Brave GOP Candidate For Governor Promises To Have OSHA Officials Arrested

Another pretty female GOP candidate gets the early smear tactic from sissies in CNN. Accused of having support from an unnamed Nazi sympathizer. The shots don't come any cheaper than that.
The backlash against open borers, lockdowns and Xidenflation has begun and it's going to grow like marijuana in California!
That law has already been ruled on, you dumb ass;

View attachment 564540
Already been declared impermissible by higher courts than what some local yokel liberal “judge” tossed around. Also puss wad. I’m a bad ass and not a dumb one. Don’t think so then let’s meet to discuss. Been done before and was fun. I’m 2-0-1. Now report me cuck queer child.
You have no clue what freedom is. Freedom does not mean that you can do anything you want to do. It means you have rights and responsibilities. Even those rights have limitations. The Nazis were patriotic as they engendered hatred of Jews. Republicans are following the playbook. Some school board members want to burn books ala the Nazis. The right to vote is not respected by you right wing fanatics. It is you who wants propaganda rather than real news. You are the ones who want to censor history.
Is it just me, or do leftists today sound just like the morally superior religious right of the 70’s that they were supposedly fighting against all those years ago. I guess they now think it’s okay to shove their version of ‘morals’ on everyone via government force. I think they were always fascists at heart, the true colors never come out until thy think they have a moral majority. Pretty ironic, eh?
What your really for is for smaller productive business being put out of business.
Commie creep!!
As a small business person for 30 years, OSHA did not put me out of business. Some of their requirements were outright ridiculous and resulted in my having to raise some pricing to accommodate their stuff.
I find it highly amusing and also proof of biased and leftism, when "journalists" call Americans who love freedom and patriotism "Nazi sympathizers" and such. These leftists have no clue what a REAL Nazi sympathizer IS, much less what a REAL professional journalist is!!
Isn't that like right wingers who call folks Communist? They wouldn't know a Communist if one kicked them in the ass.
I remember stating that the same people who make "religious" excuses for not following Public Accommodation laws would soon try to push to not have to follow health and safety laws too. And here it is.
there is no such thing as Public Accommodation. That's made up. Post that law.
It is today's GOP who are fighting to keep their statues and monuments up and you are the ones who have the mindset of the sheet wearers.
those aren't the statues of kkk, they are the statues of the country. 600,000 people died to support blacks and it's you all trying to eliminate that history..
those aren't the statues of kkk, they are the statues of the country.
No those are statues and monuments of Confederate racist.
Here is a little history lesson for your dumb ass.

On December 24, 1865, a group of former Confederate soldiers established what would become the first chapter of the Ku Klux Klan, or KKK, in Pulaski, Tennessee. Named for the Greek word “kyklos,” which means circle, the KKK was devoted to white supremacy and to ending Reconstruction in the South. It soon became America’s first domestic terrorist group. The Klan’s first leader, called a Grand Wizard, was former Confederate Lieutenant General Nathan Bedford Forrest.


Statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest in Nashville, TN.
600,000 people died to support blacks and it's you all trying to eliminate that history..
Why is it none of their statues or monuments are erected down South?
No those are statues and monuments of Confederate racist.
Here is a little history lesson for your dumb ass.

On December 24, 1865, a group of former Confederate soldiers established what would become the first chapter of the Ku Klux Klan, or KKK, in Pulaski, Tennessee. Named for the Greek word “kyklos,” which means circle, the KKK was devoted to white supremacy and to ending Reconstruction in the South. It soon became America’s first domestic terrorist group. The Klan’s first leader, called a Grand Wizard, was former Confederate Lieutenant General Nathan Bedford Forrest.

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Statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest in Nashville, TN.

Why is it none of their statues or monuments are erected down South?
History of who was defeated
History of who was defeated
You know, every time you play stupid about Confederates and the love and glorification current Conservatives have for them -- the more full of shit you are admitting you are...
I find it highly amusing and also proof of biased and leftism, when "journalists" call Americans who love freedom and patriotism "Nazi sympathizers" and such. These leftists have no clue what a REAL Nazi sympathizer IS, much less what a REAL professional journalist is!!
You love freedom and patriotism? Really! You have an odd way of showing it. You are destroying our freedoms and turning the word "patriotism" into a joke. Patriots are those police who defended our Capitol against "freedom" proponents.
The Klan’s first leader, called a Grand Wizard, was former Confederate Lieutenant General Nathan Bedford Forrest.

Denial is a bitch, isn't it.
Actually the Klan didn't exist until after the war was over.

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