Boycott Israel

That has nothing to do with the thread's topic.

Thank you so much for your Jew hatred rant.

Yes it does.
The topic is the boycott of Israel, and Zionists misappropriating words like "anti-Semitic", shows the level of immoral propaganda by Zionists.
Zionists are evil criminals, and should be removed from the Mideast by force.
Yes it does.
The topic is the boycott of Israel, and Zionists misappropriating words like "anti-Semitic", shows the level of immoral propaganda by Zionists.
Zionists are evil criminals, and should be removed from the Mideast by force.
Are any Jews allowed to stay and continue to have a country called Israel?
The British government will soon introduce legislation to ban the UK Boycott Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel, a member of the ruling Conservative party said on Tuesday.

MP Robert Jenrick was addressing the Leadership Dialogue Institute (LDI) 2021 online conference. LDI promotes closer ties between Britain, Australia and Israel.

During a moderated discussion titled “Why Do So Many People Hate Jews?,” Jenrick said, “I think we’re beating BDS here. Today, there is no political party in the UK to support BDS, and this is becoming an increasingly fringe activity.”

(full article online)

"Jews are not supposed to even go to the Mideast, much less invade and try to claim a country there."

Seek psychiatric help based on that rant alone.

After the defeat of the 2nd Jewish rebellion against Rome, the official Jewish policy was that God was punishing Jews for the sins of arrogance and pride, and that no Jews should remain in the Mideast, and should not return until the coming of the Messiah was a sign from God of their redemption.
No real Jews would go to the Mideast yet.
It is a sin to do so, and repudiated the thousands of years of atonement for the sins of arrogance and pride.
Are any Jews allowed to stay and continue to have a country called Israel?

There probably should never have ever been a country called Israel.
It is not native, democratic, a majority, etc.
But with all the innocent children born there since 1948 crimes, I am not sure.
I don't know the current details well enough, not living there.
The British government will soon introduce legislation to ban the UK Boycott Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel, a member of the ruling Conservative party said on Tuesday.

MP Robert Jenrick was addressing the Leadership Dialogue Institute (LDI) 2021 online conference. LDI promotes closer ties between Britain, Australia and Israel.

During a moderated discussion titled “Why Do So Many People Hate Jews?,” Jenrick said, “I think we’re beating BDS here. Today, there is no political party in the UK to support BDS, and this is becoming an increasingly fringe activity.”

(full article online)

The British government is who made the original deal with the Zionist traitors.
The deal was Zionists would steal secrets from Germany to help defeat Germany in WWI, and the British would make the Balfour Declaration over a Palestine the British had no right to say anything at all about.
After the defeat of the 2nd Jewish rebellion against Rome, the official Jewish policy was that God was punishing Jews for the sins of arrogance and pride, and that no Jews should remain in the Mideast, and should not return until the coming of the Messiah was a sign from God of their redemption.
No real Jews would go to the Mideast yet.
It is a sin to do so, and repudiated the thousands of years of atonement for the sins of arrogance and pride.

There probably should never have ever been a country called Israel.
It is not native, democratic, a majority, etc.
But with all the innocent children born there since 1948 crimes, I am not sure.
I don't know the current details well enough, not living there.
That is your Christian, Jew hating view, as to what Jews are "allowed" to think, much less do.

How is your working to atone your sins against the Jewish people going?
So many delusions, so many wrong beliefs, no actual historical holding of what is what.

Time for you to go and atone for these endless sins you are inflicting on others.
The British government is who made the original deal with the Zionist traitors.
The deal was Zionists would steal secrets from Germany to help defeat Germany in WWI, and the British would make the Balfour Declaration over a Palestine the British had no right to say anything at all about.
More delusional lack of a hold on historical facts.

Are you going to work on your atonement any time soon?
That is your Christian, Jew hating view, as to what Jews are "allowed" to think, much less do.

How is your working to atone your sins against the Jewish people going?
So many delusions, so many wrong beliefs, no actual historical holding of what is what.

Time for you to go and atone for these endless sins you are inflicting on others.

