BRAVO! Greg Kelly Airs Photos of All of the Jan. 6 Political Prisoners Still in Gulag without Trial (VIDEO)

BRAVO! Greg Kelly Airs Photos of of the Jan. 6 Political Prisoners Still in Gulag without Trial (VIDEO)​

American Gulag —


More than 500 Americans have been arrested by the FBI for the Jan. 6 protests including hundreds of Americans whose only crime was walking into an open building.
Dozens are still held in isolation after 6 months.

Gone but Not Forgotten.
On Thursday Newsmax host Greg Kelly posted the photos of those Trump supporters currently incarcerated in Washington DC for entering the US Capitol.
Kudos to Greg Kelly.

Where was there an "Insurrection"? Why haven't any of those arrested have been charged with "Insurrection"...
Tell me again how this is any different than what went on in Hong Kong, Tiananmen Square, or what's happening in Cuba, Venezuela for that matter.
Why has Pelosi tried to stack the Congressional 1/6 panel?
I'm aware of three BLM/Antifa were arrested on 1/6, near the Capitol with firearms, high capacity magazines, and illegal ammo... they were released and never charged even though they were AT the peaceful protest? Then there's Antifa's John Sullivan aka "Jayden X" a central provocateur in the protest was released.
Now we are told that there were paid FBI informants and FBI agents involved in the so called 1/6 "Insurrection" or rather was it a false flag operation conducted by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats.

Lol, yet we have pictures of the defendants, face book pages from the defendants etc,etc. All were Trump supporters your an idiot. Get your tin hat here fucking conspiracy loon in action. What an idiot.
Congress determines the facts, read the Constitution. If congress says the election was valid, the election is valid.

Viva la Law and Order.
If something is illegal is does not matter who says what. It is more than obvious Congress was complicit with the fraud.
It's not illegal if congress does it according to the constitution, which is what they did.

In fact, if congress passes a law for the wrong reason, it's still a law.
It's not illegal if congress does it according to the constitution, which is what they did.

In fact, if congress passes a law for the wrong reason, it's still a law.
If it was a fraudulent victory it is illegal no matter what they do.
If it was a fraudulent victory it is illegal no matter what they do.
Doesn't make a difference. That's a determination the constitution gives solely to the congress of the united states.

Any controversies related to a federal election are under Article I and Article 2 the responsibility of congress to judge.

And separation of powers, along with the judgement of the USSC of their Article 3 powers, not reviewable.
Since you know so much about Fox by never watching it, it stands to reason that you haven’t seen the footage of the police allowing protesters onto the grounds and into the chambers of the Capitol building.
Just let go of these people who brought shame to republicans everywhere. It's easy. Just say "fuck em", walk away and do your part to make sure it never happens again.
Doesn't make a difference. That's a determination the constitution gives solely to the congress of the united states.

Any controversies related to a federal election are under Article I and Article 2 the responsibility of congress to judge.

And separation of powers, along with the judgement of the USSC of their Article 3 powers, not reviewable.
The state legislatures have an obligation to the voters. The audits are happpening because of those voters. If fraud is proven ( it has been to half the country) something will get done.
The article is claiming it. When an article is not truthful does it never give you pause?

That is Bull Crap....Quote the sentence or paragraph in the article where denial of attorney's is stated.....
PROTEST is our right, Maters not if its in Washington state or Washington DC. The photos clearly show breaking and entering, Trashing and stealing. those caught deserve to be punished. Defending one group & not blaming the other seems crazy to me.

You're correct. Then why haven't the "protesters" that set fire to police cruisers, broke into Police precincts and set fire to Federal buildings in jail as those of 1/6.
For the most part most were booked given court dates and released. Should those at the 1/6 protest be given the same treatment?
"held without hearings.."
"Without hearings"?
What source can you offer the forum that state the charged an arrested ain't getting hearings?
All 587?
Who told you that?
Saddle up, poster 2aguy.
Show us.

the blm and antifa brown shirts of the democrat party who actually attacked police and damaged property on the other side of the building are being protected and kept quiet......
The blm and antifa brown shirts on the other side of the building attacked police and damaged property.

Talk to us, poster '2aguy'.
Show us some credible sourcing that gives us confidence that you know what you are talking about.
If you can't do that for us......well, you know what our conclusion must be. Hint: You don't know what your are talking about.
So what have you got?
Batter up, poster.

All the leftest terrorist were bailed out by democrat politicians.
Ummm, whaat?
First, how many were "leftist terrorist"?
How would you know?
There WERE a bunch of people arrested.....17,000 reported at one point.

So, is the poster GoAgain stating that all 17,000 were terrorists?
And that all 17,000 were bailed out by "democrat politicians"?
If that is what the poster is claiming.........well, amigo, give us a credible source.
Other than your fake named avatar.

  • you dumb asshole NAZI.
  • And you love wiping your ass with the Constitution
  • You're a fucking NAZI.
Ah poster, L'il Bripat........really, how old are you?
I don't mean this pejoratively, but.......but you sometimes come across as a 10 year old who has learned some new naughty words.....and then overuses 'em ----as if you are trying to prove you are really an 11yr old.
What's up with that?

