Brave White Couple Peacefully Paints Over Giant Black Lives Matter Lettering on California Street, Are Now Wanted By Police

This is disgusting! Defacing statues of heroic patriotic White men is okay but God forbid you paint over Black Lives Matter lettering on a public street gets you wanted by law enforcement.
PUBLIC ENEMIES NUMBER ONE. They need to write Trump and tell him the city is hunting them down for trying to remove graffiti off the streets!
Exactly! I've seen lots of video of people cleaning up graffiti after the riots, but it seem "Black Lives Matter" are holy words and somehow protected.

Protected graffiti!
I remember in 'Married With Children' the family had to worship the unborn baby. "All Hail The Baby!" Proof again that the city is not interested in the good, wishes, needs or interests of the majority, its taxpayer base, but with ITSELF. But they sure will expect that tax money. If the city really believes that the vast majority of the people there want that crap written so big in their streets in big yellow letters you could read it from orbit, they are idiots as well as delusional.
So let's review. Trump's presidency has exposed him as grossly incompetent and corrupt. He gets the Russians to help in his campaign, he fires the FBI Director for opening an investigation into that matter. His NSA Director lies to the FBI and admits such in court, then Trump puts him above the law, Trump cages kids, calls neo-Nazis 'very fine people, extorts Ukraine, ignores warnings of bounties on our troops, mismanaged a pandemic and gasses peaceful protesters for the sake of a photo op.

And, as a result, he is less popular than ever with four months till the election. What's he to do?

Double down on culture wars by being overtly racist.

And the racists eat it up by the spoonful. Black Lives Matter and you mouth breathing, hood wearing racist idiots take it as an insult.
I think you may have just set a USMB record for the most lies in a single post.

Because you live in an echo chamber you have NO IDEA how many people are chomping at the bit to rid our country of Trump and neuter the racists who support him.
If Trump wins the election... Would you accept that you are the one in the echo chamber.
So in other words, when something is defaced or destroyed in any way, whatever mess left behind by the perpetrator is not to be disturbed in any way? Those who say "Yes" do realize that if every mess was left untouched, the whole entire planet would be a complete and total pig sty, right?

God bless you and those who don't hesitate to clean up other people's messes always!!!

With all the opportunities and necessities to actually lead, Trump is staking his election and legacy to saving confederate statues and calling Black Libes Matter a symbol of hate. And you idiots are applauding him.

Do you think this is a winning platform in 2020? Can his stance persuade?

BLM is a hate group. They are wrecking havoc----death and destruction in
my city out of "LOVE"? As to saving statues----I am all for it. Destruction of
art is what fascists do MLK committed adultery------should streets and parks and art devoted to him be smeared with dog shit? Malcolm X was a pimp. There is all kinds of stuff named for that dirty pimp in my town. There are lots of politicos prostituting themselves to the filth of BLM to the detriment of the entire city's population. The police department has been weakened in order to aid the filth of BLM. Of course the real issue is POPULIST POLITICS------BREAD AND CIRCUSES -----buy the gutter votes
Whataboutism indicates a moral equivalence and therefore no criticism is dismissible. It also does not excuse the actions of slave holding traitors.
BLM is a communist front group and a fund raising mechanism of the demcrat communist party.

BTW, slavery wasn't even a secondary issue as to why the south seceded, dumb ass.
What empty barrel did they scrape you from?

Clueless, racist and bone stupid! Please find a carnival and pursue your career.

Knows-nothing Queen? I always kick your ass and you abandon the threads where I expose you as a trolling dipshit. We can debate the Civil War and the causes any time you wish to put your ass there on the line.....somehow I doubt that you have the sac to do so. Here is a tidbit for you to chew on.....
"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union"

Abe Lincoln
With all the opportunities and necessities to actually lead, Trump is staking his election and legacy to saving confederate statues and calling Black Libes Matter a symbol of hate. And you idiots are applauding him.

Do you think this is a winning platform in 2020? Can his stance persuade?

BLM is a hate group. They are wrecking havoc----death and destruction in
my city out of "LOVE"? As to saving statues----I am all for it. Destruction of
art is what fascists do MLK committed adultery------should streets and parks and art devoted to him be smeared with dog shit? Malcolm X was a pimp. There is all kinds of stuff named for that dirty pimp in my town. There are lots of politicos prostituting themselves to the filth of BLM to the detriment of the entire city's population. The police department has been weakened in order to aid the filth of BLM. Of course the real issue is POPULIST POLITICS------BREAD AND CIRCUSES -----buy the gutter votes
Whataboutism indicates a moral equivalence and therefore no criticism is dismissible. It also does not excuse the actions of slave holding traitors.
Including Maryland slave owners during the civil war?
When did California turn into East Germany?

it seems to me that california is the place to which hippies are
attracted------the living is easy. Hippies are the people who
LATCH onto fads. When I was a kid----it started with elvis
presley and moved along with the "everly brothers"-----and onto
BEETLEMANIA, Miniskirts, pierced ears. ---folk music. Then
COPS IS PIGS and "DON'T TRUST ANYONE over 30" -----today---
the fad is BLM and adulation of the HEROES of the past----like
the murderess Angela Davis and the deluded Malcolm X. We are
witnessing CULTISM
Notice that it repeats itself?
No coincidence. What started with beat culture that transformed into counter-culture is now repeating itself for a third generation.
This is Marxist indoctrination covering multiple generations and it has now intensified exponentially.
With all the opportunities and necessities to actually lead, Trump is staking his election and legacy to saving confederate statues and calling Black Libes Matter a symbol of hate. And you idiots are applauding him.

