Brazil Just Had an Election - Election Over in a Single Night, US Election Deemed Fraudulent


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
In the third world, officials are having a good time declaring our election process more fraudulent than theirs.

"The mayor of Sao Paulo appeared headed to successfully fending off a re-election challenge from a socialist candidate as 57 Brazilian cities held runoff elections on Sunday.

Earlier on Sunday, Bolsonaro pushed unfounded claims that the recent United States presidential election was marred by fraud. Bolsonaro said he would continue to be one of the few world leaders to not yet recognise President-elect Joe Biden as the next president of the US.

“I have my sources of information that there really was a lot of fraud there,” Bolsonaro said. “Nobody talks about that. If it was enough to define [victory] for one or the other, I don’t know.”

Asked if he would recognise Biden’s victory, he said, “I am holding back a little more.”

The Brazilian president also expressed doubts about Brazil’s current electronic voting system, which he has suggested is vulnerable to fraud. He has urged the country to go back to a paper ballot system for the 2022 presidential election."

For context, Bolsonaro is the president of Brazil, from the social liberal party.

So there we have it. Brazil which unless Americans stand up is our future, already has a sounder election process than us. The average citizen of Brazil earns below 10 thousand dollars a month, the workers are doing great under quasi-socialism.
We are a third world country.

Republicans made it that way.

China is the first world country who is building up Africa & Brazil.

We are becoming a third world country as we are importing their population - and their policies with them.

China is doing the opposite, they have the biggest wall ever built and are importing the first world policies, and businesses... minus some policies that have got us into a mess. For example, they don't let moochers vote for free shit.

Republicans didn't make it that way, but by having no balls at all they sure aren't adequately addressing the issue.
We are a third world country.

Republicans made it that way.

China is the first world country who is building up Africa & Brazil.
China is a corrupt evil empire-----------trying to take over the world.

If we were to become China and not Brazil, that would be optimistic.

Under Biden we will sell out to China, and accelerate the fall towards Brazilian third world state.
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We are a third world country.

Republicans made it that way.

China is the first world country who is building up Africa & Brazil.
China is a corrupt evil empire-----------trying to take over the world.
What do you mean by "trying"? They have taken over the world. All those mask the world wears on their face were made in China along with the virus that infected the world. China was first to vaccinate their people against the Covid-19. They have far more automation, automated stores, home delivery than we have & totally switched their economy to digital currency years ago.
We are a third world country.

Republicans made it that way.

China is the first world country who is building up Africa & Brazil.
China is a corrupt evil empire-----------trying to take over the world.
What do you mean by "trying"? They have taken over the world. All those mask the world wears on their face were made in China along with the virus that infected the world. China was first to vaccinate their people against the Covid-19. They have far more automation, automated stores, home delivery than we have & totally switched their economy to digital currency years ago.
China's death camp peeps, slave laborers and those who do not make enough to live independently most likely disagree with you.
The average citizen of Brazil earns below 10 thousand dollars a month, the workers are doing great under quasi-socialism.

Gee, I think I'll have to move there! That's more than twice our national average! :SMILEW~130:

Hehe, an obvious typo. Nice catch...

Actually, their GDP is less than 10K per capita. The average wage is likely much less than that a year once you subtract the socialist party's share and so on.
In the third world, officials are having a good time declaring our election process more fraudulent than theirs.

"The mayor of Sao Paulo appeared headed to successfully fending off a re-election challenge from a socialist candidate as 57 Brazilian cities held runoff elections on Sunday.

Earlier on Sunday, Bolsonaro pushed unfounded claims that the recent United States presidential election was marred by fraud. Bolsonaro said he would continue to be one of the few world leaders to not yet recognise President-elect Joe Biden as the next president of the US.

“I have my sources of information that there really was a lot of fraud there,” Bolsonaro said. “Nobody talks about that. If it was enough to define [victory] for one or the other, I don’t know.”

Asked if he would recognise Biden’s victory, he said, “I am holding back a little more.”

The Brazilian president also expressed doubts about Brazil’s current electronic voting system, which he has suggested is vulnerable to fraud. He has urged the country to go back to a paper ballot system for the 2022 presidential election."

For context, Bolsonaro is the president of Brazil, from the social liberal party.

So there we have it. Brazil which unless Americans stand up is our future, already has a sounder election process than us. The average citizen of Brazil earns below 10 thousand dollars a month, the workers are doing great under quasi-socialism.

The fact that we took a while indicates that we were careful and thorough.
In the third world, officials are having a good time declaring our election process more fraudulent than theirs.

"The mayor of Sao Paulo appeared headed to successfully fending off a re-election challenge from a socialist candidate as 57 Brazilian cities held runoff elections on Sunday.

