Boycott the Pope's Visit to USA

He was crucified upside down in Rome.

Can you give me the Book, Chapter and verse for that in the King James Bible, Avatar?

The Bible does not mention Peter visiting Rome even once. I know Peter was crucified upside down. Jesus was crucified right side up. Both died by a Roman Style execution. In Israel. Both tombs are located in Israel. Peter's tomb was reported to have been found in Israel which exposed the hoax and false claim that his body was at the Vatican and that he died in Rome.

As Peter's tomb was discovered in Israel that would have to be the place of his death.
So you admit the Catholic church from the beginning lied?

Catholics are the first Christian Church. Maybe they made the entire thing up? So that would mean your spin off is based on a lie.

I've told you from the beginning it is a false church and if you will look up past threads you also note I told you it wasn't the first church. Not even close!
If I'm not mistaken isn't "born again Christians" a religion that was invented here in America?

No the born again Christians are the early church that the Romans tried to wipe out. Most were Jewish. When they could not stop the early church they invented Catholicism hoping to derail it. That didn't work either. We're still here and praising Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior (without a church playing "mediator" or a man calling himself a "Vicar"). God is good!
Why do you lie?

The Born Again Movement traces its origin early in the 19th century. In reaction to Protestant Liberalism a group of Protestant theologians from various denominations (Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, and Evangelicals etc.) wrote a 12 volume book entitled The Fundamentals. The book contains a compilation of essays of Protestant doctrines, and the Born Again Movement adapted their doctrines from this 12 volume book that is why some of their doctrines are similar to those of mainline Protestants. In the strictest sense Born Again Christians is an offshoot of mainline Protestantism, no wonder they claimed to be a non-denominational Church. Born Again Movement arrived at our shores in the late 1930’s and gained its popularity in the 70’s and 80’s which is considered the golden era of Born Again Movement in the Philippines. During these years membership in various Born Again Churches increased because they where able to infiltrate mainline Protestant Churches and had lured nominal Catholics into their fold. However their steady growth ceases starting the year 1990 and their membership declined in the succeeding years. In the year 2000 Born Again Churches from the United States sent their missionaries in the Philippines to re-established the Born Again Movement and this time their primary mission is no longer to infiltrate Protestant and Catholic Churches but targeted the youth in schools particularly college students. In Davao City there are various Born Again Churches, the following are the most common Born Again Churches that is actively recruiting students to join their rank, House hold of Faith, Victory Chapel, G12, PSALM and Maranatha Family Church. Born Again evangelist does not want to discuss the history of the Christian church, in their Bible studies with their prospects, they intentionally limit the discussion to the Bible alone. They conceal the history of the Christian religion because it will show that their movement did not originate from the apostles. It is necessary for them to negate history because St. Paul warned us not to accept teachings that did not originate from the apostles Gal.1:8 and Born Again Movement evidently cannot trace the history of their church into the time of the apostles.
Method of Evangelization:
Born Again evangelists employ the basic principles of human psychology in order to lure people into their fold. Their method is both manipulation and deception, let me explain why. There are two principles that worked behind their method, emotion and common ground (music). Born Again evangelist realized that music is a common ground among youths, so they utilized music to attract young adults into their churches. If you attend the service of one of these Born Again Churches you can see that their music ministry is like a rock and roll band, they intentionally composed alternative type gospel songs in order to add attraction to their service. In this way those people whom they invited will experience a pleasurable feeling and will come back for more. Aside from music they add into their arsenal the appeal to the emotions of the people. The sermons of their pastors are directed to stir up the emotions of the listeners and sometimes they would even come to the point of crying in the pulpit, that is the reason why their pastors must be a good public speaker. Born Again evangelist knew that once they where able to touch the person’s emotion it will be very easy to manipulate him. Through music they grant pleasure and through emotional manipulation they control the people, this is a classical example of psychological conditioning (this is also used to train dogs). Clearly Born Again evangelization has deception as its chief foundation and they even used selected passages from the Bible to deceive people. They usually start evangelizing by asking ambiguous questions such as “Are you saved?” or “Are you born again?”, if the person answers “no or I don’t know” they will tell you that you must accept Christ as a Lord and Personal Savior in order to be born again otherwise you will be damned to hell. And if the person will answer “yes” they will invite you to their church and worship with them. And if the person is a Catholic that would mean that you have to leave the Catholic Church and do away your Catholic beliefs about Mary, the Saints, confession etc. Let us be vigilant not to fall to the snares of the Born Again movement.
Here is more Rosie. It is the crime of the century and yet the Roman Catholic Vatican has been able to keep this out of the mainstream press - truly amazing - how this has been covered up and kept from the public!

SICKENING! Obama meets Pedo Pope Francis days before trial for child RAPE & GENOCIDE

Pope Francis Charged in Trafficking Orphans Trial

Catholic Pope Francis Bergoglio was named as the chief defendant in a child trafficking case involving Catholic orphans. Pope Francis will be asked to defend his role in child trafficking during Argentine’s 1970s Junta Dirty War. This case of orphaned children from missing political prisoners was set for trial on March 31 2014 in a Brussels international court.