Do you think this is a winning platform in 2020? Can his stance persuade?

BLM is a hate group. They are wrecking havoc----death and destruction in
my city out of "LOVE"? As to saving statues----I am all for it. Destruction of
art is what fascists do MLK committed adultery------should streets and parks and art devoted to him be smeared with dog shit? Malcolm X was a pimp. There is all kinds of stuff named for that dirty pimp in my town. There are lots of politicos prostituting themselves to the filth of BLM to the detriment of the entire city's population. The police department has been weakened in order to aid the filth of BLM. Of course the real issue is POPULIST POLITICS------BREAD AND CIRCUSES -----buy the gutter votes
Whataboutism indicates a moral equivalence and therefore no criticism is dismissible. It also does not excuse the actions of slave holding traitors.
BLM is a communist front group and a fund raising mechanism of the demcrat communist party.

BTW, slavery wasn't even a secondary issue as to why the south seceded, dumb ass.
What empty barrel did they scrape you from?

Clueless, racist and bone stupid! Please find a carnival and pursue your career.

Knows-nothing Queen? I always kick your ass and you abandon the threads where I expose you as a trolling dipshit. We can debate the Civil War and the causes any time you wish to put your ass there on the line.....somehow I doubt that you have the sac to do so. Here is a tidbit for you to chew on.....
"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union"

Abe Lincoln
And I could post Alexander Stevens. The war was slavery. The “state’s right you wanted to preserve was the right to own people. Racist coward traitors. Fuck ‘em! Nice “heritage”!
poor alexander------mom died when he was a baby------he had a DEPRIVED CHILDHOOD
With all the opportunities and necessities to actually lead, Trump is staking his election and legacy to saving confederate statues and calling Black Libes Matter a symbol of hate. And you idiots are applauding him.

Do you think this is a winning platform in 2020? Can his stance persuade?

BLM is a hate group. They are wrecking havoc----death and destruction in
my city out of "LOVE"? As to saving statues----I am all for it. Destruction of
art is what fascists do MLK committed adultery------should streets and parks and art devoted to him be smeared with dog shit? Malcolm X was a pimp. There is all kinds of stuff named for that dirty pimp in my town. There are lots of politicos prostituting themselves to the filth of BLM to the detriment of the entire city's population. The police department has been weakened in order to aid the filth of BLM. Of course the real issue is POPULIST POLITICS------BREAD AND CIRCUSES -----buy the gutter votes
Whataboutism indicates a moral equivalence and therefore no criticism is dismissible. It also does not excuse the actions of slave holding traitors.
Including Maryland slave owners during the civil war?
Slave holding was never right and cannot be rationalized by anyone with a shred of morality.
With all the opportunities and necessities to actually lead, Trump is staking his election and legacy to saving confederate statues and calling Black Libes Matter a symbol of hate. And you idiots are applauding him.

Do you think this is a winning platform in 2020? Can his stance persuade?

BLM is a hate group. They are wrecking havoc----death and destruction in
my city out of "LOVE"? As to saving statues----I am all for it. Destruction of
art is what fascists do MLK committed adultery------should streets and parks and art devoted to him be smeared with dog shit? Malcolm X was a pimp. There is all kinds of stuff named for that dirty pimp in my town. There are lots of politicos prostituting themselves to the filth of BLM to the detriment of the entire city's population. The police department has been weakened in order to aid the filth of BLM. Of course the real issue is POPULIST POLITICS------BREAD AND CIRCUSES -----buy the gutter votes
Whataboutism indicates a moral equivalence and therefore no criticism is dismissible. It also does not excuse the actions of slave holding traitors.
Including Maryland slave owners during the civil war?
Slave holding was never right and cannot be rationalized by anyone with a shred of morality.

what else is new?
With all the opportunities and necessities to actually lead, Trump is staking his election and legacy to saving confederate statues and calling Black Libes Matter a symbol of hate. And you idiots are applauding him.

Do you think this is a winning platform in 2020? Can his stance persuade?

BLM is a hate group. They are wrecking havoc----death and destruction in
my city out of "LOVE"? As to saving statues----I am all for it. Destruction of
art is what fascists do MLK committed adultery------should streets and parks and art devoted to him be smeared with dog shit? Malcolm X was a pimp. There is all kinds of stuff named for that dirty pimp in my town. There are lots of politicos prostituting themselves to the filth of BLM to the detriment of the entire city's population. The police department has been weakened in order to aid the filth of BLM. Of course the real issue is POPULIST POLITICS------BREAD AND CIRCUSES -----buy the gutter votes
Whataboutism indicates a moral equivalence and therefore no criticism is dismissible. It also does not excuse the actions of slave holding traitors.
BLM is a communist front group and a fund raising mechanism of the demcrat communist party.

