Boycott the Pope's Visit to USA

Jeremiah------there could be----some kind of justification for TRYING to deal
with the problem within the family---------even I think it wrong and you think
it wrong---------there are people who would argue that KEEPING it in the community
can be a good choice--------if HANDLED WELL

This paedophile pope is sweeping everything under the rug because they have got too much on him. His reward for his participation and protection of his fellow paedophiles was that he was crowned Pope. Satan always rewards his best servants with promotions in his own kingdom. The kingdom of Satan is well organized. This Pope is right at the top of it and the Jesuit General who he works with Adolfo Pachon - who was identified by 48 victims as one of the ones who raped and molested them. It's a wicked bunch. I pray God's judgment comes swiftly upon them.


I think your issues with the catholic church go deeper then you are letting on, and attaching your Satan to it . Hopefully you will get some professional help to get over the trauma you evidently went through
i don't think jeri went through any personal trauma with the church. she was never catholic, so i don't see how she would have had a bad experience.

my guess is she found religion later in life in a tent - or the equivalent - at the feet of a charismatic 'fire and brimstone' type that impressed upon her a history of christianity that relied heavily on the catholic church, and any other denomination having a different interpretation of scripture other than their own, being evil and wrong, and that she then, riding that revival high, burned a lot of bridges with family and friends that can't be rebuilt. the end result is she has to double down on her hatred or else face the music that she is the cause of her own misery.
at the feet of a charismatic 'fire and brimstone' type

Also she might have married that preacher because he has a big Johnson and brings her to talking in tongues
This Pope is right at the top of it and the Jesuit General who he works with Adolfo Pachon - who was identified by 48 victims as one of the ones who raped and molested them.
i'm very interested in seeing your source for this claim.

Jeremiah------there could be----some kind of justification for TRYING to deal
with the problem within the family---------even I think it wrong and you think
it wrong---------there are people who would argue that KEEPING it in the community
can be a good choice--------if HANDLED WELL

This paedophile pope is sweeping everything under the rug because they have got too much on him. His reward for his participation and protection of his fellow paedophiles was that he was crowned Pope. Satan always rewards his best servants with promotions in his own kingdom. The kingdom of Satan is well organized. This Pope is right at the top of it and the Jesuit General who he works with Adolfo Pachon - who was identified by 48 victims as one of the ones who raped and molested them. It's a wicked bunch. I pray God's judgment comes swiftly upon them.


I think your issues with the catholic church go deeper then you are letting on, and attaching your Satan to it . Hopefully you will get some professional help to get over the trauma you evidently went through
i don't think jeri went through any personal trauma with the church. she was never catholic, so i don't see how she would have had a bad experience.

my guess is she found religion later in life in a tent - or the equivalent - at the feet of a charismatic 'fire and brimstone' type that impressed upon her a history of christianity that relied heavily on the catholic church, and any other denomination having a different interpretation of scripture other than their own, being evil and wrong, and that she then, riding that revival high, burned a lot of bridges with family and friends that can't be rebuilt. the end result is she has to double down on her hatred or else face the music that she is the cause of her own misery.
at the feet of a charismatic 'fire and brimstone' type

Also she might have married that preacher because he has a big Johnson and brings her to talking in tongues
you joke, but a love affair of some sort would fit right in.

Jeremiah------there could be----some kind of justification for TRYING to deal
with the problem within the family---------even I think it wrong and you think
it wrong---------there are people who would argue that KEEPING it in the community
can be a good choice--------if HANDLED WELL

This paedophile pope is sweeping everything under the rug because they have got too much on him. His reward for his participation and protection of his fellow paedophiles was that he was crowned Pope. Satan always rewards his best servants with promotions in his own kingdom. The kingdom of Satan is well organized. This Pope is right at the top of it and the Jesuit General who he works with Adolfo Pachon - who was identified by 48 victims as one of the ones who raped and molested them. It's a wicked bunch. I pray God's judgment comes swiftly upon them.


I think your issues with the catholic church go deeper then you are letting on, and attaching your Satan to it . Hopefully you will get some professional help to get over the trauma you evidently went through
i don't think jeri went through any personal trauma with the church. she was never catholic, so i don't see how she would have had a bad experience.

my guess is she found religion later in life in a tent - or the equivalent - at the feet of a charismatic 'fire and brimstone' type that impressed upon her a history of christianity that relied heavily on the catholic church, and any other denomination having a different interpretation of scripture other than their own, being evil and wrong, and that she then, riding that revival high, burned a lot of bridges with family and friends that can't be rebuilt. the end result is she has to double down on her hatred or else face the music that she is the cause of her own misery.
riding that revival high, burned a lot of bridges with family and friends that can't be rebuilt. the end result is she has to double down on her hatred or else face the music that she is the cause of her own misery.

