Brave israeli soldiers arrest a 5 year old palestinian boy

Baloney........They detained him called in the local authorities, and let the Palestinian Police Handle it.

Or do you just Cherry Pick what parts of the video you want to see. The kid was petting a dog before being taken to the jeep. They didn't cuff him, or beat him, and never did the kid get put in a cell.

Where are you Lunatics getting the arrest deal.

Secondly, you haven't responded to my earlier posts.

In the U.S. a kid damages a car, and the owner calls the police, they will hold the kid until either the parents or child services arrive, they don't actually arrest the kid, but they do detain them.

If No parents arrive then child services deals with the situation. The police will file a report so the owner has a paper trail for getting his or her's auto fixed. Either via the parents or Insurance.

They do not arrest a child and parent and drag the child to the police car and handcuff the parent when a third party alleges a rock was thrown at a tire of a car. If a 5 year old allegedly throws a rock, the worst that would happen is the police maybe being called and telling the parent to watch their child better. The child and parent would not be arrested in the US.
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That is not here. Over there, there is violence all the time, and they take added steps.

Where is the video of the kid hitting the tires? Another video, here we see the boys father being arrested and handcuffed.

That's the father being taken off and the kid isn't hand cuffed. Your op is about the 5 year old. And in another video they are turned over to the Police.

Selective viewing aren't you?

Over 70000 youths detained in the U.S. in one year with my other post. But it doesn't happen here????????????

Learn to read, I said the father was handcuffed. And the IDF arrested them, learn to read.

The whole Op is about Brave IDF arresting 5 year old, NOT HIS FATHER.

Figure out what your dang real Op is here and get back to me.
I did not write the OP, but I learn when I read about the story that the IDF arrested both the 5 yr old child and his father. So, I write about what happened.
Riddle me this............

A 5 year old in this country throws a rock and damages your car. You stop and call police, as he dented your new 2013 whatever car. So you hold him, and the police arrive. They file a report so you can get your car repaired either by Insurance or the PARENTS OF THE CHILD. The police can't locate the parents, so are they going to let the child go?

No they wouldn't. They'd want to release the child to the parents, file paperwork so the matter can be legally resolved later by the parties involved. If the parents can't be located they'd turn the child into child protection services or the local Juvenile Center so the parents can pick up the child.

This is simply IDF bashing as usual. The kid shouldn't be throwing stones at cars. And the Parents should have to pay for any damages resulting from their son.
This op makes it sound like the IDF were torturing the kid. Absolutely not. They detained him for a short time and turned him in to Palestinian Police.

So, you should have no trouble showing me the US prisons filled with 5 year olds if your claim is the US arrests 5 yr olds! And the IDF arrested the 5 yr old and his father too for the child allegedly throwing rocks. There is a presumption of innocence under intl law for nations like Israel who have signed treaties governing how children are treated . Your post is complete BS!

Speaking of BS the isa-respector is flinging it again, At any given time
100s of thousands of children are in "STATE CUSTODY" When a child is
taken into STATE CUSTODY (ie arrested) ----the disposition of that child
is at question. ---sometimes he is placed in foster care and sometimes
"IMPRISONED" ----in what in the USA is euphemistically called a
CHILDREN's SHELTER. Long ago---when I was at the threshold between
"adult" and "child"----I had a little weekend job at a very large state
facility-----with lots of buildings. -----even one with bars and heavy metal
doors housing some of the "criminally insane"----The complex also included
the "Children's Shelter"-----it had heavy metal doors and bars etc------
THE ONE MAJOR DIFFERENCE was-----that even I------the person who typed
up the "CENSUS" for the whole place------did not have the names of the
inmates of the shelters --------as all REAL LAWYERS know-----the files for
children in criminal custody are SEALED-----from every one------that is why
a mendacious and disgusting isa-respecter can giggle and demand "SHOW ME"

fast forward in time----a scene I will never forget-----A woman lying on the
floor of the hospital emergency room WRITHING AND SCREAMING-----
a child had killed her seven year old. (time for the isa-respecting 'lawyer'
to giggle)

ALSO !!!!!-------According to the U.S. Department
of Justice statistics for 1996,[2] one in five murders of
children are committed by other children.

******isa-respecters support the never ending
isa-lust for baby blood
I never heard of countries arresting 5 year olds. Certainly outrageous behavior by a nation, especially one who holds itself out as a civilized democracy. We see our actions as nations are what really discloses what a nation is.

The soldiers didn't 'arrest' the boy: they took him and his parents to the *Palestinian* police. If anyone arrested the boy, it was the PA police.

So it seems you're talking about the Palestinian Authority, and not Israel.
"The boy himself admitted to AFP that he threw a stone and hit a car by mistake.

"I saw a dog there, there was a small car there. I threw the stone at the dog but hit the car. Those soldiers were there. Then they came and put me in the jeep," he said.

IDF: Detained Arab Boy Was Never Formally Arrested - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

He was taken against his will, detained?
Thanks for making excuses for malicious detention of minors and state terrorism.
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Thanks for making excuses for malicious vandalism and terrorism.
It's not vandalism or terrorism.

It's the legal resistance to a foreign force.

BTW, you're pretty sick in head for thinking the throwing of a rock is terrorism!
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This was an arrest, they forcefully detained the 5 year old child and his father and by compulsion took them to IDF facilities.
Luckily, the brave gang of IDF soldiers, were fully armed so they were safe from the five year old child.
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He shouldn't have even been detained.

Israel should get the fuck out of the West Bank.

So you think rock-throwing five-year olds should be allowed to wander free at will to possibly maim and kill small animals? That appears to be what you're suggesting above.......
This was an arrest, they forcefully detained the 5 year old child and his father and by compulsion took them to IDF facilities.

Then your definition of 'arrest' is different from the one with which I'm familiar: mine includes charges being made against individual/s. The IDF did not do that: the PA may have.

Again, you appear to be arguing that a child under six who's been seen throwing at least one rock should have been allowed to continue as he wished: I find that quite unacceptable, ANYPLACE in the world.

Simply making complaints is worthless as an argument: what do you think *should* have been done? Is it all right with you for children that young to be out throwing rocks at animals, then?

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