A witness has agreed to come out of hiding in Spain to testify against Pope Francis.The Argentine civil servant took extensive notes of meetings between the now-Pope Francis and Junta military officials.

Is Pope Francis just another devil in disguise?

Pope Francis’s fast ascension to head the Argentina Catholic Church was suspected to be a result of an agreement between Pope Francis and the Junta military to traffic children from Catholic orphanages.

The witness wasn’t alone in his accusations against Pope Francis. According to a 2005 Los Angeles Times article, the now-Catholic Pope Francis was accused by a human rights group of trafficking babies, plus helping to kidnap opponents of Argentine’s military Junta during the Dirty War. Lawyers filing the 2005 complaint represented the Plaza de Mayo human rights group. [1]

A year ago Catholic Pope Francis came to power over the global Catholic Church after Pope Benedict resigned from office. The unprecedented resignation of a Catholic pope happened within days of Pope Benedict being served an arrest warrant by the same international court that would try Pope Francis in March.

Catholic Pope Benedict’s Feb. 2013 guilty verdict came after months of deliberation by 36 jury members and six international judges on 150 cases surrounding over 50,000 missing Canadian native children.
Vatican has been able to keep this out of the mainstream press

Max resistance is the main stream press? :cuckoo:
oh it's better than that. look in to just what the "ITCCS" is. I'll give you a hint - if you went with blog operated by one guy in Canada instead of a real court based in Brussels you're on the right track.
They conceal the history of the Christian religion because it will show that their movement did not originate from the apostles. It is necessary for them to negate history because St. Paul warned us not to accept teachings that did not originate from the apostles Gal.1:8 and Born Again Movement evidently cannot trace the history of their church into the time of the apostles.
Pope’s Irish representative recalled to Rome; SNAP responds - SNAP Statement

The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests
SNAP Press Statement

For immediate release: Monday, July 25, 2011

Pope’s Irish representative recalled to Rome; SNAP responds

Statement by Barbara Dorris of St. Louis, Outreach Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (314 862 7688 home, 314 503 0003 cell, [email protected])

The Pope’s representative in Ireland should be expelled, not recalled. Just a year and a half ago, Leanza refused to cooperate with Irish authorities who were investigating clergy sex crimes and cover ups, hiding behind the technicalities of formal diplomatic procedures, instead of acting responsibly and putting the safety of kids first.

He has still never adequately explained or been held responsible for his callous actions which, we suspect, were dictated by his supervisors at the Vatican.

The Pope should not officially respond to the Cloyne report until he is ready to announce specific, proven prevention steps that better protect kids. An “official response” that consists of just words would only add insult to injury.

The Catholic hierarchy has ignored, minimized and concealed horrific crimes against kids for centuries, and continues to do so now. It knows what to do. It doesn’t need months or weeks or even days to take appropriate action.

(SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, is the world’s oldest and largest support group for clergy abuse victims. We’ve been around for 23 years and have more than 10,000 members. Despite the word “priest” in our title, we have members who were molested by religious figures of all denominations, including nuns, rabbis, bishops, and Protestant ministers. Our website is
I'm wondering if the Pope is going to pay a visit to a few of the hundreds of thousands of victims who got sodomized by the thousands of pedophile rapist priests. Maybe apologize and show some humility there as well. Does anybody know?


you must be thinking of Ratziner ...


they switched places, the subtlety eludes the meaning - and also the prosecution.


benedict was ok------albeit-----germanish
benedict was ok------albeit-----germanish

oh really,


much the same as Benedict Arnold ?

* I wonder if the person makes a difference to the Jeri crowd ?


Was Benedict Arnold accused of being a paedophile like Ratzinger and Pope Francis have been,Breezewood? I never heard that before.

I do know there was a warrant for the arrest of Jorge Mario Bergoglio aka Pope Francis for the rape of two little girls. They are grown now and gave testimony that he raped them as children and that he was present at a black mass where child sacrifice took place. Am I surprised? Not at all.
of course you aren't surprised. you will believe any lie that bolsters your hate. you will believe any liar that gives confirmation to the evil in your soul.

God will forgive you.

Your Pope is a serial paedophile / a rapist of children. Will you now accuse his victims of being liars in order to protect him? Even as he is protecting his own Paedophile Nuncio's? You'll answer to God for it. You WILL answer to God for it.
Here is more, Rosie!

Sex Abuse Survivors Aren't Happy With the Pope's Comments on Bishops' 'Courage' | VICE News

September 23, 2015 | 5:35 pm

One of the world's oldest and largest support groups for survivors of clergy-perpetrated sexual abuse today blasted the pope after he commented that US bishops showed "courage" in handling a string of Catholic Church abuse scandals over decades, while failing to apologize to victims on behalf of the church.

The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), which has about 20,000 members, criticized Pope Francis over his choice of words, particularly the "great sacrifice" he said bishops have made in facing "difficult moments in the recent history of the church in this country without fear of self-criticism and at the cost of mortification."

