Israelis. The Palestinians are not oppressed by Israel, they are oppressed by their own leaderships.
“We’re extremely pleased the Prosecutor agreed with our analysis and reaffirmed her decision,” said Brooke Goldstein, the organization’s executive director. “It’s refreshing to see an international institution doing the right thing and standing up for law and justice rather than bowing to anti-Israel political pressure.”

The Hague’s six-year engagement with the Gaza flotilla incident started in May 2013, when the Comoros, a small Muslim-majority nation in the Indian ocean, asked the ICC’s prosecutor to investigate the Israeli raid on the Gaza-bound Mavi Marmara three years earlier, during which troops clashed with pro-Palestinian activists.

Ten Turks (including one Turkish-american) were killed and a number of Israeli soldiers were injured.

The incident sparked a severe diplomatic crisis with Ankara, but since the Marmara sailed under the flag of the Comoros, it was that state that referred it to the ICC.

(full article online)

For third time, ICC prosecutor refuses to open probe into Gaza flotilla incident
...such people are beneath contempt and deserve no acknowledgement, although you seem to think they do. Why is that?
Because I believe the Arab Palestinians deserve a viable solution to the issue of their self-determination.

The Palestinians are not oppressed by Israel, they are oppressed by their own leaderships.
We agree.
[ Ah, those Jordanians ......who speak for "all" Jordanians........]

Former Jordanian Information Minister Samih al-Maaytah stormed off the set of Al Arabiya after he saw an Israeli analyst was slated to be on the air at the same time to talk about Jordanian-Israeli relations.

Maaytah said that he refused to appear on air with an Israeli guest.

The Israeli ad to be interviewed first and only after his segment was over would Maaytah go on the air.

When he entered the studio at about 10:30 am, he was surprised that thethe Israeli guest was there. When he was asked his first question he said that he does not participate in interviews with an Israeli party, he is a Jordanian citizen who has a political position similar to the political position of the entire Jordanian people. He pulled out the microphone, removed the headset, put it on the table and left the studio.

What a wonderful peace.

Former Jordanian minister storms off TV set when he sees an Israeli is there ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Another piece of garbage left over from the Clinton administration.
It has nothing to do with the Clinton Administration.

Muslims, especially the Hashemites and other tribes, do not need an excuse to feel superior to all Jews and show how much they are despised for not accepting Mohammad as their prophet.

The Hashemites, and many Jordanians, are very, very happy that the British gave them 78% of the Jewish Homeland, and simply love to rub it under the Jewish noses.

I was referring to the peace treaty with Jordan. What has Israel gotten from it? Nothing. It enhanced the standing of the King of Jordan by giving him control of holy sites in Jerusalem such as the Temple Mount, but he and his father have used this to foster more hatred of Jews. Everything Clinton touched around the world he damaged.
Control, or rather Management, of the Temple Mount happened with Moshe Dayan after the 1967 war. Israel still has sovereignty over the Temple Mount, not Jordan.

Maybe you could be a bit more detailed as to what you are saying.
Especially the part about damaging around the world. Just the links will suffice.

The son of the King is turning more Islamist, as many others are, like the President of Turkey. Not one of the Arab, Muslim countries have stopped the education of their people against the Jewish people, since the 7th century.

I do not expect, neither does Israel, that a peace treaty is going to change Muslim minds. It has not. Be it with Egypt or Jordan. Both countries continue the education of their people against the Jews and Israel.
While Dayan gave control of the Temple Mount to the Muslims, Jordan's role was not defined until the peace treaty with Jordan which was pushed by Clinton and counted as a great victory by him. Clinton's outrageous interference in Israeli politics led to the Oslo fiasco and the second intifada. He came, he saw, he damaged.

America's present problems with Russia are all the result of Clinton's blunders. Gorbachev and the first President Bush had built a trusting relationship, and when Bush pushed Gorbachev to release the Soviet satellite states, Gorbachev agreed to on condition the US promise not to allow any states bordering Russia to join NATO. Clinton outraged the Russians by betraying that promise, but even before he did that, while prancing around braying about the peace dividend, he pushed Russia, which badly needed US aid, to quickly move from communism to a free market economy and sent advisors to Russia to persuade them. By moving too quickly, state assets were gobbled up by a few oligarchs and by banks controlled by gangsters and Russia entered a period of terrible and growing poverty and humiliation. It was Putin who rescued the economy with his very heavy handed government and restored Russian pride, but the deep distrust of the US that was the product of Clinton's policies remains a constant in Russia, and much of the world today, especially in eastern Europe and the ME, is paying the price today for Clinton's blunders and betrayals.
...such people are beneath contempt and deserve no acknowledgement, although you seem to think they do. Why is that?
Because I believe the Arab Palestinians deserve a viable solution to the issue of their self-determination.

The Palestinians are not oppressed by Israel, they are oppressed by their own leaderships.
We agree.
lol What is it you imagine the Palestinians have self determined?

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