Boycotting twitter


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
The scumbag website twitter has banned my account for taking arab muslims for task for their racism and violence, so I have moved to Gab. All those who believe in the right to free expression and not censorship should also boycott twitter. I could have used one of my alternate accounts there, but they have made an effort to ban/suspend the accounts of many hundreds or thousands of conservative voices, so I will no longer increase that scumbag site's ad dollars with my viewing habits. FU twitter, can't wait for it to finally go bankrupt.
I'll have to reappraise my view of Twitter. I previously haven't allowed it on my devices, but it appears it has some good points.
I'll have to reappraise my view of Twitter. I previously haven't allowed it on my devices, but it appears it has some good points.

If banning people because of their political views is a "good" thing in your tiny pea brain, then you are nothing more than the typical liberal jackass claiming you support free speech - as long as you agree with the content. Enjoy your echo chamber there of morons, while the rest of us move on to a better site.

Its low IQ dimwits like this that read rubbish like the NYT; one would have thought after this past election they might start to recognize how there's a majority of the population that does not support their lunatic views, but having lost the congress, presidency, statehouses, etc., it appears the liberals will continue to vanish to the last man before they admit how unpopular and undersirable their beliefs are.
I have yet to see the value in twitter. Haven't used it once.

Have no plans to bother with it.

I'll have to reappraise my view of Twitter. I previously haven't allowed it on my devices, but it appears it has some good points.

If banning people because of their political views is a "good" thing in your tiny pea brain, then you are nothing more than the typical liberal jackass claiming you support free speech - as long as you agree with the content. Enjoy your echo chamber there of morons, while the rest of us move on to a better site.

Its low IQ dimwits like this that read rubbish like the NYT; one would have thought after this past election they might start to recognize how there's a majority of the population that does not support their lunatic views, but having lost the congress, presidency, statehouses, etc., it appears the liberals will continue to vanish to the last man before they admit how unpopular and undersirable their beliefs are.
I'm not surprised to observe your complete non-grasp of the 1st Amendment.
I'll have to reappraise my view of Twitter. I previously haven't allowed it on my devices, but it appears it has some good points.

If banning people because of their political views is a "good" thing in your tiny pea brain, then you are nothing more than the typical liberal jackass claiming you support free speech - as long as you agree with the content. Enjoy your echo chamber there of morons, while the rest of us move on to a better site.

Its low IQ dimwits like this that read rubbish like the NYT; one would have thought after this past election they might start to recognize how there's a majority of the population that does not support their lunatic views, but having lost the congress, presidency, statehouses, etc., it appears the liberals will continue to vanish to the last man before they admit how unpopular and undersirable their beliefs are.
I'm not surprised to observe your complete non-grasp of the 1st Amendment.
So much for being a "Rhodes Scholar." I thought it used to mean you were intelligent. Apparently not.
I'm not surprised to observe your complete non-grasp of the 1st Amendment.

I did not say 1st amendment c-nt, I said free speech, as in open to all ideas and not a censoring of them. Your inability to grasp broader meaning is a sign of being another low IQ leftist turd with nothing of value to offer.
So much for being a "Rhodes Scholar." I thought it used to mean you were intelligent. Apparently not.

Hey whore, don't you have a safe room to run to with lots of tissue boxes for your clinton tears? At least get a tampon you smell so bad.

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