Boycott the Pope's Visit to USA

View attachment 50503

Pope Francis is clearly a monster.

I bet he's got a big clock.
Bigger than Jerry Sandusky's but smaller than Dennis Hastert's.
He said CLOCK! :
I need an update-----has the pope said anything worthy of discussion yet???
He said Americans and Jews should go off and die. And Muslim is the new n1gger.
Have you ever asked yourself why you're so fucking stupid? It's a real problem, you should look into it.
Religion is the new Monsanto.
More deep thoughtful insights from this forum's resident scholar of religions.
You're welcome.
My concern is for the millions of children who have been irreparably harmed by the paedophiles who are protected inside the RCC.

Why just pick on Catholics?

"25 MORE SHOCKING ARRESTS": Pastors Charged With Sex Crimes - Awkward Moments Children's Bible

Catholics? He is the head of the Roman Catholic Church and he's been charged with child sex trafficking and raping children - are you not understanding the seriousness of this situation? Quit defending your paedophile Pope! My heavens! You people are seriously in denial!

After reading some of the comments on this board - I'm thinking .......

It's wonder so many children become victims of sex abuse in the Catholic church! We cannot wake up the caretakers / parents /those who should be protecting them! They are handing them over to these child molesters with blind trust! How sad is that?!
the man made laws of Roman Catholicism forbidding to marry - have created the homosexual problem - attracting them to their church where it is open season on children

Obvious lies to promote your hatred Jeremiah. Protestants can no longer dismiss abuse as a ‘Catholic problem’ | Symon Hill

I hate the Catholic Babylonian religion and its false doctrines -not the people who have been brainwashed into believing it is "the One True Church". When people are told not to read the KJV Bible and hear their masses in Latin it is no wonder they remain in the dark about what is going on.
Jeremiah, have you found a source for us to back up your claim that 48 people have identified Adolfo Rachon as their rapist?
Have you found any evidence that the ITCCS is anything other than a one man blog based in Canada?

It was posted earlier today on this thread. Read the thread.
Jeremiah, have you found a source for us to back up your claim that 48 people have identified Adolfo Rachon as their rapist?
Have you found any evidence that the ITCCS is anything other than a one man blog based in Canada?

It was posted earlier today on this thread. Read the thread.
i've read the thread. you only point to the ITCCS - a one man blog from Canada. so do you have any other proof? anything other than the canadian liar?
My concern is for the millions of children who have been irreparably harmed by the paedophiles who are protected inside the RCC.

Why just pick on Catholics?

"25 MORE SHOCKING ARRESTS": Pastors Charged With Sex Crimes - Awkward Moments Children's Bible

Catholics? He is the head of the Roman Catholic Church and he's been charged with child sex trafficking and raping children - are you not understanding the seriousness of this situation? Quit defending your paedophile Pope! My heavens! You people are seriously in denial!

After reading some of the comments on this board - I'm thinking .......

It's wonder so many children become victims of sex abuse in the Catholic church! We cannot wake up the caretakers / parents /those who should be protecting them! They are handing them over to these child molesters with blind trust! How sad is that?!
charged? by whom?
My concern is for the millions of children who have been irreparably harmed by the paedophiles who are protected inside the RCC.

Why just pick on Catholics?

"25 MORE SHOCKING ARRESTS": Pastors Charged With Sex Crimes - Awkward Moments Children's Bible

Catholics? He is the head of the Roman Catholic Church and he's been charged with child sex trafficking and raping children - are you not understanding the seriousness of this situation? Quit defending your paedophile Pope! My heavens! You people are seriously in denial!

After reading some of the comments on this board - I'm thinking .......

It's wonder so many children become victims of sex abuse in the Catholic church! We cannot wake up the caretakers / parents /those who should be protecting them! They are handing them over to these child molesters with blind trust! How sad is that?!
You people are seriously in denial!

Oh how ironic!!
A thousand blessings on the Lord and his representative on Earth, Pope Francis.
Here is the bench warrant they have for Jorge Mario Bergoglio aka as Pope Francis - 48 victims identified him as their abuser - are you going to accuse 48 victims and call them liars to cover for this paedophile Pope? I certainly hope not. You will be answering to God for it if you do! Count on it!

