Brazil's Congress Votes to Invest 100% of Oil Revenue into Education and Healthcare

Did you have an I pad in first grade?

I didn't even touch a computer until I was a senior in HS neither did most of my class and guess what we still learned.

Nation & World | A low-tech school in the heart of Silicon Valley | Seattle Times Newspaper

Right because in 2013 not touching a computer until HS is the thing that's going to move America forward :doubt:

Yeah and learning to google search will right?

There are benefits to learning the old fashioned way especially for young children that will yield better outcomes than using computers.

According to...?

Right because in 2013 not touching a computer until HS is the thing that's going to move America forward :doubt:

93% of American homes have one or more computers. Engadget doesn't provide the direct stats for a breakdown, but I would bet that this includes 100% of homes that have school age children. The government doesn't need to supply computers or cell phones - people will have them and have access to them without the government.

Did someone say they wouldn't have access?

Because I thought we were discussing the benefits of not letting a child learn on a computer until HS?
So according to nothing, like I said.

Technology in schools is likely to be outdated, and Apple. Not exactly preparation for a high tech future.


Applicant: I have great computer skills.

Interviewer: Great, you know Excel and Powerpoint, can write Java code and SQL queries?

Applicant: Well no, but I know iTunes and can post on FaceBook....


Apple: Destroying the future, one fucktard at a time.
Now you're making this about Apple? Can you just type when you have just one point you're willing to stick with?
So according to nothing, like I said.

Technology in schools is likely to be outdated, and Apple. Not exactly preparation for a high tech future.


Applicant: I have great computer skills.

Interviewer: Great, you know Excel and Powerpoint, can write Java code and SQL queries?

Applicant: Well no, but I know iTunes and can post on FaceBook....


Apple: Destroying the future, one fucktard at a time.

stop being a retard :eusa_hand: Thats the diff between Librals :cool: & conservatives. Our side sees that investments in education are needed as can be witnessed by world rankings in math & science. Conservatives? Not so much.
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stop being a retard retard :eusa_hand: Thats the diff between Librals :cool: & conservatives. Our side sees that investments in education are needed as can be witnessed by world rankings in math & science. Conservatives? Not so much.

Putting a kid on an iMac from 1987 isn't an "investment."

What you leftists call "investing in education" is just funneling cash into SEIU pension funds.

The reason home schooled kids do so much better in math and science, Scheiß Mause, is that fat pensions and lavish lifestyles for public union goons, doesn't actually improve the performance of students.....
Right because in 2013 not touching a computer until HS is the thing that's going to move America forward :doubt:

Yeah and learning to google search will right?

There are benefits to learning the old fashioned way especially for young children that will yield better outcomes than using computers.

According to...?


There is nothing that a K-8Th grade student needs a computer to learn.

It's called common sense.

But here you go.

The study assessed technology’s impacts using two types of student achievement measures. The first set of measures assessed reading achievement among students who were part of the reading cluster experiments, and math achievement among students who were part of the math cluster experiments. The second set of measures used data collected from school records and included such outcomes as student attendance and promotion to the next grade. The study also examined the conditions and practices under which educational technology is effective. The design yielded measures of technology’s impacts for each school in the study. The importance of school-level conditions and practices was explored by relating the school-level impact estimates and measures of school factors.

On average, after one year, products did not increase or decrease test scores by amounts that were statistically different from zero.
I think we need a system that is a hybrid. NOT pure capitalism or socialism.

This has been proven to work unlike the other two. Corporations make good stuff and governments fund good developments. ;)
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Yeah and learning to google search will right?

There are benefits to learning the old fashioned way especially for young children that will yield better outcomes than using computers.

According to...?


There is nothing that a K-8Th grade student needs a computer to learn.

It's called common sense.

You said "yield BETTER results". According to whom? Your feelings? Nevermind, just stop saying stuff that has no roots in reality.
Yeah and learning to google search will right?

There are benefits to learning the old fashioned way especially for young children that will yield better outcomes than using computers.

According to...?


There is nothing that a K-8Th grade student needs a computer to learn.

It's called common sense.

But here you go.