"[The pope's] remarks today confirm what we've long said and suspected: this pope, like his predecessors, is doing and will do little if anything to bring real reform to this continuing crisis," SNAP said in a statement Wednesday after the pope delivered his speech in Washington DC. "Those who care about kids must focus on secular authorities, not church figures, however popular they may be."

Related: Pope Francis Accused of Shielding Priests Who Sexually Abused Children

In March, a new report released by raised troubling questions about Pope Francis' complicity in the sexual abuse scandal that has plagued the Catholic Church for more than a decade.

The report, titled "Pope Francis and Clergy Sexual Abuse in Argentina," focuses on the pope's stint as archbishop of Buenos Aires from 1998 to 2013, and includes a database with links to public documents and media reports about 42 priests in Argentina previously accused of sexual misconduct. Specifically, the report focuses on five cases of sexual abuse by priests in which it alleges that the then archbishop "knowingly or unwittingly slowed victims in their fight to expose and prosecute their assailants."

Although Francis has been outspoken on a litany of other issues, he has remained surprisingly silent on the topic of clergy sexual abuse. In his 2010 book, On Heaven and Earth, the future pope claimed his priests never misbehaved during his tenure as archbishop of Buenos Aires.

"In my diocese it never happened to me," he wrote. "But a bishop called me once by phone to ask me what to do in a situation like this and I told him to take away the priest's faculties, not to permit him to exercise his priestly ministry again, and to initiate a canonical trial."

The report does not directly link the pope to sexual abuse in Argentina. Instead, it details cases where it appears as though he either failed to take strong, decisive action against accused priests, or helped to temporarily shield them from prosecution or incarceration. has previously estimated that there have been at least 17,200 victims of sex abuse by clergy in America.

Related: Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse in Mexico Vanishes
Can you give me the Book, Chapter and verse for that in the King James Bible, Avatar?

The Bible does not mention Peter visiting Rome even once. I know Peter was crucified upside down. Jesus was crucified right side up. Both died by a Roman Style execution. In Israel. Both tombs are located in Israel. Peter's tomb was reported to have been found in Israel which exposed the hoax and false claim that his body was at the Vatican and that he died in Rome.

As Peter's tomb was discovered in Israel that would have to be the place of his death.
So you admit the Catholic church from the beginning lied?

Catholics are the first Christian Church. Maybe they made the entire thing up? So that would mean your spin off is based on a lie.

I've told you from the beginning it is a false church and if you will look up past threads you also note I told you it wasn't the first church. Not even close!
If I'm not mistaken isn't "born again Christians" a religion that was invented here in America?

No the born again Christians are the early church that the Romans tried to wipe out. Most were Jewish. When they could not stop the early church they invented Catholicism hoping to derail it. That didn't work either. We're still here and praising Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior (without a church playing "mediator" or a man calling himself a "Vicar"). God is good!
Why do you lie?

The Born Again Movement traces its origin early in the 19th century. In reaction to Protestant Liberalism a group of Protestant theologians from various denominations (Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, and Evangelicals etc.) wrote a 12 volume book entitled The Fundamentals. The book contains a compilation of essays of Protestant doctrines, and the Born Again Movement adapted their doctrines from this 12 volume book that is why some of their doctrines are similar to those of mainline Protestants. In the strictest sense Born Again Christians is an offshoot of mainline Protestantism, no wonder they claimed to be a non-denominational Church. Born Again Movement arrived at our shores in the late 1930’s and gained its popularity in the 70’s and 80’s which is considered the golden era of Born Again Movement in the Philippines. During these years membership in various Born Again Churches increased because they where able to infiltrate mainline Protestant Churches and had lured nominal Catholics into their fold. However their steady growth ceases starting the year 1990 and their membership declined in the succeeding years. In the year 2000 Born Again Churches from the United States sent their missionaries in the Philippines to re-established the Born Again Movement and this time their primary mission is no longer to infiltrate Protestant and Catholic Churches but targeted the youth in schools particularly college students. In Davao City there are various Born Again Churches, the following are the most common Born Again Churches that is actively recruiting students to join their rank, House hold of Faith, Victory Chapel, G12, PSALM and Maranatha Family Church. Born Again evangelist does not want to discuss the history of the Christian church, in their Bible studies with their prospects, they intentionally limit the discussion to the Bible alone. They conceal the history of the Christian religion because it will show that their movement did not originate from the apostles. It is necessary for them to negate history because St. Paul warned us not to accept teachings that did not originate from the apostles Gal.1:8 and Born Again Movement evidently cannot trace the history of their church into the time of the apostles.
Method of Evangelization:
Born Again evangelists employ the basic principles of human psychology in order to lure people into their fold. Their method is both manipulation and deception, let me explain why. There are two principles that worked behind their method, emotion and common ground (music). Born Again evangelist realized that music is a common ground among youths, so they utilized music to attract young adults into their churches. If you attend the service of one of these Born Again Churches you can see that their music ministry is like a rock and roll band, they intentionally composed alternative type gospel songs in order to add attraction to their service. In this way those people whom they invited will experience a pleasurable feeling and will come back for more. Aside from music they add into their arsenal the appeal to the emotions of the people. The sermons of their pastors are directed to stir up the emotions of the listeners and sometimes they would even come to the point of crying in the pulpit, that is the reason why their pastors must be a good public speaker. Born Again evangelist knew that once they where able to touch the person’s emotion it will be very easy to manipulate him. Through music they grant pleasure and through emotional manipulation they control the people, this is a classical example of psychological conditioning (this is also used to train dogs). Clearly Born Again evangelization has deception as its chief foundation and they even used selected passages from the Bible to deceive people. They usually start evangelizing by asking ambiguous questions such as “Are you saved?” or “Are you born again?”, if the person answers “no or I don’t know” they will tell you that you must accept Christ as a Lord and Personal Savior in order to be born again otherwise you will be damned to hell. And if the person will answer “yes” they will invite you to their church and worship with them. And if the person is a Catholic that would mean that you have to leave the Catholic Church and do away your Catholic beliefs about Mary, the Saints, confession etc. Let us be vigilant not to fall to the snares of the Born Again movement.
And it really took hold in the places that were least educated, The southern part of the United states where it is a strong force today

