BP, White House, Congress Are All Dirty


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Read it all BP, White House, Congress Are All Dirty - IBD - Investors.com

But here is what I want to point out!

And oh, by the way, what's the role of Congress in this catastrophe? What exactly is it doing besides presiding over show trials?
Doesn't it have oversight authority when it comes to the Minerals Management Service that utterly failed to regulate the safety of BP's deep-water drilling operations?

Why aren't more people talking about this? And why in the world hasn't Congress suspended the Jones Act, thereby allowing foreign-flag tankers into the Gulf area? What is it waiting for?

We're basically two months into this never-ending disaster. The Gulf cleanup could have been greatly aided by at least 15 foreign countries that were instead spurned after offering their tankers and other equipment.

Why aren't we accepting these offers of help?

And where, really, is the president in all this? Speaking to the nation from the Oval Office earlier in the week, he failed to declare a Jones Act waiver, and he made no call for a task force of hands-on oilmen from the likes of Exxon Mobil and other big oil sisters who actually know what they are doing.

Obama is more concerned about cozying up to Unions than doing anything REAL about the spill.

BUSH WOULD HAVE WAIVED THE JONES ACT BY NOW! And they would be doing something REAL about the spill. Why hasn't Obama? Because Union thugs are more important to him than people on the Gulf who more likely voted for Republicans than Democrats and Obama thinks they need to be punished anyway. Just ask Jindal. :mad:

Now my stalker who knows who she is, and can't debate me (because I've kicked her ass too many times) but only can deduct from my reputation points. You can deduct points again. Because you sure won't try debating me.

Obama is more concerned about cozying up to Unions than doing anything REAL about the spill.

Where, other then your imagination, are the unions in this disaster?

BUSH WOULD HAVE WAIVED THE JONES ACT BY NOW! And they would be doing something REAL about the spill. Why hasn't Obama? Because Union thugs are more important to him than people on the Gulf who more likely voted for Republicans than Democrats and Obama thinks they need to be punished anyway. Just ask Jindal. :mad:

What would Bush have done about the spill, hmmm? What? Does he somehow know more about capping a well then BP? Bush and Cheney would have been falling all over themselves to protect and excuse BP, just like Barton. And again, what union thugs?

Now my stalker who knows who she is, and can't debate me (because I've kicked her ass too many times) but only can deduct from my reputation points. You can deduct points again. Because you sure won't try debating me.


Have no idea what this crap is about.
Indeed. Didn't Obama say that MMS was a culture of corruption under the Bush admin? Obama knew this, has been in office for what, 17 months, and exactly what has he done about it? Squat, despite promises made to address this very issue. And squat would have been done if this mess hadn't happened. Why wasn't the Jone Act waved? Because the BP oil spill is a good crisis. Is BP to blame? Yes. Is MMS to blame? Yes. Is congress to blame? Yes. Fuck ups all the way around.

the disaster in the Gulf was preceded by ample warnings – yet the administration had ignored them. Instead of cracking down on MMS, as he had vowed to do even before taking office, Obama left in place many of the top officials who oversaw the agency's culture of corruption. He permitted it to rubber-stamp dangerous drilling operations by BP – a firm with the worst safety record of any oil company – with virtually no environmental safeguards, using industry-friendly regulations drafted during the Bush years.

The Spill, The Scandal and the President | Rolling Stone Politics
Obama is more concerned about cozying up to Unions than doing anything REAL about the spill.

Where, other then your imagination, are the unions in this disaster?

What would Bush have done about the spill, hmmm? What? Does he somehow know more about capping a well then BP? Bush and Cheney would have been falling all over themselves to protect and excuse BP, just like Barton. And again, what union thugs?

Now my stalker who knows who she is, and can't debate me (because I've kicked her ass too many times) but only can deduct from my reputation points. You can deduct points again. Because you sure won't try debating me.


Have no idea what this crap is about.

If you are going to make it clear that you have no idea WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, please don't waste my time, hmmmm?

Do YOU even KNOW what the Jones Act is??????? Obviously not.

