Brazil's Congress Votes to Invest 100% of Oil Revenue into Education and Healthcare

Yeah, whatever.

In 2010, 5.9 MILLION Americans got a college degree of one kind or another.

Where they gonna work? At the Five and Dime store? Because the Stuttering Clusterfukk has created just so many jobs? :eek:

And in the sciences -- The ones that count like Engineering.... We gotta bring in more than half of them from another Country because.... Because why?

Think about that. Or not. You won't because.... Well, because you can't

But Teachers? Oh hell, we got tens of thousands of them waiting for a job to open up.

Lawyers? Got tens of thousands of unemployed lawyers.

We been throwing money at the educational system in this Country since Jimmy the peanut Carter and what's it gotten us?

We're still last in PISA scoring among civilized Countries. And we spend more per student that any Country on Earth besides Switzerland.

Money don't work. It's the culture of the corrupt educational system that needs reformed and, in the case of Brazil, the culture of the people.

Money means squat. Just look at Washington DC where we spend more money per student than anywhere else in the world. By a big margin.

And they're still dumber than a box of fucking rocks.

No insult to the rocks intended.

And people like you are the problem

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