I am Jewish as my mother was Jewish.
I know Jewish factual history because I read real history literature.
According to Judaism, no Jews are supposed to go to the Mideast at all until the coming of the Messiah.
Read up on the Diaspora and learn some Jewish history.
I am Jewish as my mother was Jewish.
I know Jewish factual history because I read real history literature.
According to Judaism, no Jews are supposed to go to the Mideast at all until the coming of the Messiah.
Read up on the Diaspora and learn some Jewish history.
What dummy Jew will say that Jews are not native, indigenous of the Land of Israel? Make me laugh.

You must have missed a lot of Jewish History or you chose to dismiss it ,because after seeing that Europeans and Muslims would not stop with their disdain and massacres of Jews, and not allowing Jews to be part, citizens of their countries, some Jews finally took the initiative to do what needed to have been done centuries before.

Legally regain the right to reconstruct the Nation of Israel ON the rightful land which is the Homeland of the Jewish People, their ancestors.

Now, do not ever lie about being Jewish, or reading Jewish history, with that total lack of knowledge about Jewish history, Judaism and the rest of the world history you seem to think you know about.

I hate to break it to you but the Jewish people have had a continuous presence on their homeland, be it with the Romans, Byzantine, the Muslims, the Crusaders, the Ottomans and the British . They were never told by any Jewish leader that they were not "permitted" to return to their homeland. You misunderstood the whole thing you read or heard about.

Now please, Boycott Israel all you like, make sure that nothing you buy for yourself or others is made in Israel, or by Jews.
What dummy Jew will say that Jews are not native, indigenous of the Land of Israel? Make me laugh.

You must have missed a lot of Jewish History or you chose to dismiss it ,because after seeing that Europeans and Muslims would not stop with their disdain and massacres of Jews, and not allowing Jews to be part, citizens of their countries, some Jews finally took the initiative to do what needed to have been done centuries before.

Legally regain the right to reconstruct the Nation of Israel ON the rightful land which is the Homeland of the Jewish People, their ancestors.

Now, do not ever lie about being Jewish, or reading Jewish history, with that total lack of knowledge about Jewish history, Judaism and the rest of the world history you seem to think you know about.

I hate to break it to you but the Jewish people have had a continuous presence on their homeland, be it with the Romans, Byzantine, the Muslims, the Crusaders, the Ottomans and the British . They were never told by any Jewish leader that they were not "permitted" to return to their homeland. You misunderstood the whole thing you read or heard about.

Now please, Boycott Israel all you like, make sure that nothing you buy for yourself or others is made in Israel, or by Jews.

It is obvious Hebrew did not come from Palestine.
There was no drought in Palestine, so Palestinians never went to Egypt to escape a drought like the Hebrew did.
The Sinai is much more likely, since that is where the Hebrew tribes went after leaving Egypt.

The Hebrew tribes did invade and conquer Palestine around 1000 BC, but only ruled for about 250 years, before being continually beaten by the Babylonians, Assyrians, and Romans.
There was a very small and illegal continual presence, since all the people who beat the Jews enforced a disaspora decree as well.

After the Romans left, there was no longer any disapora decree, and the reason Jews did not return is because according to Judaism, we are supposed to wait for the coming of the Messiah. To return before then is a sin.
And from 650 AD on, after the Moslems drove the Romans out, the Jewish population was less than 5%, due to Jews hoping to atone for the sins of arrogance and pride.
This is true even as recent as 1930, with Jews being less than 5% of the population of Palestine.

And by the way, Muslims never harmed Jews, and in fact Muslims have a history of employing Jews as Vizirs, bookkeepers, tax collectors, and administrators.
It is obvious Hebrew did not come from Palestine.
There was no drought in Palestine, so Palestinians never went to Egypt to escape a drought like the Hebrew did.
The Sinai is much more likely, since that is where the Hebrew tribes went after leaving Egypt.

The Hebrew tribes did invade and conquer Palestine around 1000 BC, but only ruled for about 250 years, before being continually beaten by the Babylonians, Assyrians, and Romans.
There was a very small and illegal continual presence, since all the people who beat the Jews enforced a disaspora decree as well.

