Brazil bans corporate campaign donations - U.S. to follow?


Senior Member
Mar 7, 2015
Brazilian Senate Approves Ban on Private Electoral Donations

With this big development in Brazilian politics, a highly advanced economic nation, could this start momentum in the U.S. for similar legislation?

Corporate campaign donations threaten democracy and in the U.S. I feel it may have usurped it.

Brazilian Senator Jorge Viana said this:

"Corporations primary goal is to obtain profit and public policy can not be an activity driven by profit"
American voters will have to get rid of more of their embarrassingly compromised politicians and judges before this will happen. They (corrupt politicians and judges) think they can ride it out. It appears thus far many are willing to take the country down before facing the truth.
Brazilian Senate Approves Ban on Private Electoral Donations

With this big development in Brazilian politics, a highly advanced economic nation, could this start momentum in the U.S. for similar legislation?

Corporate campaign donations threaten democracy and in the U.S. I feel it may have usurped it.

Brazilian Senator Jorge Viana said this:

"Corporations primary goal is to obtain profit and public policy can not be an activity driven by profit"
No. It couldn't, according to the Supreme Court.

Does Brazil allow contributions from public sector labor unions?
Brazilian Senate Approves Ban on Private Electoral Donations

With this big development in Brazilian politics, a highly advanced economic nation, could this start momentum in the U.S. for similar legislation?

Corporate campaign donations threaten democracy and in the U.S. I feel it may have usurped it.

Brazilian Senator Jorge Viana said this:

"Corporations primary goal is to obtain profit and public policy can not be an activity driven by profit"
No. It couldn't, according to the Supreme Court.

Does Brazil allow contributions from public sector labor unions?
Well the supreme court has zero jurisdiction when it comes to legislation, so that shouldn't really worry us. If the people show that they truly disagree with that interpretation of the constitution then on a constitutional and moral basis there will be absolutely zero reason for the senate and the president to not go through with this.

And I'm not sure in regards to your question about brazilian labor unions.
Brazilian Senate Approves Ban on Private Electoral Donations

With this big development in Brazilian politics, a highly advanced economic nation, could this start momentum in the U.S. for similar legislation?

Corporate campaign donations threaten democracy and in the U.S. I feel it may have usurped it.

Brazilian Senator Jorge Viana said this:

"Corporations primary goal is to obtain profit and public policy can not be an activity driven by profit"
it's idiotic and anti freedom to ban anything

so yea, dems would be all for it.


what joke, and you fell for it. brazil is a leftist country with a power central government, so the corporations bribe them to get things done. passing this law means the people that are currently bribed won't get replaced.
Republicans would not stop harping on the inexperience of Obama in the 2008 campaign yet now their two top candidates for 2016 have never even seen public office.

Moreover, Trump has virtually no policy ideas whatsoever besides his plan to deport all illegals, which, in reality would cost a quarter of a trillion and take decades to implement according to the CBO. How can republicans be so naive to support this Neanderthal? We have no earthly idea what Trump would do as president and neither does Trump himself. He's just a drama queen craving attention.

Ben Carson has such ridiculous socially conservative views that I have a hard time believing he even actually genuinely believes in them. A retired neurosurgeon could not be this dumb. I think he just spouts that crap because he knows all of the dumb rednecks in this country would go ape shit over it.

Repubs need to realize that there is no way in hell independents and democrats would ever vote for these douche bags. Right now, I think the GOP's chances in 2016 are looking grim.

Maybe we're onto something? Look at the fucking mess these experienced political insiders have given us.. and BTW... Obama had slim to none... h was at best a classroom theoretician.
Oh so it was not okay that Obama was inexperience yet you think you're "onto something" when you support idiots with no experience? How about you just admit that you look for any reason to bitch about Obama?

Brazilian Senate Approves Ban on Private Electoral Donations

With this big development in Brazilian politics, a highly advanced economic nation, could this start momentum in the U.S. for similar legislation?

Corporate campaign donations threaten democracy and in the U.S. I feel it may have usurped it.

Brazilian Senator Jorge Viana said this:

"Corporations primary goal is to obtain profit and public policy can not be an activity driven by profit"
No. It couldn't, according to the Supreme Court.

Does Brazil allow contributions from public sector labor unions?
Well the supreme court has zero jurisdiction when it comes to legislation, so that shouldn't really worry us. If the people show that they truly disagree with that interpretation of the constitution then on a constitutional and moral basis there will be absolutely zero reason for the senate and the president to not go through with this.

And I'm not sure in regards to your question about brazilian labor unions.

