Boycott Israel

Isn't it great how the Arabs and their fellow travelers drag up Rachel Corrie time and time again? However, have any of the readers seen them posting about the armed terrorist who hid in the offices of the radical group to which Rachel Corrie belonged? The Muslim terrorist from England consequently went to Mike's Place and blew himself up, killing several people and wounded many others. As sad as the Rachel Corrie incident is, a mentally ill girl should have been dissuaded by her parents not to leave the country. Nobody in their right mind plays chickie with a bulldozer.
She wasn't mentally ill.

Israel is scared of YOUR boycotting | Why?​

Scared? The Israelis are a textbook group of confident winners, Not frightened losers. One of their more sensitive supporters does the math for the times they have been invaded by enemies in their God-given country. It has to do with biblican jubilees in Israel's history. God loves and is on the side of these brave, intelligent Jewish people whose families were in their promised land as Moses' leadership got them there which was before the Palestinians were there if memory serves me right.

One of Israel's supporters has done the math on their invasions just for being alive. I think you have to go to YouTube to see itt

Jonathan Cahn, Mystery that Foretold the Hamas Invasion

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Don't these morons calling for the boycott of Israel understand that they are the ones causing the problems for the filastins. The filastins work on the farms producing the crops that are sold all over the world, and a boycott of Israel will cause them to be made unemployed and destitute
well said!

Are the boycotts against Israel making an impact? | The Stream​

I oppose the boycotts. I buy products made in Israel at every opportunity. My support for Israel is unconditional. I feel no concern for the Palestinians at all.

The conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians is zero sum. Gains to one mean loses to the other. There can be no compromise solution. When two nations want the same land and when they are willing to fight for it, the conflict can only be resolved by total war.

Starbucks Loses $11 Billion Due to Poor Sales & Boycotts over Israel War| Vantage with Palki Sharma​




Muslim math......

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: Building Solidarity with Palestine​

I buy products made in Israel at every opportunity. I do not need to boycott products made by the Palestinians because the Palestinians do not make anything worth owning.


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