Brave israeli soldiers arrest a 5 year old palestinian boy

Only in the eyes of a Zionist are human rights abuses against the Gentile viewed positively!

I bet you are really peed off you posted a video which you obviously didn't watch, and which puts Israel in a good light. No human right abuses in the situation with this 5 year old. Again he was handed over to the Palestinian Police for the crime of stone-throwing which maims and murders.

Go round in circles all you want Sherri, but this is a big fail on your part.

I watched the video and what I saw was human rights abuses against children addressed. The attempts at whitewashing by the Zionist was a failure and it did not absolve Israel of her human rights abuses.

BS, and you know it.
Only a Zionist could find a way to call the news story arrest of a 5 year old broadcast all over the world a victory!

Only a depraved isa-respector----heiress to a legacy of the genocide
of hundreds of millions----could seek to make "propagandaist hay" out
of the removal of a child from the filth of those who teach infants to murder
other infants

Only in the eyes of a Zionist are human rights abuses against the Gentile child viewed positively!

Only in the eyes of a depraved isa-respector are children who are taught
to murder jewish children considered "WELL EDUCATED IN A DECENT
HOME". I am fascinated with "LINGO" Every profession has its
own LINGO-------because I grew up in a town in the USA that had---at
one time -----been SO NAZI-----that when I was a kid there were still places
which totally excluded both jews and blacks-----I got to read the NAZI
literature which preceded me------some of it all the way back to the
1800s----but most from about 1930 thru the early 50s. I noticed the
LINGO. Before world war II-----JOOOOOS were being accused of
MURDERING or inflicting atrocities on "BLOND BLUE-EYED CHRISTIANS"
After world war II------when nazi war criminals found refuge in arab lands,
the "LINGO" became a bit changed to accusations that JOOOOOS inflict
atrocities upon "gentiles". Nice to see you kept up, Sherri----
Aribert Heim sends you a hearty "salaam aleikum"
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Zionists calling Israels human rights abuses against the child BS is quiet a predictable Zionist response and is not a very convincing argument. Can you come up with anything new?
Zionists calling Israels human rights abuses against the child BS is quiet a predictable Zionist response and is not a very convincing argument. Can you come up with anything new?

BS that you are making out that this is human rights abuse when you have been told by people here and even the video mentioned, that there is no human rights abuse. The kid was handed over to the Palestinian police.
Zionists calling Israels human rights abuses against the child BS is quiet a predictable Zionist response and is not a very convincing argument. Can you come up with anything new?

Isa-respectors calling the removal of child from a sociopathic environment
a "human rights abuse" is nothing new.
A very interesting aspect of CRIMINOLOGY----(a subject which only a
few lawyers seem to grasp) is the fact that violent behavior in children
is a STRONG PREDICTOR of later blatant criminal behavior. Children
who toss rocks at animals or who seem to like to STOMP on bugs or
tease small animals-----are actually displaying signs of developing
personality disorder called "SOCIOPATHIC"------the jails are filled
with adult sociopaths ----with a childhood history of "rock flinging"

Any decent parent who notes his kid likes to fling rocks at moving
vehicles SHOULD be WORRIED----plenty. That a five year old
engages in such behavior------is quite a RED FLAG

Sometime ago-----whilst sitting in a large medical library----I ecountered
some light reading-----a little book on criminology----clearly designed for
a person not at all versed in psychiatry----in fact it was written for----
cops and social workers. Not to impugn cops and social workers----
the book could have been named "criminology for dummies" I would
recommend it for all lawyers------in that it VERY LIGHT reading. Sorry---
I do not remember its name or its author-----just look for a book ----
of something like between 100 - 200 pages on the subject of
Zionists calling Israels human rights abuses against the child BS is quiet a predictable Zionist response and is not a very convincing argument. Can you come up with anything new?

BS that you are making out that this is human rights abuse when you have been told by people here and even the video mentioned, that there is no human rights abuse. The kid was handed over to the Palestinian police.