The Supremes already ruled and you are living in a fantasy land if you think the house or Senate would try to pass a law
Brazilian Senate Approves Ban on Private Electoral Donations

With this big development in Brazilian politics, a highly advanced economic nation, could this start momentum in the U.S. for similar legislation?

Corporate campaign donations threaten democracy and in the U.S. I feel it may have usurped it.

Brazilian Senator Jorge Viana said this:

"Corporations primary goal is to obtain profit and public policy can not be an activity driven by profit"
it's idiotic and anti freedom to ban anything

so yea, dems would be all for it.


what joke, and you fell for it. brazil is a leftist country with a power central government, so the corporations bribe them to get things done. passing this law means the people that are currently bribed won't get replaced.
What? But Brazil has terms in their elections, it's not a monarchy.
The Supremes already ruled and you are living in a fantasy land if you think the house or Senate would try to pass a law
If there was loud enough public support then yes it is certainly possible. Have you read the U.S. constitution? It was very clearly intended that the Supreme Court's interpretation of the constitution NOT be taken as gospel but instead questioned by the other two branches and for all branches of government to come to their own independent interpretations of the constitution.
Brazilian Senate Approves Ban on Private Electoral Donations

With this big development in Brazilian politics, a highly advanced economic nation, could this start momentum in the U.S. for similar legislation?

Corporate campaign donations threaten democracy and in the U.S. I feel it may have usurped it.

Brazilian Senator Jorge Viana said this:

"Corporations primary goal is to obtain profit and public policy can not be an activity driven by profit"
it's idiotic and anti freedom to ban anything

so yea, dems would be all for it.


what joke, and you fell for it. brazil is a leftist country with a power central government, so the corporations bribe them to get things done. passing this law means the people that are currently bribed won't get replaced.
What? But Brazil has terms in their elections, it's not a monarchy.
yea, and so do we

but most of our pols are bribed. Why? b/c it's hard to get them out.
You take a money source away from your competition and now it's even harder. People tend to vote for who they know and if they don't hear about the competition they will re-elect the same person.

They made things worse, they took away freedom, and you thought it was a great idea.
It doesn't matter how many billions of dollars are plowed into GOP campaigns.

Two things are clear- no matter what, 47% of the voting public will side with Democrats.

Yes, Romney was correct.

Number two - the Liberal media will tout and tow Democrat candidates no matter what.

You win by default, motherfucker.
Brazilian Senate Approves Ban on Private Electoral Donations

With this big development in Brazilian politics, a highly advanced economic nation, could this start momentum in the U.S. for similar legislation?

Corporate campaign donations threaten democracy and in the U.S. I feel it may have usurped it.

Brazilian Senator Jorge Viana said this:

"Corporations primary goal is to obtain profit and public policy can not be an activity driven by profit"
it's idiotic and anti freedom to ban anything

so yea, dems would be all for it.


what joke, and you fell for it. brazil is a leftist country with a power central government, so the corporations bribe them to get things done. passing this law means the people that are currently bribed won't get replaced.
What? But Brazil has terms in their elections, it's not a monarchy.
yea, and so do we

but most of our pols are bribed. Why? b/c it's hard to get them out.
You take a money source away from your competition and now it's even harder. People tend to vote for who they know and if they don't hear about the competition they will re-elect the same person.

They made things worse, they took away freedom, and you thought it was a great idea.
Hm wait are you making the supposition that corporations support the right wing and the people support the left wing? Because I wholeheartedly disagree.
It doesn't matter how many billions of dollars are plowed into GOP campaigns.

Two things are clear- no matter what, 47% of the voting public will side with Democrats.

Yes, Romney was correct.

Number two - the Liberal media will tout and tow Democrat candidates no matter what.

You win by default, motherfucker.
The democratic party also takes in equally insane amounts of corporate cash each election cycle though. I'm not sure why people are trying to make this seem like Brazil just passed a law to help leftists and hurt the right. BOTH sides of "the spectrum" in the US are financed by corporations.
Brazilian Senate Approves Ban on Private Electoral Donations

With this big development in Brazilian politics, a highly advanced economic nation, could this start momentum in the U.S. for similar legislation?

Corporate campaign donations threaten democracy and in the U.S. I feel it may have usurped it.