After the Romans left, there was no longer any disapora decree, and the reason Jews did not return is because according to Judaism, we are supposed to wait for the coming of the Messiah. To return before then is a sin.
And from 650 AD on, after the Moslems drove the Romans out, the Jewish population was less than 5%, due to Jews hoping to atone for the sins of arrogance and pride.
This is true even as recent as 1930, with Jews being less than 5% of the population of Palestine.

And by the way, Muslims never harmed Jews, and in fact Muslims have a history of employing Jews as Vizirs, bookkeepers, tax collectors, and administrators.

Give me a link to all of this history. And I do mean all of your sources.

The Muslims drove who out from where in 650 AD?

Give me a link to all of this history. And I do mean all of your sources.

The Muslims drove who out from where in 650 AD?

The Moslems drove out the Byzantine Romans.
the country enjoyed peace and prosperity until 611, when Khosrow II, king of Persia, launched an invasion of Byzantine territory. His troops captured Jerusalem (614), destroyed churches, and carried off the True Cross. In 628 the Byzantine emperor Heraclius recovered Palestine, and he subsequently restored the True Cross to Jerusalem, but 10 years later Arab armies invaded both the Persian and the Byzantine empires.
The successful unification of the Arabian Peninsula under Islam by the first caliph, Abū Bakr (632–634), made it possible to channel the expansion of the Arab Muslims into new directions. Abū Bakr, therefore, summoned the faithful to a holy war (jihad) and quickly amassed a large army.
The first battle took place at Wadi Al-ʿArabah, south of the Dead Sea. The Byzantine defenders were defeated and retreated toward Gaza but were overtaken and almost annihilated. In other places, however, the natural advantages of the defenders were more effective, and the invaders were hard-pressed. Khālid ibn al-Walīd, then operating in southern Iraq, was ordered to the aid of his fellow Arab generals on the Syrian front, and the combined forces won a bloody victory on July 30, 634, at a place in southern Palestine that the sources call Ajnādayn. All of Palestine then lay open to the invaders.

And with the Romans gone, finally some Jews started to return to Palestine.
But not many, because Jews are not supposed to be there.
And the Crusades around 1100 wiped out any Jews there once again.
The Moslems drove out the Byzantine Romans.
the country enjoyed peace and prosperity until 611, when Khosrow II, king of Persia, launched an invasion of Byzantine territory. His troops captured Jerusalem (614), destroyed churches, and carried off the True Cross. In 628 the Byzantine emperor Heraclius recovered Palestine, and he subsequently restored the True Cross to Jerusalem, but 10 years later Arab armies invaded both the Persian and the Byzantine empires.
The successful unification of the Arabian Peninsula under Islam by the first caliph, Abū Bakr (632–634), made it possible to channel the expansion of the Arab Muslims into new directions. Abū Bakr, therefore, summoned the faithful to a holy war (jihad) and quickly amassed a large army.
The first battle took place at Wadi Al-ʿArabah, south of the Dead Sea. The Byzantine defenders were defeated and retreated toward Gaza but were overtaken and almost annihilated. In other places, however, the natural advantages of the defenders were more effective, and the invaders were hard-pressed. Khālid ibn al-Walīd, then operating in southern Iraq, was ordered to the aid of his fellow Arab generals on the Syrian front, and the combined forces won a bloody victory on July 30, 634, at a place in southern Palestine that the sources call Ajnādayn. All of Palestine then lay open to the invaders.

And with the Romans gone, finally some Jews started to return to Palestine.
But not many, because Jews are not supposed to be there.
And the Crusades around 1100 wiped out any Jews there once again.
Number of things wrong:

1). "The Moslems drove out the Byzantine Romans."

2) "And the Crusades around 1100 wiped out any Jews there once again."

What is wrong with these statements? Figure it out for yourself
Palestinians never needed to leave Palestine because the Jordan River has no history of ever drying up.
It is only the Sinai that is known to have had droughts sufficient to make people leave.
1) "Palestinians never needed to leave Palestine"

What is wrong with this sentence?

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