Earlier on Sunday, Bolsonaro pushed unfounded claims that the recent United States presidential election was marred by fraud. Bolsonaro said he would continue to be one of the few world leaders to not yet recognise President-elect Joe Biden as the next president of the US.

“I have my sources of information that there really was a lot of fraud there,” Bolsonaro said. “Nobody talks about that. If it was enough to define [victory] for one or the other, I don’t know.”

Asked if he would recognise Biden’s victory, he said, “I am holding back a little more.”

The Brazilian president also expressed doubts about Brazil’s current electronic voting system, which he has suggested is vulnerable to fraud. He has urged the country to go back to a paper ballot system for the 2022 presidential election."

For context, Bolsonaro is the president of Brazil, from the social liberal party.

So there we have it. Brazil which unless Americans stand up is our future, already has a sounder election process than us. The average citizen of Brazil earns below 10 thousand dollars a month, the workers are doing great under quasi-socialism.

The fact that we took a while indicates that we were careful and thorough.

No, it is more indicative of "the most inclusive voter fraud organization ever".
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In the third world, officials are having a good time declaring our election process more fraudulent than theirs.

"The mayor of Sao Paulo appeared headed to successfully fending off a re-election challenge from a socialist candidate as 57 Brazilian cities held runoff elections on Sunday.

Earlier on Sunday, Bolsonaro pushed unfounded claims that the recent United States presidential election was marred by fraud. Bolsonaro said he would continue to be one of the few world leaders to not yet recognise President-elect Joe Biden as the next president of the US.

“I have my sources of information that there really was a lot of fraud there,” Bolsonaro said. “Nobody talks about that. If it was enough to define [victory] for one or the other, I don’t know.”

Asked if he would recognise Biden’s victory, he said, “I am holding back a little more.”

The Brazilian president also expressed doubts about Brazil’s current electronic voting system, which he has suggested is vulnerable to fraud. He has urged the country to go back to a paper ballot system for the 2022 presidential election."

For context, Bolsonaro is the president of Brazil, from the social liberal party.

So there we have it. Brazil which unless Americans stand up is our future, already has a sounder election process than us. The average citizen of Brazil earns below 10 thousand dollars a month, the workers are doing great under quasi-socialism.

The fact that we took a while indicates that we were careful and thorough.

No, it is more indicative of "the most inclusive voter fraud organization ever".

Zero proof of any such widespread voter fraud the courts are reminding you. Daily.
In the third world, officials are having a good time declaring our election process more fraudulent than theirs.

"The mayor of Sao Paulo appeared headed to successfully fending off a re-election challenge from a socialist candidate as 57 Brazilian cities held runoff elections on Sunday.

Earlier on Sunday, Bolsonaro pushed unfounded claims that the recent United States presidential election was marred by fraud. Bolsonaro said he would continue to be one of the few world leaders to not yet recognise President-elect Joe Biden as the next president of the US.

“I have my sources of information that there really was a lot of fraud there,” Bolsonaro said. “Nobody talks about that. If it was enough to define [victory] for one or the other, I don’t know.”

Asked if he would recognise Biden’s victory, he said, “I am holding back a little more.”

The Brazilian president also expressed doubts about Brazil’s current electronic voting system, which he has suggested is vulnerable to fraud. He has urged the country to go back to a paper ballot system for the 2022 presidential election."

For context, Bolsonaro is the president of Brazil, from the social liberal party.

So there we have it. Brazil which unless Americans stand up is our future, already has a sounder election process than us. The average citizen of Brazil earns below 10 thousand dollars a month, the workers are doing great under quasi-socialism.

The fact that we took a while indicates that we were careful and thorough.

What a load of crap. Why don’t Democrats support voter ID? Countries with far higher poverty levels and educational levels than ours have such laws. Those folks are able to get an ID somehow. We know why they don’t want it. It is to enable fraud. The same reason they want illegals counted in the census...they can get more representives in Congress with a higher population. Why any sane, true American would think it is right to give ILLEGALS representation is beyond all logic. It only encourages left-wing states to allow more illegals to enter our country. The next step is they will want them to vote in our elections. A dumbed down, indoctrinated electorate and rampant cheating at all levels will ultimately destroy this great country.
In the third world, officials are having a good time declaring our election process more fraudulent than theirs.

"The mayor of Sao Paulo appeared headed to successfully fending off a re-election challenge from a socialist candidate as 57 Brazilian cities held runoff elections on Sunday.

Earlier on Sunday, Bolsonaro pushed unfounded claims that the recent United States presidential election was marred by fraud. Bolsonaro said he would continue to be one of the few world leaders to not yet recognise President-elect Joe Biden as the next president of the US.