I accept the account of the human rights organization BTSELEM and reject your account. Their account is that Israel unlawfully arrested a 5 year old Palestinian boy and his father. And there are literally dozens of videos right now on You Tube disseminating videos all over the internet globally of these unlawful arrests!
And that last video I posted addressed other human rights violations, unlawful arrests, unlawful torture, unlawful slaughter of children. 1400 killed in Cast Lead, that included civilians and children. More civilians and children killed in 2012 operation. OVER 7000 children unlawfully arrested. The Lancet study finding Israel has unlawfully killed over 600 Palestinian children. An illegal Occupation. OVER 500000 ILLEGAL settlers in the OPT. That is just some of the human rights abuses addressed in that video.
Only a Zionist could find a way to call the news story arrest of a 5 year old broadcast all over the world a victory!

And obviously you haven't watched the whole video you posted, or you would agree with me. The video just lightly brushed on the debacle of the five year old and his father being handed over to the Palestinian police for questioning.

The video covered much much more, and obviously you wouldn't have posted it had you watched it because it certainly put Israel in a far better light that the terrorists you support.

Only in the eyes of a Zionist are human rights abuses against the Gentile child viewed positively!

And it takes a whore for HAMAS to spew the kind of filth in bold and imagine that it's OK to make up any shit her dirty mind pleases and accuse 'Zionists' of it......

We all know she doesn't give a tinker's dam for that child or any other in the world: her ENTIRE attention is on how to vilify and demonize people for daring to think that Israel should exist - in any size, with any borders...........
Zionists calling Israels human rights abuses against the child BS is quiet a predictable Zionist response and is not a very convincing argument. Can you come up with anything new?

BS that you are making out that this is human rights abuse when you have been told by people here and even the video mentioned, that there is no human rights abuse. The kid was handed over to the Palestinian police.

Caroline, I've asked the 'outraged pacifist humanitarians' just what they thought should properly be done with a child under 6 found throwing a rock out on the street with no parent in evidence....... So far, none of 'em has deigned to suggest what they thought was a proper response.

Some people, you know, make a regular career out of pissing and moaning about every tiny little detail - but they never have any time to give positive or constructive input. I find them quite tedious in RL, and do my best to avoid them.
I certainly shall have nothing to do with offering advice about how an unlawful Occupier should unlawfully occupy. My advice would simply be for Israel to end her Occupation, move those 600000 illegal squatter settlers out of the OPT. She should be taking no actions against children in the OPT!
So all peoples all over the world need to go back to where they originated, I mean it's only fair.........
Maybe we should set an arbitrary date, say if a specific peoples didn't occupy the land prior to 1100 BC they have to leave and go back to where they came from. That aughta work........... I'll sit back and watch, this should be fun.
You're a little off-topic here.
Here's an idea, let's take away any and all human biases, hatreds, desires and motivations, then maybe, just maybe your idea might work.
Welcome to the world of the Borg. :thup:
Here's a better idea, why don't Israel comply with international law?
If that wasn't what you intended us to understand, then why not just correct the misunderstanding? Those personal attacks don't add anything useful here.....
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Zionists calling Israels human rights abuses against the child BS is quiet a predictable Zionist response and is not a very convincing argument. Can you come up with anything new?

And what have YOU come up with, aside from the perennial vilification and demonization of 'Zionists'? How long before you decide that 'breathing while Zionist' is a crime in itself?
I sinply want Israel to stop her human rights abuses against the Gentile child in Israel and Occupied Palestine. Arresting 5 year old Gentile children is a violation of intl law.
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I sinply want Israel to stop her human rights abuses against the Gentile child in Israel and Occupied Palestine. Arresting 5 year old Gentile children is a violation of intl law.

Only a bigot keeps dragging in ethnicity or religion the way you do.
I sinply want Israel to stop her human rights abuses against the Gentile child in Israel and Occupied Palestine. Arresting 5 year old Gentile children is a violation of intl law.

Only a bigot keeps dragging in ethnicity or religion the way you do.

I am simply speaking Truth, we are not dealing with Zionist human rights abuses against Jewish children here.
I sinply want Israel to stop her human rights abuses against the Gentile child in Israel and Occupied Palestine. Arresting 5 year old Gentile children is a violation of intl law.

Only a bigot keeps dragging in ethnicity or religion the way you do.

I am simply speaking Truth, we are not dealing with Zionist human rights abuses against Jewish children here.

We aren't dealing with a 'Zionist' HR abuse in this instance, either. Who knew that someone with a canine avatar would label it a 'human rights violation' when adults intervened to prevent a child from continuing to attack a dog?

And dragging in 'Mullah TV', too! They have no credibility, who's going to bother with their propaganda BS?

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