Basically the Jones act requires that all goods in our waters must be carried by US flag ships.

It's was basically union protectionism from our isolationist days (as it was passed in about 1920 [I think]).

In order for foreign countries to help in the spill, the president has to WAIVE the Jones Act.

Bush would have waived the Jones act by now and have allowed countries like Saudis, who are very experienced with spills to help us.

HOWEVER, Obama has not, because he is beholdin' to the unions.

This is why I tell you kiddies who aren't out of school yet, to get off Mommy's computer and stop annoying your elders.

You don't know what you are talking about, you only think you do, and you really annoy those of us who DO know what they are talking about.

Run along now, and come back when you pay taxes, and can vote. There's a good kid.
Indeed. Didn't Obama say that MMS was a culture of corruption under the Bush admin? Obama knew this, has been in office for what, 17 months, and exactly what has he done about it? Squat, despite promises made to address this very issue. And squat would have been done if this mess hadn't happened. Why wasn't the Jone Act waved? Because the BP oil spill is a good crisis. Is BP to blame? Yes. Is MMS to blame? Yes. Is congress to blame? Yes. Fuck ups all the way around.

the disaster in the Gulf was preceded by ample warnings – yet the administration had ignored them. Instead of cracking down on MMS, as he had vowed to do even before taking office, Obama left in place many of the top officials who oversaw the agency's culture of corruption. He permitted it to rubber-stamp dangerous drilling operations by BP – a firm with the worst safety record of any oil company – with virtually no environmental safeguards, using industry-friendly regulations drafted during the Bush years.

The Spill, The Scandal and the President | Rolling Stone Politics

And by the same people who self righteously blamed Bush for Katrina.

Now they turn out to be 10 times more incompetent than Bush ever was (supposedly.)
You got your talking points two weeks late and they've already been debunked.

Try harder.
If you are going to make it clear that you have no idea WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, please don't waste my time, hmmmm?

Do YOU even KNOW what the Jones Act is??????? Obviously not.

Basically the Jones act requires that all goods in our waters must be carried by US flag ships.

It's was basically union protectionism from our isolationist days (as it was passed in about 1920 [I think]).

In order for foreign countries to help in the spill, the president has to WAIVE the Jones Act.

Bush would have waived the Jones act by now and have allowed countries like Saudis, who are very experienced with spills to help us.

HOWEVER, Obama has not, because he is beholdin' to the unions.

This is why I tell you kiddies who aren't out of school yet, to get off Mommy's computer and stop annoying your elders.

You don't know what you are talking about, you only think you do, and you really annoy those of us who DO know what they are talking about.

Run along now, and come back when you pay taxes, and can vote. There's a good kid.

No, the Jones act was to protect american shipping in our waters. Read before you speak. I also notice you did not respond to anything else I said. What no mocking, self righteous answers to the rest of my post? I'm shocked.:razz:
You got your talking points two weeks late and they've already been debunked.

Try harder.


If I had a dime for every liberal who claimed something was "debunked" without producing ANY evidence to support that claim, I'd buy the country and deport all liberals. :lol::lol::lol:

Waiting for your evidence. Won't hold my breath.

If you are going to make it clear that you have no idea WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, please don't waste my time, hmmmm?

Do YOU even KNOW what the Jones Act is??????? Obviously not.

Basically the Jones act requires that all goods in our waters must be carried by US flag ships.

It's was basically union protectionism from our isolationist days (as it was passed in about 1920 [I think]).

In order for foreign countries to help in the spill, the president has to WAIVE the Jones Act.

Bush would have waived the Jones act by now and have allowed countries like Saudis, who are very experienced with spills to help us.

HOWEVER, Obama has not, because he is beholdin' to the unions.

This is why I tell you kiddies who aren't out of school yet, to get off Mommy's computer and stop annoying your elders.

You don't know what you are talking about, you only think you do, and you really annoy those of us who DO know what they are talking about.

Run along now, and come back when you pay taxes, and can vote. There's a good kid.