“I have my sources of information that there really was a lot of fraud there,” Bolsonaro said. “Nobody talks about that. If it was enough to define [victory] for one or the other, I don’t know.”

Asked if he would recognise Biden’s victory, he said, “I am holding back a little more.”

The Brazilian president also expressed doubts about Brazil’s current electronic voting system, which he has suggested is vulnerable to fraud. He has urged the country to go back to a paper ballot system for the 2022 presidential election."

For context, Bolsonaro is the president of Brazil, from the social liberal party.

So there we have it. Brazil which unless Americans stand up is our future, already has a sounder election process than us. The average citizen of Brazil earns below 10 thousand dollars a month, the workers are doing great under quasi-socialism.

The fact that we took a while indicates that we were careful and thorough.

What a load of crap. Why don’t Democrats support voter ID?
That's a valid question. If you have read my posts about it...I see nothing wrong with it as long as it's free. I prefer a nationwide Voter ID card (it could double as your social security card) with picture on it. If you can't muster the chutzpa to get one, you really don't want to vote. It's no undue burden on someone to get it.
That being said, pursuant to voter're not uncovering much fraud. It's about the same level it was in 2008, 2012, 2016....and its about the same level it will be in 2024 and 2028. I support the photo-ID laws because any fraud is too much and the solution is simple, quick, cheap, and available. But I am adult enough to know that it won't change much in the way election outcomes. You're upset because your blob lost and the hate, division, and to put it bluntly...ass-hole-ish-ness is being rejected.

Countries with far higher poverty levels and educational levels than ours have such laws. Those folks are able to get an ID somehow. We know why they don’t want it. It is to enable fraud. The same reason they want illegals counted in the census...they can get more representives in Congress with a higher population. Why any sane, true American would think it is right to give ILLEGALS representation is beyond all logic. It only encourages left-wing states to allow more illegals to enter our country. The next step is they will want them to vote in our elections. A dumbed down, indoctrinated electorate and rampant cheating at all levels will ultimately destroy this great country.

And you double down on the silliness.

So, you think that the illegals aliens are lining up to vote? In most elections, About 1/2 of the population of native born Americans don't bother to register to vote much less show up at the polling places. But you're worried about illegal aliens voting?
In the third world, officials are having a good time declaring our election process more fraudulent than theirs.

"The mayor of Sao Paulo appeared headed to successfully fending off a re-election challenge from a socialist candidate as 57 Brazilian cities held runoff elections on Sunday.

Earlier on Sunday, Bolsonaro pushed unfounded claims that the recent United States presidential election was marred by fraud. Bolsonaro said he would continue to be one of the few world leaders to not yet recognise President-elect Joe Biden as the next president of the US.

“I have my sources of information that there really was a lot of fraud there,” Bolsonaro said. “Nobody talks about that. If it was enough to define [victory] for one or the other, I don’t know.”

Asked if he would recognise Biden’s victory, he said, “I am holding back a little more.”

The Brazilian president also expressed doubts about Brazil’s current electronic voting system, which he has suggested is vulnerable to fraud. He has urged the country to go back to a paper ballot system for the 2022 presidential election."

For context, Bolsonaro is the president of Brazil, from the social liberal party.

So there we have it. Brazil which unless Americans stand up is our future, already has a sounder election process than us. The average citizen of Brazil earns below 10 thousand dollars a month, the workers are doing great under quasi-socialism.

The fact that we took a while indicates that we were careful and thorough.

What a load of crap. Why don’t Democrats support voter ID? Countries with far higher poverty levels and educational levels than ours have such laws. Those folks are able to get an ID somehow. We know why they don’t want it. It is to enable fraud. The same reason they want illegals counted in the census...they can get more representives in Congress with a higher population. Why any sane, true American would think it is right to give ILLEGALS representation is beyond all logic. It only encourages left-wing states to allow more illegals to enter our country. The next step is they will want them to vote in our elections. A dumbed down, indoctrinated electorate and rampant cheating at all levels will ultimately destroy this great country.

There’s nothing that would ever prevent the right wing from whining about voter fraud when they lose.
But I am adult enough to know that it won't change much in the way election outcomes. You're upset because your blob lost and the hate, division, and to put it bluntly...ass-hole-ish-ness is being rejected.

No, you are obviously childish enough to call our President a “blob”. You and many other children decided not to vote for Trump because you don’t like his personality. His policies were/are good for the US.

So, you think that the illegals aliens are lining up to vote? In most elections, About 1/2 of the population of native born Americans don't bother to register to vote much less show up at the polling places. But you're worried about illegal aliens voting?

