Boycott Israel

Isn't it great how the Arabs and their fellow travelers drag up Rachel Corrie time and time again? However, have any of the readers seen them posting about the armed terrorist who hid in the offices of the radical group to which Rachel Corrie belonged? The Muslim terrorist from England consequently went to Mike's Place and blew himself up, killing several people and wounded many others. As sad as the Rachel Corrie incident is, a mentally ill girl should have been dissuaded by her parents not to leave the country. Nobody in their right mind plays chickie with a bulldozer.

Remember Kurdy Bear and his bulldozer?
I'm boycotting gelfite fish and noodle kugel.
The slimy fish cake I can understand, but why the noodle kugel? Why boycott Israel at all? They have every right to destroy HAMAS before the savages launch another October 7th.

Now I OTOH will boycott GAZA products. What do they produce, other than Jew-hating kids?
I'm boycotting gelfite fish and noodle kugel.
Go for it. And do not forget to boycott all of these, no matter how much you love them, or even if you have them, just give them or throw them away.

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