Bravo, Charles Barkley

Barkley uses too broad a brush when talking about Black people, but it's perfectly legitimate for you to continually make broad generalizations about White people?
Thats correct. If you have a question about my generality all you need to do is ask. I dont have the same public exposure as Barkley does. When you make statements that are going to reach a mass audience you have to think carefully about what you are saying. You have to be specific in your words.

I am quite specific in my wording, which seldom requires clarification. You, on the other hand, apparently felt a need to walk back your "broad brush" comment about Barkley, now claiming that you were only commenting on his public exposure rather than the content of what he said.
You're imaging things as you have a wont to do. I'm not walking anything back nor did I say anything about your wording. In summary, I simply said me not being specific is not newsworthy or cause for masses of people to get offended. Barkley, as a public figure, is subject to masses of people being offended due to his lack of specificity.

"Wont" is an adjective, not a noun. "You have to be specific in your words."

You are mistaken as you have the wont to do. Wont is also a noun and a verb. The fact you have suddenly turned into a sub par grammar nazi lets me know you have resorted to your supply of puerile comments to cover your embarrassment.

Wont - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

: a usual habit or way of behaving

LOL, touche'. Another successful deflection from the underlying subject matter.

-from your favorite "puerile" "nazi"

P.S. In your context, the preferred use of the term "wont" is as an adjective (e.g., you are wont to do). This term can also be used as a noun, but it refers to a particular person's habit or custom rather than a general habit or custom. Thus, "you have a [personal] wont to do" is more correct than "you have the [general] want to do."
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Thats correct. If you have a question about my generality all you need to do is ask. I dont have the same public exposure as Barkley does. When you make statements that are going to reach a mass audience you have to think carefully about what you are saying. You have to be specific in your words.

I am quite specific in my wording, which seldom requires clarification. You, on the other hand, apparently felt a need to walk back your "broad brush" comment about Barkley, now claiming that you were only commenting on his public exposure rather than the content of what he said.
You're imaging things as you have a wont to do. I'm not walking anything back nor did I say anything about your wording. In summary, I simply said me not being specific is not newsworthy or cause for masses of people to get offended. Barkley, as a public figure, is subject to masses of people being offended due to his lack of specificity.

"Wont" is an adjective, not a noun. "You have to be specific in your words."

You are mistaken as you have the wont to do. Wont is also a noun and a verb. The fact you have suddenly turned into a sub par grammar nazi lets me know you have resorted to your supply of puerile comments to cover your embarrassment.

Wont - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

: a usual habit or way of behaving

LOL, touche'. Another successful deflection from the underlying subject matter.

-from your favorite "puerile" "nazi"

Your deflection was not successful. Barkley should have been more specific. As it is he made it seem as if all Black people try to knock down other Black people. In my experience this is not true. As Black people we celebrate the success of other Blacks. There is a reason we have a Black History month.
I am quite specific in my wording, which seldom requires clarification. You, on the other hand, apparently felt a need to walk back your "broad brush" comment about Barkley, now claiming that you were only commenting on his public exposure rather than the content of what he said.
You're imaging things as you have a wont to do. I'm not walking anything back nor did I say anything about your wording. In summary, I simply said me not being specific is not newsworthy or cause for masses of people to get offended. Barkley, as a public figure, is subject to masses of people being offended due to his lack of specificity.

"Wont" is an adjective, not a noun. "You have to be specific in your words."

You are mistaken as you have the wont to do. Wont is also a noun and a verb. The fact you have suddenly turned into a sub par grammar nazi lets me know you have resorted to your supply of puerile comments to cover your embarrassment.

Wont - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

: a usual habit or way of behaving

LOL, touche'. Another successful deflection from the underlying subject matter.

-from your favorite "puerile" "nazi"

Your deflection was not successful. Barkley should have been more specific. As it is he made it seem as if all Black people try to knock down other Black people. In my experience this is not true. As Black people we celebrate the success of other Blacks. There is a reason we have a Black History month.

So if he had specified "some" Black people you would have no problem with his comments?
You're imaging things as you have a wont to do. I'm not walking anything back nor did I say anything about your wording. In summary, I simply said me not being specific is not newsworthy or cause for masses of people to get offended. Barkley, as a public figure, is subject to masses of people being offended due to his lack of specificity.

"Wont" is an adjective, not a noun. "You have to be specific in your words."

You are mistaken as you have the wont to do. Wont is also a noun and a verb. The fact you have suddenly turned into a sub par grammar nazi lets me know you have resorted to your supply of puerile comments to cover your embarrassment.