Welcome to ITCCS.ORG and The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State | Our Mandate: (1) To lawfully prosecute those people and institutions responsible for the exploitation, trafficking, torture and murder of children, past and present, and (2) To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state, including by disestablishing those same institutions.

Will the Pope face arrest by Interpol this week?

Posted on September 21, 2015
Standing arrest warrant against Jorge Bergoglio is delivered to US State Department by Interpol office in Brussels – A similar warrant compelled the resignation of Pope Benedict

A Breaking ITCCS News Flash: 21 September, 2015
(As reported on Radio Free Kanata and through global wire services)

Washington DC:

On the verge of the arrival to the United States of Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, the American government has received from Interpol a copy of an outstanding arrest warrant against Bergoglio issued by the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) on July 18, 2014. On that date, Bergoglio was found guilty as charged by the Court on two counts of committing and aiding or abetting crimes against humanity, including the trafficking of children, and sentenced in absentiato twenty five years imprisonment.

According to a source in Interpol, a copy of the arrest warrant was delivered to the US State Department by special courier on Friday, September 18, along with a formal request to the American government to comply with the terms of the arrest warrant and detain the named offender, Jorge Bergoglio.

The issuing of a similar warrant by a European government to the Vatican in early February, 2013 compelled the sudden resignation of former Pope Benedict, who was similarly convicted by the ICLCJ that same month.

Pope Francis – Bergoglio already faces protests and disruptions of his five day American tour following his controversial decision to “canonize” a genocidal catholic missionary and attend a Philadelphia gathering reputedly linked to an in-house catholic child trafficking network. (see, September 12, 2015)

“These controversies will make it difficult for the Obama government to simply ignore the Interpol notice and standing arrest warrant” commented Kevin Annett today from New York City, where he and an ITCCS delegation are meeting with United Nations officials regarding Bergoglio’s visit.

“Jorge Bergoglio is a duly convicted felon, and the ICLCJ warrant carries with it the force of international law. By ignoring it the United States can justifiably be charged with giving aid and comfort to a wanted criminal and colluding in a war crime”.

Issued by the Central Office of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
21 September, 2015

Copy of the original arrest warrant summoning Jorge Bergoglio into Court:

I hope they serve him the Bench Warrant Order and arrest him while he is in the United States of America.
Not only was he charged as guilty but Francis was sentenced to 25 yrs in prison according to the report of outcome of trial held in his absence - this is another story on how Frances tried to get his guilty paedophile friends off the hook.

Don't believe the Pope Francis sexual abuse PR stunt. Believe in payback | Sadhbh Walshe

The past is not just the past, as the church well knows, and if you want evidence that that Francis's zero-tolerance policy is merely a PR stunt, look back to the pope's time in Argentina.

Then-Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was closely involved in the case of Father Julio Cesar Grassi, who was sentenced to 15 years in prison after being found guilty of molesting a boy in his care. Details are murky, but Anne Barrett-Doyle, who runs the website, which has tracked the case closely, told me this week that Grassi remained free on conditional release until September 2013, when his final appeal was rejected, at least in part because of a private report commissioned by Bergoglio that sought to prove Grassi's innocence and, according to Barrett-Doyle, to discredit the victims.

The convicted pedophile certainly considered the current pope to be a friend and supporter – Grassi told reporters before his conviction that his Holiness "never let go of my hand".

Was it a "sin of omission" that, of the victims granted an audience with the pope this week, none were from Argentina, where that dark cloud still hangs over Francis's apparent failure to protect children from predator priests during his tenure as archbishop? Does his Holiness tolerate ignoring victims from the developing world, where advocacy groups claim that clerical abuse is still being actively covered up and where the power differential between a predator priest and his victim is that much greater?

Not that victims here in America have any power either. On Monday morning, as the pope was busy talking "reparation", the Archdiocese of St Louis settled a law suit with a young woman who claimed she was abused for five years – allegedly beginning when she was five years old – by former priest Joseph D Ross.