Settle down son. You are making all Trump Supporters look really really bad.
You are taking your rightfield cohorts and compadres right into Loonastan.
That's not a good look for conservatives.
Trust me.

You are like those other mokes on this venue....I forget their avatar nom-de-plumes.....but those other mokes who say the Oathkeepers are gay, and William Barr is gonna be executed in about two weeks for treason. Such fringie nuttery kinda make folks think that Trump Supporters are, well, let's just say......they are a bit ummm, 'off'.

So to speak.
"Without hearings"?
What source can you offer the forum that state the charged an arrested ain't getting hearings?
All 587?
Who told you that?
Saddle up, poster 2aguy.
Show us.



Talk to us, poster '2aguy'.
Show us some credible sourcing that gives us confidence that you know what you are talking about.
If you can't do that for us......well, you know what our conclusion must be. Hint: You don't know what your are talking about.
So what have you got?
Batter up, poster.

Ummm, whaat?
First, how many were "leftist terrorist"?
How would you know?
There WERE a bunch of people arrested.....17,000 reported at one point.

So, is the poster GoAgain stating that all 17,000 were terrorists?
And that all 17,000 were bailed out by "democrat politicians"?
If that is what the poster is claiming.........well, amigo, give us a credible source.
Other than your fake named avatar.


Ah poster, L'il Bripat........really, how old are you?
I don't mean this pejoratively, but.......but you sometimes come across as a 10 year old who has learned some new naughty words.....and then overuses 'em ----as if you are trying to prove you are really an 11yr old.
What's up with that?

Settle down son. You are making all Trump Supporters look really really bad.
You are taking your rightfield cohorts and compadres right into Loonastan.
That's not a good look for conservatives.
Trust me.

You are like those other mokes on this venue....I forget their avatar nom-de-plumes.....but those other mokes who say the Oathkeepers are gay, and William Barr is gonna be executed in about two weeks for treason. Such fringie nuttery kinda make folks think that Trump Supporters are, well, let's just say......they are a bit ummm, 'off'.

So to speak.

Surely you know about all the protestors who were bailed out by by nancy and company.
"Without hearings"?
What source can you offer the forum that state the charged an arrested ain't getting hearings?
All 587?
Who told you that?
Saddle up, poster 2aguy.
Show us.



Talk to us, poster '2aguy'.
Show us some credible sourcing that gives us confidence that you know what you are talking about.
If you can't do that for us......well, you know what our conclusion must be. Hint: You don't know what your are talking about.
So what have you got?
Batter up, poster.

Ummm, whaat?
First, how many were "leftist terrorist"?
How would you know?
There WERE a bunch of people arrested.....17,000 reported at one point.

So, is the poster GoAgain stating that all 17,000 were terrorists?
And that all 17,000 were bailed out by "democrat politicians"?
If that is what the poster is claiming.........well, amigo, give us a credible source.
Other than your fake named avatar.


Ah poster, L'il Bripat........really, how old are you?
I don't mean this pejoratively, but.......but you sometimes come across as a 10 year old who has learned some new naughty words.....and then overuses 'em ----as if you are trying to prove you are really an 11yr old.
What's up with that?

Settle down son. You are making all Trump Supporters look really really bad.
You are taking your rightfield cohorts and compadres right into Loonastan.
That's not a good look for conservatives.
Trust me.

You are like those other mokes on this venue....I forget their avatar nom-de-plumes.....but those other mokes who say the Oathkeepers are gay, and William Barr is gonna be executed in about two weeks for treason. Such fringie nuttery kinda make folks think that Trump Supporters are, well, let's just say......they are a bit ummm, 'off'.

So to speak.

Who said they aren't terrorist and were bailed out... The terrorists that took part in the more than 400 riots in cities were booked printed and given court dates to appear (2 or 3 years into the future). Few were arrested and kept behind bars and those that were got released after a few days with court appearance dates.
Even those two bimbo's terrorists that set fire to a NYPD police cruiser were released quickly and later appeared in court.
They were let in.
And why dont you hold your buddies from antifa and BLM to those same standards?
Oh...what battering ram?
I do hold them to the same standards. When they attack the governors mansion, the state capital, or try to shut down the states highest court, then they should be charged with insurrection against the government.
I do hold them to the same standards. When they attack the governors mansion, the state capital, or try to shut down the states highest court, then they should be charged with insurrection against the government.

Bu, bu, but they're allowed to do so because they are "Social Justice Warriors", not just those deplorable Neanderthal, White Supremacists who voted for Trump.
I do hold them to the same standards. When they attack the governors mansion, the state capital, or try to shut down the states highest court, then they should be charged with insurrection against the government.

They attacked federal buildings,blocked the exits and set them on fire knowing there were people in them.
They burned down police precincts. They caused billions in damages and over 40 people were killed.
Go fuck yourself and your false equivalency.

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