Bingo , like disowning her family, which is the most importing thing in life

And she did say she went to benny hinns "church"
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Jeremiah------there could be----some kind of justification for TRYING to deal
with the problem within the family---------even I think it wrong and you think
it wrong---------there are people who would argue that KEEPING it in the community
can be a good choice--------if HANDLED WELL

This paedophile pope is sweeping everything under the rug because they have got too much on him. His reward for his participation and protection of his fellow paedophiles was that he was crowned Pope. Satan always rewards his best servants with promotions in his own kingdom. The kingdom of Satan is well organized. This Pope is right at the top of it and the Jesuit General who he works with Adolfo Pachon - who was identified by 48 victims as one of the ones who raped and molested them. It's a wicked bunch. I pray God's judgment comes swiftly upon them.


I think your issues with the catholic church go deeper then you are letting on, and attaching your Satan to it . Hopefully you will get some professional help to get over the trauma you evidently went through
i don't think jeri went through any personal trauma with the church. she was never catholic, so i don't see how she would have had a bad experience.

my guess is she found religion later in life in a tent - or the equivalent - at the feet of a charismatic 'fire and brimstone' type that impressed upon her a history of christianity that relied heavily on the catholic church, and any other denomination having a different interpretation of scripture other than their own, being evil and wrong, and that she then, riding that revival high, burned a lot of bridges with family and friends that can't be rebuilt. the end result is she has to double down on her hatred or else face the music that she is the cause of her own misery.
riding that revival high, burned a lot of bridges with family and friends that can't be rebuilt. the end result is she has to double down on her hatred or else face the music that she is the cause of her own misery.

Bingo , like disowning her family, which is the most importing thing in life

And she did say she went to benny hinns "church"
lol. guess he forgot to 'heal' her
He was crucified upside down in Rome.

Can you give me the Book, Chapter and verse for that in the King James Bible, Avatar?

The Bible does not mention Peter visiting Rome even once. I know Peter was crucified upside down. Jesus was crucified right side up. Both died by a Roman Style execution. In Israel. Both tombs are located in Israel. Peter's tomb was reported to have been found in Israel which exposed the hoax and false claim that his body was at the Vatican and that he died in Rome.

As Peter's tomb was discovered in Israel that would have to be the place of his death.
So you admit the Catholic church from the beginning lied?

Catholics are the first Christian Church. Maybe they made the entire thing up? So that would mean your spin off is based on a lie.

I've told you from the beginning it is a false church and if you will look up past threads you also note I told you it wasn't the first church. Not even close!
If I'm not mistaken isn't "born again Christians" a religion that was invented here in America?

No the born again Christians are the early church that the Romans tried to wipe out. Most were Jewish. When they could not stop the early church they invented Catholicism hoping to derail it. That didn't work either. We're still here and praising Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior (without a church playing "mediator" or a man calling himself a "Vicar"). God is good!
You don't know any history of any kind about anyone. End of story.

Jeremiah------there could be----some kind of justification for TRYING to deal
with the problem within the family---------even I think it wrong and you think
it wrong---------there are people who would argue that KEEPING it in the community
can be a good choice--------if HANDLED WELL

This paedophile pope is sweeping everything under the rug because they have got too much on him. His reward for his participation and protection of his fellow paedophiles was that he was crowned Pope. Satan always rewards his best servants with promotions in his own kingdom. The kingdom of Satan is well organized. This Pope is right at the top of it and the Jesuit General who he works with Adolfo Pachon - who was identified by 48 victims as one of the ones who raped and molested them. It's a wicked bunch. I pray God's judgment comes swiftly upon them.
I pray God's mercy just sort of passes you by.
Can you give me the Book, Chapter and verse for that in the King James Bible, Avatar?

The Bible does not mention Peter visiting Rome even once. I know Peter was crucified upside down. Jesus was crucified right side up. Both died by a Roman Style execution. In Israel. Both tombs are located in Israel. Peter's tomb was reported to have been found in Israel which exposed the hoax and false claim that his body was at the Vatican and that he died in Rome.

As Peter's tomb was discovered in Israel that would have to be the place of his death.
So you admit the Catholic church from the beginning lied?

