Boycott Israel

Illegitimate criticism of Israel​

The declaration also touched on the intersection of antisemitism and anti-Zionism. The determinations of what is legitimate criticism of Israel and what is antisemitism has been at the forefront of debates about the competing definitions of antisemitism. The definition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), which was adopted by the Knesset on June 22, contends that some criticisms of Israel cross into the realm of antisemitism, in line with the text of the US-Israel declaration. Some competing definitions of antisemitism do not see criticism of Israel as antisemitism.

"The two countries will use the tools at their disposal to fight every scourge and source of antisemitism and to respond whenever legitimate criticism crosses over into bigotry and hatred or attempts to undermine Israel’s rightful and legitimate place among the family of nations," read the declaration. "In this context, they express their deep concern over the global surge in antisemitism and reassert their commitment to counter this ancient hatred in all of its manifestations. "

(full article online)

Some competing definitions of antisemitism do not see criticism of Israel as antisemitism.
:thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup:

The antisemite card is no linger the ace of trump.
European foreign ministers on Monday voted in favor of reconvening a high-level dialogue between the European Union and Israel, after a hiatus of nearly ten years.

EU High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell announced the resumption of the EU-Israel Association Council, which has not held formal meetings since 2012. Formed in a 1995 agreement signed in Brussels to define EU-Israel relations, Israel ditched the Council after a 2013 EU decision distinguishing settlements from the rest of Israel for the purposes of agreements.

The decision follows a letter signed by 158 members of the European Parliament urging Borrell, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and EU Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi to reconvene the work of the EU-Israel body. Israeli government efforts led by then Foreign Minister Lapid to re-establish the Council have also been ongoing in recent months.

“This would allow us to jointly address common challenges such as the energy crisis, looming food insecurity, and the continuous dangerous tensions in the Middle East, while at the same time to applaud and encourage the recent groundbreaking developments following the Abraham Accords, which enhance peace and stability in the region,” the July 11 letter by the European legislators read.

The Brussels-based AJC Transatlantic Institute welcomed the EU’s decision to relaunch the “long-overdue” forum.

(full article online)

The successive scandals over antisemitism plaguing one of the world’s leading showcases for contemporary art demonstrate a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of the BDS campaign targeting the State of Israel for economic and cultural isolation, the head of Germany’s Jewish community has said.

“Unfortunately, the Stürmer [Nazi newspaper] caricatures at the Documenta [art festival] and the associated antisemitism scandal is only the tip of the iceberg,” Josef Schuster — president of the Central Council of German Jews — told the Bild news outlet on Sunday. “BDS is deliberately played down and presented as a legitimate protest movement.”

Added Schuster: “BDS is clearly an antisemitic ideology.”

Mounted in the city of Kassel every five years since 1955, the Documenta festival is held in high regard across the art world for its cutting edge displays of painting, sculpture and audio-visual works. However, this year’s edition, curated by an Indonesian artists’ collective, was completely overshadowed by sustained accusations of antisemitism, culminating in the removal of the “caricatures” mural referred to by Schuster — which included depictions of an Israeli soldier as a pig and and an Orthodox Jew with a hooked nose and a fedora hat emblazoned with the letters “SS,” for the Nazi paramilitary organization. The widespread shock with which the mural was received led to Germany’s Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, canceling an official visit to the festival.

(full article online)

Ever notice how antisemitic boycotts are meant to make other people sacrifice things, but the organizers never have to do without anything important?

Now, Jordanian antisemites are telling thousands of other Jordanians not to work in Israel, with good salaries and working conditions!

The group "I Move to Support the Resistance and Counter Normalization" (these groups always have really long names) warned Jordanian workers who had commuted to jobs in Eilat not to return as the jobs return, post-COVID.

Some 2000 hotel workers and 300 other workers from Jordan are slated to return to working in ISrael on August 1.

In a statement issued by the group, thet called not to go to work in Israel, as well as to boycott the recruitment companies in Jordan that act as go-betweens.

Ludicrously, the group is claiming that working in Israel with good salaries and decent working conditions "constitutes an exploitation of their conditions and their need to work, and includes labor violations that amount to human trafficking."

Hence, the logo above.

If the jobs are so exploitative, then no one has to accept them, do they?

Britain on Wednesday launched free trade talks with Israel, aimed at boosting service and tech sector ties as it seeks new trade deals after leaving the European Union.

The current trade deal between the two countries is based on an old EU deal that has no specific provisions on services, Britain said, adding that the trading relationship is currently worth $6 billion a year.

“The UK and Israel are both modern, hi-tech services superpowers, but our current trading relationship is based on an agreement from 1995, before smartphones, the internet, and digitally delivered services transformed the global economy,” trade minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan said.

“Combining the power of our economies in a revamped trade deal will boost trade, support jobs and help take our economic relationship to the next level.”

Britain said a deal could boost UK service exports by up to $93 million and benefit over 6,000 businesses.

(full article online)


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