Wont - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

: a usual habit or way of behaving

LOL, touche'. Another successful deflection from the underlying subject matter.

-from your favorite "puerile" "nazi"

Your deflection was not successful. Barkley should have been more specific. As it is he made it seem as if all Black people try to knock down other Black people. In my experience this is not true. As Black people we celebrate the success of other Blacks. There is a reason we have a Black History month.

So if he had specified "some" Black people you would have no problem with his comments?
I dont have a problem with them now. I just think he is wrong if he literally meant to portray all Black people as such. Barkley doesnt determine my opinion for me. He played basketball just like I did. Not too much social thought goes into playing a sport.
AND give you preferences in hiring, school admissions, etc.? Sorry, you can't have it both ways.
White people arent in charge of that. Didnt you know everyone gets to vote?

Undermines your oppression thesis, don't you think?
Thats only if you misunderstand what my oppression thesis is. It appears you do.
No one cares what your "oppression thesis" is. We think your thesis is horse shit.
Monkeys dont really think. They just get lucky while pounding on the keyboard. Good job monkey.
"Monkey"? No, im white. Get your colors right monkey.
White people arent in charge of that. Didnt you know everyone gets to vote?

Undermines your oppression thesis, don't you think?
Thats only if you misunderstand what my oppression thesis is. It appears you do.
No one cares what your "oppression thesis" is. We think your thesis is horse shit.
Monkeys dont really think. They just get lucky while pounding on the keyboard. Good job monkey.
"Monkey"? No, im white. Get your colors right monkey.
Thats what I said. I know you are white. You are a monkey. See your fur?

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CNN) -- Charles Barkley hasn't met a sensitive topic he couldn't dig into, and now he's speaking on what he calls a "dirty, dark secret" in the African-American community.

During an interview with a Philadelphia radio station, Barkley expounded on claims that Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson wasn't liked by some of his teammates in part because he wasn't considered to be "black enough."
Barkley said he wasn't at all surprised.
"There are a lot of black people who are unintelligent, who don't have success,"
Barkley said. "It's best to knock a successful black person down 'cause they're intelligent,
they speak well, they do well in school, and they're successful. It's crabs in a barrel. ...

We're the only ethnic group that says, 'hey, if you go to jail, it gives you street cred.' "

The concept of "crabs in a barrel" isn't new, and it's universal. If you've ever seen a bucket of crabs at the market, the ones at the bottom will try to pull down the crabs that are closer to the top.

Charles Barkley Brainwashed blacks hold up success -

In discussing this with a white person who supposedly lived in a majority black dorm in college (which qualifies him for all his "expertise") he had disdain for Barkley's (he's black by the way) comments.
So obviously this white person didn't find the irony of his attitude, i.e. HE WAS IN a majority black dorm in college!
And this is the crux of the problem.
The majority of whites like this person with their elitist attitude think they know blacks better and
excuse blacks because blacks were oppressed and reason for oppression "BAD WHITE SLAVE" owners.
Those blacks trying to be successful are accused of being "whitey". "Uncle Tom".. Look at the blacks attitude about Dr. Ben Carson a black pediatric neurosurgeon. They call him an "Uncle Tom" and look at Carson as a "traitor" for getting an education in the white man's world!

Carson is not called a traitor or uncle tom 'because he got an education in the white man's world. If he is called those names at all it is because he has aligned himself with the Republicans. The Republican Party poses a perceivable threat to black people.. Yes ,I said that because of what is occurring within the ranks of the Republican party The KKK the Nazi Party and every other white racist hate group has set up shop under the auspices of the GOP.if Carson is aware of that, which I'm sure he is, I have to question his integrity as a black man.

Indeed. Barkley should check himself on that comment. Based on that reasoning the current POTUS also got an education in the so called "white mans world", and it certainly has not earned him one iota of respect or even partial compromise from the GOP.

I have a problem "respecting" any President that wants to do the following to MY country...
I prefer to put 1,300 companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes each year and employ 400,000.
I prefer that utilities go bankrupt.
I prefer higher gas prices.
I prefer that utility rates skyrocket.
I prefer the military be disbanded and replaced by a group I control.
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." (emphasis added)
Republicans Seem To Be Surging In Generic Ballot
These are NOT principles and ideas 65% of Americans want their president to have and therefore Most Americans want a change.
Proof this exists is in Obama speech patterns...
Early on, observers noted Obama’s Ebonic lapses when speaking to black audiences and saw in them a sly attempt to pander to African-American voters. But they had it precisely backward: to black audiences, his ability to speak in pulpit inflections one moment and concave Midwestern tones the next made him seem more black, not less. We saw him as no different than any African-American lawyer who speaks black English at home and another, entirely more formal language, in his professional environment.