Catholics are the first Christian Church. Maybe they made the entire thing up? So that would mean your spin off is based on a lie.

I've told you from the beginning it is a false church and if you will look up past threads you also note I told you it wasn't the first church. Not even close!
If I'm not mistaken isn't "born again Christians" a religion that was invented here in America?

No the born again Christians are the early church that the Romans tried to wipe out. Most were Jewish. When they could not stop the early church they invented Catholicism hoping to derail it. That didn't work either. We're still here and praising Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior (without a church playing "mediator" or a man calling himself a "Vicar"). God is good!
You don't know any history of any kind about anyone. End of story.
she thinks one guy in canada operating a blog is an international court in brussels. there is no limit to the lies that jeri will believe if it confirms her hate.
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So you admit the Catholic church from the beginning lied?

Catholics are the first Christian Church. Maybe they made the entire thing up? So that would mean your spin off is based on a lie.

I've told you from the beginning it is a false church and if you will look up past threads you also note I told you it wasn't the first church. Not even close!
If I'm not mistaken isn't "born again Christians" a religion that was invented here in America?

No the born again Christians are the early church that the Romans tried to wipe out. Most were Jewish. When they could not stop the early church they invented Catholicism hoping to derail it. That didn't work either. We're still here and praising Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior (without a church playing "mediator" or a man calling himself a "Vicar"). God is good!
You don't know any history of any kind about anyone. End of story.
she thinks one guy in canada operating a blog is an international court in brussels. there is no limit to the lies that jeri will believe if it confirms her hate.
No one can name any institution or church that hasn't had a problem with sexual predators. The one difference between the Catholic Church and other institutions is that they have, in the past, protected molesters. The policy for dealing with them now isn't nearly enough. The church should be a little more forgiving on the rules for parishoners and a lot less forgiving of clerics who commit such horrendous sins. Priests like that shouldn't just be defrocked, they should be excommunicated.
benedict was ok------albeit-----germanish
benedict was ok------albeit-----germanish

oh really,


much the same as Benedict Arnold ?

* I wonder if the person makes a difference to the Jeri crowd ?


Was Benedict Arnold accused of being a paedophile like Ratzinger and Pope Francis have been,Breezewood? I never heard that before.

I do know there was a warrant for the arrest of Jorge Mario Bergoglio aka Pope Francis for the rape of two little girls. They are grown now and gave testimony that he raped them as children and that he was present at a black mass where child sacrifice took place. Am I surprised? Not at all. He has one of the most evil countenances I have ever seen on a human being. Very dark individual. p.s. Pope Francis's Nuncio was also charged with serial child molestation of many, many homeless boys - his assistant gave a written confession to the police and when it became apparent the Nuncio would be arrested and put on trial Pope Francis immediately whisked him away back to the Vatican where he told the nation who wanted the Nuncio back to face trial - they would hold the Nuncio under house arrest. They didn't keep their word. They lied. The Paedophile Nuncio was found walking the streets of Rome freely without any supervision. The Paedophile Pope and his Paedophile Nuncio continue to get away with crimes against children and the world wants to give them a Parade down Mainstreet NYC. Go figure.

Jeremiah-----you got a reliable source-------it sounds horrific. I am avoiding
Manhattan----------he gives me the creeps-------but that is just a kind of superficial
Yes. I'll get it. Hold on.

Here is one news article about it, Rosie. I have some videos I can post too with testimonies of people - the Vatican is the most powerful, richest organization on earth and have managed to prevent his arrest but he was found guilty of these crimes. Victims do not lie about such things. There were 48 witnesses. That is more than Bill Cosby but Bill Cosby doesn't have the wealth the Roman Catholic Church & Vatican have either.

Pope Francis Found Guilty Of Child Trafficking, Rape, Murder | Celebrities

Yesterday defendants Pope Francis Bergoglio, Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby were found guilty of rape, torture, murder and trafficking of children. Five judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels determined that the crimes occurred as recently as 2010. Since last March over 48 eyewitnesses have come forward to testify before this ICLCJ Court about the defendants’ activities as members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult.

The Ninth Circle Satanic Cult was said to do child sacrifices at Roman Catholic cathedrals in Montreal, New York, Rome, Scotland, London, Carnarvon Castle in Wales, an undisclosed French Chateau in Holland and at Canadian Catholic and Anglican Indian residential schools in Kamloops, British Columbia and Brantford, Ontario Canada. The Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult was believed to use privately owned forest groves in the US, Canada, France and Holland for their “Human Hunting Parties” for global elites including members of European royal families. Teens were said to be obtained by the mafia, then stripped naked, raped, hunted down and killed. The Chief Prosecutor stated. “The Catholic Church is the world’s largest corporation and appears to be in collusion with the mafia, governments, police and courts worldwide.”

