Boycott of elections

Oh but there is other things you can do. :)

If you have a early voting period in your state (the dems made ours 45 days and boy did they fuck-up) tote like-minded people to the polls.

I toted eight non-family members and it was as simple as asking at the morning eatery, gun, or pawn shop....."Hey have you voted yet" if the reply was no then offer a ride to the polls. Among the like-minded it was very easy, one gun shop owner even allowed two of his employees to go with me to take them to vote..

Before the early voting law I was lucky to tote five oldsters to the polls on election day from the local senior center and god only knows how they voted.

My only regret was not figuring it out in 2020 but once we got our feet under us we stuck it to the dems in a big way all across the state last month.
Great advice! I do hang at the Senior Citizens' Center and I'm getting to know who the Vets in my small town are who might be able to point me to the right-voting people who need a ride. I wonder if I could do this out of my precinct as well? No reason not to, especially in the nearest metropolis where there are plenty of high rise apartments for elders!

Maybe a call to the Senior Centers in town to see who might need rides.
Great advice! I do hang at the Senior Citizens' Center and I'm getting to know who the Vets in my small town are who might be able to point me to the right-voting people who need a ride. I wonder if I could do this out of my precinct as well? No reason not to, especially in the nearest metropolis where there are plenty of high rise apartments for elders!

Maybe a call to the Senior Centers in town to see who might need rides.
That's how I got started but I found that toting like-minded folks was a lot more efficient since the dems handed me that 45 day early voting tool to use against them instead of running hither and yon on election day.

Still and all since you hang about such a place you likely have a good bead on those that think as you do.....Take full advantage of it. It's easy and sort of fun....."Olds to the Polls". ;)

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