Boycott the Pope's Visit to USA

Wrong - there were many, many victims who have testified - the court is legitimate - rather than accuse the victims of being liars why don't you and your Catholic friend seek the LORD and ask Him to reveal the truth about it to you? Or are you afraid of knowing the truth? You'd rather believe all is fine and bury your heads in the sand? If you want to know the truth, pray about it and ask the LORD to show you - but do not add insult to injury and accuse these victims of being liars. Or God will judge you for it and you will find yourselves in great trouble.
Wrong - there were many, many victims who have testified - the court is legitimate - rather than accuse the victims of being liars why don't you and your Catholic friend seek the LORD and ask Him to reveal the truth about it to you? Or are you afraid of knowing the truth? You'd rather believe all is fine and bury your heads in the sand? If you want to know the truth, pray about it and ask the LORD to show you - but do not add insult to injury and accuse these victims of being liars. Or God will judge you for it and you will find yourselves in great trouble.
Jeri it's one guy in canada pretending to be an international court in brussels. Why would you choose to believe such a liar? Why would you repeat his lies?
Wrong - there were many, many victims who have testified - the court is legitimate - rather than accuse the victims of being liars why don't you and your Catholic friend seek the LORD and ask Him to reveal the truth about it to you? Or are you afraid of knowing the truth? You'd rather believe all is fine and bury your heads in the sand? If you want to know the truth, pray about it and ask the LORD to show you - but do not add insult to injury and accuse these victims of being liars. Or God will judge you for it and you will find yourselves in great trouble.
Jeri it's one guy in canada pretending to be an international court in brussels. Why would you choose to believe such a liar? Why would you repeat his lies?
Why do you believe the liars who are telling you it is one person? It's not. And they know it. There are many people involved in these investigations and court hearings. Your attempts to diminish the importance and value of the testimonies of these victims is wicked. You should fear the LORD.
Here is the bench warrant they have for Jorge Mario Bergoglio aka as Pope Francis - 48 victims identified him as their abuser - are you going to accuse 48 victims and call them liars to cover for this paedophile Pope? I certainly hope not. You will be answering to God for it if you do! Count on it!

Welcome to ITCCS.ORG and The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State | Our Mandate: (1) To lawfully prosecute those people and institutions responsible for the exploitation, trafficking, torture and murder of children, past and present, and (2) To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state, including by disestablishing those same institutions.

Will the Pope face arrest by Interpol this week?

Posted on September 21, 2015
Standing arrest warrant against Jorge Bergoglio is delivered to US State Department by Interpol office in Brussels – A similar warrant compelled the resignation of Pope Benedict

A Breaking ITCCS News Flash: 21 September, 2015
(As reported on Radio Free Kanata and through global wire services)

Washington DC:

On the verge of the arrival to the United States of Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, the American government has received from Interpol a copy of an outstanding arrest warrant against Bergoglio issued by the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) on July 18, 2014. On that date, Bergoglio was found guilty as charged by the Court on two counts of committing and aiding or abetting crimes against humanity, including the trafficking of children, and sentenced in absentiato twenty five years imprisonment.

According to a source in Interpol, a copy of the arrest warrant was delivered to the US State Department by special courier on Friday, September 18, along with a formal request to the American government to comply with the terms of the arrest warrant and detain the named offender, Jorge Bergoglio.

The issuing of a similar warrant by a European government to the Vatican in early February, 2013 compelled the sudden resignation of former Pope Benedict, who was similarly convicted by the ICLCJ that same month.

Pope Francis – Bergoglio already faces protests and disruptions of his five day American tour following his controversial decision to “canonize” a genocidal catholic missionary and attend a Philadelphia gathering reputedly linked to an in-house catholic child trafficking network. (see, September 12, 2015)

“These controversies will make it difficult for the Obama government to simply ignore the Interpol notice and standing arrest warrant” commented Kevin Annett today from New York City, where he and an ITCCS delegation are meeting with United Nations officials regarding Bergoglio’s visit.

“Jorge Bergoglio is a duly convicted felon, and the ICLCJ warrant carries with it the force of international law. By ignoring it the United States can justifiably be charged with giving aid and comfort to a wanted criminal and colluding in a war crime”.

Issued by the Central Office of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
21 September, 2015

Copy of the original arrest warrant summoning Jorge Bergoglio into Court:

I hope they serve him the Bench Warrant Order and arrest him while he is in the United States of America.
you really don't understand that the ITCCS and ICLCJ are just figments of a blogger's imagination, do you?
you don't understand that any supposed testimony given to them never happened, that the events they describe are the ranting of one lunatic.

Jeri, you have a sickness. your heart is filled with hate and you need to let that go.