The terms of the settlement were not disclosed, but the archdiocese's statement called the alleged victim everything but deluded "with a medical condition that causes her to falsify claims, exaggerate symptoms and make inconsistent statements". Did I mention that, a decade before that abuse was said to have begun, Father Ross pled guilty to charges that he molested an 11-year-old boy? And that he went away for "treatment", only to return to the church two years later? Oh, and that the St Louis Archdiocese has spent more than $10m dollars since 2004 in payments related to priestly "misconduct"?

"At best," Snap's Clohessy told me, "this serves as a warning to other victims that if they make a legal challenge, they will be made to pay a price for it."
So you've got a Pope here charged with being a Paedophile and child trafficking himself who has a long history of trying to discredit child victims and their testimonies in order to get his sick paedophile friends off the hook and you've got people on this thread who will question the authenticity of this tribunal court rather than ask themselves why the world courts / legal system of every country has turned a blind eye to this abuse from this Pope. Incredible, isn't it? 48 victims who could get justice no place else turn to this court and testify that Jesuit Pope Francis and the Jesuit General - the Black Pope - Adolpho Pachon are child molesters and people still want to remain in denial. What do you want to bet that these same people will admit that Bill Cosby is most likely a rapist after 25 plus women have come forward accusing him? Yet here we've got 48 victims - eye witnesses who point to these men and say they are guilty and because their Catholic? They want to give them a pass. May God judge people that deny children justice like that. May the LORD judge them severely!
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Millions of people came to see the pope in NYC Christians and non Christians



Not only was he charged as guilty but Francis was sentenced to 25 yrs in prison according to the report of outcome of trial held in his absence - this is another story on how Frances tried to get his guilty paedophile friends off the hook.

Don't believe the Pope Francis sexual abuse PR stunt. Believe in payback | Sadhbh Walshe

The past is not just the past, as the church well knows, and if you want evidence that that Francis's zero-tolerance policy is merely a PR stunt, look back to the pope's time in Argentina.

Then-Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was closely involved in the case of Father Julio Cesar Grassi, who was sentenced to 15 years in prison after being found guilty of molesting a boy in his care. Details are murky, but Anne Barrett-Doyle, who runs the website, which has tracked the case closely, told me this week that Grassi remained free on conditional release until September 2013, when his final appeal was rejected, at least in part because of a private report commissioned by Bergoglio that sought to prove Grassi's innocence and, according to Barrett-Doyle, to discredit the victims.

The convicted pedophile certainly considered the current pope to be a friend and supporter – Grassi told reporters before his conviction that his Holiness "never let go of my hand".

Was it a "sin of omission" that, of the victims granted an audience with the pope this week, none were from Argentina, where that dark cloud still hangs over Francis's apparent failure to protect children from predator priests during his tenure as archbishop? Does his Holiness tolerate ignoring victims from the developing world, where advocacy groups claim that clerical abuse is still being actively covered up and where the power differential between a predator priest and his victim is that much greater?

Not that victims here in America have any power either. On Monday morning, as the pope was busy talking "reparation", the Archdiocese of St Louis settled a law suit with a young woman who claimed she was abused for five years – allegedly beginning when she was five years old – by former priest Joseph D Ross.

The terms of the settlement were not disclosed, but the archdiocese's statement called the alleged victim everything but deluded "with a medical condition that causes her to falsify claims, exaggerate symptoms and make inconsistent statements". Did I mention that, a decade before that abuse was said to have begun, Father Ross pled guilty to charges that he molested an 11-year-old boy? And that he went away for "treatment", only to return to the church two years later? Oh, and that the St Louis Archdiocese has spent more than $10m dollars since 2004 in payments related to priestly "misconduct"?