BTW, slavery wasn't even a secondary issue as to why the south seceded, dumb ass.
What empty barrel did they scrape you from?

Clueless, racist and bone stupid! Please find a carnival and pursue your career.

Knows-nothing Queen? I always kick your ass and you abandon the threads where I expose you as a trolling dipshit. We can debate the Civil War and the causes any time you wish to put your ass there on the line.....somehow I doubt that you have the sac to do so. Here is a tidbit for you to chew on.....
"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union"

Abe Lincoln
And I could post Alexander Stevens. The war was slavery. The “state’s right you wanted to preserve was the right to own people. Racist coward traitors. Fuck ‘em! Nice “heritage”!
That’s the left wing narrative.
Reality was that tariffs exacerbated the need for slavery. The fed made slavery worse.
With all the opportunities and necessities to actually lead, Trump is staking his election and legacy to saving confederate statues and calling Black Libes Matter a symbol of hate. And you idiots are applauding him.

Do you think this is a winning platform in 2020? Can his stance persuade?

BLM is a hate group. They are wrecking havoc----death and destruction in
my city out of "LOVE"? As to saving statues----I am all for it. Destruction of
art is what fascists do MLK committed adultery------should streets and parks and art devoted to him be smeared with dog shit? Malcolm X was a pimp. There is all kinds of stuff named for that dirty pimp in my town. There are lots of politicos prostituting themselves to the filth of BLM to the detriment of the entire city's population. The police department has been weakened in order to aid the filth of BLM. Of course the real issue is POPULIST POLITICS------BREAD AND CIRCUSES -----buy the gutter votes
Whataboutism indicates a moral equivalence and therefore no criticism is dismissible. It also does not excuse the actions of slave holding traitors.
Including Maryland slave owners during the civil war?
Slave holding was never right and cannot be rationalized by anyone with a shred of morality.
The Bible often referred to slavery as an accepted norm, a class thing.
Doesn’t make it right at all.
But intentionally excluding context per slavery for the purpose of a narrative is worse than excusing slavery itself.
With all the opportunities and necessities to actually lead, Trump is staking his election and legacy to saving confederate statues and calling Black Libes Matter a symbol of hate. And you idiots are applauding him.

Do you think this is a winning platform in 2020? Can his stance persuade?

BLM is a hate group. They are wrecking havoc----death and destruction in
my city out of "LOVE"? As to saving statues----I am all for it. Destruction of
art is what fascists do MLK committed adultery------should streets and parks and art devoted to him be smeared with dog shit? Malcolm X was a pimp. There is all kinds of stuff named for that dirty pimp in my town. There are lots of politicos prostituting themselves to the filth of BLM to the detriment of the entire city's population. The police department has been weakened in order to aid the filth of BLM. Of course the real issue is POPULIST POLITICS------BREAD AND CIRCUSES -----buy the gutter votes
Whataboutism indicates a moral equivalence and therefore no criticism is dismissible. It also does not excuse the actions of slave holding traitors.
Including Maryland slave owners during the civil war?
Slave holding was never right and cannot be rationalized by anyone with a shred of morality.
The Bible often referred to slavery as an accepted norm, a class thing.
Doesn’t make it right at all.
But intentionally excluding context per slavery for the purpose of a narrative is worse than excusing slavery itself.

depends on which bible. The slavery described in the OT was more like bonded servitude----limited to seven years. The slavery to which St Paul referred was the roman form----chattel slavery. -----there were some permutations. In the OT it was definitely not a "class" thing---ie ---there was no slave class
It must have taken them quite awhile to paint over all those letters. Where were the police? Nobody called them?
So let's review. Trump's presidency has exposed him as grossly incompetent and corrupt. He gets the Russians to help in his campaign, he fires the FBI Director for opening an investigation into that matter. His NSA Director lies to the FBI and admits such in court, then Trump puts him above the law, Trump cages kids, calls neo-Nazis 'very fine people, extorts Ukraine, ignores warnings of bounties on our troops, mismanaged a pandemic and gasses peaceful protesters for the sake of a photo op.

And, as a result, he is less popular than ever with four months till the election. What's he to do?

Double down on culture wars by being overtly racist.

And the racists eat it up by the spoonful. Black Lives Matter and you mouth breathing, hood wearing racist idiots take it as an insult.
I think you may have just set a USMB record for the most lies in a single post.

Because you live in an echo chamber you have NO IDEA how many people are chomping at the bit to rid our country of Trump and neuter the racists who support him.

You try to legitimize and support BLM, who’s goal is to destabilize the country. And then you have the audacity to about Trump’s politics? Cognitive dissonance on full display with you tards. Yes tards.

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