Brazil's Congress Votes to Invest 100% of Oil Revenue into Education and Healthcare

I'd also like to point out the irony is the OP. On the cover picture what do we see???? We see the Anti big Government freedom fighter, Government toppler mask from the movie V for Vendetta... The other use for that mask in politics is "Anonymous," an America (we guess) anti big government "terrorist group."

This is how Progressive progressives are... They take anti big Government images and make them somehow magically FOR big overwhelmingly corrupted government!

You guys win! Stupid has prevailed!

You stay focused on the important stuff...let the rest of us talk while you think it over
Government is absolutely evil, hence the massive restrictions the constitution gave to the federal Government. Not that the constitution stops them. And why did you bring up Ron Paul?

Feel free to show where more government spending has long term success in education or healthcare.

Show me an example of where less govt spending resulted in better healthcare or education. Surely there must be a place like this you're basing your ideas on, right?

Slowly go back in time through the USA and education/healthcare. You will find it getrs better and better the less Government is involved and today, being the worst HC and education have ever been in this country we have by fat the most government intervention.

Seems pretty basic!

So have nothing. I'm starting to see a pattern.

1. Say something completely made up
2. Pretend to be so busy, lazy etc that you cannot prove it
I'd also like to point out the irony is the OP. On the cover picture what do we see???? We see the Anti big Government freedom fighter, Government toppler mask from the movie V for Vendetta... The other use for that mask in politics is "Anonymous," an America (we guess) anti big government "terrorist group."

This is how Progressive progressives are... They take anti big Government images and make them somehow magically FOR big overwhelmingly corrupted government!

You guys win! Stupid has prevailed!

You stay focused on the important stuff...let the rest of us talk while you think it over

wow, what a ass
Protests DO work

So the Government caved in and now spends 100% of all the oil revenues on...... Government....? The "people" protested for that? What a bunch of ignorant leaches lol.

BTW, do you thank all of them protesters for more carbon admission?

I get it I just don't understand how everything can always be bad. I think spending on Education is a good thing. Spending on Healthcare is a good thing.

The downside is...

Spending on education is a local issue. It is good to have lots of books, I-pads, computers and teachers.

It really comes down to how the market through supply and demand works. We do NOT want a monopoly. This is why prices go up and the children have less to work with.

About heathcare...General healthcare is going to have the same problems as anything else that has to do with business. :eek: Now R@d and development this can be really good. Government does in fact fund this...
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Yeah you keep saying that but forgetting to actually describe that working thing in any detail

You have yet to describe how giving the government more money improves education. it certainly hasn't in this country.

So...nothing then?

You could've said that 3 posts ago instead of pretending you knew there was another way

You've got nothing, sheep.

Your pat answer for everything is to take more money from the people and give it to the corrupt assholes in government.

The easy solution is choice. The more non-government school choices parents have the better.
So the Government caved in and now spends 100% of all the oil revenues on...... Government....? The "people" protested for that? What a bunch of ignorant leaches lol.

BTW, do you thank all of them protesters for more carbon admission?

I get it I just don't understand how everything can always be bad. I think spending on Education is a good thing. Spending on Healthcare is a good thing.

The downside is...

Spending on education is a local issue. It is good to have lots of books, I-pads, computers and teachers.

It really comes down to how the market through supply and demand works. We do NOT want a monopoly. This is why prices go up and the children have less to work with.

About heathcare...General healthcare is going to have the same problems as anything else that has to do with business. :eek: Now R@d and development this can be really good. Government does in fact fund this...

You don't need i pads or even computers to teach.
Simple really... You got your way RDD/CC... So in 10 years they will be the mecca of awesomeness and you can brag about it then. However, if their HC still sucks, if their education system still sucks, maybe you could staple your fucking mouths shut? Deal?
Avory sure. Now I have a deal for you. If you're unable to show a country that saw better educations and healthcare with LESS gov spending will you acknowledge that it's just a wack a doodle theory that rooted in fantasy? Deal?
I get it I just don't understand how everything can always be bad. I think spending on Education is a good thing. Spending on Healthcare is a good thing.

The downside is...

Spending on education is a local issue. It is good to have lots of books, I-pads, computers and teachers.

It really comes down to how the market through supply and demand works. We do NOT want a monopoly. This is why prices go up and the children have less to work with.

