Boycott Israel

The left hates Israel because the left hates Western civilization. The left is purblind because Western civilization nurtured the left. The terms left and right were first used politically during the French Revolution. When the French National Assembly was viewed from the rear delegates representing the monarchy, the aristocracy, and the established Roman Catholic Church sat on the right. Delegates representing the Commons sat on the left.

When Karl Marx lived in London he was never harassed by the police. He was able to do most of his research free of charge at the Reading Room of the British Museum.

Purblind.. having impaired or defective vision.
slow or unable to understand; dimwitted.
"something is fundamentally wrong, as even the most purblind apologists must surely come to recognize"
Why are you being evasive as if you're ashamed of your support for Israel's genocidal agenda?

I've spent time in the Levant listening to Nakba survivors who, unlike Holocaust survivors, have endured worse conditions for longer but don't receive hundreds of billions of dollars in reparations.

How can you support internationally condemned Zionist genocide, land theft and expansionism when ethical Jews oppose atrocities (1) committed by criminal Jews?

(1). “A Textbook Case of Genocide”

“Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”

This so called "information" you have supplied is just fanciful propaganda for the far left support campaign. Lets analyze: 1) It is very well known documented history that many Jews were brutally murdered after being rounded up meanwhile not engaging in any war or criminal activity in Europe by the genocidal activities of Nazi Germany. So the horrible fate of innocent Jews in Europe was so awful that because of this the word genocide was mobilized and all of Europe was dragged into World War two in which millions of people died of many nationalities and ethnicities. The concentration camps Jews were herded into and kept awaiting starvation and death are known in history as one of the worst examples of inhumane conditions ever known. No, Jews are not stealing their own historical land, but in a war against Islamic massacre and oppression as evidenced by the brutality against worldwide Jews who were on Israel on October 7, 2023. No, the so called Gaza ministry of "health" is not an accurate source of numbers of casualties nor injuries. Yes, there are more people under the rubble and still held this awful war continues...NO, internationally, most Jews are horrified that yet again a culture of supremacy this time Muslim supremacy is targeting Jews and threatening the very Jewish existence yet again. Yes, Holocaust was worse than "nakba" and because Islam is threatening the world and other religions and cultures, Israel is on the frontline along with Africa, the US and the Ukraine. To support Israel defending itself, it's Holocaust survivors who live there and support the continued freedom of Jews to live in their ancient homeland is the only ethical choice for all world Jews and Christians to support and do support and we are in the majority internationally. Please read the quotes of Golda who knew a bad image is better than genocide again against Jews, and Happy Passover, we will prevail !!!
This so called "information" you have supplied is just fanciful propaganda for the far left support campaign. Lets analyze: 1) It is very well known documented history that many Jews were brutally murdered after being rounded up meanwhile not engaging in any war or criminal activity in Europe by the genocidal activities of Nazi Germany. So the horrible fate of innocent Jews in Europe was so awful that because of this the word genocide was mobilized and all of Europe was dragged into World War two in which millions of people died of many nationalities and ethnicities. The concentration camps Jews were herded into and kept awaiting starvation and death are known in history as one of the worst examples of inhumane conditions ever known. No, Jews are not stealing their own historical land, but in a war against Islamic massacre and oppression as evidenced by the brutality against worldwide Jews who were on Israel on October 7, 2023. No, the so called Gaza ministry of "health" is not an accurate source of numbers of casualties nor injuries. Yes, there are more people under the rubble and still held this awful war continues...NO, internationally, most Jews are horrified that yet again a culture of supremacy this time Muslim supremacy is targeting Jews and threatening the very Jewish existence yet again. Yes, Holocaust was worse than "nakba" and because Islam is threatening the world and other religions and cultures, Israel is on the frontline along with Africa, the US and the Ukraine. To support Israel defending itself, it's Holocaust survivors who live there and support the continued freedom of Jews to live in their ancient homeland is the only ethical choice for all world Jews and Christians to support and do support and we are in the majority internationally. Please read the quotes of Golda who knew a bad image is better than genocide again against Jews, and Happy Passover, we will prevail !!!

Thank you, I celebrated Passover about 2 weeks ago and have had the honor of hosting more than one Jewish holiday at my home.
I also hope that the Jewish people thrive.
I didn't use the word "prevail" because that implies the further subjugation of Palestine's native residents and I don't wish peace and happiness to members of just one ethnic, religious or national group.

Maybe it's because I am probably older than you that the Jews I know and have known don't hold your same views or share your own opinions.
Several Jews I've known were Holocaust survivors but did not consider the Holocaust as a license to carry out the Nakba nor did they concur with the numerous fabrications manufactured by what Norman Finkelstein calls "The Holocaust Industry" that has been repeatedly exposed for its chronic fraudulence. (1), (2)

This thread, however is not about the Holocaust but about justified global condemnation of what Jews and non Jews are accurately calling a Genocide (3), (4)

Since I walked and hitch-hiked throughout the Middle East for 10 - 11 months, spent time in and around Palestinian refugee camps during the '73 War and have studied the region for 60+ years, there not a Hasbara script that I haven't read or heard.

