Boycott Israel

Number of things wrong:

1). "The Moslems drove out the Byzantine Romans."

2) "And the Crusades around 1100 wiped out any Jews there once again."

What is wrong with these statements? Figure it out for yourself

Nothing can be wrong because these are well established historical facts.
The Romans forced all the Jews to leave, so we know there were no significant number of Jews in Palestine until the Romans were defeated.
And while some Jews then did return after the Romans were defeated, the Jews in Palestine were once again wiped out by the Crusades about 500 years later.
1) "Palestinians never needed to leave Palestine"

What is wrong with this sentence?

Nothing is wrong because we know this is historical fact.
The Palestinian contain Akkadians, Phoenicians, Canaanites, Urites, Amorites, Nabatians, Chaldeans, Philistines, etc. who never left, ever.
The only people who came and went, were the Jews.
They were not native, and were deliberately forced to leave many times.
The Babylonians, Assyrians, Romans, and Crusaders all forced all Jews to leave Palestine.
Listeners were not told which contestants besides Miss South Africa supposedly ā€œrefused to bow to pressure fromā€¦their governmentsā€ ā€“ presumably because there were none ā€“ and once again the BBC declined to explain what the phrase ā€œIsraelā€™s treatment of Palestiniansā€ is supposed to mean.

The BBC journalist bought into the politically motivated talking point about ā€œPalestinian embroidered long robesā€ even though such dresses are traditional in many parts of the Middle East and North Africa and stuffed vine leaves are by no means exclusive to Palestinian cuisine. The social media post cited was in fact not ā€œsarcasmā€ ā€“ it came from the Philippines contestant.

The fact that a significant part of this item was aimed at focusing audience attention on the uncritically amplified and completely unquestioned talking points of unnamed, obscure anti-Israel activists and outlets obviously speaks volumes about how keen the BBC was to create the impression of a ā€œcontroversyā€ surrounding Israelā€™s hosting of the pageant in the minds of its audiences worldwide.

(full article online)

Listeners were not told which contestants besides Miss South Africa supposedly ā€œrefused to bow to pressure fromā€¦their governmentsā€ ā€“ presumably because there were none ā€“ and once again the BBC declined to explain what the phrase ā€œIsraelā€™s treatment of Palestiniansā€ is supposed to mean.

The BBC journalist bought into the politically motivated talking point about ā€œPalestinian embroidered long robesā€ even though such dresses are traditional in many parts of the Middle East and North Africa and stuffed vine leaves are by no means exclusive to Palestinian cuisine. The social media post cited was in fact not ā€œsarcasmā€ ā€“ it came from the Philippines contestant.

The fact that a significant part of this item was aimed at focusing audience attention on the uncritically amplified and completely unquestioned talking points of unnamed, obscure anti-Israel activists and outlets obviously speaks volumes about how keen the BBC was to create the impression of a ā€œcontroversyā€ surrounding Israelā€™s hosting of the pageant in the minds of its audiences worldwide.

(full article online)

Everyone knows what the "Israeli treatment of the Palestinians means".
It means mass murder, attempted genocide, deliberately chasing over a million Palestinians from their homes, turning Palestine into a concentration camp by not letting trade or people free movement in or out, etc.
Sign the Statement Here

Statement Condemning the Middle East Studies Association's Race to Embrace BDS

We are greatly concerned that the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) has set itself on the path of approving the boycott, divestment, and sanction (BDS) of Israel its organizational policy.

At its recent 2021 annual meeting, 93 percent of the 444 members attending voted to send to its full membership early next year a resolution (text) adopting BDS against Israel as its policy.

Singling out Israel for opprobrium makes a mockery of MESA's mission statement, which claims to promote "high standards of scholarship," "further intellectual exchange" and "defend academic freedom."

By giving its imprimatur to BDS, MESA adds its voice to ongoing efforts to whitewash Palestinian violence and refusal to accept Israel's existence, and to make the Jewish state a pariah.

It is willfully blind to systemic abuses throughout the Middle East region, including the persecution of religious and ethnic minorities, discrimination against women, support for jihadi organizations, and myriad other human rights violations by the governments of Turkey, Syria, Iran, and beyond.

Passage of this resolution will confirm MESA as an activist, anti-Israel political organization masquerading as a scholarly association. It will imply political activism, biased scholarship, and politicized teaching as the accepted norms in Middle East studies.