"At best," Snap's Clohessy told me, "this serves as a warning to other victims that if they make a legal challenge, they will be made to pay a price for it."
So you've got a Pope here charged with being a Paedophile and child trafficking himself who has a long history of trying to discredit child victims and their testimonies in order to get his sick paedophile friends off the hook and you've got people on this thread who will question the authenticity of this tribunal court rather than ask themselves why the world courts / legal system of every country has turned a blind eye to this abuse from this Pope. Incredible, isn't it? 48 victims who could get justice no place else turn to this court and testify that Jesuit Pope Francis and the Jesuit General - the Black Pope - Adolpho Pachon are child molesters and people still want to remain in denial. What do you want to bet that these same people will admit that Bill Cosby is most likely a rapist after 25 plus women have come forward accusing him? Yet here we've got 48 victims - eye witnesses who point to these men and say they are guilty and because their Catholic? They want to give them a pass. May God judge people that deny children justice like that. May the LORD judge them severely!

Child abuse is a crime of the highest order thankfully and hopefully they are addressing it as their churches are connected in one organization. Not so with fundamentalist christian churches in small towns hidden away from the media

many people don't seem to realize is that in the Evangelical alternative universe of the home school movement, tightly knit church communities and the cult following of a number of bigtime leaders and authors, physical punishment of children has been glorified for years.(along with child rape)

Religion and Child Abuse
Here is the bench warrant they have for Jorge Mario Bergoglio aka as Pope Francis - 48 victims identified him as their abuser - are you going to accuse 48 victims and call them liars to cover for this paedophile Pope? I certainly hope not. You will be answering to God for it if you do! Count on it!

Welcome to ITCCS.ORG and The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State | Our Mandate: (1) To lawfully prosecute those people and institutions responsible for the exploitation, trafficking, torture and murder of children, past and present, and (2) To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state, including by disestablishing those same institutions.

Will the Pope face arrest by Interpol this week?

Posted on September 21, 2015
Standing arrest warrant against Jorge Bergoglio is delivered to US State Department by Interpol office in Brussels – A similar warrant compelled the resignation of Pope Benedict

A Breaking ITCCS News Flash: 21 September, 2015
(As reported on Radio Free Kanata and through global wire services)

Washington DC:

On the verge of the arrival to the United States of Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, the American government has received from Interpol a copy of an outstanding arrest warrant against Bergoglio issued by the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) on July 18, 2014. On that date, Bergoglio was found guilty as charged by the Court on two counts of committing and aiding or abetting crimes against humanity, including the trafficking of children, and sentenced in absentiato twenty five years imprisonment.

According to a source in Interpol, a copy of the arrest warrant was delivered to the US State Department by special courier on Friday, September 18, along with a formal request to the American government to comply with the terms of the arrest warrant and detain the named offender, Jorge Bergoglio.

The issuing of a similar warrant by a European government to the Vatican in early February, 2013 compelled the sudden resignation of former Pope Benedict, who was similarly convicted by the ICLCJ that same month.

Pope Francis – Bergoglio already faces protests and disruptions of his five day American tour following his controversial decision to “canonize” a genocidal catholic missionary and attend a Philadelphia gathering reputedly linked to an in-house catholic child trafficking network. (see, September 12, 2015)

“These controversies will make it difficult for the Obama government to simply ignore the Interpol notice and standing arrest warrant” commented Kevin Annett today from New York City, where he and an ITCCS delegation are meeting with United Nations officials regarding Bergoglio’s visit.

“Jorge Bergoglio is a duly convicted felon, and the ICLCJ warrant carries with it the force of international law. By ignoring it the United States can justifiably be charged with giving aid and comfort to a wanted criminal and colluding in a war crime”.

Issued by the Central Office of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
21 September, 2015

Copy of the original arrest warrant summoning Jorge Bergoglio into Court:

I hope they serve him the Bench Warrant Order and arrest him while he is in the United States of America.

International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State - RationalWiki
Here is the bench warrant they have for Jorge Mario Bergoglio aka as Pope Francis - 48 victims identified him as their abuser - are you going to accuse 48 victims and call them liars to cover for this paedophile Pope? I certainly hope not. You will be answering to God for it if you do! Count on it!

Welcome to ITCCS.ORG and The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State | Our Mandate: (1) To lawfully prosecute those people and institutions responsible for the exploitation, trafficking, torture and murder of children, past and present, and (2) To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state, including by disestablishing those same institutions.

