Boycott plastic... A boycott worthy of your time and energy.

Banning plastic, such a terrible idea.

Banning plastic will make food extremely expensive, how will we be packaging all that food
Banning plastic will make Gas, Oil, Diesel, more expensive. Making everything expensive.

Can we ban plastic in a modern society? There will always be a certain amount of hydrocarbons produced when Oil and Natural gas is processed. If we do not use these chemicals, they became toxic waste?

Ban plastic, what is your solution, for the use of the by-products of crude oil and natural gas?
Well, at least we haven't reached the state that China is at right now.

Instead of dealing with the problem and fixing it, Jinping would rather just take over other countries and move there.
Of course, then they'd destroy THAT country withing a few short decades...........etc, etc, etc.....





WHERE'S that little Nazi C-U-N-T???? WHY hasn't she gone over to China and screamed, whined, and stamped her little Nazi feet over THIS?????

It may be out of sight.....but

I am sure it is out of sight. It has been forever. You can not eliminate plastic, it is a part of the earth. The earth will be fine, with or without the production of plastic.

The biggest polluters are the least educated people in the world. Time to educate the world, and that will take freedom, and we will have to force freedom onto the tyrannical governments.

From what you are saying we can not wait for these peoples to evolve to our lever of education, so we must have wars and force their governments out of existence that will not allow us to educate their children, their societies.
I am sure it is out of sight. It has been forever. You can not eliminate plastic, it is a part of the earth. The earth will be fine, with or without the production of plastic.

The biggest polluters are the least educated people in the world. Time to educate the world, and that will take freedom, and we will have to force freedom onto the tyrannical governments.

From what you are saying we can not wait for these peoples to evolve to our lever of education, so we must have wars and force their governments out of existence that will not allow us to educate their children, their societies.
Plastic is obviously necessary. We simply need better management.
That’s f’ed up.

I’m continually amazed at the amount of litter I’ve seen along our roadways. Apparently many Americans have no problem throwing garbage out the car window.
One time helped the snowmobile club clean a stretch of highway here under the Adopt a Highway program. All volunteer. Twice a year.
The shit we pulled out of a two mile stretch was amazing.
Out on rural highways, urban rats drive out and dump their garbage from wheels to computers, furniture, mattresses, appliances, you name it.
Sometimes they are dumb enough to dump their personal garbage with their address inside.
Felt some satisfaction by getting a couple illegal dumpers busted.
The plastic degrades to the point that pieces easily fit inside individual cells ... floating around in the cytoplasm of one-celled algae ... we don't know if this is bad or not ... could even be good ... plastic is made up of reduced carbon, which all life requires ... indeed DNA is made up of this reduced material ... the carbon atoms that are included in your own DNA may well have been plastic in the oceans just a decade or two ago ...

Reduce, reuse and recycle ...

We can use less plastic, but then costs go up ... it bothers me terribly to buy something for $1.19 when I know the part is only 14¢ ... that's $1.05 in packaging, mainly to stop shoplifting ... the part fits in your knickers, the packaging won't ...

We can reuse plastic by burning it for electricity ... instead of virgin fossil fuels ...

SOME plastics can be recycled {Cite} ... but will we bother to sort them out? ... the alternative is to outlaw the production of plastics that aren't readily recyclable ... but without #4 LDPE, food prices are gonna increase biggily ...

Nuclear powered plastic pyrolysis.
It sill takes time for them to decay, and they are still a toxic substance, regardless of what they claim.

Paper is not toxic, unless it contains toxic materials. Hell, when I was in school, I was around kids that loved to eat paper......including the newspapers........and they never got sick from any of it.

Paper products degrade rapidly, usually within one month. Paper is a non-toxic, non-deadly substance that is perfectly safe for humans and wildlife. Some marine life even prefer paper, because the pulp is a treat for them, and it doesn't do any damage to them at all, unless they consume too much of it.

Humans can replant forests over and over and over again.
Plastic is derived from petroleum, which is solely based on "fossil fuels".....which is toxic, no matter how you cut it.
I think that is pretty close to what I said in my post #5.
One time helped the snowmobile club clean a stretch of highway here under the Adopt a Highway program. All volunteer. Twice a year.
The shit we pulled out of a two mile stretch was amazing.
Out on rural highways, urban rats drive out and dump their garbage from wheels to computers, furniture, mattresses, appliances, you name it.
Sometimes they are dumb enough to dump their personal garbage with their address inside.
Felt some satisfaction by getting a couple illegal dumpers busted.
We did our AAH clean up about a month ago. Seem to have someone who uses that stretch frequently and dumps their 24 oz Bud Chelada cans. Pigs.
Funny how all the leftards threw their masks on the ground since they are so concerned with the environment. Not.

Leftards used organic cotton or paper masks ... so that's good for nature ... I heard it on NPR so it has to be true ...

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