Educational Technology: Does It Improve Academic Achievement?

The study assessed technology’s impacts using two types of student achievement measures. The first set of measures assessed reading achievement among students who were part of the reading cluster experiments, and math achievement among students who were part of the math cluster experiments. The second set of measures used data collected from school records and included such outcomes as student attendance and promotion to the next grade. The study also examined the conditions and practices under which educational technology is effective. The design yielded measures of technology’s impacts for each school in the study. The importance of school-level conditions and practices was explored by relating the school-level impact estimates and measures of school factors.

On average, after one year, products did not increase or decrease test scores by amounts that were statistically different from zero.

Are you out of your drug induced mind? Computers make the world run today...This isn't 1791!:eek: Maybe Brazil wants to fund computer science classes?
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According to...?


There is nothing that a K-8Th grade student needs a computer to learn.

It's called common sense.

But here you go.

Educational Technology: Does It Improve Academic Achievement?

On average, after one year, products did not increase or decrease test scores by amounts that were statistically different from zero.

Are you out of your drug induced mind? Computers make the world run today...This isn't 1791!:eek:

What does that have to do with teaching children?

What is so hard to understand about the simple statement that kids do not need computers to learn?

You don't need a computer to learn how to read, write, or do math.

In fact the study I cited above clearly states that software product do not improve grades.

Kids can learn how to use computers later in their education but there is no need for them early on.
According to...?


There is nothing that a K-8Th grade student needs a computer to learn.

It's called common sense.

You said "yield BETTER results". According to whom? Your feelings? Nevermind, just stop saying stuff that has no roots in reality.

See edited post.

If technology is statistically null in improving grades then the old fashioned way yields better results.
There is nothing that a K-8Th grade student needs a computer to learn.

It's called common sense.

You said "yield BETTER results". According to whom? Your feelings? Nevermind, just stop saying stuff that has no roots in reality.

See edited post.

If technology is statistically null in improving grades then the old fashioned way yields better results.

It doesn't say that. Your link says that tech didn't increase or decrease it. Not that tech was worse than no tech. Now your grasping for straws.

As a matter of fact, you've convinced me. There is no benefit to kids having access to computers in the classroom. It actually hurts them.
Regarding public education, Dilma suggested that the chambers would approve to use 100 percent of royalties coming from oil extraction on the public education system. Congressmen and senators immediately discussed this proposal, and on Wednesday they finally approved to split 75 percent education, 25 percent health.

In Response to Protests, Brazil's Congress Votes to Invest 100% of Oil Revenue into Education and Healthcare



Brazil's Congress Votes to Invest 100% of Oil Revenue into Education and Healthcare

The leadership is just trying to buy time until after next year's World Cup!
Brazilian Soccer fans just killed a Referee and staked his head at Midfield.

Brazil soccer referee killed during match; his head displayed on stake midfield | Fox News

Throwing money at a problem is the dimocrap way. It never solves anything, but a bunch of their crooked buddies get rich in the process. Plus, everybody knows the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will carry their water for them.

All we're doing is graduating a bunch of idiots with a degree in -- Nothing. Nothing at all.

Future soldier: Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku on building a Death Star and Silicon Valley brain drain

Physicist Michio Kaku on building a Death Star and the Silicon Valley brain drain. Sadly, our public education system is failing to address the issue of the Silicon Valley brain drain.

Another casualty of the decline in interest surrounding science and even math is the US education system, which Kaku describes as the most dysfunctional among advanced capitalist countries.

"Fifty percent of the top engineers and grunts doing the work in Silicon Valley are foreign-born and that is unsustainable," Kaku says. "One day, the brain drain will reverse -- it's starting to happen. Now top scientists are starting to go back to China and back to India. That's why our education cannot continue to be one of the worst known to science."
So you would rather have a country of uneducated people? I agree that our educational system must produce people that can do "real" jobs like science, medical, construction, tech, etc.

Making everyone a stupid religious idiot like in the middle east is a bad idea. Brazil needs a educated population that wants to move themselves to the middle class....Certainly America must up our standards to compete with the rest of the first world, but we're not discussing America here...We're discussing brazil.
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