For these reasons (and others), we the undersigned (1) strongly condemn MESA's plan to put before the full membership approval of a resolution adopting BDS as MESA policy and (2) if it does take place, urge all members to vote against the resolution.

(full article online)

Nothing can be wrong because these are well established historical facts.
The Romans forced all the Jews to leave, so we know there were no significant number of Jews in Palestine until the Romans were defeated.
And while some Jews then did return after the Romans were defeated, the Jews in Palestine were once again wiped out by the Crusades about 500 years later.
I asked to go to the other thread. Do so.
Nothing is wrong because we know this is historical fact.
The Palestinian contain Akkadians, Phoenicians, Canaanites, Urites, Amorites, Nabatians, Chaldeans, Philistines, etc. who never left, ever.
The only people who came and went, were the Jews.
They were not native, and were deliberately forced to leave many times.
The Babylonians, Assyrians, Romans, and Crusaders all forced all Jews to leave Palestine.
Go to this site as this will not be discussed on this thread

Everyone knows what the "Israeli treatment of the Palestinians means".
It means mass murder, attempted genocide, deliberately chasing over a million Palestinians from their homes, turning Palestine into a concentration camp by not letting trade or people free movement in or out, etc.
Now that you have brought out all of that, show me some proof of it.
From reliable sources, and not from Palestinian, Arab and any other anti Israel source.
Nothing can be wrong because these are well established historical facts.
The Romans forced all the Jews to leave, so we know there were no significant number of Jews in Palestine until the Romans were defeated.
And while some Jews then did return after the Romans were defeated, the Jews in Palestine were once again wiped out by the Crusades about 500 years later.

1) The Romans did not force all the Jews to leave, or take all the Jews with them to Rome. Many fled and hid in the mountains, and other places where they could not be found, continuing with their lives and religion. Which is why when the Muslims arrived in the 7th century CE, they found the indigenous people - the Jews - and even re opened Jerusalem for them.

2) The Jews AND Muslims in Jerusalem were massacred by the Crusaders. It does not make all the Jews in their homeland being massacred.

As I said, you are wrong.
I can go to any thread I please.
You are the one making claims against the boycott based on false historical claims.
So history is relevant here, regardless of what you claim.
I am waiting for you to prove the "false historical claims"

So far, I have seen nothing.
I can go to any thread I please.
You are the one making claims against the boycott based on false historical claims.
So history is relevant here, regardless of what you claim.
"I can go to any thread I please."

Not according to the rules of this site.

But if you insist, until a moderator decides otherwise. :)
Go to this site as this will not be discussed on this thread

History has to be discussed on this thread because the boycott against Israel is only revealed in important when you look at the history.
Such as the Zionist massacre of Arab villages from 1946 to 1950.
But it happened more than once.
Jewish history is constantly repeating massacres of non-Jews, like Joshua massacring Canaanite women and children at Jericho, around 700 BC.

The criminal acts by Zionists make Israel immoral, dangerous, and illegal.
History has to be discussed on this thread because the boycott against Israel is only revealed in important when you look at the history.
Such as the Zionist massacre of Arab villages from 1946 to 1950.
But it happened more than once.
Jewish history is constantly repeating massacres of non-Jews, like Joshua massacring Canaanite women and children at Jericho, around 700 BC.

The criminal acts by Zionists make Israel immoral, dangerous, and illegal.
The BDS movement has nothing to do with the history of the region.

It has to do with Muslims not accepting the existence of Jews being sovereign of their own destiny on their ancient homeland, which Muslims conquered and are not willing to give up at any cost.

You know nothing about history or Zionism.
Now that you have brought out all of that, show me some proof of it.
From reliable sources, and not from Palestinian, Arab and any other anti Israel source.

That is easy.
I actually first read about the massacre of innocent Arab women and children from Albert Einstein.
But it is common knowledge.
It was the massacre of Dier Yassin in particular that Albert saw the result from.