The Pentecostal Movement grew out of the Holiness Revival of the second half of the nineteenth century. This revival was an expression of both social and theological discontent among the nation's lower and middle-class groups. Holiness followers disapproved of the godlessness in mainline denominations, as well as the growing wealth and lack of simplicity of their churches. Not content to remain in mainline churches, they formed new religious communities committed to seeking perfection in Christ. These former Methodists, Presbyterians and Baptists were experiencing a renewed outpouring of the Holy Spirit much like the early church experienced in the book of Acts. The Holiness Revival produced a hunger for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (a divine empowerment of believers) and for other spiritual gifts promised to the New Testament church such as healing and prophecy.

History of the Pentecostal Movement | Christian Assemblies International
Here is more, Rosie!

Sex Abuse Survivors Aren't Happy With the Pope's Comments on Bishops' 'Courage' | VICE News

September 23, 2015 | 5:35 pm

One of the world's oldest and largest support groups for survivors of clergy-perpetrated sexual abuse today blasted the pope after he commented that US bishops showed "courage" in handling a string of Catholic Church abuse scandals over decades, while failing to apologize to victims on behalf of the church.

The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), which has about 20,000 members, criticized Pope Francis over his choice of words, particularly the "great sacrifice" he said bishops have made in facing "difficult moments in the recent history of the church in this country without fear of self-criticism and at the cost of mortification."

"[The pope's] remarks today confirm what we've long said and suspected: this pope, like his predecessors, is doing and will do little if anything to bring real reform to this continuing crisis," SNAP said in a statement Wednesday after the pope delivered his speech in Washington DC. "Those who care about kids must focus on secular authorities, not church figures, however popular they may be."

Related: Pope Francis Accused of Shielding Priests Who Sexually Abused Children

In March, a new report released by raised troubling questions about Pope Francis' complicity in the sexual abuse scandal that has plagued the Catholic Church for more than a decade.

The report, titled "Pope Francis and Clergy Sexual Abuse in Argentina," focuses on the pope's stint as archbishop of Buenos Aires from 1998 to 2013, and includes a database with links to public documents and media reports about 42 priests in Argentina previously accused of sexual misconduct. Specifically, the report focuses on five cases of sexual abuse by priests in which it alleges that the then archbishop "knowingly or unwittingly slowed victims in their fight to expose and prosecute their assailants."

Although Francis has been outspoken on a litany of other issues, he has remained surprisingly silent on the topic of clergy sexual abuse. In his 2010 book, On Heaven and Earth, the future pope claimed his priests never misbehaved during his tenure as archbishop of Buenos Aires.

"In my diocese it never happened to me," he wrote. "But a bishop called me once by phone to ask me what to do in a situation like this and I told him to take away the priest's faculties, not to permit him to exercise his priestly ministry again, and to initiate a canonical trial."

The report does not directly link the pope to sexual abuse in Argentina. Instead, it details cases where it appears as though he either failed to take strong, decisive action against accused priests, or helped to temporarily shield them from prosecution or incarceration. has previously estimated that there have been at least 17,200 victims of sex abuse by clergy in America.

Related: Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse in Mexico Vanishes

oh gee....... not good
Rosie, then there is this one -

Pope Francis Accused of Shielding Priests Who Sexually Abused Children | VICE News

Earlier this week, released a report entitled “Pope Francis and Clergy Sexual Abuse in Argentina.”

The report focuses on Bergoglio’s stint as archbishop of Buenos Aires from 1998 to 2013, and includes a database with links to public documents and media reports about 42 priests in Argentina previously accused of sexual misconduct. Specifically, the report focuses on five cases of sexual abuse by priests in which it alleges that "Bergoglio knowingly or unwittingly slowed victims in their fight to expose and prosecute their assailants.”

