Boycott Israel

That's a pretty racist thing to say?

So let me get this straight, you want a total and complete Jewish State, just like the Nazis wanted an Aryan Nation?

I'm glad that everyone can see the many ways in which Zionism and Nazism are alike.

1. "Chosen People" = "Master Race"

2. "Greater Israel" = "Lebensraum"

3. Both ideologies identify with violent, ancient mythologies that entitle them to whatever land they covet.

Other similarities:

"The Zionist-Nazi Collaboration"

EXCERPT " Zionists found common cause with Hitler, Eichmann, and the Nazis and used anti-Semitism and Nazism as a means of achieving their end which was the establishment of a Jewish state.

The two reactionary movements shared the view that German Jews were living in that country as a ‘foreign race’ and that the racial divide was essential to maintain.

The Zionists’ use of Nazism involved, among other things, the blocking of avenues of escape to other countries of Europe’s Jews and diverting them to Palestine, even as the death trains began to roll in Europe.

The rise of Nazism and Hitler to power was never, or almost never, opposed by the Zionists prior to the establishment of Israel."CONTINUED
I'm glad that everyone can see the many ways in which Zionism and Nazism are alike.

1. "Chosen People" = "Master Race"

2. "Greater Israel" = "Lebensraum"

3. Both ideologies identify with violent, ancient mythologies that entitle them to whatever land they covet.

Other similarities:

"The Zionist-Nazi Collaboration"

EXCERPT " Zionists found common cause with Hitler, Eichmann, and the Nazis and used anti-Semitism and Nazism as a means of achieving their end which was the establishment of a Jewish state.

The two reactionary movements shared the view that German Jews were living in that country as a ‘foreign race’ and that the racial divide was essential to maintain.

The Zionists’ use of Nazism involved, among other things, the blocking of avenues of escape to other countries of Europe’s Jews and diverting them to Palestine, even as the death trains began to roll in Europe.

The rise of Nazism and Hitler to power was never, or almost never, opposed by the Zionists prior to the establishment of Israel."CONTINUED
The difference is that the Jews really are the Master Race.
I'm glad that everyone can see the many ways in which Zionism and Nazism are alike.

1. "Chosen People" = "Master Race"

2. "Greater Israel" = "Lebensraum"

3. Both ideologies identify with violent, ancient mythologies that entitle them to whatever land they covet.

Other similarities:

"The Zionist-Nazi Collaboration"

EXCERPT " Zionists found common cause with Hitler, Eichmann, and the Nazis and used anti-Semitism and Nazism as a means of achieving their end which was the establishment of a Jewish state.

The two reactionary movements shared the view that German Jews were living in that country as a ‘foreign race’ and that the racial divide was essential to maintain.

The Zionists’ use of Nazism involved, among other things, the blocking of avenues of escape to other countries of Europe’s Jews and diverting them to Palestine, even as the death trains began to roll in Europe.

The rise of Nazism and Hitler to power was never, or almost never, opposed by the Zionists prior to the establishment of Israel."CONTINUED
There are similarities.
Does Israel have the right to get their people back? Hamas AND CIVILIANS kidnapped them. CIVILIANS are holding them as slaves

How do you know that Palestinian civilians are holding hostages and how does that excuse the Zionist genocide that has systematically exterminated tens of thousands mainly women and children?

Perhaps Israel can get some of its people back when the Palestinians get some of their thousands of people back who have been tortured,(1) starved and even humiliated in Zionist gulags (2) for the amusement of the laughing Israeli audiences who were allowed to film the torture of the inmates.

So much for " the lessons of the Holocaust".

(1). “Torture and Abuse”

EXCERPT “The Israel Security Agency’s (ISA) interrogation regime relies on isolating interrogatees from the outside world and uses holding conditions to weaken interrogatees in body and spirit. The cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment – at times amounting to torture – is a blatant violation of international law and basic moral standards. Many authorities facilitate the ISA’s operations, including the Israel Prison Service, which creates inhuman holding conditions, the Attorney General who gives ISA agents immunity, and the Supreme Court which sanctions the interrogatees’ isolation.” CONDITINUED

(2). “IDF Let Israeli Civilians Film Torture of Palestinian Detainees: Report”

EXCERPT “Israel Defense Forces officers brought Israeli civilians into detention centers and allowed them to watch and film Palestinian prisoners being tortured, according to survivor testimonies published this week by the Geneva-based Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor.

“Prisoners held at detention centers in Zikim on the northern border of the Gaza Strip and at a site in southern Israel affiliated with Naqab Prison "told Euro-Med Monitor that the Israeli soldiers had purposefully presented them before Israeli civilians, falsely claiming that they were fighters affiliated with Palestinian armed factions and that they had taken part in the October 7 attack on Israeli towns," the group said.

“The former detainees said groups of 10-20 Israeli civilians were brought in and allowed to record torture sessions in which the men, stripped nearly naked, were beaten with metal batons, electrocuted, and had hot water poured over their heads. The ex-prisoners said some of the Israelis laughed while filming their torture.”


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