About heathcare...General healthcare is going to have the same problems as anything else that has to do with business. :eek: Now R@d and development this can be really good. Government does in fact fund this...

You don't need i pads or even computers to teach.

You don't need books either.
Avory sure. Now I have a deal for you. If you're unable to show a country that saw better educations and healthcare with LESS gov spending will you acknowledge that it's just a wack a doodle theory that rooted in fantasy? Deal?

America you dumb fuck! We STILL make the most of all new mother fucking medicine on planet fucking earth and have been the leader for like 100 fucking years. Most of the other countries benefited from this or their medicine would still be in the fuck ass of the dark ages.

Seriously, is Hitler a great man who just got misrepresented by history or something to you?

There is no doubt Government can do better than the privet sector at first. You give Government no morals, billions of dollars and no laws to follow and for a short time they will make great progress.... then the bureaucracy takes over and you have what we have today in America and most of the developed world, deficits bigger than all the mother fucking oceans combined.
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within your mind we should go back to the 18th century. LOL

Get a clue idiot.

There are advantages to classical learning styles. In fact some of the most innovative teaching methods don't use technology until 8th grade.
Spending on education is a local issue. It is good to have lots of books, I-pads, computers and teachers.

It really comes down to how the market through supply and demand works. We do NOT want a monopoly. This is why prices go up and the children have less to work with.

About heathcare...General healthcare is going to have the same problems as anything else that has to do with business. :eek: Now R@d and development this can be really good. Government does in fact fund this...

You don't need i pads or even computers to teach.

You don't need books either.

Did you have an I pad in first grade?

I didn't even touch a computer until I was a senior in HS neither did most of my class and guess what we still learned.
Avory sure. Now I have a deal for you. If you're unable to show a country that saw better educations and healthcare with LESS gov spending will you acknowledge that it's just a wack a doodle theory that rooted in fantasy? Deal?

America you dumb fuck! We STILL make the most of all new mother fucking medicine on planet fucking earth and have been the leader for like 100 fucking years. Most of the other countries benefited from this or their medicine would still be in the fuck ass of the dark ages.

Seriously, is Hitler a great man who just got misrepresented by history or something to you?

There is no doubt Government can do better than the privet sector at first. You give Government no morals, billions of dollars and no laws to follow and for a short time they will make great progress.... then the bureaucracy takes over and you have what we have today in America and most of the developed world, deficits bigger than all the mother fucking oceans combined.

Thanks for at least admitting govt has a purpose and can perform functions well. At least.

But the private sectors ability to make medicine is not an example of how Education and or Healthcare is better with LESS govt spending. Now you're changing the subject.
You don't need i pads or even computers to teach.

You don't need books either.

Did you have an I pad in first grade?

I didn't even touch a computer until I was a senior in HS neither did most of my class and guess what we still learned.

Nation & World | A low-tech school in the heart of Silicon Valley | Seattle Times Newspaper

Right because in 2013 not touching a computer until HS is the thing that's going to move America forward :doubt:
Regarding public education, Dilma suggested that the chambers would approve to use 100 percent of royalties coming from oil extraction on the public education system. Congressmen and senators immediately discussed this proposal, and on Wednesday they finally approved to split 75 percent education, 25 percent health.

In Response to Protests, Brazil's Congress Votes to Invest 100% of Oil Revenue into Education and Healthcare

well if Obama would let more drilling on PUBLIC land I would be all for it. On private land the country has no right to take all the profits
You don't need books either.

Did you have an I pad in first grade?

I didn't even touch a computer until I was a senior in HS neither did most of my class and guess what we still learned.

Nation & World | A low-tech school in the heart of Silicon Valley | Seattle Times Newspaper

Right because in 2013 not touching a computer until HS is the thing that's going to move America forward :doubt:

Yeah and learning to google search will right?

There are benefits to learning the old fashioned way especially for young children that will yield better outcomes than using computers.
Right because in 2013 not touching a computer until HS is the thing that's going to move America forward :doubt:

93% of American homes have one or more computers. Engadget doesn't provide the direct stats for a breakdown, but I would bet that this includes 100% of homes that have school age children. The government doesn't need to supply computers or cell phones - people will have them and have access to them without the government.

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