Barack X - The New Yorker

It is sad that the elegance and efficiency of "white English" has to be dumbed down for "black English" users.
Most Ebonic sentences are basically shortened words "lazy" word use .."bro" instead of "brother".
I am a proponent though of efficient "English" and in same cases while "bro" might be quicker then "brother".. the implication
of "laziness" is not worth it to me to use the term.
No one cares what you are a proponent of. Calling Ebonics dumbed down is pretty funny considering you probably would have a hard time learning it. People speak to communicate and not to please you. One of the funniest things I have experienced is when white people think they can tell people how to use the English language. I speak whatever way necessary to get my point across. If my audience is more comfortable with "correct" english then thats what I use. If I am speaking to people that feel more comfortable using the dialect of Ebonics then thats what I do. How a white person wants me to speak to another Black person doesnt merit any consideration in my world.
So you play to the level of your audience... rather then helping RAISE the level of your audience you prefer to keep them speaking lazy english. See the problem I have with that is most of the advances in our society have been by following very simple specific rules of physics and translated by english.
For example "At 9:30 PM turn your car left at the next corner".
But an Ebonics bro would say:
Yo At 9:30 PM turn yo' `64 left at da next corner" -
See more at: Ebonics Translator - Translate English into Ebonics with the Pimp Translator

Is that what you mean by speaking to the level of your audience???
One of my ex's said the same thing about white people.
And I'm 100% confident that that is true..i.e. white people pull down successful, educated people.

The difference is over the 50 years U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs and what do we have?
More people on food stamps. A president that wants to put another 1.5 million people out of work while at the same time raising the cost of utilities, gas and food.
I'd say the suggestion for both Whites and Blacks is realize what Barkley was saying when he used the analogy of "crabs in a barrel"...
The concept of "crabs in a barrel" isn't new, and it's universal. If you've ever seen a bucket of crabs at the market, the ones at the bottom will try to pull down the crabs that are closer to the top.

Charles Barkley Brainwashed blacks hold up success -
We need fewer people trying to pull down the successful people to our level and starting helping each other get up to the
successful level... otherwise like the crabs we will all be on the bottom!
My wife said other blacks are like crabs trying to pull successful blacks down.

So ignorance is rampant in your household.

There's an old axiom that explains your small minded wife...'It takes one, to know one'
Proof this exists is in Obama speech patterns...
Early on, observers noted Obama’s Ebonic lapses when speaking to black audiences and saw in them a sly attempt to pander to African-American voters. But they had it precisely backward: to black audiences, his ability to speak in pulpit inflections one moment and concave Midwestern tones the next made him seem more black, not less. We saw him as no different than any African-American lawyer who speaks black English at home and another, entirely more formal language, in his professional environment.

Barack X - The New Yorker

It is sad that the elegance and efficiency of "white English" has to be dumbed down for "black English" users.
Most Ebonic sentences are basically shortened words "lazy" word use .."bro" instead of "brother".
I am a proponent though of efficient "English" and in same cases while "bro" might be quicker then "brother".. the implication
of "laziness" is not worth it to me to use the term.
No one cares what you are a proponent of. Calling Ebonics dumbed down is pretty funny considering you probably would have a hard time learning it. People speak to communicate and not to please you. One of the funniest things I have experienced is when white people think they can tell people how to use the English language. I speak whatever way necessary to get my point across. If my audience is more comfortable with "correct" english then thats what I use. If I am speaking to people that feel more comfortable using the dialect of Ebonics then thats what I do. How a white person wants me to speak to another Black person doesnt merit any consideration in my world.
So you play to the level of your audience... rather then helping RAISE the level of your audience you prefer to keep them speaking lazy english. See the problem I have with that is most of the advances in our society have been by following very simple specific rules of physics and translated by english.
For example "At 9:30 PM turn your car left at the next corner".
But an Ebonics bro would say:
Yo At 9:30 PM turn yo' `64 left at da next corner" -
See more at: Ebonics Translator - Translate English into Ebonics with the Pimp Translator

Is that what you mean by speaking to the level of your audience???
There is so much wrong with your post its hard to know where to start. Well...I never said I play to the level of my audience. I said I speak in the dialect they are comfortable hearing. Only someone not proficient in getting their point across would see that as a bad move. The ultimate goal of language is to convey ideas, convince, educate etc. You are one of the fools that would alienate their audience and actually think you accomplished something. You just broke the first rule of communications by introducing discomfort. You would be a very ineffective speaker. I on the other hand would be successful no matter where I spoke.
One of my ex's said the same thing about white people.
And I'm 100% confident that that is true..i.e. white people pull down successful, educated people.