The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when around 130[1] fighters from the Far-right Zionist paramilitary groups Irgun and Lehi killed at least 107 Palestinian Arabs, including women and children, in Deir Yassin, a village of roughly 600 people near Jerusalem.
Some of the Palestinian Arabs were killed in the course of the battle, others while trying to flee or surrender. A number of prisoners were executed, some after being paraded in West Jerusalem.[1][5][6] In addition to the killing and widespread looting, there may have been cases of mutilation and rape.[7] Despite an original boast by the victors that 254 had been killed, modern scholarship puts the death toll at far fewer. Palestinian historian Aref al-Aref counted 117 victims, seven in combat and the rest in their homes.[8] The number of wounded is estimated to between 12 and 50. Five of the attackers were killed and a dozen wounded.[1]
By most accounts, the villagers lived in peace with their Jewish neighbors, particularly those in Givat Shaul, some of whom reportedly tried to help the villagers during the Irgunā€“Lehi massacre.[21]

Peace pact​

On January 20, 1948, the villagers met leaders of the Givat Shaul community to form a peace pact. The Deir Yassin villagers agreed to inform Givat Shaul should Palestinian militiamen appear in the village, by hanging out certain types of laundry during the dayā€”two white pieces with a black piece in the middleā€”and at night signaling three dots with a flashlight and placing three lanterns in a certain place. In return, patrols from Givat Shaul guaranteed safe passage to Deir Yassin residents, in vehicles or on foot, passing through their neighborhood on the way to Jerusalem.[22] Yoma Ben-Sasson, Haganah commander in Givat Shaul, said after the village had been captured that, "there was not even one incident between Deir Yassin and the Jews."[23] The view was echoed in a secret Haganah report which stated that the village had stayed "faithful allies of the western [Jerusalem] sector."[2]

Gelber viewed it is unlikely that the peace pact between Deir Yassin and Givat Shaul continued to hold in April, given the intensity of hostilities between the Arab and Jewish communities elsewhere. On April 4, the Haganah affiliated daily Davar reported that "[t]he western neighborhoods of Jerusalem, Beit Hakerem and Bayit Vagan, was attacked on Sabbath night (April 2) by fire from the direction of Deir Yassin, Ein Kerem and Colonia."[24] Over the next few days, the Jewish community at Motza and Jewish traffic on the road to Tel Aviv came under fire from the village. On April 8, Deir Yassin youth took part in the defence of the Arab village of al-Qastal, which the Jews had invaded days earlier: the names of several Deir Yassin residents appeared on a list of wounded compiled by the British Palestine police.[25]
Israel's sixth prime minister, Menachem Begin, was Irgun leader at the time of the attack,
From 5:00 A.M. until about 11:00 A.M. there was a systematic slaughter, with them going from house to house. From the eastern edge of the village nobody came out unhurt. Whole families were slaughtered. At 6:00 in the morning they caught 21 young people from the village, about 25 years old, they stood them in a row, near where the post-office is today, and executed them. Many women who watched this horrifying spectacle went crazy, and some are in institutions to this day. A pregnant woman, who was coming back with her son from the bakery, was murdered and her belly was smashed, after her son was killed before her eyes. In one of the conquered village houses a Bren machine gun was set up, which shot everyone who got in its line of fire. My cousin went out to see what happened to his uncle, who was shot a few minutes before, and he was killed too. His father, who went out after him, was murdered by the same Bren, and the mother, who came to find out what happened to her loved ones, died beside them. Aish eydan, who was a guard in Givat Shaul, came to see what was happening, and he was killed.
"I can go to any thread I please."

Not according to the rules of this site.

But if you insist, until a moderator decides otherwise. :)

The rules of this site do NOT at all allow anyone to control, move, or otherwise effect any posts that are not violating rules on threats or other criminal acts.
History has to be discussed on this thread because the boycott against Israel is only revealed in important when you look at the history.
Such as the Zionist massacre of Arab villages from 1946 to 1950.
But it happened more than once.
Jewish history is constantly repeating massacres of non-Jews, like Joshua massacring Canaanite women and children at Jericho, around 700 BC.

The criminal acts by Zionists make Israel immoral, dangerous, and illegal.
Do you go around condemning all other people in ancient history for what they did towards other people, or is it only the Jews?

The Chinese, the Germans, the British, the Celtics, the Romans, the Greek, the Assyrians, the Philistines, the Egyptians, etc, etc

Shall I guess?
The BDS movement has nothing to do with the history of the region.