In the first paragraph you state that no amount of fraud is good, but then you proceed to say that illegals voting is not a problem.
But I am adult enough to know that it won't change much in the way election outcomes. You're upset because your blob lost and the hate, division, and to put it bluntly...ass-hole-ish-ness is being rejected.

No, you are obviously childish enough to call our President a “blob”. You and many other children decided not to vote for Trump because you don’t like his personality. His policies were/are good for the US.
Donald Trump aka "The Blob" has called every political opponent a name at some time or the other. You had not problem with his childishness...right?

His policies were atrocious for the US and the world in my opinion.

Care to get back on topic?

So, you think that the illegals aliens are lining up to vote? In most elections, About 1/2 of the population of native born Americans don't bother to register to vote much less show up at the polling places. But you're worried about illegal aliens voting?

In the first paragraph you state that no amount of fraud is good, but then you proceed to say that illegals voting is not a problem.

Never said that at all.

I said it was comic that people like yourself think that people who come here line up to vote when people who live here aren't lining up to vote.
But I am adult enough to know that it won't change much in the way election outcomes. You're upset because your blob lost and the hate, division, and to put it bluntly...ass-hole-ish-ness is being rejected.

No, you are obviously childish enough to call our President a “blob”. You and many other children decided not to vote for Trump because you don’t like his personality. His policies were/are good for the US.
Donald Trump aka "The Blob" has called every political opponent a name at some time or the other. You had not problem with his childishness...right?

His policies were atrocious for the US and the world in my opinion.

Care to get back on topic?

So, you think that the illegals aliens are lining up to vote? In most elections, About 1/2 of the population of native born Americans don't bother to register to vote much less show up at the polling places. But you're worried about illegal aliens voting?

In the first paragraph you state that no amount of fraud is good, but then you proceed to say that illegals voting is not a problem.

Never said that at all.

I said it was comic that people like yourself think that people who come here line up to vote when people who live here aren't lining up to vote.

President Trump is a historic peace president... making good countries out of foreign nations rather than bombing them like the Biden plan... just so we can accept infinite refugees that are then supposed to vote for him and end Americanism which democrats do not like.
But I am adult enough to know that it won't change much in the way election outcomes. You're upset because your blob lost and the hate, division, and to put it bluntly...ass-hole-ish-ness is being rejected.

No, you are obviously childish enough to call our President a “blob”. You and many other children decided not to vote for Trump because you don’t like his personality. His policies were/are good for the US.
Donald Trump aka "The Blob" has called every political opponent a name at some time or the other. You had not problem with his childishness...right?

His policies were atrocious for the US and the world in my opinion.

Care to get back on topic?

So, you think that the illegals aliens are lining up to vote? In most elections, About 1/2 of the population of native born Americans don't bother to register to vote much less show up at the polling places. But you're worried about illegal aliens voting?

In the first paragraph you state that no amount of fraud is good, but then you proceed to say that illegals voting is not a problem.

Never said that at all.

I said it was comic that people like yourself think that people who come here line up to vote when people who live here aren't lining up to vote.

President Trump is a historic peace president... making good countries out of foreign nations rather than bombing them like the Biden plan... just so we can accept infinite refugees that are then supposed to vote for him and end Americanism which democrats do not like.

It was the one good thing the blob did. He did it from a place of cowardice though...not out of design.
But I am adult enough to know that it won't change much in the way election outcomes. You're upset because your blob lost and the hate, division, and to put it bluntly...ass-hole-ish-ness is being rejected.

No, you are obviously childish enough to call our President a “blob”. You and many other children decided not to vote for Trump because you don’t like his personality. His policies were/are good for the US.
Donald Trump aka "The Blob" has called every political opponent a name at some time or the other. You had not problem with his childishness...right?

His policies were atrocious for the US and the world in my opinion.

Care to get back on topic?

So, you think that the illegals aliens are lining up to vote? In most elections, About 1/2 of the population of native born Americans don't bother to register to vote much less show up at the polling places. But you're worried about illegal aliens voting?

In the first paragraph you state that no amount of fraud is good, but then you proceed to say that illegals voting is not a problem.

Never said that at all.

I said it was comic that people like yourself think that people who come here line up to vote when people who live here aren't lining up to vote.

President Trump is a historic peace president... making good countries out of foreign nations rather than bombing them like the Biden plan... just so we can accept infinite refugees that are then supposed to vote for him and end Americanism which democrats do not like.

It was the one good thing the blob did. He did it from a place of cowardice though...not out of design.

He did it out of genius. Obama managed to start... is it four new wars with all his peace prizes and BS... the media cheered.

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