No, the Jones act was to protect american shipping in our waters. Read before you speak. I also notice you did not respond to anything else I said. What no mocking, self righteous answers to the rest of my post? I'm shocked.:razz:

Do you love this?

He just admitted I was right. It was a PROTECTIONIST act to "protect" American shipping on our waters, aka UNIONS in our waters.

And to allow HELP from other countries, it HAS TO BE WAIVED.


Thank you captain obvious. Now that you confirmed everything I said, care to tell me how I'm wrong, other than you just don't like the fact I pointed it out.

You got your talking points two weeks late and they've already been debunked.

Try harder.


If I had a dime for every liberal who claimed something was "debunked" without producing ANY evidence to support that claim, I'd buy the country and deport all liberals. :lol::lol::lol:

Waiting for your evidence. Won't hold my breath.


While you're babbling about evidence, I'm still waiting for you to prove how Bush would have done a better job with the spill.
Do you love this?

He just admitted I was right. It was a PROTECTIONIST act to "protect" American shipping on our waters, aka UNIONS in our waters.

I see you don't know what the word "shipping" means. Here's a hint, it applies to the ships. Which the unions didn't own, the shipping companies did. It was to protect them, not the unions. Understand now?

And to allow HELP from other countries, it HAS TO BE WAIVED.


Why? Why not just temporarily reflag them? That would work too and would leave the Jones act intact.

Thank you captain obvious. Now that you confirmed everything I said, care to tell me how I'm wrong, other than you just don't like the fact I pointed it out.


I take it that english is not your first language? And you have a rather tortured definition of the word "fact".
You got your talking points two weeks late and they've already been debunked.

Try harder.


If I had a dime for every liberal who claimed something was "debunked" without producing ANY evidence to support that claim, I'd buy the country and deport all liberals. :lol::lol::lol:

Waiting for your evidence. Won't hold my breath.


While you're babbling about evidence, I'm still waiting for you to prove how Bush would have done a better job with the spill.


Can we say dense???????

All this guys is doing is proving what I say about why parents should keep their kids away from the computer.


If I had a dime for every liberal who claimed something was "debunked" without producing ANY evidence to support that claim, I'd buy the country and deport all liberals. :lol::lol::lol:

Waiting for your evidence. Won't hold my breath.


While you're babbling about evidence, I'm still waiting for you to prove how Bush would have done a better job with the spill.


Can we say dense???????

All this guys is doing is proving what I say about why parents should keep their kids away from the computer.


Some people never got the memo that Bush DID waive the Jones Act during Katrina.:lol:
While you're babbling about evidence, I'm still waiting for you to prove how Bush would have done a better job with the spill.


Can we say dense???????

All this guys is doing is proving what I say about why parents should keep their kids away from the computer.


Some people never got the memo that Bush DID waive the Jones Act during Katrina.:lol:

Exactly! Thank you!

Waive the Jones Act.

Obama should have done that TWO MONTHS AGO.

Instead, he has dithered, and pointed fingers.
beware of a congress that nevers owns it's mistakes. after the lob sided piling on of tony hayward, has congress shown any contrition for being shallow and rude? talk about mob mentality...
beware of a congress that nevers owns it's mistakes. after the lob sided piling on of tony hayward, has congress shown any contrition for being shallow and rude? talk about mob mentality...

I reiterate, it was a dog and pony show.
beware of a congress that nevers owns it's mistakes. after the lob sided piling on of tony hayward, has congress shown any contrition for being shallow and rude? talk about mob mentality...

I reiterate, it was a dog and pony show.

Would anyone be interested in BP's donations during the 2008 campaign cycle?

If not, then stop reading.

Including individual's and PAC's, BP donated five hundred thousand dollars to federal candidates.
40% went to Democratic candidates.
The top individual recipient was Obama, with a $71,000.00 donation. (Source: CBS News.com)

Whether the donations were 40/60 or 60/40 one way or another, the difference is hedge-bettin' moot; as Hayward's browbeating was a BIPARTISAN dog and pony show for the fact ignoring partisan entertaining rodeo circus.

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