The principal researcher behind the report is Anne Barrett Doyle, co-director of In an interview with VICE News, Doyle described herself as a devout Catholic who was inside the Vatican last year during the papal conclave that elected Bergoglio pope. Doyle joined in 2003 amid revelations of sexual abuse by priests in the Archdiocese of Boston, and eventually made her work with the non-profit her full-time job. Prior to focusing on Argentina, the organization published a similar database of priests accused of molestation in America.

“We try to aggregate all public information about the sexual abuse crisis,” Doyle said. “When we suddenly had a pope from Argentina, the first or second question that occurred to us was:

How did he manage the sex abuse crisis when he was archbishop of Buenos Aires? He was there 15 years. He was the most powerful Catholic bishop in Argentina.”

Although Francis has been outspoken on a litany of other issues, he has remained surprisingly silent on the topic of clergy sexual abuse.

In his 2010 book, On Heaven and Earth, the future pope claimed his priests never misbehaved during his tenure as archbishop of Buenos Aires.
As I told you before, this Jesuit Pope is a liar. He is covering for his paedophile priests, Nuncio's and himself because if he exposed them? They would expose him!!!
There were countless numbers of children molested during Francis time in Argentina as the Arch Bishop. There is a testimony of at least one family who came to him personally to tell him about their daughter being raped by one of his priests and they said, he refused to do anything about it. He blocked anyone from doing anything about it. He protected the Paedophile. Just as he protected his Paedophile Nuncio here recently and had him whisked back to Rome where he permits him to freely roam the streets of Rome unsupervised!

Why has Pope Francis continually denied the victims any rights against these paedophiles under his rule? Simple answer? He is a paedophile himself. Birds of a feather...............
Last edited:
Jeremiah dont you think Christ would have charity for the Pope even if he was as bad as you say?

you must be thinking of Ratziner ...


they switched places, the subtlety eludes the meaning - and also the prosecution.


benedict was ok------albeit-----germanish
benedict was ok------albeit-----germanish

oh really,


much the same as Benedict Arnold ?

* I wonder if the person makes a difference to the Jeri crowd ?


Was Benedict Arnold accused of being a paedophile like Ratzinger and Pope Francis have been,Breezewood? I never heard that before.

I do know there was a warrant for the arrest of Jorge Mario Bergoglio aka Pope Francis for the rape of two little girls. They are grown now and gave testimony that he raped them as children and that he was present at a black mass where child sacrifice took place. Am I surprised? Not at all.
of course you aren't surprised. you will believe any lie that bolsters your hate. you will believe any liar that gives confirmation to the evil in your soul.

God will forgive you.

Your Pope is a serial paedophile / a rapist of children. Will you now accuse his victims of being liars in order to protect him? Even as he is protecting his own Paedophile Nuncio's? You'll answer to God for it. You WILL answer to God for it.
Jeri, you've been deceived. Your 'courts' are merely the rantings of one man on a blog. Seriously. There is no court, no real people making those allegations. You are choosing to believe these lies because they give credence to the hate in your soul. But I implore you, look in to these websites. Do some digging, even a cursory google search. Can you find any source at all that corroborates the claims, or even the existence, of the ITCCS? for the good of your soul, look in to the people you are choosing to believe.
Can you give me the Book, Chapter and verse for that in the King James Bible, Avatar?

The Bible does not mention Peter visiting Rome even once. I know Peter was crucified upside down. Jesus was crucified right side up. Both died by a Roman Style execution. In Israel. Both tombs are located in Israel. Peter's tomb was reported to have been found in Israel which exposed the hoax and false claim that his body was at the Vatican and that he died in Rome.

As Peter's tomb was discovered in Israel that would have to be the place of his death.
So you admit the Catholic church from the beginning lied?

Catholics are the first Christian Church. Maybe they made the entire thing up? So that would mean your spin off is based on a lie.

I've told you from the beginning it is a false church and if you will look up past threads you also note I told you it wasn't the first church. Not even close!
If I'm not mistaken isn't "born again Christians" a religion that was invented here in America?

No the born again Christians are the early church that the Romans tried to wipe out. Most were Jewish. When they could not stop the early church they invented Catholicism hoping to derail it. That didn't work either. We're still here and praising Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior (without a church playing "mediator" or a man calling himself a "Vicar"). God is good!
Why do you lie?

