BOYCOTT THEM: Popular Restaurant Tells Veterans to REMOVE the Flag and GET OUT

tomorrow there is a march in dc about this very thing....a group of music followers have been declared a gang...they are not the greatest bunch of meth heads but they have every right to follow a band without being declared a join them in their march tomorrow

Home - Juggalo March on Washington - Sept 16th, 2017

As many of you are no doubt personally aware, the FBI’s inclusion of Juggalos as a “gang” has resulted in hundreds if not thousands of people subjected to various forms of discrimination, harassment, and profiling simply for identifying as a Juggalo. Over the past five years, our legal team has heard testimonies and reports from Juggalos all over the nation who have lost custody of their children, been fired from jobs, denied access into the armed forces, and the most common consequence — being officially labeled as a gang member by law enforcement agencies for wearing Juggalo related clothing or brandishing one or more Juggalo tattoos. A simple traffic stop for a broken tail light can — and has — resulted in an otherwise law-abiding, hard-working, taxpaying citizen being put on a local or state list of gang members simply for displaying their Juggalo pride. Being labeled a gang member can be a permanent stain on an individual’s life, since it will come up in a simple background check every single time. Whether that person is applying for a job, trying to adopt a child, join the armed forces, or attempting to acquire housing … their name may pop up as being “gang-affiliated,” even if that person has never been charged with any kind of crime.
Needless to say, if a restaurant refused to serve gay Americans or Muslims, most on the right would be in full support of the restaurant to do so.
Acts like a gang, looks like a gang.

Looks like a bunch of middle aged men reliving their childhood to me.

Why so scared pussy?
You should ask them just that. To their face... Why so scared? Pussy.
Looks like it was an honest mistake and they tried to make it right. Pretty dumb though.

Why write something like this in such inflammatory terms? Why always try to stir up right v left? Why not approach it as something that needed to be explained and changed?

Wow. Look at the home page of that site. Its just another hate site. If anyone should be boycotted, its that nasty site.
Love that site. The next "story" on it is taken from somebodies face book page. Thats real journalism.
Looks like it was an honest mistake and they tried to make it right. Pretty dumb though.

Why write something like this in such inflammatory terms? Why always try to stir up right v left? Why not approach it as something that needed to be explained and changed?

Wow. Look at the home page of that site. Its just another hate site. If anyone should be boycotted, its that nasty site.
Love that site. The next "story" on it is taken from somebodies face book page. Thats real journalism.
Direct sourcing, vs biased ad libbing... Closer to real journalism than CNN.

1) Dave & Busters is like a Chuck E Cheese restaurant. Crap food. Main draw is the play areas, in this case, video games. The adult fools who go there just to eat are freakin idiots.

2) As a mom, if I see a bunch of "baker types" in a kids restaurant, I sure the hell am not going to walk up to them just to see their little patches.I will complain to management then pull myself and my kids out of there. The morons who went there, obvious not the sharpest knives in the drawer, must have been too stupid and lazy to find another restaurant.

3) Restaurants have a legal right to enforce their own dress code. These whiney little kid bikers can't read and of course have an army of brainless supporters to back them up.
This is about vet's who like to dress up like outlaw bikers in black leather vests festooned with patches and particularly a large patch on the back that makes them look like they are part of a biker gang. Places of business often have rules about wearing "colors" or "cuts", the terms for the official logo and vest that designates the individual biker clubs or gangs, to keep the gangs out. Fights can quickly start when two different groups show up wearing these "colors". In many areas, a particular club will claim an area and not allow other clubs to wear the colors in that particular "territory". That is why businesses has the dress code regulations. The outlaw gangs and clubs allow the vet groups to wear their colors as an exception and out of respect and the vet groups are not outlaw clubs. In addition, the vet colors are carefully designed to not technically adhere to the outlaw "colors" or design of what are called "rockers".

Why and how people working in a restaurant set up for family dining would know about the intricacies and culture of outlaw motorcycle gangs is unknown and kind of ridiculous to expect. If the vets want to go around looking like biker gang members they need to learn how the game works. The general public does not know what all those patches mean, and guess what, outlaws biker clubs also wear American flag patches.

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