Brazil's Congress Votes to Invest 100% of Oil Revenue into Education and Healthcare

Still won't solve the problem. Corruption in govt will become colossal when this happens and the citizens will be the unfortunate beneficiaries of the travesty.

It's Brazil, a failed narco kleptocracy. It would be difficult for the Cartel run cesspool to be much more corrupt.
Protests DO work

Have you ever been to South America?

The governments there are unbelievably corrupt and these idiots want to give those corrupt politicians even more money.

Those are some asinine ovines.

And the solution from the peanut gallery is what? Nothing will work! Why TRY!

Your sheep like solution is to keep taking money from people and giving it to the fucking corrupt government.

And plenty of things could work that don't involve allowing corrupt politicians to take more money from the people.
Ah, but the women. Still, I agree this thread is a distraction. Let's get back to Egypt and Obama's failures
Have you ever been to South America?

The governments there are unbelievably corrupt and these idiots want to give those corrupt politicians even more money.

Those are some asinine ovines.

And the solution from the peanut gallery is what? Nothing will work! Why TRY!

You yr sheepish solution is to keep taking money from people and giving it to the fucking corrupt government.

And plenty of things could work that don't involves allowing corrupt politicians to take more money from the people.

Yeah you keep saying that but forgetting to actually describe that working thing in any detail
And the solution from the peanut gallery is what? Nothing will work! Why TRY!

You yr sheepish solution is to keep taking money from people and giving it to the fucking corrupt government.

And plenty of things could work that don't involves allowing corrupt politicians to take more money from the people.

Yeah you keep saying that but forgetting to actually describe that working thing in any detail

You have yet to describe how giving the government more money improves education. it certainly hasn't in this country.
You yr sheepish solution is to keep taking money from people and giving it to the fucking corrupt government.

And plenty of things could work that don't involves allowing corrupt politicians to take more money from the people.

Yeah you keep saying that but forgetting to actually describe that working thing in any detail

You have yet to describe how giving the government more money improves education. it certainly hasn't in this country.

So...nothing then?

You could've said that 3 posts ago instead of pretending you knew there was another way
So the Government caved in and now spends 100% of all the oil revenues on...... Government....? The "people" protested for that? What a bunch of ignorant leaches lol.

BTW, do you thank all of them protesters for more carbon admission?

I get it I just don't understand how everything can always be bad. I think spending on Education is a good thing. Spending on Healthcare is a good thing.

The downside is...

Corruption, a shit economy, dependency, poverty, Dictators, bad services, recession and depression...

You're a joke "dude." The fact that you can't even see what history has clearly proven makes you obsolete. Evolution bro, get on it or get left behind.

Yeah, get with the program. Government is absolute Evil and can not be trusted for ANYTHING.

That's why we need to elect Ron Paul. Government will be perfect once we have an honest and just libertarian running things. Right??
I get it I just don't understand how everything can always be bad. I think spending on Education is a good thing. Spending on Healthcare is a good thing.

The downside is...

Corruption, a shit economy, dependency, poverty, Dictators, bad services, recession and depression...

You're a joke "dude." The fact that you can't even see what history has clearly proven makes you obsolete. Evolution bro, get on it or get left behind.

Yeah, get with the program. Government is absolute Evil and can not be trusted for ANYTHING.

That's why we need to elect Ron Paul. Government will be perfect once we have an honest and just libertarian running things. Right??

Government is absolutely evil, hence the massive restrictions the constitution gave to the federal Government. Not that the constitution stops them. And why did you bring up Ron Paul?

Feel free to show where more government spending has long term success in education or healthcare.
Still won't solve the problem. Corruption in govt will become colossal when this happens and the citizens will be the unfortunate beneficiaries of the travesty.

Not if they handle it the way they've been handling it. By not taking shit from the gov and demanding better

Brazil's one of the more corrupt countries in Latin America to do business with... as are Guatemala, Honduras, etc. Try operating a business down there.
Yeah you keep saying that but forgetting to actually describe that working thing in any detail

You have yet to describe how giving the government more money improves education. it certainly hasn't in this country.

So...nothing then?

You could've said that 3 posts ago instead of pretending you knew there was another way

You guys are so weird, claiming to not be socialists or communist then you clearly argue for the definition of them.