Brazilian Senator Jorge Viana said this:

"Corporations primary goal is to obtain profit and public policy can not be an activity driven by profit"
it's idiotic and anti freedom to ban anything

so yea, dems would be all for it.


what joke, and you fell for it. brazil is a leftist country with a power central government, so the corporations bribe them to get things done. passing this law means the people that are currently bribed won't get replaced.
What? But Brazil has terms in their elections, it's not a monarchy.
yea, and so do we

but most of our pols are bribed. Why? b/c it's hard to get them out.
You take a money source away from your competition and now it's even harder. People tend to vote for who they know and if they don't hear about the competition they will re-elect the same person.

They made things worse, they took away freedom, and you thought it was a great idea.
Hm wait are you making the supposition that corporations support the right wing and the people support the left wing? Because I wholeheartedly disagree.

corporations bribe whoever is in charge.

so the people in charge pass a law that helps keep them in charge.

understand? It takes money to campaign.
Brazilian Senate Approves Ban on Private Electoral Donations

With this big development in Brazilian politics, a highly advanced economic nation, could this start momentum in the U.S. for similar legislation?

Corporate campaign donations threaten democracy and in the U.S. I feel it may have usurped it.

Brazilian Senator Jorge Viana said this:

"Corporations primary goal is to obtain profit and public policy can not be an activity driven by profit"

Yeah I'm sure we'll be jumping on this example just as quickly as we did adopting the metric system.
Brazilian Senate Approves Ban on Private Electoral Donations

With this big development in Brazilian politics, a highly advanced economic nation, could this start momentum in the U.S. for similar legislation?

Corporate campaign donations threaten democracy and in the U.S. I feel it may have usurped it.

Brazilian Senator Jorge Viana said this:

"Corporations primary goal is to obtain profit and public policy can not be an activity driven by profit"
No. It couldn't, according to the Supreme Court.

Does Brazil allow contributions from public sector labor unions?
Well the supreme court has zero jurisdiction when it comes to legislation, so that shouldn't really worry us. If the people show that they truly disagree with that interpretation of the constitution then on a constitutional and moral basis there will be absolutely zero reason for the senate and the president to not go through with this.

And I'm not sure in regards to your question about brazilian labor unions.
That's funny! Have you heard of Citizens United? The Court most certainly has the power to declare law unconstitutional

Go ahead. Try to outlaw corporate contributions you might find 2 or 3 Congressmen to back you.
Try Hank (Guam might tip over) Johnson or Maxine (sequestration may cost 170 million jobs) Waters. It will take someone of their intellectual caliber to even consider proposing such legislation.
Brazilian Senate Approves Ban on Private Electoral Donations

With this big development in Brazilian politics, a highly advanced economic nation, could this start momentum in the U.S. for similar legislation?

Corporate campaign donations threaten democracy and in the U.S. I feel it may have usurped it.

Brazilian Senator Jorge Viana said this:

"Corporations primary goal is to obtain profit and public policy can not be an activity driven by profit"
it's idiotic and anti freedom to ban anything

so yea, dems would be all for it.


what joke, and you fell for it. brazil is a leftist country with a power central government, so the corporations bribe them to get things done. passing this law means the people that are currently bribed won't get replaced.
What? But Brazil has terms in their elections, it's not a monarchy.
Are you really this stupid?
The Supremes already ruled and you are living in a fantasy land if you think the house or Senate would try to pass a law
If there was loud enough public support then yes it is certainly possible. Have you read the U.S. constitution? It was very clearly intended that the Supreme Court's interpretation of the constitution NOT be taken as gospel but instead questioned by the other two branches and for all branches of government to come to their own independent interpretations of the constitution.
It's the other way around, idiot. SCOTUS is the final arbiter. If they say it's unconstitutional, it's settled. Congress cannot override and the President can't veto.
The Supremes already ruled and you are living in a fantasy land if you think the house or Senate would try to pass a law
If there was loud enough public support then yes it is certainly possible. Have you read the U.S. constitution? It was very clearly intended that the Supreme Court's interpretation of the constitution NOT be taken as gospel but instead questioned by the other two branches and for all branches of government to come to their own independent interpretations of the constitution.
It's the other way around, idiot. SCOTUS is the final arbiter. If they say it's unconstitutional, it's settled. Congress cannot override and the President can't veto.
You clearly have never studied the constitution of the united states... The president/congress have no say in the ruling of the supreme court case that is true. But the court's ruling do not dictate how the other two branches have to act. The president and the legislatures can defy the SCOTUS' decisions with full constitutionality so long as their is a constitutional basis for it.

If it can be said that corporate donations in elections jeopardizes the purity of the democracy (and I do believe that it can, but most importantly the Brazilian government believes it to be so) then that is a fine constitutional basis for moving foward with the law I mentioned in the original post.

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