The Born Again Movement traces its origin early in the 19th century. In reaction to Protestant Liberalism a group of Protestant theologians from various denominations (Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, and Evangelicals etc.) wrote a 12 volume book entitled The Fundamentals. The book contains a compilation of essays of Protestant doctrines, and the Born Again Movement adapted their doctrines from this 12 volume book that is why some of their doctrines are similar to those of mainline Protestants. In the strictest sense Born Again Christians is an offshoot of mainline Protestantism, no wonder they claimed to be a non-denominational Church. Born Again Movement arrived at our shores in the late 1930’s and gained its popularity in the 70’s and 80’s which is considered the golden era of Born Again Movement in the Philippines. During these years membership in various Born Again Churches increased because they where able to infiltrate mainline Protestant Churches and had lured nominal Catholics into their fold. However their steady growth ceases starting the year 1990 and their membership declined in the succeeding years. In the year 2000 Born Again Churches from the United States sent their missionaries in the Philippines to re-established the Born Again Movement and this time their primary mission is no longer to infiltrate Protestant and Catholic Churches but targeted the youth in schools particularly college students. In Davao City there are various Born Again Churches, the following are the most common Born Again Churches that is actively recruiting students to join their rank, House hold of Faith, Victory Chapel, G12, PSALM and Maranatha Family Church. Born Again evangelist does not want to discuss the history of the Christian church, in their Bible studies with their prospects, they intentionally limit the discussion to the Bible alone. They conceal the history of the Christian religion because it will show that their movement did not originate from the apostles. It is necessary for them to negate history because St. Paul warned us not to accept teachings that did not originate from the apostles Gal.1:8 and Born Again Movement evidently cannot trace the history of their church into the time of the apostles.
Method of Evangelization:
Born Again evangelists employ the basic principles of human psychology in order to lure people into their fold. Their method is both manipulation and deception, let me explain why. There are two principles that worked behind their method, emotion and common ground (music). Born Again evangelist realized that music is a common ground among youths, so they utilized music to attract young adults into their churches. If you attend the service of one of these Born Again Churches you can see that their music ministry is like a rock and roll band, they intentionally composed alternative type gospel songs in order to add attraction to their service. In this way those people whom they invited will experience a pleasurable feeling and will come back for more. Aside from music they add into their arsenal the appeal to the emotions of the people. The sermons of their pastors are directed to stir up the emotions of the listeners and sometimes they would even come to the point of crying in the pulpit, that is the reason why their pastors must be a good public speaker. Born Again evangelist knew that once they where able to touch the person’s emotion it will be very easy to manipulate him. Through music they grant pleasure and through emotional manipulation they control the people, this is a classical example of psychological conditioning (this is also used to train dogs). Clearly Born Again evangelization has deception as its chief foundation and they even used selected passages from the Bible to deceive people. They usually start evangelizing by asking ambiguous questions such as “Are you saved?” or “Are you born again?”, if the person answers “no or I don’t know” they will tell you that you must accept Christ as a Lord and Personal Savior in order to be born again otherwise you will be damned to hell. And if the person will answer “yes” they will invite you to their church and worship with them. And if the person is a Catholic that would mean that you have to leave the Catholic Church and do away your Catholic beliefs about Mary, the Saints, confession etc. Let us be vigilant not to fall to the snares of the Born Again movement.

Christian fundamentalism, movement in American Protestantism that arose in the late 19th century in reaction to theological modernism, which aimed to revise traditional Christian beliefs to accommodate new developments in the natural and social sciences,

So much for it always was

Christian fundamentalism | American Protestant movement

Jeremiah------there could be----some kind of justification for TRYING to deal
with the problem within the family---------even I think it wrong and you think
it wrong---------there are people who would argue that KEEPING it in the community
can be a good choice--------if HANDLED WELL

This paedophile pope is sweeping everything under the rug because they have got too much on him. His reward for his participation and protection of his fellow paedophiles was that he was crowned Pope. Satan always rewards his best servants with promotions in his own kingdom. The kingdom of Satan is well organized. This Pope is right at the top of it and the Jesuit General who he works with Adolfo Pachon - who was identified by 48 victims as one of the ones who raped and molested them. It's a wicked bunch. I pray God's judgment comes swiftly upon them.

Jeremiah------there could be----some kind of justification for TRYING to deal
with the problem within the family---------even I think it wrong and you think
it wrong---------there are people who would argue that KEEPING it in the community
can be a good choice--------if HANDLED WELL

This paedophile pope is sweeping everything under the rug because they have got too much on him. His reward for his participation and protection of his fellow paedophiles was that he was crowned Pope. Satan always rewards his best servants with promotions in his own kingdom. The kingdom of Satan is well organized. This Pope is right at the top of it and the Jesuit General who he works with Adolfo Pachon - who was identified by 48 victims as one of the ones who raped and molested them. It's a wicked bunch. I pray God's judgment comes swiftly upon them.


I think your issues with the catholic church go deeper then you are letting on, and attaching your Satan to it . Hopefully you will get some professional help to get over the trauma you evidently went through
So you admit the Catholic church from the beginning lied?

Catholics are the first Christian Church. Maybe they made the entire thing up? So that would mean your spin off is based on a lie.

I've told you from the beginning it is a false church and if you will look up past threads you also note I told you it wasn't the first church. Not even close!
If I'm not mistaken isn't "born again Christians" a religion that was invented here in America?

No the born again Christians are the early church that the Romans tried to wipe out. Most were Jewish. When they could not stop the early church they invented Catholicism hoping to derail it. That didn't work either. We're still here and praising Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior (without a church playing "mediator" or a man calling himself a "Vicar"). God is good!
Why do you lie?