Will the Pope face arrest by Interpol this week?

Posted on September 21, 2015
Standing arrest warrant against Jorge Bergoglio is delivered to US State Department by Interpol office in Brussels – A similar warrant compelled the resignation of Pope Benedict

A Breaking ITCCS News Flash: 21 September, 2015
(As reported on Radio Free Kanata and through global wire services)

Washington DC:

On the verge of the arrival to the United States of Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, the American government has received from Interpol a copy of an outstanding arrest warrant against Bergoglio issued by the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) on July 18, 2014. On that date, Bergoglio was found guilty as charged by the Court on two counts of committing and aiding or abetting crimes against humanity, including the trafficking of children, and sentenced in absentiato twenty five years imprisonment.

According to a source in Interpol, a copy of the arrest warrant was delivered to the US State Department by special courier on Friday, September 18, along with a formal request to the American government to comply with the terms of the arrest warrant and detain the named offender, Jorge Bergoglio.

The issuing of a similar warrant by a European government to the Vatican in early February, 2013 compelled the sudden resignation of former Pope Benedict, who was similarly convicted by the ICLCJ that same month.

Pope Francis – Bergoglio already faces protests and disruptions of his five day American tour following his controversial decision to “canonize” a genocidal catholic missionary and attend a Philadelphia gathering reputedly linked to an in-house catholic child trafficking network. (see, September 12, 2015)

“These controversies will make it difficult for the Obama government to simply ignore the Interpol notice and standing arrest warrant” commented Kevin Annett today from New York City, where he and an ITCCS delegation are meeting with United Nations officials regarding Bergoglio’s visit.

“Jorge Bergoglio is a duly convicted felon, and the ICLCJ warrant carries with it the force of international law. By ignoring it the United States can justifiably be charged with giving aid and comfort to a wanted criminal and colluding in a war crime”.

Issued by the Central Office of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
21 September, 2015

Copy of the original arrest warrant summoning Jorge Bergoglio into Court:

I hope they serve him the Bench Warrant Order and arrest him while he is in the United States of America.

International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State - RationalWiki

The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (or ITCCS) is a one-man blog that pretends to be a tribunal established to enforce common law.[1] Despite claims of being based in Brussels, the whole thing is written in Canada by Kevin D. Annett, a defrocked[2] United Church of Canada minister.
Not only was he charged as guilty but Francis was sentenced to 25 yrs in prison according to the report of outcome of trial held in his absence - this is another story on how Frances tried to get his guilty paedophile friends off the hook.

Don't believe the Pope Francis sexual abuse PR stunt. Believe in payback | Sadhbh Walshe

The past is not just the past, as the church well knows, and if you want evidence that that Francis's zero-tolerance policy is merely a PR stunt, look back to the pope's time in Argentina.

Then-Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was closely involved in the case of Father Julio Cesar Grassi, who was sentenced to 15 years in prison after being found guilty of molesting a boy in his care. Details are murky, but Anne Barrett-Doyle, who runs the website, which has tracked the case closely, told me this week that Grassi remained free on conditional release until September 2013, when his final appeal was rejected, at least in part because of a private report commissioned by Bergoglio that sought to prove Grassi's innocence and, according to Barrett-Doyle, to discredit the victims.

The convicted pedophile certainly considered the current pope to be a friend and supporter – Grassi told reporters before his conviction that his Holiness "never let go of my hand".

Was it a "sin of omission" that, of the victims granted an audience with the pope this week, none were from Argentina, where that dark cloud still hangs over Francis's apparent failure to protect children from predator priests during his tenure as archbishop? Does his Holiness tolerate ignoring victims from the developing world, where advocacy groups claim that clerical abuse is still being actively covered up and where the power differential between a predator priest and his victim is that much greater?

Not that victims here in America have any power either. On Monday morning, as the pope was busy talking "reparation", the Archdiocese of St Louis settled a law suit with a young woman who claimed she was abused for five years – allegedly beginning when she was five years old – by former priest Joseph D Ross.

