BRAVO! Greg Kelly Airs Photos of All of the Jan. 6 Political Prisoners Still in Gulag without Trial (VIDEO)

Trump: ‘Knock the Crap Out’ of Protesters, I'll Pay Legal Fees

Monday at his final pre-Iowa caucus rally. "If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them," Trump said after warning of possible rabble-rousers. "I'll pay the legal fees," he added.
That was 5 years earlier, moron, and it referred only to the thugs who disrupted Trump rallies.
The phrase "fire up a mob" is meaningless in legal terms. Trump never told anyone to break any laws.
He never told them not to break any laws either. In fact he told them to go to the Capitol during the process of election certification, seems odd that a sitting president would do as such.
Rioting was not doing his bidding, dumbass.
Actually it was.

It Trump meant they should write or e-mail or phone their congressman to redress grievances, why did he point them at the capitol, and claim he would be there with them?
He never told them not to break any laws either. In fact he told them to go to the Capitol during the process of election certification, seems odd that a sitting president would do as such.
Actually, what outcome could they expect to accomplish that they couldn't do from home. Or on their phones without going anywhere near the Capitol. They could tweet, e-mail, or phone their congressman to redress grievances, just like the rest of the country.

But they broke into the Capitol with a battering ram, broke out windows, and bashed down doors.
When I have gone to jail the last thing I did was cry about my situation and try to blame other people for what I had done..I can tell the Trumpette's consider it tough love to make excuses and blame other people.
When I have gone to jail the last thing I did was cry about my situation and try to blame other people for what I had done..I can tell the Trumpette's consider it tough love to make excuses and blame other people.

The irony is that when it's Trumps fault, his supporters blame somebody else.
He never told them not to break any laws either. In fact he told them to go to the Capitol during the process of election certification, seems odd that a sitting president would do as such.
So unless someone tells you not to break the law you will run amok and kill everyone in sight?
So unless someone tells you not to break the law you will run amok and kill everyone in sight?
I don't follow anyone I do what I do and I take responsibility for what I do. I don't try to hide behind a fat, rich, orange dud nor do I blame other people for my actions. That is so weak.

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