Please, for your own soul, look into the ITCCS and ICLCJ. tell us what you find. who were the judges at these supposed hearings? who were the witnesses? why has no legitimate news outlet covered the events or interviewed the witnesses? why is it that there is so much evidence but only one court, one court that doesn't actually exist, has ever heard that evidence?
Wrong - there were many, many victims who have testified - the court is legitimate - rather than accuse the victims of being liars why don't you and your Catholic friend seek the LORD and ask Him to reveal the truth about it to you? Or are you afraid of knowing the truth? You'd rather believe all is fine and bury your heads in the sand? If you want to know the truth, pray about it and ask the LORD to show you - but do not add insult to injury and accuse these victims of being liars. Or God will judge you for it and you will find yourselves in great trouble.
Jeri it's one guy in canada pretending to be an international court in brussels. Why would you choose to believe such a liar? Why would you repeat his lies?
Why do you believe the liars who are telling you it is one person? It's not. And they know it. There are many people involved in these investigations and court hearings. Your attempts to diminish the importance and value of the testimonies of these victims is wicked. You should fear the LORD.
who are they? give us names. where is the court located? what other cases has it heard? when was it founded and by whom?
prove to us it's not just one guy because that's what the evidence i have points to. Pope Benedict Resignation

give us your evidence. prove to us it's more than one guy.
Anyone who denies the truth when it is right in front of them is not going to listen, Ogillim. That describes you to a T. You are determined not to believe what has been put right in front of you and want to discredit the victims and those defending them because you are more interested in protecting your paedophile Pope and his paedophile Jesuit General - the black Pope. With that, Ecclesiaster 12:14 is for you. I won't be having any further discussion about this with you.
Anyone who denies the truth when it is right in front of them is not going to listen, Ogillim. That describes you to a T. You are determined not to believe what has been put right in front of you and want to discredit the victims and those defending them because you are more interested in protecting your paedophile Pope and his paedophile Jesuit General - the black Pope. With that, Ecclesiaster 12:14 is for you. I won't be having any further discussion about this with you.
Can't do it, can you? And now when faced with evidence that so much of what you believe is wrong you're going to stop discussing it and run away.

Do you understand how that looks? For one it sure makes my hypothetical biography of you look a hell of a lot more plausible
Here is another excellent piece of documentation from a former Roman Catholic priest who was trained by the Jesuits - he was a priest for 22 yrs. a Catholic for over 40 yrs and then he left the Roman Catholic Church and became a Christian. He knows what he is talking about and is well able to interpret Jorge Bergoglio's aka as Pope Francis words in his inauguration speech which was on March 19th, 2013. This is is quite an informative video. Watch it and you'll see Frances True Colors!

The truth about the Jesuits - ex Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera has given us more information to expose the evil of Roman Catholicism, the Vatican and the Jesuits than any other person who has ever lived I believe. He gave his life to get this information to us. It is important that we listen to him and learn the truth.

the man made laws of Roman Catholicism forbidding to marry - have created the homosexual problem - attracting them to their church where it is open season on children

Obvious lies to promote your hatred Jeremiah. Protestants can no longer dismiss abuse as a ‘Catholic problem’ | Symon Hill

I hate the Catholic Babylonian religion and its false doctrines -not the people who have been brainwashed into believing it is "the One True Church". When people are told not to read the KJV Bible and hear their masses in Latin it is no wonder they remain in the dark about what is going on.
You certainly do babble on about Babylon.
the man made laws of Roman Catholicism forbidding to marry - have created the homosexual problem - attracting them to their church where it is open season on children

Obvious lies to promote your hatred Jeremiah. Protestants can no longer dismiss abuse as a ‘Catholic problem’ | Symon Hill

I hate the Catholic Babylonian religion and its false doctrines -not the people who have been brainwashed into believing it is "the One True Church". When people are told not to read the KJV Bible and hear their masses in Latin it is no wonder they remain in the dark about what is going on.
You certainly do babble on about Babylon.
I've only just begun to expose the evil inside the RCC here. If you don't want the truth? You had better find another thread, Liminal.
Dr. Alberto Rivera - Day five - make sure to watch all the videos - this is excellent - you will learn so much! Make sure to copy these videos and mass email to your friends, loved ones, co - workers - to every Catholic you know - that they will have the opportunity to learn the truth.

Day 7 - Dr. Alberto Rivera - ex Jesuit Priest exposing the anti - Christ Roman Catholic Institution -

The story that Ogillibm claims was made up by one man. Think again. There has been a massive covered up - have a look at this video part one -

More and more people are asking - how are they getting away with this? Why isn't the Vatican and this pope shut down and put behind bars? How is the Roman Catholic Institution able to get away with such crimes against men, women and children?

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