In spite of the egregious pro Israel MSM bias and Israel's global Hasbara propaganda mill, the majority of Americans disapprove of Netanyahu's genocide (5) and I don't need to tell you about the unprecedented outrage on the streets around the world.

Over the decades, I've seen countless protests and numerous forms of global opposition to the ongoing Nakba but nothing rivals the anti Zionist mood I sense in the world, today.

It is precisely that I do not want to see recurrences of genuine anti Jewish sentiment that I feel that Netanyahu's genocidal agenda makes Jews, in general, less safe.

Israel's continued bombing of starving, sick and homeless Gazans is only going to make Israel and the complicit US even less secure from what more and more of the world will see as justified Islamic retaliation.

Innocent civilians are no less dead when killed by bombs that are dropped from the sky than they are from bombs strapped to a crowded bus.

Can we at least agree on that?


EXCERPT "Federal prosecutors said Tuesday they have broken up a long-running scam in which people falsely claimed to be victims of the Nazi persecution so they could get money out of a fund that pays Holocaust reparations."CONTINUED


EXCERPT "For over a decade, a criminal ring within the organization embezzled tens of millions of dollars through false restitution claims.”CONTINUED

(3). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED

(4). “A Textbook Case of Genocide”

“Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”

EXCERPT. "But the assault on Gaza can also be understood in other terms: as a textbook case of genocide unfolding in front of our eyes. I say this as a scholar of genocide, who has spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians. I have written about settler colonialism and Jewish supremacy in Israel, the distortion of the Holocaust to boost the Israeli arms industry, the weaponization of antisemitism accusations to justify Israeli violence against Palestinians, and the racist regime of Israeli apartheid. “ CONTINUED

(5). "The Majority of Americans Now Disapprove of Israel’s Genocide, Polling Finds"

EXCERPT "New polling finds that the majority of the American public now say that they disapprove of Israel’s genocidal siege of Gaza. Approval of the assault has plummeted over the course of a few months as Israel slaughtered at least 33,000 Palestinians and continues its destruction of Gaza with impunity.

According to a Gallup survey conducted last month, 55 percent of Americans say that they disapprove of Israel’s “military action” in Gaza — up from a minority of 45 percent in a November Gallup poll." CONTINUED

Biden's arms embargo on Israel 'emboldens' Hamas missile strikes against Jewish state​

New Hamas and Hezbollah missile attacks on Israel after Biden threat of withholding weapons​

By Benjamin Weinthal Fox News
Published May 11, 2024 1:51pm EDT

JERUSALEM—After President Biden gave his ultimatum of withholding offensive weapons to the Jewish state if Israel were to launch an invasion of Rafah, rocket attacks rained down on Israel on Friday from Rafah, with more rockets fired on Saturday.

Hamas launched rockets from Rafah at the southern Israeli city of Beersheva on Friday for the first time since December, as Iranian proxy Hezbollah sent a barrage of rockets into the northern Israel city of Kiryat Shmona, causing a massive fire. Within the Gaza Strip on Friday, four Israeli soldiers were killed...

America’s former Ambassador to Israel during the Trump administration, David Friedman, posted a blunt message on X about the new Biden policy: "Hamas now firing rockets from Rafah into Beersheva — Israel’s largest southern city. Why wouldn’t they? — they have no fear of a reprisal. Biden has emboldened Hamas!"

I will never boycott Israel. buy products made in Israel at every opportunity. I wish there were more opportunities.

Most of the stuff I buy at departments stores these days is made in China. I wish more stuff was made in Israel. I particularly wish I could buy food from Israel. I am not Jewish and I do not keep a kosher kitchen, but I like to buy food that is kosher certified.

The following is a list of symbols of kosher certification. The most famous kosher certifying organization is the Orthodox Union, its symbol is a U with a circle around it. Not only is food kosher certified, most detergent is also. Judaism is a very hygienic religion.


Needless to say my support for Israel is unconditional. The only Palestinians I care about belong to the fairly small minority of Christian Palestinians.
Thank you, I celebrated Passover about 2 weeks ago and have had the honor of hosting more than one Jewish holiday at my home.
I also hope that the Jewish people thrive.
I didn't use the word "prevail" because that implies the further subjugation of Palestine's native residents and I don't wish peace and happiness to members of just one ethnic, religious or national group.

Maybe it's because I am probably older than you that the Jews I know and have known don't hold your same views or share your own opinions.
Several Jews I've known were Holocaust survivors but did not consider the Holocaust as a license to carry out the Nakba nor did they concur with the numerous fabrications manufactured by what Norman Finkelstein calls "The Holocaust Industry" that has been repeatedly exposed for its chronic fraudulence. (1), (2)

This thread, however is not about the Holocaust but about justified global condemnation of what Jews and non Jews are accurately calling a Genocide (3), (4)

Since I walked and hitch-hiked throughout the Middle East for 10 - 11 months, spent time in and around Palestinian refugee camps during the '73 War and have studied the region for 60+ years, there not a Hasbara script that I haven't read or heard.