The difference is over the 50 years U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs and what do we have?
More people on food stamps. A president that wants to put another 1.5 million people out of work while at the same time raising the cost of utilities, gas and food.
I'd say the suggestion for both Whites and Blacks is realize what Barkley was saying when he used the analogy of "crabs in a barrel"...
The concept of "crabs in a barrel" isn't new, and it's universal. If you've ever seen a bucket of crabs at the market, the ones at the bottom will try to pull down the crabs that are closer to the top.

Charles Barkley Brainwashed blacks hold up success -
We need fewer people trying to pull down the successful people to our level and starting helping each other get up to the
successful level... otherwise like the crabs we will all be on the bottom!
Thats pretty much the point of my post. All races have people that do it.
My wife said other blacks are like crabs trying to pull successful blacks down.

So ignorance is rampant in your household.

There's an old axiom that explains your small minded wife...'It takes one, to know one'

You should apologize for attacking a commenter's wife. How would you feel if someone attacked your husband?

How 'cute', you know I am a male. Do you have any more kindergarten tricks?
My wife said other blacks are like crabs trying to pull successful blacks down.

So ignorance is rampant in your household.

There's an old axiom that explains your small minded wife...'It takes one, to know one'

You should apologize for attacking a commenter's wife. How would you feel if someone attacked your husband?

How 'cute', you know I am a male. Do you have any more kindergarten tricks?
I recognize the irony in this.
In response to your original comment about my "Small-minded Wife", my wife is black, and knows better than anyone what blacks have done to her all of her life. So she is one, and knows not just one, but quite a few.

Nuff Said.
Proof this exists is in Obama speech patterns...
Early on, observers noted Obama’s Ebonic lapses when speaking to black audiences and saw in them a sly attempt to pander to African-American voters. But they had it precisely backward: to black audiences, his ability to speak in pulpit inflections one moment and concave Midwestern tones the next made him seem more black, not less. We saw him as no different than any African-American lawyer who speaks black English at home and another, entirely more formal language, in his professional environment.

Barack X - The New Yorker

It is sad that the elegance and efficiency of "white English" has to be dumbed down for "black English" users.
Most Ebonic sentences are basically shortened words "lazy" word use .."bro" instead of "brother".
I am a proponent though of efficient "English" and in same cases while "bro" might be quicker then "brother".. the implication
of "laziness" is not worth it to me to use the term.
No one cares what you are a proponent of. Calling Ebonics dumbed down is pretty funny considering you probably would have a hard time learning it. People speak to communicate and not to please you. One of the funniest things I have experienced is when white people think they can tell people how to use the English language. I speak whatever way necessary to get my point across. If my audience is more comfortable with "correct" english then thats what I use. If I am speaking to people that feel more comfortable using the dialect of Ebonics then thats what I do. How a white person wants me to speak to another Black person doesnt merit any consideration in my world.
So you play to the level of your audience... rather then helping RAISE the level of your audience you prefer to keep them speaking lazy english. See the problem I have with that is most of the advances in our society have been by following very simple specific rules of physics and translated by english.
For example "At 9:30 PM turn your car left at the next corner".
But an Ebonics bro would say:
Yo At 9:30 PM turn yo' `64 left at da next corner" -
See more at: Ebonics Translator - Translate English into Ebonics with the Pimp Translator

Is that what you mean by speaking to the level of your audience???
There is so much wrong with your post its hard to know where to start. Well...I never said I play to the level of my audience. I said I speak in the dialect they are comfortable hearing. Only someone not proficient in getting their point across would see that as a bad move. The ultimate goal of language is to convey ideas, convince, educate etc. You are one of the fools that would alienate their audience and actually think you accomplished something. You just broke the first rule of communications by introducing discomfort. You would be a very ineffective speaker. I on the other hand would be successful no matter where I spoke.

Milkweed, you definitely are NOT in demand as a speaker though because audiences generally listen to speakers to learn
something. The Latin root of the word audience is Audire, which means to hear and as a result people that want to hear
want to "learn" something. Listening to you speak in Ebonics... well Milkweed... tell me what would be learned from this statement.......
"Yo As muh motha fuckin audience you came wanting ta learn somethin` so ah be speaking in yo' language. ah truly hope all da hairs in yo' nose fall out at da same tyme just like mammy." -
See more at: Ebonics Translator - Translate English into Ebonics with the Pimp Translator

You are reaching your audience for sure...not sure what the "audience" learns from comments like the above!
One of my ex's said the same thing about white people.
And I'm 100% confident that that is true..i.e. white people pull down successful, educated people.