The terms of the settlement were not disclosed, but the archdiocese's statement called the alleged victim everything but deluded "with a medical condition that causes her to falsify claims, exaggerate symptoms and make inconsistent statements". Did I mention that, a decade before that abuse was said to have begun, Father Ross pled guilty to charges that he molested an 11-year-old boy? And that he went away for "treatment", only to return to the church two years later? Oh, and that the St Louis Archdiocese has spent more than $10m dollars since 2004 in payments related to priestly "misconduct"?

"At best," Snap's Clohessy told me, "this serves as a warning to other victims that if they make a legal challenge, they will be made to pay a price for it."
So you've got a Pope here charged with being a Paedophile and child trafficking himself who has a long history of trying to discredit child victims and their testimonies in order to get his sick paedophile friends off the hook and you've got people on this thread who will question the authenticity of this tribunal court rather than ask themselves why the world courts / legal system of every country has turned a blind eye to this abuse from this Pope. Incredible, isn't it? 48 victims who could get justice no place else turn to this court and testify that Jesuit Pope Francis and the Jesuit General - the Black Pope - Adolpho Pachon are child molesters and people still want to remain in denial. What do you want to bet that these same people will admit that Bill Cosby is most likely a rapist after 25 plus women have come forward accusing him? Yet here we've got 48 victims - eye witnesses who point to these men and say they are guilty and because their Catholic? They want to give them a pass. May God judge people that deny children justice like that. May the LORD judge them severely!
So just the lying canadian then
Here is the bench warrant they have for Jorge Mario Bergoglio aka as Pope Francis - 48 victims identified him as their abuser - are you going to accuse 48 victims and call them liars to cover for this paedophile Pope? I certainly hope not. You will be answering to God for it if you do! Count on it!

Welcome to ITCCS.ORG and The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State | Our Mandate: (1) To lawfully prosecute those people and institutions responsible for the exploitation, trafficking, torture and murder of children, past and present, and (2) To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state, including by disestablishing those same institutions.

Will the Pope face arrest by Interpol this week?

Posted on September 21, 2015
Standing arrest warrant against Jorge Bergoglio is delivered to US State Department by Interpol office in Brussels – A similar warrant compelled the resignation of Pope Benedict

A Breaking ITCCS News Flash: 21 September, 2015
(As reported on Radio Free Kanata and through global wire services)

Washington DC:

On the verge of the arrival to the United States of Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, the American government has received from Interpol a copy of an outstanding arrest warrant against Bergoglio issued by the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) on July 18, 2014. On that date, Bergoglio was found guilty as charged by the Court on two counts of committing and aiding or abetting crimes against humanity, including the trafficking of children, and sentenced in absentiato twenty five years imprisonment.

According to a source in Interpol, a copy of the arrest warrant was delivered to the US State Department by special courier on Friday, September 18, along with a formal request to the American government to comply with the terms of the arrest warrant and detain the named offender, Jorge Bergoglio.

The issuing of a similar warrant by a European government to the Vatican in early February, 2013 compelled the sudden resignation of former Pope Benedict, who was similarly convicted by the ICLCJ that same month.

Pope Francis – Bergoglio already faces protests and disruptions of his five day American tour following his controversial decision to “canonize” a genocidal catholic missionary and attend a Philadelphia gathering reputedly linked to an in-house catholic child trafficking network. (see, September 12, 2015)

“These controversies will make it difficult for the Obama government to simply ignore the Interpol notice and standing arrest warrant” commented Kevin Annett today from New York City, where he and an ITCCS delegation are meeting with United Nations officials regarding Bergoglio’s visit.

“Jorge Bergoglio is a duly convicted felon, and the ICLCJ warrant carries with it the force of international law. By ignoring it the United States can justifiably be charged with giving aid and comfort to a wanted criminal and colluding in a war crime”.

Issued by the Central Office of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
21 September, 2015

Copy of the original arrest warrant summoning Jorge Bergoglio into Court:

I hope they serve him the Bench Warrant Order and arrest him while he is in the United States of America.

No such thing, you cannot be that dumb can you?

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