Two adolescent women told the ICLCJ Court that Pope Francis raped them while participating in child sacrifices. Eight other eyewitnesses confirmed their allegations of being witness to rape and child sacrifices. The Ninth Circle Satanic Cult were said to take place during the Springs of 2009 and 2010 in rural Holland and Belgium.

Your church is probably filled with child molesters.......they just like to keep it on the down low.
Not much of a historian.......are you.
if it doesn't serve the hate in her heart Jeri has no use for it. she'll believe preposterous lies much more easily than obvious truths if it bolster's her hate.
i pray that she shakes the grip of evil off of her heart and truly finds god.
God is merciful, but even God can't always help the perpetually perplexed.
God is merciful in how he deals out cancer and deformities. Please explain.
Gosh, I just don't know if I'm sophisticated enough to ponder deep questions like that. Why don't you tell me the answer.
We know you aren't. After all, you're a brainwashed Catholic.
And I can see that you are a committed and confirmed dummy.
I think this one was you talking about how you said you and your Catholic brethren are the only ones going to heaven because you are an atheist but a Catholic at the same time? That actually works out for you because Catholicism doesn't believe in the God of the Bible either. You are still in the same predicament. You need to be saved, R.W..
I love Christians fighting among themselves. Just like Sunnis and Shiites.
They fight over who Jesus likes best

No brainier ....Jesus like Catholics best
They were the 1500 years
Of course they were. Greeks were some of the first to swallow the Jesus stories and we were once members of the Catholic church. There was no competition back then. Protestants Baptists Presbyterians Lutherans and the rest all came later.
Another half ass historian weighs in.
Please fill in the gaps.
All between your ears.
If he comes? Ignore him and do not show up for this nonsense. He isn't a world leader. He isn't a spokesman for God. He is a false prophet. Have nothing to do with him.

The bible is clear that those who do not bring the Doctrine of Jesus Christ we are not to receive into our own home. We are to have nothing to do with them. So turn off your televisions, I phones, computers and ignore the news if he still insists on forcing himself on Americans.

This dog and pony show they are putting on for him is an utter disgrace considering that the Obama administration did not do any thing even close for our true friend and ally - the leader of Israel - Benjamin Netanyahu. My advice to Americans? Stay Home. Boycott this Pope's Visit to America. Pray for a torrential downpour every where he goes! Amen? Amen!

This is his official schedule! As if this son of hell is royalty? He represents himself, Satan and a NWO. He does not represent the Lord Jesus Christ, he is not an ambassador for Jesus Christ and he does not preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing and those with eyes to see and ears to hear should warn their friends, co-workers, loved ones to avoid him like the plague.

General Schedule of Pope Francis U.S.Visit 2015

Pope Francis Visits Washington D.C.
  • Tuesday, September 22, 2015
    • 4pm: Pope Francis arrives in D.C. at Joint Base Andrews at 4 p.m.
  • Wednesday, September 23, 2015
    • 9:15 a.m: White House Welcoming Ceremony and personal meeting with President Barack Obama
    • 11:00 a.m. Papal Parade along the Ellipse and the National Mall
    • 11:30 a.m: Midday Prayer with U.S. bishops at Saint Matthew’s Cathedral in D.C.
    • 4:15 p.m: Junipero Serra Canonization Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
  • Thursday, September 24, 2015
    • 9:20 a.m: Arrival at Capitol
    • 10 a.m. Speech to the Senate and House of Representatives (Joint Session of Congress)
    • 11 a.m. Brief appearance on West Front of Capitol
    • 11:15 a.m: Visit to St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in D.C. and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington
    • 4 p.m: Departure for New York from Joint Base Andrews (D.C.)
    • 5 p.m. Arrival at John F. Kennedy International Airport (New York)
    • 6:45 p.m. Evening prayer at St. Patrick’s Cathedral (New York)
    • _____________________
    • This man is not a world leader and he does not represent Christianity. This is obscene to say the very least. I pray to God the weather is so bad he has to cancel.


For it is written:
Dig that crazy butthurt.​
Jeremiah, have you found a source for us to back up your claim that 48 people have identified Adolfo Rachon as their rapist?
Have you found any evidence that the ITCCS is anything other than a one man blog based in Canada?

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