The Born Again Movement traces its origin early in the 19th century. In reaction to Protestant Liberalism a group of Protestant theologians from various denominations (Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, and Evangelicals etc.) wrote a 12 volume book entitled The Fundamentals. The book contains a compilation of essays of Protestant doctrines, and the Born Again Movement adapted their doctrines from this 12 volume book that is why some of their doctrines are similar to those of mainline Protestants. In the strictest sense Born Again Christians is an offshoot of mainline Protestantism, no wonder they claimed to be a non-denominational Church. Born Again Movement arrived at our shores in the late 1930’s and gained its popularity in the 70’s and 80’s which is considered the golden era of Born Again Movement in the Philippines. During these years membership in various Born Again Churches increased because they where able to infiltrate mainline Protestant Churches and had lured nominal Catholics into their fold. However their steady growth ceases starting the year 1990 and their membership declined in the succeeding years. In the year 2000 Born Again Churches from the United States sent their missionaries in the Philippines to re-established the Born Again Movement and this time their primary mission is no longer to infiltrate Protestant and Catholic Churches but targeted the youth in schools particularly college students. In Davao City there are various Born Again Churches, the following are the most common Born Again Churches that is actively recruiting students to join their rank, House hold of Faith, Victory Chapel, G12, PSALM and Maranatha Family Church. Born Again evangelist does not want to discuss the history of the Christian church, in their Bible studies with their prospects, they intentionally limit the discussion to the Bible alone. They conceal the history of the Christian religion because it will show that their movement did not originate from the apostles. It is necessary for them to negate history because St. Paul warned us not to accept teachings that did not originate from the apostles Gal.1:8 and Born Again Movement evidently cannot trace the history of their church into the time of the apostles.
Method of Evangelization:
Born Again evangelists employ the basic principles of human psychology in order to lure people into their fold. Their method is both manipulation and deception, let me explain why. There are two principles that worked behind their method, emotion and common ground (music). Born Again evangelist realized that music is a common ground among youths, so they utilized music to attract young adults into their churches. If you attend the service of one of these Born Again Churches you can see that their music ministry is like a rock and roll band, they intentionally composed alternative type gospel songs in order to add attraction to their service. In this way those people whom they invited will experience a pleasurable feeling and will come back for more. Aside from music they add into their arsenal the appeal to the emotions of the people. The sermons of their pastors are directed to stir up the emotions of the listeners and sometimes they would even come to the point of crying in the pulpit, that is the reason why their pastors must be a good public speaker. Born Again evangelist knew that once they where able to touch the person’s emotion it will be very easy to manipulate him. Through music they grant pleasure and through emotional manipulation they control the people, this is a classical example of psychological conditioning (this is also used to train dogs). Clearly Born Again evangelization has deception as its chief foundation and they even used selected passages from the Bible to deceive people. They usually start evangelizing by asking ambiguous questions such as “Are you saved?” or “Are you born again?”, if the person answers “no or I don’t know” they will tell you that you must accept Christ as a Lord and Personal Savior in order to be born again otherwise you will be damned to hell. And if the person will answer “yes” they will invite you to their church and worship with them. And if the person is a Catholic that would mean that you have to leave the Catholic Church and do away your Catholic beliefs about Mary, the Saints, confession etc. Let us be vigilant not to fall to the snares of the Born Again movement.
And it really took hold in the places that were least educated, The southern part of the United states where it is a strong force today

The Pentecostal Movement grew out of the Holiness Revival of the second half of the nineteenth century. This revival was an expression of both social and theological discontent among the nation's lower and middle-class groups. Holiness followers disapproved of the godlessness in mainline denominations, as well as the growing wealth and lack of simplicity of their churches. Not content to remain in mainline churches, they formed new religious communities committed to seeking perfection in Christ. These former Methodists, Presbyterians and Baptists were experiencing a renewed outpouring of the Holy Spirit much like the early church experienced in the book of Acts. The Holiness Revival produced a hunger for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (a divine empowerment of believers) and for other spiritual gifts promised to the New Testament church such as healing and prophecy.

History of the Pentecostal Movement | Christian Assemblies International
And for them to try and lie and say they've been around since Jesus? I think born agains are very cult like. That article I posted was very accurate.

Jeremiah------there could be----some kind of justification for TRYING to deal
with the problem within the family---------even I think it wrong and you think
it wrong---------there are people who would argue that KEEPING it in the community
can be a good choice--------if HANDLED WELL

This paedophile pope is sweeping everything under the rug because they have got too much on him. His reward for his participation and protection of his fellow paedophiles was that he was crowned Pope. Satan always rewards his best servants with promotions in his own kingdom. The kingdom of Satan is well organized. This Pope is right at the top of it and the Jesuit General who he works with Adolfo Pachon - who was identified by 48 victims as one of the ones who raped and molested them. It's a wicked bunch. I pray God's judgment comes swiftly upon them.