It has to do with Muslims not accepting the existence of Jews being sovereign of their own destiny on their ancient homeland, which Muslims conquered and are not willing to give up at any cost.

You know nothing about history or Zionism.

BDS is entirely about Zionists lying about history in order to justify attempted genocide to steal homes.
Without history, you can not tell who is sovereign, and if you do know history, you know Jews are not sovereign in Palestine or anywhere.
But instead, Jews are just temporary invaders who do not even belong anywhere in the entire Mideast.
They are almost all European immigrants.
That is easy.
I actually first read about the massacre of innocent Arab women and children from Albert Einstein.
But it is common knowledge.
It was the massacre of Dier Yassin in particular that Albert saw the result from.

The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when around 130[1] fighters from the Far-right Zionist paramilitary groups Irgun and Lehi killed at least 107 Palestinian Arabs, including women and children, in Deir Yassin, a village of roughly 600 people near Jerusalem.
Some of the Palestinian Arabs were killed in the course of the battle, others while trying to flee or surrender. A number of prisoners were executed, some after being paraded in West Jerusalem.[1][5][6] In addition to the killing and widespread looting, there may have been cases of mutilation and rape.[7] Despite an original boast by the victors that 254 had been killed, modern scholarship puts the death toll at far fewer. Palestinian historian Aref al-Aref counted 117 victims, seven in combat and the rest in their homes.[8] The number of wounded is estimated to between 12 and 50. Five of the attackers were killed and a dozen wounded.[1]
By most accounts, the villagers lived in peace with their Jewish neighbors, particularly those in Givat Shaul, some of whom reportedly tried to help the villagers during the Irgunā€“Lehi massacre.[21]

Peace pact​

On January 20, 1948, the villagers met leaders of the Givat Shaul community to form a peace pact. The Deir Yassin villagers agreed to inform Givat Shaul should Palestinian militiamen appear in the village, by hanging out certain types of laundry during the dayā€”two white pieces with a black piece in the middleā€”and at night signaling three dots with a flashlight and placing three lanterns in a certain place. In return, patrols from Givat Shaul guaranteed safe passage to Deir Yassin residents, in vehicles or on foot, passing through their neighborhood on the way to Jerusalem.[22] Yoma Ben-Sasson, Haganah commander in Givat Shaul, said after the village had been captured that, "there was not even one incident between Deir Yassin and the Jews."[23] The view was echoed in a secret Haganah report which stated that the village had stayed "faithful allies of the western [Jerusalem] sector."[2]

Gelber viewed it is unlikely that the peace pact between Deir Yassin and Givat Shaul continued to hold in April, given the intensity of hostilities between the Arab and Jewish communities elsewhere. On April 4, the Haganah affiliated daily Davar reported that "[t]he western neighborhoods of Jerusalem, Beit Hakerem and Bayit Vagan, was attacked on Sabbath night (April 2) by fire from the direction of Deir Yassin, Ein Kerem and Colonia."[24] Over the next few days, the Jewish community at Motza and Jewish traffic on the road to Tel Aviv came under fire from the village. On April 8, Deir Yassin youth took part in the defence of the Arab village of al-Qastal, which the Jews had invaded days earlier: the names of several Deir Yassin residents appeared on a list of wounded compiled by the British Palestine police.[25]
Israel's sixth prime minister, Menachem Begin, was Irgun leader at the time of the attack,
From 5:00 A.M. until about 11:00 A.M. there was a systematic slaughter, with them going from house to house. From the eastern edge of the village nobody came out unhurt. Whole families were slaughtered. At 6:00 in the morning they caught 21 young people from the village, about 25 years old, they stood them in a row, near where the post-office is today, and executed them. Many women who watched this horrifying spectacle went crazy, and some are in institutions to this day. A pregnant woman, who was coming back with her son from the bakery, was murdered and her belly was smashed, after her son was killed before her eyes. In one of the conquered village houses a Bren machine gun was set up, which shot everyone who got in its line of fire. My cousin went out to see what happened to his uncle, who was shot a few minutes before, and he was killed too. His father, who went out after him, was murdered by the same Bren, and the mother, who came to find out what happened to her loved ones, died beside them. Aish eydan, who was a guard in Givat Shaul, came to see what was happening, and he was killed.
There was no massacre at Deir Yassin.

It is debunked by its own survivors


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