In spite of the egregious pro Israel MSM bias and Israel's global Hasbara propaganda mill, the majority of Americans disapprove of Netanyahu's genocide (5) and I don't need to tell you about the unprecedented outrage on the streets around the world.

Over the decades, I've seen countless protests and numerous forms of global opposition to the ongoing Nakba but nothing rivals the anti Zionist mood I sense in the world, today.

It is precisely that I do not want to see recurrences of genuine anti Jewish sentiment that I feel that Netanyahu's genocidal agenda makes Jews, in general, less safe.

Israel's continued bombing of starving, sick and homeless Gazans is only going to make Israel and the complicit US even less secure from what more and more of the world will see as justified Islamic retaliation.

Innocent civilians are no less dead when killed by bombs that are dropped from the sky than they are from bombs strapped to a crowded bus.

Can we at least agree on that?


EXCERPT "Federal prosecutors said Tuesday they have broken up a long-running scam in which people falsely claimed to be victims of the Nazi persecution so they could get money out of a fund that pays Holocaust reparations."CONTINUED


EXCERPT "For over a decade, a criminal ring within the organization embezzled tens of millions of dollars through false restitution claims.”CONTINUED

(3). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED

(4). “A Textbook Case of Genocide”

“Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”

EXCERPT. "But the assault on Gaza can also be understood in other terms: as a textbook case of genocide unfolding in front of our eyes. I say this as a scholar of genocide, who has spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians. I have written about settler colonialism and Jewish supremacy in Israel, the distortion of the Holocaust to boost the Israeli arms industry, the weaponization of antisemitism accusations to justify Israeli violence against Palestinians, and the racist regime of Israeli apartheid. “ CONTINUED

(5). "The Majority of Americans Now Disapprove of Israel’s Genocide, Polling Finds"

EXCERPT "New polling finds that the majority of the American public now say that they disapprove of Israel’s genocidal siege of Gaza. Approval of the assault has plummeted over the course of a few months as Israel slaughtered at least 33,000 Palestinians and continues its destruction of Gaza with impunity.

According to a Gallup survey conducted last month, 55 percent of Americans say that they disapprove of Israel’s “military action” in Gaza — up from a minority of 45 percent in a November Gallup poll." CONTINUED
Sorry, but it is conflicted that you choose to pretend to celebrate any Jewish holiday meanwhile holding your obvious contempt for the Jews who are greatly suffering now. You never mentioned the genocide of Hitler, Hamass on October 7th, the Romans, the Egyptions or any other forces that have challenged the real Jewish nation throughout history. Lets be clear, there is no genocide that present day Israel is committing as I have scrutinized international law on genocide a have experts which by the way is a term inroduced because of the evil Holocaust against the innocent Jews of Europe. Sorry, it is well known that often surveys and polls are usually meaningless because of bias in the poll or survey language and also because of weak outdated methods. Do try reading the real pulse of both the US and world great support for Israel defending itself against terror which it has the right and need to defend against on its own soil. Unfortunately only modern Muslims are guilty of the curse of genocide as Islam is on the move attacking many nations that are injured by extremist Islamic terrorism and Muslim ideological supremacy. On the real frontline defending itself against the terrible violence and relentless propaganda from radical terrorist Muslim culture are: Syria, Africa, Israel, France, the UK, the Ukraine, the USA, parts of Asia and some more peaceful Arab countries. Clearly the intention of this radical terrorist activity is the destruction and genocide of other peoples and cultures that are deemed inferior by this hateful selfish ideology hence the Islamic obsession with jihad actions. To quote a stupid so called intellectual pedantic idiot here and there is also meaningless whether or not these people are Jews, neo nazis, Muslim fanatics or just plain foolish ignorant people seeking the spotlight is beyond dull and unimpressive. There is no so called " Holocaust 'industry' " and it is shameful that any Jew would say something so damaging to his own culture and this utterance must be dismissed for the stupidity on its face value immediately. Also all the ridiculous so called "pro- palestine" protests all around the world that are happening because of the sad self righteous left and the pro terrorist Islamic movement are wasted efforts that do absolutely nothing to really help the Palestinians in harms way now. Many nations absolutely refuse to allow entry to the Gaza Palestinians and this phenomenon speaks volumes of a negative fear of these people. Some countries have bravely sent medical and food aid in large quantities to Gaza and these efforts only begin to address the real needs of the Palestinians in dire straits in Gaza. Unfortunately the worst of the IDF wrongly fired upon members of the helpful world kitchen and this was an awful thing to do on Israel's side. Too bad the stupid cruel tertorist Ham ass legions refuses to care for and set free and release the hostages sooner to end this terrible war. So, not sure you are really a Jew or just another lefty aggressor just trying g to offend, pretend and harm the Jewish people. Sorry, your story is not helpful.
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