I think your issues with the catholic church go deeper then you are letting on, and attaching your Satan to it . Hopefully you will get some professional help to get over the trauma you evidently went through

I can assure you there is nothing personal about it concerning my own time in the Roman Catholic Church. I was never molested by any Roman Catholic or priest, bishop, Cardinal. My concern is for the millions of children who have been irreparably harmed by the paedophiles who are protected inside the RCC. The false teaching inside the RCC is what perpetuates much of it - the Bible never taught that a priest could not get married! I am a priest according to scripture - a royal priesthood, a holy nation and I'm married - the man made laws of Roman Catholicism forbidding to marry - have created the homosexual problem - attracting them to their church where it is open season on children. As for you, Guno? I have heard of Jews converting to Catholicism (because they were threatened with death if they refused to convert) before but I'm surprised you decided to do it. I would not have expected it.

Jeremiah------there could be----some kind of justification for TRYING to deal
with the problem within the family---------even I think it wrong and you think
it wrong---------there are people who would argue that KEEPING it in the community
can be a good choice--------if HANDLED WELL

This paedophile pope is sweeping everything under the rug because they have got too much on him. His reward for his participation and protection of his fellow paedophiles was that he was crowned Pope. Satan always rewards his best servants with promotions in his own kingdom. The kingdom of Satan is well organized. This Pope is right at the top of it and the Jesuit General who he works with Adolfo Pachon - who was identified by 48 victims as one of the ones who raped and molested them. It's a wicked bunch. I pray God's judgment comes swiftly upon them.


I think your issues with the catholic church go deeper then you are letting on, and attaching your Satan to it . Hopefully you will get some professional help to get over the trauma you evidently went through
i don't think jeri went through any personal trauma with the church. she was never catholic, so i don't see how she would have had a bad experience.

my guess is she found religion later in life in a tent - or the equivalent - at the feet of a charismatic 'fire and brimstone' type that impressed upon her a history of christianity that relied heavily on the catholic church, and any other denomination having a different interpretation of scripture other than their own, being evil and wrong, and that she then, riding that revival high, burned a lot of bridges with family and friends that can't be rebuilt. the end result is she has to double down on her hatred or else face the music that she is the cause of her own misery.

Jeremiah------there could be----some kind of justification for TRYING to deal
with the problem within the family---------even I think it wrong and you think
it wrong---------there are people who would argue that KEEPING it in the community
can be a good choice--------if HANDLED WELL

This paedophile pope is sweeping everything under the rug because they have got too much on him. His reward for his participation and protection of his fellow paedophiles was that he was crowned Pope. Satan always rewards his best servants with promotions in his own kingdom. The kingdom of Satan is well organized. This Pope is right at the top of it and the Jesuit General who he works with Adolfo Pachon - who was identified by 48 victims as one of the ones who raped and molested them. It's a wicked bunch. I pray God's judgment comes swiftly upon them.


I think your issues with the catholic church go deeper then you are letting on, and attaching your Satan to it . Hopefully you will get some professional help to get over the trauma you evidently went through

I can assure you there is nothing personal about it concerning my own time in the Roman Catholic Church. I was never molested by any Roman Catholic or priest, bishop, Cardinal. My concern is for the millions of children who have been irreparably harmed by the paedophiles who are protected inside the RCC. The false teaching inside the RCC is what perpetuates much of it - the Bible never taught that a priest could not get married! I am a priest according to scripture - a royal priesthood, a holy nation and I'm married - the man made laws of Roman Catholicism forbidding to marry - have created the homosexual problem - attracting them to their church where it is open season on children. As for you, Guno? I have heard of Jews converting to Catholicism (because they were threatened with death if they refused to convert) before but I'm surprised you decided to do it. I would not have expected it.

Looks like a hit a nerve there Jeri!!!
Sorry Jeri i would never convert to a pagan belief system like Christianity , Why would a Jew debase and dirty themselves
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Jeremiah------there could be----some kind of justification for TRYING to deal
with the problem within the family---------even I think it wrong and you think
it wrong---------there are people who would argue that KEEPING it in the community
can be a good choice--------if HANDLED WELL

This paedophile pope is sweeping everything under the rug because they have got too much on him. His reward for his participation and protection of his fellow paedophiles was that he was crowned Pope. Satan always rewards his best servants with promotions in his own kingdom. The kingdom of Satan is well organized. This Pope is right at the top of it and the Jesuit General who he works with Adolfo Pachon - who was identified by 48 victims as one of the ones who raped and molested them. It's a wicked bunch. I pray God's judgment comes swiftly upon them.


I think your issues with the catholic church go deeper then you are letting on, and attaching your Satan to it . Hopefully you will get some professional help to get over the trauma you evidently went through

I can assure you there is nothing personal about it concerning my own time in the Roman Catholic Church. I was never molested by any Roman Catholic or priest, bishop, Cardinal. My concern is for the millions of children who have been irreparably harmed by the paedophiles who are protected inside the RCC. The false teaching inside the RCC is what perpetuates much of it - the Bible never taught that a priest could not get married! I am a priest according to scripture - a royal priesthood, a holy nation and I'm married - the man made laws of Roman Catholicism forbidding to marry - have created the homosexual problem - attracting them to their church where it is open season on children. As for you, Guno? I have heard of Jews converting to Catholicism (because they were threatened with death if they refused to convert) before but I'm surprised you decided to do it. I would not have expected it.

Lying for your jesus again Jeri?

No surprise!

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