"So dictators tried to take over the world after implementing programs I like and having them fail! So that means we shouldn't try again!!????"

Corruption, a shit economy, dependency, poverty, Dictators, bad services, recession and depression...

You're a joke "dude." The fact that you can't even see what history has clearly proven makes you obsolete. Evolution bro, get on it or get left behind.

Yeah, get with the program. Government is absolute Evil and can not be trusted for ANYTHING.

That's why we need to elect Ron Paul. Government will be perfect once we have an honest and just libertarian running things. Right??

Government is absolutely evil, hence the massive restrictions the constitution gave to the federal Government. Not that the constitution stops them. And why did you bring up Ron Paul?

Feel free to show where more government spending has long term success in education or healthcare.

Show me an example of where less govt spending resulted in better healthcare or education. Surely there must be a place like this you're basing your ideas on, right?
Corruption, a shit economy, dependency, poverty, Dictators, bad services, recession and depression...

You're a joke "dude." The fact that you can't even see what history has clearly proven makes you obsolete. Evolution bro, get on it or get left behind.

Yeah, get with the program. Government is absolute Evil and can not be trusted for ANYTHING.

That's why we need to elect Ron Paul. Government will be perfect once we have an honest and just libertarian running things. Right??

Government is absolutely evil, hence the massive restrictions the constitution gave to the federal Government. Not that the constitution stops them. And why did you bring up Ron Paul?

Feel free to show where more government spending has long term success in education or healthcare.

Right! This is why we need good, honest politicians such as those that make up the Libertarian party. Right? You're more brainwashed than anyone else if you think your heroes in the Libertarian party are any different or any less corrupt.
I'd also like to point out the irony is the OP. On the cover picture what do we see???? We see the Anti big Government freedom fighter, Government toppler mask from the movie V for Vendetta... The other use for that mask in politics is "Anonymous," an America (we guess) anti big government "terrorist group."

This is how Progressive progressives are... They take anti big Government images and make them somehow magically FOR big overwhelmingly corrupted government!

You guys win! Stupid has prevailed!
What does this thread have to do with US Politics?

It's all about Republicans rationale on why education is bad and "let him die" is a good health care plan. That makes it political.

you should move to where there isn't Republicans they make your life so miserable... Brazil sounds like a wonderful place for you...Or Cuba
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Yeah, get with the program. Government is absolute Evil and can not be trusted for ANYTHING.

That's why we need to elect Ron Paul. Government will be perfect once we have an honest and just libertarian running things. Right??

Government is absolutely evil, hence the massive restrictions the constitution gave to the federal Government. Not that the constitution stops them. And why did you bring up Ron Paul?

Feel free to show where more government spending has long term success in education or healthcare.

Show me an example of where less govt spending resulted in better healthcare or education. Surely there must be a place like this you're basing your ideas on, right?

Slowly go back in time through the USA and education/healthcare. You will find it getrs better and better the less Government is involved and today, being the worst HC and education have ever been in this country we have by fat the most government intervention.

Seems pretty basic!
What does this thread have to do with US Politics?

It's all about Republicans rationale on why education is bad and "let him die" is a good health care plan. That makes it political.

you should move, Brazil sounds like a wonderful place for you

I was going to add that. Why not move? I mean the utopia exists! Fuck, if a free market limited Government society was making breakthroughs I'd dump this shit hole in a second. Problem is America had something like that but we're at a point in transition. America is falling so something new can come along, more restrictive of Government.

Again, just follow history, we have only become more and more free as a world. Even with how bad things look now, we as a planet are far more free today than in the past. It just so happens that the shift towards giant Government over the last 60 years or so recently came tumbling down, as predicted.
Government is absolutely evil, hence the massive restrictions the constitution gave to the federal Government. Not that the constitution stops them. And why did you bring up Ron Paul?

Feel free to show where more government spending has long term success in education or healthcare.

Show me an example of where less govt spending resulted in better healthcare or education. Surely there must be a place like this you're basing your ideas on, right?

Slowly go back in time through the USA and education/healthcare. You will find it getrs better and better the less Government is involved and today, being the worst HC and education have ever been in this country we have by fat the most government intervention.

Seems pretty basic!

So are you claiming that seniors were better off Pre-medicare days then they are now with Medicare?

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