The difference is over the 50 years U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs and what do we have?
More people on food stamps. A president that wants to put another 1.5 million people out of work while at the same time raising the cost of utilities, gas and food.
I'd say the suggestion for both Whites and Blacks is realize what Barkley was saying when he used the analogy of "crabs in a barrel"...
The concept of "crabs in a barrel" isn't new, and it's universal. If you've ever seen a bucket of crabs at the market, the ones at the bottom will try to pull down the crabs that are closer to the top.

Charles Barkley Brainwashed blacks hold up success -
We need fewer people trying to pull down the successful people to our level and starting helping each other get up to the
successful level... otherwise like the crabs we will all be on the bottom!
Thats pretty much the point of my post. All races have people that do it.

Absolutely. That kind of behavior is called small minded, petty jealousy......and all races of people have those who subscribe to that kind of behavior, and no one race of people has a monopoly on it.
Proof this exists is in Obama speech patterns...
Early on, observers noted Obama’s Ebonic lapses when speaking to black audiences and saw in them a sly attempt to pander to African-American voters. But they had it precisely backward: to black audiences, his ability to speak in pulpit inflections one moment and concave Midwestern tones the next made him seem more black, not less. We saw him as no different than any African-American lawyer who speaks black English at home and another, entirely more formal language, in his professional environment.

Barack X - The New Yorker

It is sad that the elegance and efficiency of "white English" has to be dumbed down for "black English" users.
Most Ebonic sentences are basically shortened words "lazy" word use .."bro" instead of "brother".
I am a proponent though of efficient "English" and in same cases while "bro" might be quicker then "brother".. the implication
of "laziness" is not worth it to me to use the term.
No one cares what you are a proponent of. Calling Ebonics dumbed down is pretty funny considering you probably would have a hard time learning it. People speak to communicate and not to please you. One of the funniest things I have experienced is when white people think they can tell people how to use the English language. I speak whatever way necessary to get my point across. If my audience is more comfortable with "correct" english then thats what I use. If I am speaking to people that feel more comfortable using the dialect of Ebonics then thats what I do. How a white person wants me to speak to another Black person doesnt merit any consideration in my world.
So you play to the level of your audience... rather then helping RAISE the level of your audience you prefer to keep them speaking lazy english. See the problem I have with that is most of the advances in our society have been by following very simple specific rules of physics and translated by english.
For example "At 9:30 PM turn your car left at the next corner".
But an Ebonics bro would say:
Yo At 9:30 PM turn yo' `64 left at da next corner" -
See more at: Ebonics Translator - Translate English into Ebonics with the Pimp Translator

Is that what you mean by speaking to the level of your audience???
There is so much wrong with your post its hard to know where to start. Well...I never said I play to the level of my audience. I said I speak in the dialect they are comfortable hearing. Only someone not proficient in getting their point across would see that as a bad move. The ultimate goal of language is to convey ideas, convince, educate etc. You are one of the fools that would alienate their audience and actually think you accomplished something. You just broke the first rule of communications by introducing discomfort. You would be a very ineffective speaker. I on the other hand would be successful no matter where I spoke.

Milkweed, you definitely are NOT in demand as a speaker though because audiences generally listen to speakers to learn
something. The Latin root of the word audience is Audire, which means to hear and as a result people that want to hear
want to "learn" something. Listening to you speak in Ebonics... well Milkweed... tell me what would be learned from this statement.......
"Yo As muh motha fuckin audience you came wanting ta learn somethin` so ah be speaking in yo' language. ah truly hope all da hairs in yo' nose fall out at da same tyme just like mammy." -
See more at: Ebonics Translator - Translate English into Ebonics with the Pimp Translator

You are reaching your audience for sure...not sure what the "audience" learns from comments like the above!
In your attempt to not look foolish you have resorted to playing a clown. Let me give you a tip. You still look the fool. I understand people want to learn and hear. You still miss the point that if you dont speak their dialect the chances of them learning or even hearing go down exponentially.

For example. If you moved to Japan and had to learn the customs there in one day, would it be much easier to learn the customs in english or in Japanese? Let me answer that for you. Yes. In that scenario you may even know some Japanese. However, if English is your primary language, then thats what you are going to be more comfortable with your teacher using to educate you. If you dont know or maybe even dislike the Japanese language you may tune out the teacher.
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